Chapter 41

The ride in the Royal Carriage was the epitome of comfort, and since the curtains were completely drawn, it felt like we weren’t even moving.

They say it’s due to some magical adjustments in the carriage’s interior, but I’m not sure how that works; all I know is it feels nice.

“Can you hear what’s going on inside?”

“I can’t hear anything.”

If only the sounds from outside could be muffled a little bit. Considering how well the carriage is soundproofed, I’m guessing that’s the noise they want us to hear.

I suppose it’s a warning for us not to do anything foolish since they’re out there.

But you know… I don’t think the foolish one is me, so what should I do?

“Hee hee, Rudion, isn’t this the first time it’s just the two of us like this?”

Hee hee? Why are you laughing like that, Seria?

Sure, we’ve been together a lot, but since we’ve only been wandering around the Academy, it felt like there were always other people around. This is the first time we’re completely alone.

Is that why? Seria’s laugh feels a bit sinister.

“Don’t worry. I won’t do anything.”

Hearing her say that like she’s doing me a favor doesn’t ease my mind at all.

“Oh! But of course, I’d welcome anything you want to do first, Rudion.”

“Do you think I know what to do?”

“Ah, well… um… are you really thinking about it?”

Why are you anticipating that?

Of course, I have zero intention of doing anything. With those guys outside glaring at me like hawks, what do they think would happen if I messed up?

“What a shame.”

“Doesn’t look like you’re really that disappointed.”

“Well… I just figured you’d be like that, Rudion.”

Where does this unshakeable trust in me even come from? Not knowing how to be cautious about guys is just…

I was about to say something, but recalling my original self, who had no male friends, made me drop it.

Yeah, I’ll just be cautious for both of us.

As I was carefully spending my time, the carriage suddenly came to a stop.

After traveling for quite a while, I peeked out the curtains and could tell we were near a downtown area.

The carriage is so big and beautiful that it would draw too much attention if we walked up to it, so Seria must have asked to be dropped off nearby.

It wasn’t too far, so it didn’t matter. Thinking that, I stepped out of the carriage, only to have everyone surrounding it move to encircle Seria this time.

From just a glance, they all seemed intent on following her, so Seria had to speak up again.

“If you all follow, who’s going to guard the carriage! Just let one or two come along!”

“Then I’ll go!”

“No, I’ll go!”

“What are you guys talking about? Obviously, I should be the one going!”

Ugh… with so many people, it’s even a challenge just to decide who follows.

After some arguing, they finally got the hint when Seria told them to decide quickly. They ended up picking two through drawing lots, and the guard captain who lost ended up in tears. What’s with the crying over this? I really don’t get it.

“You lot will be in special training until the Princess finishes her business!”

“Wipe your tears and speak, Captain. And it’s rather pathetic to take it out on us just because you lost.”

“Right! We’re also the victims here, why should we have to undergo special training? That’s only for the two who got picked!”

“…You make a fair point.”

This is just childish. Is this really the Royal Guard? My heart feels constricted…

Anyway, that’s how I ended up strolling through downtown with two guards.

Even though Seria was hiding her face, having them tailing us like this made it rather impossible to not get noticed, but Seria seemed unfazed, as if she was used to it.

After that, everything we planned went smoothly.

Buying clothes? Seria took about 40 minutes picking and trying on 15 outfits before finishing her purchase.

In the end, I bought one outfit with my money, and Seria thought for a moment before deciding to buy all the rest with her own funds.

“It’s a gift.”

Then she handed everything over to me.

If you were going to do that, why bother trying on the same clothes back and forth in the first place?

“The Princess bought clothes for that guy. Remember the amount so you can properly report it to Captain later.”

“Yes, understood.”

Seeing the guards’ reaction, I figured I’d better not take this directly to the Royal Palace or who knows what kind of trouble would arise, so I decided to leave everything at the shop.

I could just swing by on my way back.

After that, I did a bit of light grooming. Although it was called grooming, I declined accessories, so I settled for some light makeup… but honestly, I was not familiar with this at all.

“Is it alright? This doesn’t seem quite right to me.”

Honestly, I admit I am handsome, but after doing all this to myself, it just feels awkward and not so great.

“…Rudion. Can I take back what I said earlier? I feel like confessing right now.”

“Thanks for the joke, I guess.”

“I’m not joking…”

Well… it seems Seria likes me.

I’m clueless about this kind of thing, so I guess I have to trust Seria’s judgment.

I’m really glad the guards didn’t come all the way in here.

If they had overheard her, there might’ve been real swordplay right here.

After that, we went to a restaurant recommended by Alkiné and had an early lunch, followed by drinks at a café that Seria highly praised as pretty.

Throughout all that, the guards were trailing us, shooting disapproving looks. Honestly, by this point, I had gotten used to it and didn’t care.

But I really hope they don’t just nab my drink from me and suck on the straw right off.

“Go report to Captain immediately and demand permission for instant judgment.”


I really don’t want to find out just how ferocious human gazes can be.

“Ah, sorry! I just did it without realizing.”

That’s what she says, but seeing that playful look on her face, it’s clear she did it on purpose.

It’s just for fun to tease me while I’m keeping an eye on the guards.

But if you’re going to do it, at least have some confidence! Why are you blushing like that after doing it?

Lately, it feels like this is always the case. She makes a move and then gets embarrassed.

It seems like she wants to bridge the gap between us boldly, but her conclusions are always quite clumsy.

Thinking that as I took another sip of my drink, I noticed Seria starting to look bewildered.

“T-that’s the one I just had my lips on….”

No, it was you who snatched it from me!

What part of this warrants embarrassment? I completely don’t understand.

“Is there a need to get separate permission from the Captain?”

“Seems there isn’t. We’ll execute instant judgment right away. Draw your sword.”

Why are they acting like this again?

Hey, why is that kid actually pulling his sword out? Calm down!

Thanks to Seria’s spontaneous actions, things got a bit chaotic when we returned to the carriage, but I managed to navigate through the situation by playing dumb.

Finally arriving at the Royal Palace, I saw that numerous people had come out to welcome Seria.

“The Princess has arrived!!”

As soon as the carriage stopped, the guard captain shouted loudly, and many people quickly approached the carriage to attend to Seria.

As I watched that spectacle from the window, I glanced at Seria to find her letting out a deep sigh.

“Every time I come back, it’s always like this. Is all this really necessary?”

While Seria was saying that, she suddenly began looking around and tilted her head as if something was off.

I couldn’t help but smile as I felt I understood what she was thinking.

Normally, her parents—the Emperor and Empress—would be amongst those people, but their absence must have struck her as strange.

They always came out when she returned home, but it seemed they didn’t want to show up knowing I was here.

Thinking about just how conscious she must be of me sent a shiver down my spine… but at this point, worrying about that wouldn’t mean anything anyway.

“Let’s get down for now.”

After looking around a few more times but failing to spot her parents, Seria said that.

So we climbed down together, but as soon as we did, the people waiting nearby surrounded Seria and whisked her away.

The others all followed suit, leaving me all alone in the spot.

…No, it wasn’t entirely alone.

The guards protecting the carriage stayed with me.

Just then, the guard captain, who had approached my side, flashed a kind smile and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Rudion, right? Come follow me for a moment.”

Oh dear… so this was their plan all along.

Not seeing a real way out, I decided to obediently follow the guards.

They led me to the Royal Guard.

Why the Royal Guard, you ask? Because the guards are part of the Knight Order.

The title of guards is simply a division made to differentiate between various roles, but it doesn’t make a huge difference.

Guards, Defense Forces, Gendarmerie, Royal Guards— they’re all essentially lumped together into one Knight Order.

Of course, they have a more nuanced and complex system among themselves, but as someone who has only encountered them in games, I didn’t feel much of a difference.

Anyway, the stares I received upon being pulled into that place were terrifying.

I swear, whether they got a heads-up beforehand or not, dozens of them lined up, creating a scene grand enough to not be described as anything but magnificent.

“Is that the guy from the rumors….”

“I heard the Princess praised him so much; I’m quite curious about his skills.”

“Damn, receiving the Princess’s attention? Lucky guy!”

“Hey, hey, hey, that’s too loud. Be quiet.”

What they were saying was making my heart constrict again.

Realizing I was listening to their chatter, the captain cleared his throat hurriedly to redirect my focus back to him.

Then he said seriously.

“We are the Royal Knight Order, tasked with protecting the Princess and the Royal Palace.”

Shouldn’t we be prioritizing the protection of the Royal Palace instead?

Honestly, these guys are out of their minds.