Chapter 119

After seeing the penguins, we took a moment to look around, and the place we were heading to was where the dolphin show was taking place.

This place had a slightly different structure from where we watched the penguins earlier; everyone could directly make eye contact with the dolphins from outside.

However, there was a slight difference: people with special attraction tickets could sit in the front row and occasionally interact with the dolphins when the trainers allowed it.

I only knew this from the information I found online, so I wasn’t well-versed in the details.

“It’s pretty warm,”

“Right? I was worried it might be cold since it’s an outdoor viewing area.”

Just as my sister said, the spectator area was quite warm. There was a roof over us, but the transparent structure made it no different from an indoor gym.

As I stared at the water, eagerly anticipating when the show would start, three men and women appeared from a booth at the edge.

“Hello, everyone who came to meet our dolphin friends!”

They lined up, holding hands, and greeted the audience, prompting applause and cheers not just from me and my sister but from all around.

Judging by their outfits, the person in the middle seemed to be the host, while the two others likely performed in the water with the dolphins.

“Alright, now let’s meet the stars of today’s show, our dolphin friends! Come on out!”


With the host’s loud and lively voice, the large doors below the surface opened, and the calm water began to churn as two dolphins finally emerged.

Wow, they’re bigger than I expected!

The dolphins I imagined were a bit more delicate and slender, but these looked like they could be considered whales with their size.

“Wow, they’re huge, right?”

My sister’s thoughts seemed to mirror mine as she gasped softly, watching the dolphins swim and splash in the water.

“Do you think they look big too? I was surprised they’re this large.”

“Yeah, the dolphins I saw a long time ago didn’t seem this big. But they’re still cute, right?”

“Maybe they just look innocent.”

Perhaps it was the dolphins’ characteristic eyes. Their gentle appearance seemed to diminish any resistance to their large size.

Looks like even in human society, looks matter; it seems nature isn’t much different.


“Wow! Uju, did you just see that?”

“Yeah. They’re super agile!”

Soon one of them leaped high from the water, and my sister’s eyes widened even more than when we’d seen the penguin show. I hadn’t expected such a large creature to jump out either, so I was equally surprised.

Even if they were well-trained, can they really do that? It’s amazing.

Swish! Splash!

Then, they swiftly glided through the water as if about to collide, narrowly skimming past each other and jumping to land on the surface on the other side.

Their intelligence is remarkable. I almost thought they were going to bump into each other.

“Now, Hani and Genie are going to say hello to the audience who came to see them!”

Next, they swam closer to the audience area and, with a signal from the host, leaped out of the water, showering us with sprays.



“That feels nice!”

“They sure are full of tricks.”

The water splashed down as if a light drizzle was falling on the spectators without soaking anyone too much. Some let out short screams, while others marveled at the surprise.

But everyone was wearing the provided ponchos before entering, so getting wet wasn’t really a concern.

“Looks like they’re greeting us.”

“Yeah. But it feels so refreshing.”

Even though we were close enough to get splashed, my sister and I didn’t mind at all; instead, we exchanged big smiles.

You can’t have a show like this without some fun performances.

As the dolphins spun hoops and synchronized diving with the trainers we had seen earlier, the audience showered them with applause.


The dolphins let out soft cries as they slowly approached us with the trainers beneath the water.


Then, emerging from the surface, they peeked their faces out while a trainer waved at us, holding a dolphin.

“Would you like to give them a gentle pat?”

Ah, this is the chance we were promised in the attraction to touch the dolphins!

“Sister, you should give it a try.”

“Uh, um? Can I really?”

“Of course!”

I love animals too, but we were here mainly for my sister’s enjoyment today.

Encouraged to take the opportunity, my sister, who was hesitating, stood up carefully and walked toward the dolphin. Then,

Swipe. Swipe.


As she stroked the dolphin’s snout, the creature made a soft sound, seeming pleased.

Well, at least it knows it’s cute.

“Genie really seems to like it. It must have felt good being petted by your girlfriend.”

“Really? I’m glad.”

My sister looked a bit relieved, having worried whether the dolphin would dislike her touch. However, the dolphin was notably happy, playfully splashing water again before returning to its spot.

What an energetic creature.

“How was it?”

“It felt super smooth and unique.”

“Is that so? Did you enjoy the show?”

“Yes! It was so much fun, I want to come back again!”

Seeing my sister nod enthusiastically with a childlike expression made me smile too.

Yeah, we should come back.

I hope that next time, our little one sleeping inside you can join us.


The dolphin show ended successfully, and we moved to explore AquaLand one last time.

The place I was most interested in was the gigantic display where you could see sharks. Being a young man, I obviously had a keen interest in such things.

Plus, this was especially a place I’d wanted to visit, as it had left me with unforgettable memories as a child.

“Wow, it’s enormous… I feel like it’s bigger than when I came here before.”

“Yeah. I also have a pretty good memory of this place, and it feels much larger than then.”

Last time I visited was when I was in first grade. If that’s the case, then it would make sense that the aquarium has expanded since then.

Even considering that, it’s still massive. It feels like stepping into the ocean itself.

“Wow, sister. Look at that big one over there! Isn’t it amazing?”

I pointed excitedly at a shark gliding gracefully through the water, passing by us like it had been lifted straight from the sea.

However, my sister seemed uneasy and just held onto my arm with a hint of fear in her expression.

“I-it’s a bit scary rather than amazing. Actually, I cried because of a shark here when I was little.”

“You cried?”

I was surprised as I had never heard of this story and struggled to imagine my sister, who seemed so brave, crying in fear.

“Y-yeah. It’s embarrassing to say, but… I was only in third grade then. A huge shark passed by and opened its mouth wide at us.”

“That would definitely be scary.”

At third grade, especially as a girl, it’s easy to imagine how frightening that could be. If it showed sharp teeth while opening its mouth wide, one could easily forget about the glass protecting them and cry.

“It was terrifying. Worst of all, I had come here with just my mother, and it happened while she went to buy some drinks over there…”

Pointing to the shop we had passed earlier, my sister spoke, and at that moment, something felt off to me.

Could it be…?

“Sister, surely you didn’t avoid coming to the aquarium since then because of that memory, did you?”

“…T-that’s impossible. I’m not a child anymore.”

Her reaction was a bit slow, and why was she avoiding my gaze?

I was dying to dig deeper into my sister’s embarrassing history, but I decided against it, as it might lead to her sulking instead of crying.

When she sulks, it lasts quite a while.

“Anyways, at that time I was crying so much that some little boy came up to me and asked, ‘Sister, why are you crying?’ He looked younger than me but was super brave.”


While I quietly listened to my sister’s past memory, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

What is it? Just a feeling? Somehow it seems like I’ve heard of this story somewhere before.

“I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t even speak, so I just pointed at the shark while sobbing. I guess he understood what I meant. He came over, stretched out his hand to block my view of the tank.”

“Uh… Really?”

Wait a minute. This story sounds too familiar. No, it’s downright eerie how similar it is!

“Then he said, ‘It’s okay now!’ and I felt so relieved. Later he even pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket for me to wipe my tears.”


As the vivid memory in my mind collided with my sister’s story, the realization sent shivers down my spine, leaving me momentarily speechless.

No way, is it possible that this could be true?

“Um, sister. Was the handkerchief that boy gave you blue, with a robot picture on it?”

“Yeah? That’s right…! How did you know, Uju?”


I had to ask while rummaging through memories for something that might confirm it, my sister’s eyes lit up in surprise as her hands clapped together.

Of course, I would know. That handkerchief was emblazoned with the character from the children’s robot anime I loved most as a kid.

“Um, I think that was me.”

With a sheepish grin and scratching my head, my sister, who was gazing silently up at me, blinked in confusion, not understanding what I meant.

“…Huh? What do you mean?”

“Well, I mean, I think I might be that boy you met back then. Were you, by any chance… wearing a pink dress?”


At first, her eyes were clouded with questions, which then flipped into a state of confusion, and finally, they filled with shock.

For a long moment, Sister Seo-ha just stared at me with eyes wide open, pointing at me as if she couldn’t believe it.

“Wait a minute. You really were Uju? The boy who gave me the handkerchief…?”

“It seems likely. I first came here in the first grade of elementary school, so assuming you were about ten when you came… That timeline checks out.”


Given the timing and the circumstances, it couldn’t be anyone other than me.

Though, I don’t remember clearly enough her face from that long ago, I do recall she was an exceptionally beautiful girl. That certainty only strengthens my belief it was Sister Seo-ha.

“I know it’s hard to believe, but sister… huh?”

Even though I was just flabbergasted, trying to calm my confused sister, suddenly something rushed toward me, wrapping around me in a hug.

Looking down, I saw my sister, holding onto me tightly, her eyes shut firmly.

“Thank you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I wanted to tell you back then, but you suddenly disappeared, and I couldn’t pass my gratitude. I really wanted to say thank you.”

“…For what?”

I hadn’t really done anything remarkable, so I chuckled awkwardly.

Then, loosening her arms from under my armpits, my sister looked up at me with a big grin and brought her face closer, lightly brushing her lips against mine.

In that moment, I couldn’t help but think maybe fate does exist.