Chapter 291

The Hunter Gallery has always been buzzing, but with real-time news pouring in about the Hunter Train, there’s been a buffet of drama.

Right after news spread that 21 S-grade Hunters and nearly a thousand A-grade Hunters had conquered the Blood Swamp Dungeon, the Hunter Association created a live dungeon conquest timeline and blasted it out to the media. Individual Hunter streamers like Cheon Ah-Young went live with broadcasts or dropped embargoed info, offering a smorgasbord of visuals and information.

Naturally, the Gallery was overflowing with comments…

[Ishia, you little cursed! Why aren’t you broadcasting?]

This was the lament of Shia, who had gone silent instead of broadcasting or even putting out an announcement when the Hunter Train set off.

In the past, people would hold back their opinions about Shia due to Yeonseo’s forced collaborations, but now, with the nature of net runners, it seemed they’d figured out that as long as they don’t cross a certain line, they wouldn’t get caught, and they were shaking their faith in the Gallery Master who was now missing in action.

[Looks like being in the Master position for a long time has seriously gone to their head.]

[Honestly, the Master has lost their initial spirit.]

[So please just broadcast and refute these claims!]


[Mind you, losing faith is tantamount to death…!]

[WTF, that guy popped up again, LOL!]

[Forget about faith! Other streamers on the train are all broadcasting while the Master is just sitting there doing nothing!!!]

[Feels like I’m losing my mind!]

Anyway, now that Shia has boarded the Hunter Train, the scamming net runners and the lurking deviants want to see her live streaming the train’s real-time action.

However, the problem is that it has already been two days since the Hunter Train departed, and there has been no sign of her. Shia was never one to manage her broadcasts tightly, so no announcements had come through.

In simple terms, there’s no telling when Shia will open her stream again.

Millions of Gallery users were on edge over the Master’s disappearance.

Hunter streamers existed to showcase the mysterious and bizarre landscapes of dungeons that only a few could access while demonstrating the speed and overwhelming power unique to Hunters, delivering thrilling and tense videos that outshine movies.

Hunter broadcasts smooth the relationship between Hunters and the general public, but the downside is that once a viewer gets a taste of the transcendent thrill only Hunter broadcasts can provide, any sign of the Hunter being less than fully committed will turn those viewers into addicts struggling with withdrawal.

[Aaaaah! I’m going to go insane!]

[At this point, from today on, Ishia is now one with me! My wife, and any attacks on Ishia are considered attacks on my wife!]




[Must hurry to save my sunshine!]

[Is this a collab?]

[No way, that’s just not how it works, LOL!]

[If this dude gets smacked by a hero, he might just take it, right?]

[For real LOL!]

[It’s happened!!!!]


[Why is the Master freaking out again?]

And, as expected…

[The Great Saintess is broadcasting!!!!]


[You’re not pulling my leg, right?]

With no prior notice or announcement, Shia suddenly turned on her stream. And at that same moment, the Gallery Master, who had to control the chaos in the turbulent Gallery, vanished completely.


『Ishia’s Alley Restaurant』


With a broadcast title so bewildering, it made absolutely no sense.


I’ll explain how the Hunter Train’s Dungeon Invasion works.

The Hunter Train, a collection of the finest Griden minerals and cutting-edge technology from Returnees, first detects dungeons using a Dungeon Radar. When it confirms the presence of a dungeon, it locks onto the exact coordinates and tears through space at those coordinates.

Then, with the masses of the Hunter Train, like a gigantic siege weapon adorned with mana, it invades the dungeon effectively shattering the coordinates.

Of course, there are no train tracks or flat land within a dungeon.

Thus, each car of the Hunter Train is equipped with self-floating fuel and can separate if the dungeon conditions require it to land inside.

In the case of the Blood Swamp, there was no need for separation; the train could simply invade outright.

The fact that I got stranded was simply a stroke of bad luck.

When filing a report to the Hunter Association, an official’s puzzled face asked, “What on Earth were you doing to get stranded in a dungeon where accidents shouldn’t happen?” I couldn’t tell them I was so fascinated by the dungeon invasion that I leaned out the window and got caught between the gate and the train.

Cough! Anyway!

This time, however, the Hunter Train wasn’t invading a dungeon but simply rolling steadily on the tracks.


Because the railway leading to the dungeon continued uninterrupted!

If you’re quick on the uptake, you might guess what’s going on.

The fact that the train tracks extend all the way from Earth to the dungeon means one of two things:

Either a company or government dedicated to dungeon exploration has meticulously laid the tracks, or the interior of the dungeon has achieved a civilization.

Naturally, the former suggests that the dungeon has already been conquered, and there’s no need for the Hunter Train to enter.

And in the latter case… the danger level is off the charts.

The dungeon contains beings with intelligence and technology sufficient for civilization. At the same time, it possesses something dangerous enough to be added to the Hunter Train’s target list, carrying nearly a thousand Hunters.



[Dungeon Name: Night of Green City. Once again, we reiterate, Dungeon Name: Night of Green City. Risk level: Indeterminate. Risk level: Indeterminate. Erosion level: A+.]

[From this point on, all Hunters are advised to prepare for combat.]

Before long, the Hunter Train came to a stop at a deserted, abandoned station.

The scene of the dilapidated buildings under green mist screamed that this place was absolutely not Earth.

However, strangely enough for a wild dungeon, remnants of civilization were scattered everywhere.

A vending machine with an unreadable language, crumpled papers and trash cans rolled about, concrete roads, and streetlights barely managing to flicker.

In the bleak atmosphere, the once bustling interior of the train quickly fell silent, and the Hunters prepared for battle rather than taking in the mysterious scenery outside, ready for anything that might happen.

The risk level of this dungeon remained complex and untouched by proper assessment, yet the Hunters still hadn’t disembarked from the train.


“Unnie, be careful.”

“I’m fine. Even if it’s green, there’s no poison in the air.”

Me, Menelapie, and 15 S-grade Hunters, alongside Yeonhwa’s assurance.

So a few Association personnel selected to negotiate stepped off the train first and wandered off somewhere.

Originally, Menelapie and I were supposed to wait inside the train until additional orders because we weren’t S-grade Hunters, but thanks to a special recommendation from Yeonhwa to prevent any potential ambush injuries, we were allowed to follow.

No worries with Mom around and Yane on bodyguard duty, and Teresa was too young to come along.

Though, technically Teresa still couldn’t produce mana, so that was understandable.

Honestly, I didn’t even plan on tagging along.

I merely asked Yeonhwa casually, “Is it okay if I join?” I had no clue how she understood that, but suddenly I was part of the dungeon advance team with no particular objective.

Nevertheless, I was looking forward to exploring this dungeon.

Moreover, checking out the monsters here was necessary if I wanted to conceptualize dishes for my restaurant in Shia, so I couldn’t say no.

“In any case, seeing S-grade Hunters disembark first shows this dungeon is quite different from a typical one.”

“You mean it’s not an exploration team but a negotiation group?”

“Oh? How did you know…?”

Menelapie had seemed to catch onto a strange vibe and began to spill her thoughts.

“Taking along Association personnel, if this dungeon shows signs of civilization, it naturally means there are communicating beings inside. However, seeing 15 S-grade Hunters and then you and Shia alongside… the intelligence in this green light world likely isn’t very hospitable to humans.”

“Wow, you really aren’t just a pretty face.”

“Just a simple observation. No need for flattery.”

In truth, even when Menelapie said all that, I could only nod along vaguely.

“Anyway, this dungeon isn’t just about simple conquest.”

“Then? Are we meant to totally destroy it?”

At my comment, Yeonhwa shook her head.

“Dungeon Name: Night of Green City. This dungeon is home to beings with intelligence similar to or beyond that of humans. It was first discovered 34 years ago.”

“It’s more like an alien city than a dungeon.”

“Yes, initially when the Hunter Association sent Hunters in because of the gate to this dungeon, it was with a purpose to exterminate.”

“But not anymore, huh?”


Yeonhwa pointed to the abandoned buildings scattered about.

“As you can see, civilization exists here. Just as the name Night of Green City suggests, various non-humans have built a society and civilization. But this place is quite unique and dangerous. Beings of all kinds have assembled to create a modern urban civilization like Earth, and this city has fragmented into several clans similar to gangs.”


“Oh, so you figured it out. I assume the Association isn’t looking to conquer the dungeon here but to support a specific clan and induce their division or establish a representative to control Green City?”


Yeonhwa nodded at Menelapie’s words.

Since this was already communicated to other S-grade Hunters beforehand, there was no need for secrecy.

“Yes. Green City operates on constant competition within several factions, with the ruler changing almost daily. The Hunter Association’s long-term objective is to foster a beneficial relationship with a compatible faction or, as my sister said, appoint a compliant representative.”

“But that’s odd. Not all non-humans in this dungeon can be S-grade monsters. Wouldn’t the Association prefer a complete annihilation if they’re treated like monsters…?”

“The non-humans of Green City vary widely in disposition. Some clans would devour humans on sight while others could see us as inferior pets. There are a few friendly individuals, but they are a negligible minority.”

“But that can’t be the only reason.”


“A dungeon discovered 34 years ago and yet it has still remained largely unknown to the Hunter Wiki. So there’s gotta be something else in play. From the looks of it, a representative hasn’t been established yet either…”

At Shia’s words, Yeonhwa briefly looked up at the sky.

“This dungeon operates on a 48-hour day. The sun in the sky is surprisingly green and only casts light for 6 hours.”

Instead of a blue sky like Earth, a misty green sun hung in a smog-filled sky.

“However, it’s still unclear if this is a unique mechanism of the dungeon or not, but it’s said that all non-humans here can resurrect whenever the green sun rises.”


“When Hunters first attacked this dungeon, the beings of Green City that perished would resurrect right where they died with memories intact and in the state they were just before death whenever that green sun rose.”

“Wow, so that’s why despite the numerous clans fighting for dominance, there’s no definitive ruler. They come back alive!”

“The Association also refers to it as Mafia City; Green City is a lawless non-human city with no definitive ruler or government. At night, various clans engage in bloody battles while simultaneously managing their livelihoods. In the process, they extort money from the weak and protect them as well. They’re perpetually stealing and being stolen from, killing and dying, yet when the green sun rises, those killed revive and resist again and again.”

How intriguing.

After witnessing countless monsters and strange dungeons, I thought I understood everything, but a world where everything comes back to life with the rise of the green sun and where clans ceaselessly fight for dominance?

It felt less like a dungeon and more like a twisted alien city that operated under bizarre rules.

“Our objective is to establish a pact with the clan of Orcs in Green City.”


The mention of Orcs reminded me of the piggish Orc I had eaten alongside Yeonseo while dungeon cabbage hunting a long time ago.

“The Hunter Association immediately abandoned their conquest once they confirmed that the Green City’s non-human beings revived at the green sun. Currently, the clans in Green City are too busy competing with each other to pay Earth any mind, but if a faction hostile to humans were to seize control of Green City and even extend their reach beyond this dungeon into Earth, it would be an emergency.”


Yeonhwa’s explanation helped me understand why the Hunter Association couldn’t simply conquer this dungeon.

If Green City were to unify under a single faction and extend its influence to Earth…

Of course, with a significant investment, the Association could likely obliterate the Night of Green City dungeon.

However, this place comes with the peculiar gimmick of resurrecting everything whenever the green sun rises.

Any entity killed would simply come back and invade again.

If that became reality, humans on Earth would face a horrifying threat, whether for economical reasons or sheer survival, so the Association aimed to keep the current state of Green City in place or support a clan that would listen.

“I thought it was just a dungeon conquest but… this is becoming quite a headache.”

“You don’t need to overthink it. After all, it’s the Association’s people that really have to deal with the tough stuff.”

“That’s true!”

Not long after, figures emerged from one side of the abandoned building where the Hunter Train had stopped.

“Unidentified sentience detected. Once again, I repeat, multiple unidentified sentiences detected.”

“Looks like it’s really Orcs.”

The figures in the shadows turned out to be Orcs.

And not just a handful.

At least 50 of them.

Actually, it looked like 53.

Of course, most of them seemed easily dispatchable, but some of them radiated a power that even S-grade Hunters would need to be cautious around.

Those guys come back to life when the sun shines again?

It wasn’t just a matter of winning or losing; this was truly a troublesome dungeon gimmick.

If we become hostile, it’ll be a real pain…

Wait, isn’t that good for me?

If it works out, I might get fresh meat every day…

Um, that was a thought not befitting a Saint.

Let’s keep that in check…

[Everyone, stay alert from now on.]

Instead of speaking, Yeonhwa showed Menelapie and me a message on her smart watch.

[If anything happens, it’s straight to combat.]

Looking around, I noticed the S-grade Hunters remained tense, ready to spring into action at any moment while quietly watching the situation.

Menelapie and I nodded slightly to Yeonhwa in response.

‘They’re Orcs, but… they look kind of handsome, huh?’

Instead of pig-like faces, they appeared quite similar to humans without any excess weight.

Honestly, they looked better than most humans.

Plus, their physiques radiated immense muscle, averaging a height slightly over 2 meters, making them look quite robust and well-built.

Of course, the green skin and that distinctly non-human vibe lingered.

Given the swirling atmosphere of hostility, it didn’t seem like negotiations were going to go smoothly regardless of what we were there for.

The most peculiar thing was that these Orcs were decked out in black suits that looked like something out of early 20th-century America, resembling gangsters.


An Orc in a suit?

Just that alone revealed the peculiarities of this dungeon.

“The fact that they can make suits implies a level of skill and civilization. And instead of attacking humans, they walk on two legs, hands in pockets… heh heh heh Shia, this is getting quite interesting. Green City seems to be a fascinating place.”

“Whoa! Does that mean we could eat food made by Orcs?!”

“If they have the technology to make suits, then surely there must be a restaurant run by Orcs somewhere.”


Orc restaurants!

Sure, I love cooking, but if Orcs operate restaurants, it must be delicious!

Besides, Orcs are complete carnivores.

While whispering with Menelapie, the handsome mafia Orcs in suits arrived before us.

They lined up perfectly, standing like disciplined gangsters straight out of a movie.

‘Whoa, look! This Orc even has wax in his hair!’


Dude, these muscular handsome Orcs in black suits were the definition of a fantasy character!

“Thanks for making the journey, humans.”

The Orc, looking like a middle-aged man among humans, welcomed us with a deep voice.

He looked like the boss of the group, his black suit bulging with tremendous muscles, and one arm appeared to be a metal prosthetic.

“I am Grakshar of the Grey Teeth. You guys are Hunters, correct?”

“Indeed. I am Agent Douglas from the Association. Just call me Agent.”

“However, I was told that I’d receive overwhelming support before, yet it seems this is all I get?”

“No, these individuals are purely our escort.”

“An escort? Hahahaha!”



The Orcs in suits burst into laughter at the mention of escort.

Hunters appeared torn on whether to attack the oddly laughing Orcs or hold their ground, and a tense atmosphere hung thick in the air.

After all, while Orcs reverence their power, the very image of having an escort might seem ridiculous.

In my past life, even Kings wouldn’t venture to the front lines without their personal guards, so it’s understandable.

“Khkhk. An escort? Truly, humans are a cowardly bunch. You won’t last a day in my Green City!”

But while scoffing at the escort, it didn’t seem that joining hands with humans was seen as dishonor?

Ah, or maybe that’s simply an exception to the rule because if they wish to rule the distorted city where death is a daily affair, they’ll seek even the hands of demons.

“I won’t dispute your words, for I am a weak human. However, Grakshar boss, isn’t this place still not ‘your Green City’?”

“Khukh, true. Not yet.”

The boss Orc smirked at the Agent before stepping closer.

As the colossal figure clad in a suit towered over the Agent, it seemed the latter was overtaken by the imposing atmosphere, as I could see his pupils quivering slightly beneath the sunglasses.

After all, unlike the Hunters, he was merely a civilian.

A mere punch from that Orc could easily snap him like a twig.

“Ha ha! Good.”

It seemed that despite his weak demeanor, the Agent’s courage impressed Grakshar.

Or perhaps he sensed the latent strength the S-grade Hunters presented, causing Grakshar to feel quite at ease.

“However, this place will soon truly become Grakshar’s Green City. If you fulfill your end of the agreement, that is.”

“Let’s both work hard towards that.”

“Haha! Anyway, that’s fine. Temporarily, from today on, you are my family, Grakshar of the Grey Teeth!”

Welcome to the Night of Green City!