Chapter 144

The marketplace can be used by criminals too.

I could’ve posted chicken in the marketplace, but there was a specific reason I utilized the marketplace’s racial system.

[‘Taldru’ requested 3 chickens!]

[‘Lloyd’ requested 1 chicken!]

It’s all visible who’s ordered how many.

[‘ㅇㅇ’ requested 6 chickens!]

[‘ㅇㅇ’ is red-rated. Not recommended.]

Moreover, there was no need to enter the Gallery at all.

If there’s any criminal history or disruption record, it’ll naturally filter out and notify me.

“The system is solid.”

The ratings are divided by rainbow colors.

Starting from the basic yellow rating,

the more disruptions one has, the redder their rating will be.

Being a good citizen would bump you up to purple.

“Since it’s the first day, I should let it all go.”

Falling from high up hurts the most.

I thought they’d be more cautious once they know the taste.

With this, the system setup was complete, and I was just about to head into the Gallery to see the reaction.

– Why aren’t the posts coming up like this? [1] Just now

– How do you use the marketplace’s race? [3] 1 minute ago

– Let’s test the broken gallery [1] 2 minutes ago


No posts were going up.

A gallery that usually sees dozens or even hundreds of posts per minute was empty.

Even refreshing didn’t make a difference.

“I didn’t want this to happen, but…”

In the end, I had to take drastic measures.

[Title: Does anyone know how to wear a skirt?ㅠㅠ]

Author: Head of the Gallery*

(Cat meme looking straight at the camera)

Why aren’t you all posting?

What is everyone doing?

[Recommend9999+] [Not recommend1021]

– Damn it, I got baited again.

– Wait, why is the Head of the Gallery posting bait? LOL

– No matter what you post, you still get recommended, so please don’t disrupt…

“What the, you all are here after all?”

Not even a minute after posting, the recommendations piled up.

This meant everyone was still lurking in the gallery.

“But why aren’t the review posts coming up?”

Isn’t the Gallery of Annihilation crazy about reviewing and rating new stuff?

– Head of the Gallery*) Why aren’t you all posting?

More posts should come up to gauge the reactions and speed up the circulation of concept articles.

I asked directly, but the responses were strangely incomprehensible.


ㄴ What is this… Are you doing it on purpose?

ㄴ Damn, you dropped chickens.

ㄴ No, you did.

ㄴ Head of the Gallery*) Yeah, but what does posting chicken have to do with being quiet?

“Shouldn’t there actually be more posts?”


ㄴ Head of the Gallery*) ?

ㄴ Ugh.

There’s no chatting. It’s cold.

“What’s going on, is there something I don’t know?”

As I posted, posts started to appear one by one.

But even that felt like people were reluctantly sharing.

[Title: ㅇㅇ]

(Mouthwatering spicy chicken meme)

(Shiny red spicy chicken flesh meme)

Gotta eat chicken, so don’t talk to me.

[Recommend102] [Not recommend12]

– LOL, what a crazy guy.

– Even as Head of the Gallery, I can’t let this one go LOL.

“So you got too distracted by eating that you didn’t write anything?”

It was evident as posts became sparse.

People started actively posting in the gallery only when nearly a whole day had passed.

The limit I set was 10 chickens per person.

Only when they could no longer buy more chickens did the posts flood in.

– Brother loves it.

– The sauce is amazing…!

– It was the best beer snack!

– Brother, wouldn’t you sell more chickens?

The dwarves, who usually eat the most, were the first to flood the gallery.

The endless posts from the dwarves were all discussing chicken.

“Did dwarves write this much before?”

Dwarves do post in galleries.

But they never did it this obsessively.

Just when I was wondering, a few hours later as evening set in, the main customers appeared.

– If it’s delicious, it’s a big recommend LOL.

– Regular chicken should just be renamed to color chicken ㅇㅇ.

– Ugh… I think I dreamed a really happy dream.

[Title: Won’t you call me ‘the complete death of the chicken’?]

(10 chicken bone remnants meme)

(My whole face covered in sauce meme)

The reason is…

I am soon to be the chicken’s Death Knight…

[Recommend3921] [Not recommend102]

– Of course, ‘the sofa guard’.

– Hey, ‘the complete death of the parents’.

– Damn, you got a lot of cash.

ㄴ I should’ve started earning money way earlier, LOL.

[Title: ?]

(Starry dawn outside the window meme)

Why is it dawn?

[Recommend494] [Not recommend2]

– LOL.

– Are you coming to your senses?

The next to appear were the elves.

– Why did I eat gourmet slime…?

– I want to marry chicken…

– Gourmet slime > Insurmountable wall > Spicy chicken.

ㄴ? Wrong direction, you idiot.

ㄴ Elf gang, LOL.

ㄴ Hehe.

I gave up on gourmet slime.

It was a conclusion that was quite obvious.

I never worried that the number one delivery food in modern times wouldn’t be popular in medieval times.

“The slime issue has been resolved.”

The ingredient cost for gourmet slime would simply exceed ten times.

And it would take a whole week just to wait.

I’d have to monitor the gourmet slime to make sure it wouldn’t eat anything else.

“But what about spicy chicken?”

In terms of quantity, taste, and time, it came out on top.

In conclusion, I succeeded in redirecting their attention towards chicken before the gallery could split.

I also prevented unnecessary excess of mana pills.

“The profits are insane.”

Most importantly, the profitability was through the roof.

Approximately 1 million mana pills.

I had earned an impressive amount of 1 billion experience points in just one day.

[Spicy Chicken] – 18p

Besides, the price of buying chicken from the shop is merely 18 points.

But selling it gave me 30 mana pills, allowing my profit to double.

“It’s a shame it’s not point-based, but oh well.”

To me, mana pills served a purpose far beyond simple currency; they were essential for gaining experience.

I really had nothing to lose.

“If I keep this up, I might even dream of tactical nukes!”

I had never made this much profit in such a short time from any other items.

– Head of the Gallery, you’re selling again tomorrow, right?

– If you’re not there, I really might make a big decision!!!

– I’m halfway to a crisis, LOL. I can’t stop thinking about that red spicy flavor LOL.

– Oh, LOL, are you really not selling?

ㄴ Seriously, there’s no way the Head of the Gallery won’t continue selling.

ㄴ Even if it’s 100 mana pills, it’s a must.

ㄴ I’d sell my house and do a naked dance if needed, ㅇㅇ.

ㄴ Damn, don’t do that.

There was hope that Gallum would also sell, but the overwhelming weight of purchases was leaning toward certainty.

The public opinion was growing stronger that there’s no way I wouldn’t sell.

– Head of the Gallery*) LOL

ㄴ Oh my! It’s the Head of the Gallery!!!

ㄴ I love you, Head of the Gallery!!

ㄴ Head of the Gallery, you’ll continue selling, right?

And I naturally was inclined to follow this public opinion and continue selling spicy chicken tomorrow just like today…

“I’m not selling though?”

ㄴ Head of the Gallery*) Are you controlling it?

[‘Marketplace’s Race’ rating system will be implemented.]

[‘Marketplace’s Race’ item purchase limits will be in effect.]

I immediately decided to normalize things.


Disruption exists everywhere.

Disruption is like a nuisance.

[Title: This is my first time using the gallery…]

Author: Granny Bumping into Ria’s Truck

(Sexy provocative image of a naked female orc)

[Recommend1] [Not recommend194]

– Oh

– Damn!!! F***ing piece of sh**!!!

– What a crazy nickname, LOL.

It meant that wherever there are people, there will always be something disruptive.

No matter how many blocks I put in place, or warnings issued, or how much I ignored them—it wouldn’t stop.


“Because they know they have our attention.”

Everyone said just ignore disruptions and they wouldn’t be given food.

But the simple reason why disruption still exists when ignored is straightforward.

It’s because they know that’s not real ignorance.

They’re pretending to ‘ignore and pretend not to feed’ in a situation where they clench their teeth and tremble.

That’s why they carry around naked female orc pics in their pockets.

– Author) I love attention.

ㄴ Damn you.

ㄴ Author) Thank you.

ㄴ I’m really gonna find you and kill you.

ㄴ Author) (Slime bloated with food meme)

ㄴ Ugh.

The whip couldn’t stop them.

So, what about carrots?

– Please stop! I’ve seen 3 of these since yesterday…

ㄴ I’ll pay you. I’ll send you 100 mana pills, so please…

ㄴ Author) (Thinking frog meme)

ㄴ Author) (Fluffy frog meme)

ㄴ Damn it!!!!

It didn’t work.

“Even in modern times, there’s no way to stop disruptions.”

So I decided to give it a try this time.

[Welcome to the ‘Marketplace’s Race’!]

1. Chicken

* Basic rating, only yellow and above can order.

* The higher the rating, the more chickens you can order, adding 1 every week.

– ? [Red]

– Damn, this can’t be right. [Orange]

– Head of the Gallery? [Yellow]

“The marketplace rating system will once again make the gallery great.”

The whip not working?

Then let’s consider if the whip was too weak.

But conditions like swearing were excluded from the rating drop.

For now, only hate and tactical nukes served as regulations.

And if detected, I would choose whether to ban or lower the rating.

“Too many restrictions won’t lead to anything good.”

Especially the swearing restrictions.

Just because you stop swearing doesn’t mean people suddenly become kinder.

As already seen in certain games, they’d just find more subtle and twisted ways to scratch the itch.

Plus, I didn’t want to become a library caretaker; I wanted to be the Head of the Gallery.

I only had the tactical nuclear defense, which everyone hated, as a rule.

“But that’s not enough.”

However, with only chicken, I couldn’t warn all forms of disruption.

So I decided to roll out a few more.

[New items have been added to the ‘Marketplace’s Race’!]

2. Tteokbokki

* Green rating and above can order.

3. Soup

* Green rating and above can order.

“What could possibly go wrong?”

I couldn’t have imagined what disaster the rating system would bring.