Before Oknodie’s finish line swapping technique could unfold, the first-years successfully crossed the finish line while eavesdropping on the seniors from Genege’s Tactical Studies lecture to assess the situation.
“Oknodie. What a scary child.”
“Right? I can’t believe she would swap the finish line. We almost ended up in last place.”
The time difference from Skola was a mere 10 minutes. In that 10-minute gap, the finish line vanished poof by Oknodie’s side. She had already made a contract, promising not to challenge the control zone before passing 100 students. Instead, the Warrior was told to simply cross the finish line and not return to cause any trouble.
Other students could approach Oknodie. But for the two, it was impossible. They were bound by the contract. Violating the rules would mean facing a tenfold slash damage from Oknodie under the agreement made with the Pillars of Beheading.
Should they incur such a penalty from a terrifying child with talents and skills rivaling a warrior, they would undoubtedly regret it, be it in near or distant future.
“Did she target us from the beginning?”
“If she had swapped it right away, we would have been at her mercy. The fact that she gave us some time is a warning, I think.”
“What kind of warning?”
“Don’t touch her. Whenever she wants, she can pick someone she doesn’t like in the exam and make them come in last.”
“…That makes sense. Truly a scary child.”
The two were filled with dread as they watched the broadcasting crystal ball. The most important aspect for a warrior is face and reputation. Nobody wants to easily step into a warrior party that is on the brink of disgrace.
Criminal origins.
Out of criminals.
Non-mainstream school origins.
The pool of potential party members was severely limited.
The varied issues they would face by mingling with them were another story.
“Let’s stop openly opposing Oknodie.”
“Are we going to dance to that child’s tune?”
“If we can’t finish it at once, the collateral damage will be too severe.”
While it was physically possible to kill Oknodie when the professor wasn’t watching, she could socially destroy them even while under the professor’s gaze.
[Warrior Party ranked last in midterm exam. Names listed at the very bottom.]
[Unprecedented shame. Does Warrior Ishtar have the qualities of a warrior?]
Just thinking of phrases to headline the imperial daily newspaper made their heads throb. Above all, the opponent was an 11-year-old child, 133cm tall. If they couldn’t finish it quickly, it would just become bullying, resulting in an unflattering scene for everyone to see.
“Eventually, Oknodie will have to leave the academy. That will be our opportunity.”
“I hope so. I’m starting to get worried about how strong that child could become in this academy. And how many dangerous people might gather around her.”
Thump thump as they walked, Oknodie was happily smiling while swinging her feet, perched on the shoulder of the golem, while Jiang handed out blood-stained name tags with a mix of gratitude and fear. Such scenes shouldn’t continue.
The resolve and determination solidified in the hearts of the warrior and saintess.
But isn’t this a bit dangerous?
The saintess’s expression grew increasingly grim.
“What’s wrong? Did you cramp your leg?”
“Wait a minute. We may have made a mistake.”
“Mistake? We sure made plenty. Acting too rashly…”
“That’s not the issue. The two of us came in 1st and 2nd!”
“Oknodie was clearly capable of getting 1st, yet she helped the other students and controlled the group ranking while finishing.”
“…We were played.”
A look of regret washed over Ishtar’s face.
“The warrior party is a cold and selfish being, only caring about themselves. What makes them different from a child of the foundation? The warrior is even worse.”
“That reputation will definitely arise. How many mind games can one action entail? That child’s demonic wisdom… We can’t possibly outsmart her.”
A sage was needed. Someone to match Oknodie’s demonic wisdom.
The limits of the warrior party, obsessed with only brute strength. Warrior Ishtar’s preordained limits arrived much too quickly.
As she became conscious of it, she noticed the gazes around her. The stares of Group C students and seniors.
– The warrior is indeed impressive.
– Quite the impressive indeed. They only care about themselves.
– I used to root for the warrior over Oknodie, but from now on, it feels like it will reverse.
– The child is cute, with her candy, and the golem squeaking every time she gets bumped; it’s satisfying to cheer for her.
– They take care of their people just the same, but it seems the Dark Princess has more charisma?
– Is the difference in strength and charm? This warrior will have quite the struggle to surpass the Dark Princess.
Whispers and finger-pointing. Unable to endure the feelings of embarrassment and shame, the two ultimately ceased their observation, fleeing from the sneers.
All the victory requirements were in my hands, so there was no way I’d struggle in the following tests. The results were a resounding victory. I moved the finish line here and there, gathered people, and lined them up to pass in order.
“Dido, come on. If you’re going to do that, at least give me a heads-up. Do you have any idea how hard I searched for the finish line?”
“Hehe, sorry, sis. You’re not mad, are you?”
“I’m not mad, just a bit annoyed.”
While getting my cheeks squished like rice cakes for five minutes, I hugged my sister, being teased, ready to check the rewards that floated up after the Ironman Triathlon ended.
[You showcased your strength, power, and intimidation like never before in the midterm.]
[Ironman Triathlon event completed.]
[You’ve earned 1000 Points as a completion reward.]
[Function Experience +20]
[Action Prediction Experience +20]
[Tactics Formulation Experience +20]
[Intimidation Experience +10]
[Frightening Experience +10]
[Charisma Experience +10]
[Fear Induction Experience +10]
[Gathering Experience +5]
[Naughty Child Experience +5]
It felt like I had piled up a mountain of Function Experience.
It was about time to check my status window. But should I really pay for this?
“If I wear the Aptitude Evaluation Hat, can’t it open my status window instead?”
[Aptitude Discrimination] [Aptitude Evaluation] [Status Window Viewing] function innate to the Aptitude Evaluation Hat!
Previously, I didn’t request a status view during the lecture, as I feared everyone would see it, but alone with the hat, it would be perfectly fine to make that request.
The hat taken from the foundation by Professor Bronze didn’t require any special usage permission like the academy hats do.
After all, I am a foundation person.
It’s not weird for a scholarship student to temporarily keep foundation property before returning it, right?
Then I can call it my hat?
Could I just ask the professor to give me my hat back?
The miracle logic was completed.
I’m so smart!
“Hey, Oknodie. Want to grab lunch together? As a thank you for today…”
“Ah, how cheap! I wanted to eat first!”
“I’ve got a good mace that just came into the church, and the grip feels great. I’ll let you hold it specially.”
More people have started talking to me since the exam ended.
“Sorry, everyone. I have things to do, so I’ll be heading off first!”
The hand that reached out to me flew away as Arcadia withdrew it. Seeing her expression filled with regret, I felt a bit guilty.
I should consider letting her touch my cheeks if we have another tea party later.
Professor Bronze surprisingly permitted it quite coolly.
“Sure. I was going to keep it until vacation then return it, so this works out.”
Professor Bronze turned off the humming machine in the corner of the research lab and pulled out the atrocious-looking Aptitude Evaluation Hat, which had been chewed by gears.
“Ahhhh! Mr. Hat has become all tattered!”
“J-just kill me…”
“What did you do to Mr. Hat!”
When I threw a disapproving glare, the professor looked back at me straight-faced, effortlessly.
“That thing makes me look like a spinster.”
“Oh, well then, it’s well deserved.”
“I don’t know who made it, but it’s a nasty hat. Why does it even have a virgin discrimination function?”
The dark Aptitude Evaluation Hat made by the foundation was indeed terrifyingly functional.
“Wait. Oknodie, why don’t you try that hat on?”
“Kuh kuh. Are you finally acknowledging the usefulness of this function after all the torment you put me through, rogue?”
Gasp. Is the professor trying to find out my virginity status?
“This is sexual harassment!”
“Sorry about that.”
“Still, I’ll allow it for you, professor…”
I’m weak against pretty girls.
So pathetic.
“Here I go!”
I confidently placed the hat on my head, and a prickly sensation tickled my scalp.
It felt as if a magical scanner was sweeping through my brain!
Strange waves traveled down my spine from the back of my neck, vibrating my lower abdomen.
Mr. Hat spoke.
“You’re a virgin. At 11 years old, that’s a given.”
The professor looked somewhat relieved.
“The foundation hasn’t crossed the line, after all.”
“You can head back now. The Developing Insight exam is tomorrow, so don’t forget.”
…Oh no. I was so caught up in the Ironman Triathlon that I completely forgot about this test.
And tonight…
Sadako’s exam is also overlapping!?!
I’m getting scared.
Thursday, facing tomorrow feels overwhelmingly terrifying!