The words spat out by the wind spirit were not something that could be so easily believed.
What…? The master has returned…?
She was certain it was a lie.
The meaningless last five years flowed by, and she had already heard enough to be convinced that it wasn’t true.
He left. He abandoned her and everyone else in the guild and just left.
But now he says he’s come back… that he wants to return to his place.
Eleina couldn’t believe it.
He was missing.
There was no trace or even a clue about his life or death.
She couldn’t find him.
She couldn’t even ascertain his identity.
Even if she saw a wanted poster bearing his likeness, she would find it hard to believe.
If his spirit appeared again, Eleina wouldn’t recognize it as her master.
He was gone. He left her.
This dreadful truth was all that reality had given her.
No matter how much she denied it or struggled against it, she had to accept that fate.
Or could there have been some misunderstanding?
The elf queen shook her head.
Her murky eyes had lost their clarity.
No one could remember whether it was the minty hue of fresh leaves or the dark red dripping down.
No one except Eleina.
Except for that one person, perhaps…
Eleina stepped outside the palace.
With a mystified expression, she began to envision a tiny, insignificant village beyond the forest.
She spread her keen senses to sweep the forest, the sky, and even the clouds floating above.
Was it a pleasant enough environment for her master to find peace?
She merely cast a glance at whether it was a desirable or beneficial location for him.
It was not that she wanted to see her master vulnerable, nor was it to express any impudent feelings toward him.
She caught the scent of her master flowing in from nature.
‘ Haa… Haa… ’
She gasped for breath.
The air around her was expelled, and she absorbed only the warmth of her master’s breath, the tiny dust clinging to his clothes, and the breath he inhaled and exhaled.
Eleina calmed her loneliness with his breath.
Her lips twitched as if they were about to burst.
She wouldn’t allow anyone to covet what belonged to her master.
With an air of determination that not even a speck of air would be shared, she clasped her hands above her lower jaw and glared at the trees that brushed past her as she walked towards the simple village.
Fearing that she might suffocate or die, she swatted away the four great spirits who were worried they might choke her.
Then, without regard for them, she exhaled and inhaled each time her master took a breath.
As if she were determined to fill herself completely with everything he had to offer, she inhaled deeply.
It was right after she arrived in the village.
The unmistakable scene of poverty welcomed her.
The windmill was powerless, creaking without fulfilling its duty.
Torn fabrics were on the verge of being replaced but probably wouldn’t be for at least a few months.
The dilapidated roof showed signs of having been partially torn off by a storm.
If there was any place that might have some semblance of comfort, it would be the inn.
Yet the situation there wouldn’t be much different.
The inns in this village were only a matter of whether they had enough funds to hold out a bit longer.
The well looked filthy, dirt and grime ruining its appearance.
As for the quality of food? What could be said? Probably only slightly better than the drinking water.
Eleina clicked her tongue in dismay.
That her master lived in a place like this…?
It felt as though her heart would shatter.
He was someone who should always be noble and regally reigning from the heavens.
Since starting to command the great spirits, the gap between Eleina and Keyal had become starkly apparent, but strength was merely a trick to wield for her master; she couldn’t equate herself to her half-beast master or consider herself superior in any way.
Her master was special.
Her master was great.
Her master was sacred.
With unmatched power and wisdom, he was.
However, she had never wished to surpass Keyal.
She had no intention of exuding a stature he didn’t desire.
She was a humble slave,
A mere tool obedient to her master. To even be on the same level as him was pure contradiction.
If he commands her to bow, she bows.
If he wants her to lick him, she will soak him with her utmost sincerity.
If he asks her to spread her legs, she would do so joyfully.
No matter how degrading it might be, if it made her master pleased, she would express that joy with her entire being.
And today, she had set out to once again prove her submission and her worth, to demonstrate her usefulness and value in this narrow-minded and simple land.
Opening the Narhan Shop, she coldly gazed at the eyes drawn to her, ignoring their stares.
‘…If you don’t want to die, everyone leave. This place is just for me and my master—’
The long journey that had seemed so far finally came to an end.
It was time to meet him.
She had prepared the banquet. No attendees were necessary for the celebration.
Of course, once her master permitted it, this place would become a true venue for a wedding.
Anyone who disturbed the reunion with her master would not be forgiven.
Not even the staff sitting on the floor with their heads in their hands,
Nor even a child clueless about the world, would be exempt.
‘…Those who disrupt our meeting… must be killed…’
She quelled her mixed emotions.
What if he were to reject her again and turn her down right to her face…?
She could not find the courage to live if that happened.
There’s no way she’d hold out without wanting to hang herself.
‘No… I’m… I’m…’
She was an elf queen. She had seized the throne to prove her value to her master.
If she could engrain into his mind the fact that she was an obedient tool again, everything would be solved.
She wished for him to need her.
If he handled her roughly like a tool, even if he abused and broke her, it didn’t matter.
As long as he regarded her and told her she was useful, she feared nothing in the world.
If that was how he viewed her as an easy tool, that was fine.
Nothing else frightened her.
What terrified her was being abandoned by her master.
Her heart was cloudy… dizzy.
However, she had to remain persistent.
She discarded frivolous thoughts. Eleina comforted herself.
If she could show her master the same gentle side he knew, he would never abandon her again.
She loved him. But if that happiness was beyond her station, so be it. She would be a dog for life, licking his feet while watching him and wishing for all happiness.
That would be enough.
That would be… enough.
She prepared her heart.
At the same time, she began to transform her demeanor.
Before her master arrived, she erased the dark circles under her eyes, treated her wounds, styled her hair neatly, and arranged her clothes.
She couldn’t show him even the slightest flaw.
She could never let him see such a side of herself. No, she mustn’t.
Until the magic of Narhan Shop descended, until the bell rings to welcome him,
Everything had to be perfect.
First, she got rid of the smell of blood or medicine and wiped away any lingering odors.
She meticulously hid all traces of herself, along with her master and all the staff.
In her heart, she wanted to rip everything apart and start fresh, but there was no time.
She had to appear in the best form her master desired.
As soon as the bell rang, the elf hid herself.
Not because she wasn’t ready, but purely to savor his presence a little longer.
He appeared, exuding dark magic, and instead of savoring him, she felt her heart ache intensely the moment she laid eyes on him.
How much had she wanted to see him?
How many sleepless nights had she spent longing for him?
The mesmerizing figure of the handsome man before her undeniably reminded her that he was her master, Keyal Kralin.
Eleina gently descended to the floor.
Though she had cleaned up the place meticulously, the dust collected to make her appear suspicious as she walked forward.
‘Ah… ah… master…’
My beloved master…
How long had she searched for him? As she inhaled his thick magic, tears flowed uncontrollably.
The heartbeat that had seemed dried up began to flutter again.
She couldn’t deny the joy she felt in being able to be sad.
“Haa… please don’t go anywhere anymore… I… sniff… I’ll protect you… master… haa…”
The faded look on her face blossomed back into brilliance.
The cold nights spent in tears had passed, and she no longer needed salvation.
For true salvation was right in front of her.
Eleina regained her light.
When he embraced her, she was certain that light would not disappear or go out again.
‘…I will never let go again…’