Chapter 156


The massive sprinkler unleashed a waterfall of water.

Before the torrential spray that rained down like a monsoon, the cracked and dusty farmland was nowhere to be found.


As a child, I had imagined such scenarios while watching my parents manage the vast fields.

Imagining myself as a Great Being, effortlessly tending to the crops.

All the harvests would grow healthily, and the Monsters would be too scared to come near.

Plus, water could be supplied across a wide area with just a flick of my hand.

“Just a child’s fantasy, though.”

Yet, it had somehow become a reality.

There was no real work required.

Monster raids? They had all been wiped out long ago and wouldn’t dare to show their faces.

Pests? The fertilizer from the Head of the Gallery was godly.

Just a few months prior, it felt like a struggle for survival; now it felt like a joke.

“Oh, Uncle Pharrell.”

My neighbor, Pharrell, was suddenly spotted lying flat among the crops.

Maybe he hadn’t seen enough water in a while, but he looked like he was enjoying it as if he was a plant.

“What are you doing lying there?”

“…Nothing to do.”


“I have nothing to tend to.”

The daily routine of the Edelrin residents was simple.

Wake up at dawn, check for crop damage from Monsters, fight.

Then handle the pest-infested crops before battling the Monsters again.

Fetching water for the village while managing the crops, and fighting off the intruding Monsters.

But now, a single click would suffice.

Pharrell, staring blankly at the sky, pointed to the crops taller than a person.

“Aren’t they supposed to grow well on their own?”

“That’s true.”

“And since Head of the Gallery’s magical fertilizer was applied, no crops have died from pests.”

With the advent of chemical fertilizers, there was a glitch that lifted population limits in modern times.

Moreover, with constant water supply at any time, Pharrell was just loafing around like a bum.

“And those Gallery Doctors are busy erasing Rifts, right?”

Gallery Doctors working hard to eradicate the rifts in Edelrin wandered nearby.

Monsters had started avoiding humans like a bad case of déjà vu.

“So, you should lie down too. I’ve learned living this long that days like this are rare.”

With famine, starvation, and the Great War erupting, along with frequent battles and bizarre phenomena, many believed we should enjoy this time while the Head of the Gallery was around.

“Hmm… Yeah, well…”

At that moment, even the man had nothing to do.

Gazing blankly at the sky beside Pharrell, the peace around us felt unrivaled.

“Is it really okay to be like this?”

We stood on the brink of destruction.

A time of chaos, rampant with all sorts of cults and criminals—apocalypse era.

Zombies were as common as chirping birds.

But more shocking than anything was how the mechanics of that sprinkler worked its wonders.

It didn’t operate by any incomprehensible method like a refrigerator or shotgun.


It only needed water.

A vast supply of it to cover the area.

“Where’s all that water coming from?”

“…You’re looking at it.”


“The sky.”

Pharrell humbly pointed at the sky with his hands open and closed his eyes.

“It’s provided by the heavens.”

Is water just popping up from the earth?

Not really from the ground, but it did suddenly materialize out of thin air.

It was endlessly generated and supplied within the massive structure installed in the center of the field.

– Doesn’t that eat up mana?

– This water just keeps coming out non-stop.

– Head of the Gallery*) Water?

Head of the Gallery*) It’s not too expensive.

He was likely using magic to provide it.

While at the same time, he requested just one thing from Edelrin.

– Head of the Gallery*) If you’re thankful, work hard on the Gallery.

At those words, the man slowly closed his eyes like Pharrell and muttered.


A vast amount of water sufficient to cover the area, with Mana Stones supplied in mid-air for operations.

Only the Head of the Gallery could offer such a solution.

It was beyond anything I could understand.

“So let’s not bother trying to understand.”

Grateful for the Head of the Gallery having touched Edelrin, I was casually passing the time when suddenly…


A scream echoed from afar.

“Did you hear that, Uncle?”

“Is it a Monster?”

In the blink of an eye, both of us sprang into action at the unexpected scream.

“…A person?”

What appeared before us was not a Monster.

Instead, it was a crazed individual with a knife pointed at his own throat, capturing everyone’s attention.

A suicide set in the peaceful Edelrin.

As both of our brows furrowed, baffled by the situation, the man shouted loudly.

“Help… Help!”

“Help? What…?”

“Aaaah, someone let me go!!!”

The culprit was a disruptive individual who had been banned.

Now causing a suicide drama in Edelrin, where many eyes were drawn.


Sprinkler distribution is a breeze.

But is water just handed down by ancestors?

“No ancestors, but I do have a shop.”

Though priced according to modern standards, there were plenty of cheaper options.

The cost is at rock bottom, and the quality of the products is top-notch.


[Bottled Water 500ml] – 1p

Just searching for water brings up this.

“While it seems cheap, it’s not enough for the sprinkler.”

Covering all of Edelrin’s farming with this?

That would lead to bankruptcy.

But after using the shop for a while, I began to think creatively.

Searching for tap water.

[Tap Water 2,000L] – 1p


Then, while the quality might drop, the price could dramatically decrease.

Back during the famine, I used this method alongside ultra-cheap ramen.

“Of course, it differs a lot when compared to bottled water.”

But in this apocalyptic medieval era, both bottled and tap water are still grade-A pure water.

If I bought this in bulk and linked the delivery to the Edelrin reservoir? Done.

[Title: Light.jpg]

(Imagining a cute girl Head of the Gallery)

Ow, it’s blinding!

[Recommended 9999+] [Not Recommended 0]

– Damn, saw the Head of the Gallery again…

– Ow, it’s blinding! What a reaction, LOL.

– Is it okay to say I’m turned on?

Hmm, alright.

Thanks, I’m turned on.

Head of the Gallery*) (Shocked Frog Con)

What a lunatic, LOL.

Today’s threads were filled with all kinds of nonsense, bait posts, and Beastfolk adult content.

“Alright, let’s keep it going like this.”

The great thing about using the Gallery is that there’s no capacity limit.

It’s already reached over a thousand saved images in the Gallery.

If life could remain this peaceful while just enjoying the Gallery, what bliss that would be.

[Concept Article: What the hell is that?]

(Image of a man holding a knife to his neck)

(Image of someone crying out to the Head of the Gallery, disheveled)

Head of the Gallery, I didn’t want to mention it, but I think this guy has gone a bit off the rails.

What’s the deal, asking the Head of the Gallery to intervene or threatening to die?

[Recommended 1213] [Not Recommended 2311]

– Why should I care if he’s going to die? Yeah.

– Isn’t a guy threatening to kill himself just one in a million?

– Because he got banned, now he’s asking others to help.

– Natural death.

(Elf lying gracefully with an image)


Such a thing never happens.

Moreover, when issues arise, it’s often linked to Monsters; but that wasn’t the case here.

“This is new.”

The desperate expression and emaciated appearance were 100% genuine.

To threaten suicide over a ban?

Is he really willing to throw away his life over not being able to use the Gallery?

“I mean, really… I don’t get it…”

Though I understood a bit.

What if I suddenly got permanently banned?

If there was no solution, I’d likely aim for a high probability of making the next round.

But that was from my own perspective.

From the standard of the average Gallum, was it really worth going that far?

– Head of the Gallery*) Suicidal over being banned? Hmm…

At that moment, since the reactions in the Gallery weren’t good, I wrote about my confusion and disbelief…

– ? What the hell, that’s not right.

– If you get banned, death is the correct response.

– Look at how he talks as though he’s the Head of the Gallery.

– Can’t use the Gallery? Can’t use the shop? Then just die.

(If you die, you’re free~ Elf Con)


To my surprise, public sentiment was the opposite.

Being banned was a foolish act.

But if you got banned, you’d rather die.

What I thought was just a joke ran deeper than mere words?

[Title: Better to die than to be banned…]

(Image of a soda can in hand)

(Image of items for sale in the shop)

(Image of people chatting and interacting while using the Gallery)

None of those could be used.

Food? Yeah, good luck growing your own.

Armor, weapons? You’re going back to wooden shields and rusty swords.

Injuries? If you’re hurt, just die.

Most importantly, social life ←← This is crucial.

No everyday conversations, empathizing, or sharing knowledge through the Meme Wiki.

Naturally, the fact of being banned would become known.

Instantly, you’d be treated like trash.

Of course, some might think it’s a bit harsh.

(A frog staring directly)

But honestly, wouldn’t you do the same?

Getting banned means you’ve been branded as a public fool by the Head of the Gallery. Who would talk to you?

[Recommended 7321] [Not Recommended 12]

– For once, he’s spitting nothing but facts.

– Wise guy.

– But the truth is, if you got banned, it means you’ve been filtered out by the Head of the Gallery… LOL.

– Filtered out by the Head of the Gallery? That’s the end of life.

– Just imagining it gives me chills.


To think the stigma of being banned was so severe.

In modern galleries, some treated bans like badges of honor or legendary disruptions.


“Because it’s separate from reality.”

But here, being banned meant a complete severance from reality.

It feels worse than I originally thought, and I blinked a few times, mumbling.

“So what were those guys posting tactical nukes at dawn?”

The ones knowingly risking bans while posting naked Orc dances felt even scarier than the reality of being banned from the gallery.

– What’s gonna happen to that guy?

– I really don’t care if he lives or dies, but I’m worried it might cause issues for the Head of the Gallery.

– Wow, being born into a world with a Gallery, and facing a ban—it’s truly horrifying.


Anyway, all that was left was to deal with that disruptive individual.

I opened the info panel for that troublemaker to check the reason for his ban.

“They should at least be given a chance to redeem themselves…”

If it was only a temporary ban, there could definitely be circumstances to consider.

Maybe he was banned unfairly.

As soon as I delved into the reason for the ban, it hit me.

Two months ago – Naked Orc midnight terror.

Two months ago – Goblin Priest seduction image midnight terror.

Last month – Surprise worship spam post dedicated to the Head of the Gallery.

Last month – 20-page spam of Halcas supply set.

“This guy?”

It was worse than I thought.

“I can’t just let this slide.”

While the usual troublemakers may have been nuisances, this guy was a legendary grade-A troublemaker.

As I debated what to do with him, a thought came to me.

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

For the sake of myself and the Deputy of the Gallery, whose eyes must’ve suffered from this guy’s antics,

I set a fitting punishment and summoned the troublemaker back in front of me.

[‘The Grandmother Demolishing Barrier Smiling Girl Head of the Gallery’ has been temporarily unbanned!]

The Grandmother Demolishing Barrier Smiling Girl Head of the Gallery: Heehee!

The Grandmother Demolishing Barrier Smiling Girl Head of the Gallery: T-thank you!!!

Head of the Gallery*: Just a temporary unban.

Head of the Gallery*: If you follow my demands from now on, I might unban you for good.

Head of the Gallery*: So, what do you say?

[‘Head of the Gallery’ has proposed a negotiation.]

The Grandmother Demolishing Barrier Smiling Girl Head of the Gallery: …!

The perfect punishment for the troublemaker.

At the same time, I sent a condition that couldn’t be refused.