Chapter 15

Sudden notice of Twip’s withdrawal from the Korean service.

But there were no streamers to throw stones or protest about it.

Well, it made sense; the reason for the withdrawal was fundamentally due to a business structure that was spiraling into deficits, which, moreover, was a result of the structural issues in this country.

– Ugh, I’m going crazy, guys. What should we do?

That said, it wasn’t without shock. Even when I visited the broadcasts of several major corporate streamers or went to their gatherings, it was pure chaos.

“Uju, are you okay? Suddenly Twip is withdrawing…”

“…Um, I think I need to cool my head a bit and fire up the broadcast. I don’t even know what’s going on.”

My older sister heard the news and came to my room, trying to comfort me somehow, but I was struggling to regain my composure.

I hadn’t accomplished anything particularly great here, but still, I had a bond with this platform that built up over a year, and connections with my viewers, and to see that crumbling so quickly was hard to accept.

Of course, it’s not like there were no alternatives at all.

If Twip was a foreign streaming platform, there are other domestic platforms in Korea.

However, the audience preferences and demand there were vastly different from those on Twip, and the overall atmosphere and system varied significantly as well.

There was no guarantee that I could gather an audience of my current size on those platforms, nor any assurance that my usual viewers would follow me there.

In the end, unless Twip resumes service, any alternatives presented wouldn’t have bright prospects.


I let out a deep breath and checked the clock at the bottom of my computer screen.

5:48 PM, it was almost time to start the broadcast.

It was obvious it would feel like a funeral, but I had to start the broadcast just to discuss various alternatives with my viewers. It was my promise as a streamer.


After sending my sister out of the room, I grimaced and pressed the bang-on button.

‘Mr. Cosmo has started the broadcast.’

‘My house is on fire.’

I summarized my feelings for today in a single line and started the broadcast. As usual, viewers began to join one by one.

【Next Door Lives Hani】 – Koha…

【Octopus Sukhwa】 – What the heck is this…

【Wasannda knows】 – Koha ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

However, the unusual point today was that the viewers, who normally greeted me, were expressing their sorrow with teary emoticons and exclamations.

Meanwhile, what’s with all the kids sending chats? I’m not dead yet!

“Ah, everyone, how are you? I just came back after a day of rest, but I can’t greet you brightly. I’m sorry.”

Feeling the same way, I didn’t greet them casually but spoke somewhat formally, showing my troubled heart.

As soon as I finished, donations started pouring in.

【‘Cosmo Will Definitely Protect’ donated 10,000 Won.】

– I heard the news. Are you okay? You must be in shock.

The comment sounded as if someone had come to pay respects, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Well, technically, it is like a funeral. It’s practically a death sentence.

“Thanks for the 10,000 Won donation. Well, what can I say? It’s not like they wanted to withdraw… We have to understand.”

【Kokkiyaho】 – Watching live feels sad.

【Arisa Loves It】 – They probably bled money like crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

【Moscos】 – They’ve been in the red for three years; it’s impressive they held on this long.

The viewers seemed to understand, too. If anyone was mad, it wouldn’t be directed at the platform, but at whoever put them in this position.

“Anyway, the termination isn’t happening just yet, so I’ll keep broadcasting until then. Don’t worry about that.”

【Cosmo Will Definitely Protect】 – Have you decided where to go?

“I just heard the news, so not yet. I’m going to decide gradually.”

【Cro-Magnon】 – Honestly, there’s only one place to go…

【Soju Flavored Hand Cream】 – You going to Ugauga?

【BlueRageGame】 – True, everywhere else is minor… tsk.

As the viewers said, besides Safari TV, known as Ugauga, there weren’t many good places to go. There were a few streaming platforms, but some were adult-oriented while others barely had any viewers, making them ghost platforms.

So, if I do choose, it’ll likely be toward Safari TV, but I still want to think it through a bit more. I considered going back to university during this opportunity, but it just didn’t feel right.

【‘Moscos’ donated 100,000 Won.】

– Host… Hang in there… I’ll follow you wherever.

“Wow, thanks for the condolence money. Honestly, I was a bit shocked, but I’m not resigned, so don’t worry too much, everyone.”

A big donation is always a blessing, but today, the words that they will follow me wherever made me even happier.

Though not every viewer entering might be the same, if even one viewer shows up to watch me until the end, I believe I can joyfully start the broadcast again.

Don’t underestimate the mental strength of a small-time streamer who spent nearly six months with an average of five viewers.

Clap clap.

“Anyway, enough gloomy talk. Let’s share some stories about my trip to AGP. Everyone, take your seats and let’s raise the energy a bit!”

To lift the mood in the chat that had sunk into gloom, I reverted to my usual speaking style and clapped enthusiastically, raising my voice artificially.

【Flower That Sunk Down】 – Look at the host’s fake enthusiasm ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

【Meat Curry】 – It’s not like it’s over yet, but you’re making a fuss ㅋㅋ

【Master of Meltet】 – The older brother is telling you to raise the energy! What are you all doing!

Soon, the chat was filled with smiling exclamations, and with that somewhat forced atmosphere, I started to share my stories as if I was dancing a coffin dance.


Today’s broadcast ended a bit earlier than usual.

I usually finish around 2 AM, but today I had to end just before 1 AM. My head was still a bit confused, making it hard to force my energy up.

Feeling sorry for not bringing more joy to the viewers on such a gloomy day, I announced the early ending, and it seemed the viewers understood, sending donations urging me to get some rest.

Thanks to that, I decided to call it a night and flopped onto my bed.

Then it happened.


“Uju, is the broadcast over?”

As I blankly stared at the ceiling lights, my sister carefully peeked in through the slightly opened door.

Our soundproof booth isn’t that great, so assuming the noise had kept her from sleeping, I quickly apologized.

“Um, it just finished. Sorry for being noisy.”

“No, it’s fine. I usually sleep late anyway. By the way, this…”

Shaking her head at my apology, my sister held something out to me. It was none other than my phone.

“What? Why is my phone there…?”

“I left it when I came to get water earlier.”

“Oh, sorry. I must have been out of it.”

She must have hesitated to interrupt my broadcast, choosing to wait until it was over to hand it to me.

After thanking her and taking the phone, my sister, who had been gazing at me, pointed to the phone and spoke.

“By the way, you’ve been getting calls for a bit now. It was your older sister Seo-ha.”

“…Seo-ha noona?”

I tilted my head at the unexpected name that popped out of my sister’s mouth.

What’s with her calling me at this hour? Judging by the timing, it seems she called right after I ended the broadcast.

“I’ll try calling her back, thanks.”

“Okay, sleep well.”

“You too.”

Waving goodbye as my sister left, I checked the missed calls.

Three times. Was it really that urgent?

Riiing. Riiing.

The monotone ringing of a flip phone followed, and before long, I heard a familiar voice at the other end.

– Ah, Mr. Cosmo. I apologize for calling so late.

“It’s fine, I just finished my broadcast.”

I still wasn’t completely used to being called ‘Mr. Cosmo’, but since it felt awkward to ask her to just call me by my name, I decided to keep chatting.

As Seo-ha noona asked for understanding, I shrugged my shoulders invisibly, and on the other side, a sigh of relief was followed by her voice.

– Actually, I called regarding the Twip service shutdown. Do you have time to talk for a while?

“Yeah, I can talk….”

The emphasis on “for a while” felt a bit strange, almost as if it were an important business matter.

What could it be that Seo-ha noona wanted to tell me regarding the shutdown of Twip’s service? Was she going to ask about future plans or something?

– Do you have thoughts on moving to a new streaming platform if one becomes available?

“New… platform?”

I had expected common questions about whether I would go to Safari TV or stop streaming entirely, but this unexpected question made my eyes widen.

A new streaming platform? I hadn’t heard of such a thing. Even the viewers hadn’t mentioned anything like that earlier.

How did Seo-ha noona know about this and ask me?

– Yes, actually…

Just as that question crossed my mind, her gentle voice flowed through the line, and my ears perked up.

I found myself getting drawn into the unbelievable but hopeful content of the story.