Chapter 270

The Foundation Scholarship Students were extremely flustered by April’s summons.

It was their first time being called together like this, even though she usually delivered orders.

Foundation Scholarship Students basically hide their identities.

They’re a sort of spy that has infiltrated the Academy.

Like a secret organization, they don’t know who among themselves is a scholarship student.

‘What are those guys about?’

‘What are they trying to pull?’

‘Why are outsiders being summoned for the Foundation’s business?’

Unlike the ordinary scholarship students who couldn’t hide their unease, Jaku, who had some understanding of the Foundation Scholarship Students, realized that they were all scholarship students.

“Jaku. Are you here too?”

“Primer. Don’t stick to me; it’s annoying.”

“Aren’t you scared? If we’re all called together as scholarship students, then the ones here are probably…”

“Your guess is right.”

“Just as I thought! Scholarship students gathered in one place! Something huge must be happening for sure!”

Could it be that the order to kill as many classmates as possible in a suicide mission has been given out of fear of the talents among Class 981?

What if they force us into a suicide bombing?

Is running away even an option?

Should I ask the Academy for protection?

The Foundation surely wouldn’t just let that slide…!

Thoughts twisted and coiled like a snake.

While Primer hovered anxiously near someone they knew, Jaku calmly sat and waited.

Unlike others, he knew.

That April was hanging out with Oknodie.

So today’s summons should be seen as Oknodie’s call rather than the Foundation’s.

“Hello, everyone!”

At the appointed time.

The scholarship students, bewildered by Oknodie’s sudden appearance from the sparse forest, were shocked to see April standing behind her.

“Today, the Chief Scholarship Student of the Foundation, Oknodie, will give you a special order. Please pay close attention and avoid requiring a second explanation of Oknodie’s instructions.”

The vague anxiety, the faint premonition, or the keen observation they had sensed materialized.

An order from the Foundation.

A large-scale group order delivered directly by the Chief Scholarship Student.

How dangerous could this command be?

Will I be able to survive?

With tension hanging thick in the air, the scholarship students looked up at Oknodie.

And then, Oknodie said to them:

“Recently, several small groups have started operating among the first-years. Groups like the Warrior’s Guard, Dark Trading Company, Jigoku Pirate Group, Camela’s Organization, and Western Noble Union, so I can’t go around alone anymore.”

Is the Chief Scholarship Student of the Foundation, Oknodie, finally making her move?!

The tension in the scholarship students’ eyes heightened.

It’s not just them; Oknodie is also part of this organizational action.

What could their goal possibly be?

“So, you all need to form a group like mine and follow my commands! Otherwise, there could be a significant disaster for the Foundation!”

“…What can we do to help?”

“Don’t be too nervous. It’s simple tasks that I’ll assign!”

Has the entity giving orders merely changed from the Foundation’s spy April to Oknodie?

The shrewd Primer felt reassured that a suicide bombing wouldn’t actually happen.

So, he wouldn’t be the first to strap on a bomb vest and charge into danger, making a spectacle of himself.

“I have a question.”

“Go ahead!”

“If Foundation Scholarship Students gather in one place, the Academy will be able to identify them. After today, should we just assist discretely without any public gatherings?”

“I don’t intend to expose the identities of scholarship students, so don’t worry. I plan to bring in a lot of other people to hide yours as well.”

“Here are those who will be joining Oknodie’s organization in the future.”

As Primer took the list handed out by April, an impressed smile crept onto his face.

Black Knight Mob.

Earth Sorcerer Sandkooker.

Fire Sorcerer Rosgini.

All recent star attractions from the lower class.

Recruiting competent people is an excellent way to enhance the organization’s reputation.

But who is Bikini Warrior Ppyoi?

Arcadia Princess and her loyal followers, Titosso, Prill, and Kanilian Truffle.

A group of four women, led by Arcadia, who used to haul first-year female students around like clouds and is now the owner of the biggest faction.

Perfect cover to disguise themselves as followers of Arcadia rather than scholarship students.


A member of a mysterious club known as Paper Dungeon.

Being an upper-class student, she may not know much, but it seems Oknodie is also involved in that club.

It surely indicates that Oknodie is meticulously managing this network.

Nodding at the clever decision to combine organization management with networking.

Moreover, there were even more fearsome names looming.

Sing. And Jiang.

Famous for their ruthlessness and cunning, both upper-class students.

They’re of different genders, but their level of danger is equal.

At this point, it almost felt like the organization was more about Oknodie’s connections than the scholarship students themselves, with the balance of power noticeably tilting.

The 2nd Year’s Four Kings, who stood out during the grand sports tournament, and even a formidable opponent, Irene.

If the Northern Grand Duchess joins, that would be quite the reassuring prospect.

This is a formation of a large organization rivaling the Warrior’s Guard, known for its unparalleled combat power.

But who is Lotto?

Right, Lotto.

Though unknown, if they are a member of the upper class, they must certainly be a mysterious powerhouse.

It’s even more noteworthy since they’ve recruited an unnoticed strong person.

‘Is this how they flaunt their connections and political power as Chief Scholarship Students…!’

Primer realized.

The scholarship students all understood each other’s identities now.

They could potentially band together to plot rebellion.

Yet, such attempts would be crushed from the start.

What could scholarship students do gathered against those prominent names?

Even if they swarmed Oknodie, strong individuals like Hestia, Sing, Jiang, and Irene would sweep them all away overnight.

It was undeniable.

Oknodie not only excels in grades and strength but also surrounded herself with formidable allies.

To have any inclination to challenge the Chief Scholarship Student’s position or plot a rebellion would be utterly futile.

“So, what’s the name of the organization? I can’t picture this diverse group coming together as one.”

The name of the organization is important.

The Warrior’s Guard clearly defined its identity as centered around warriors.

Jigoku Pirate Group and Camela’s Organization, as well as the Western Noble Union, all have clear identities as well.

So how will Oknodie tie together this awkward combination of scholarship students, her companions, and strong figures from the lower class?

If they fail to unite, there could be a mass exit.

The grand organization that was ambitiously prepared could dissolve into thin air.

What identity has Oknodie prepared?

In response to Jaku’s question, Oknodie cheerfully shouted.

“Our organization is called Organization that Plays with Oknodie! ”


Well, talk about a solid identity.

If the goal was disguise, it might not be bad.

But… is that really okay?

Can the organization’s name be something like that?

The expressions of the scholarship students were all equally skeptical.

“It’s fine for us, but will other students accept that willingly?”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine!”

“Can you share the basis of your judgment? I worry that an organizational name that could jeopardize our secret nature as scholarship students and our foundation identity from the get-go is not ideal.”

In response to Jaku’s question, Oknodie happily replied, “Why would it be a problem? I’ll give friend fees to the members!”

“…Friend fees?”

“With points!”


All the scholarship students, including Jaku, felt assured.

This will work.

There isn’t a single academy student who dislikes points.

If such a fool existed, they would have been expelled long ago.

Compared to upperclassmen who extort club fees by threatening or exploiting labor, Oknodie’s organization is the complete opposite!

Excluding the unfortunate name Organization that Plays with Oknodie, it’s the ideal organization itself.

Providing legitimate labor and receiving corresponding friend fees (points).

What an ideal organization this is!

“But still, Organization that Plays with Oknodie feels a bit off.”

However, there’s always that one clueless person in every organization.

Even Primer’s eyes widened as a reckless scholarship student raised a hand and voiced their displeasure.

“We’re scholarship students. A secret organization within the organization. Shouldn’t there be a different name that represents the Foundation’s identity?”

Fortunately, generous Oknodie didn’t slap the student’s face or scold them for arguing, nor did she whimper about hating her organization name.

“Of course! I’ve prepared a separate name for the secret organization made up of Foundation Scholarship Students!”

“Oooh! What is that name?”

Organization that Does Oknodie’s Errands!”

The questioning student fell into confusion.

“What’s the difference?”

“Errand runners aren’t friends, so they don’t get friend fees!”


There was a difference.

A very significant difference.