Chapter 249

The general of Belphegor’s army, who judged that the stubbornness of the demon race called “Young Master” couldn’t be broken, decided to change the route.

Seeing this, curiosity bloomed on the faces of the group.

“Oh, it seems they didn’t intend to trample us, they changed the route.”

“Weren’t they about to trample us just a moment ago?”

“That ‘Young Master’ kid seems kind of nice.”

Though they couldn’t hear or see from as far as Jeong Gyeoul, the group was also a proper S-Class.

Listening to their conversation from this distance wasn’t a big deal.

Watching the tearful escape of the Young Master, the general, and their subordinates, the group couldn’t shake the thought that demons might be nicer than Earthlings.

“Uh… Satan’s guys are still running straight, though?”

“Looks like they’re going to trample us, Gyeoul. Didn’t you say Satan is the nicest? But why is Satan’s army like that?”

“Right, was Belphegor nicer? I only played with snake kids and Satan, so I don’t remember well…”

Satan’s army, chasing Belphegor’s army, didn’t change their route.

“Humans! Just trample them! If we catch them while running, they’ll be recognized as spoils!”

“Yeah! Then that girl is mine!”

“Nonsense! I’ll pick her up first!”

“What about that guy? Should we just trample him?”

“Ah, if you’re not going to use him, can I have him…?”

“What? Hahaha, the youngest has quite the unique taste!”

In the process, they were thinking of capturing the expedition members and using them for evil purposes.

There was no anger, no desire to curse or hit them.


‘This is the Demon Realm! All the demons I’ve met so far were too nice.’

‘Demons… they’re aggressive and barbaric. Feels similar to medieval Vikings or Genghis Khan’s troops.’

‘What if Gyeoul doesn’t invite me to the pajama party…’

‘If Satan’s army is like this, it seems we can’t avoid a battle with Satan.’

There was one strange thought in the middle, but since it was just a thought, the group couldn’t know.

The expedition members, knowing what was about to happen, covered their faces with both arms and prepared.

They tightly closed their eyes, bent their waists, and curled up.

It wasn’t that they were scared, or that the corpses were gruesome, but it was more like a human self-defense instinct.

The expedition members’ bodies curling up was similar to how eyes automatically close when a fist flies right in front of them.

Of course, Jeong Ha-yul and Kim Yu-shin just stood straight and watched.

“Kekeke, look at them frozen! What would they be like in bed!”

“Needless to say! They’d be amazing! I heard human women are so soft!”

Satan’s army’s conversation was getting more intense, and Jeong Ha-yul, thinking it wasn’t good for the kids’ education, was about to throw a punch when Jeong Gyeoul used telekinesis to pull her arm down.

“Just leave them, they’ll be wiped out without us lifting a finger.”


What Lee Ha-yoon was instructed to do was a defensive barrier made of magic power.

They knew the cavalry would collide and fall like dominoes, but total annihilation?

They couldn’t immediately understand Jeong Gyeoul’s words.

At that moment.




Satan’s army, running at full speed, collided directly with the defensive barrier Lee Ha-yoon had set up.

Like stepping on a claymore, a tremendous noise and fragments flew towards Satan’s army.

As a result, all of Satan’s army fell off their horses.

Just as Jeong Gyeoul had predicted.

“Sa, save me…”

“General… what happened…”

“Ugh… it hurts, it hurts!”

“My arm! My arm’s gone…”

Still, most seemed to be alive, writhing in pain.

“…You told me to set up a defensive barrier, but you laid a minefield?”

“B, but… that ‘Young Master’ guy was desperate enough that I wanted to save him, right?”

Jeong Gyeoul looked at Lee Ha-yoon incredulously at her words.

The sensitivity of 14-year-old Lee Ha-yoon was sometimes hard to understand.

Because he was desperate, she wanted to save him?

By that logic, Satan’s army was equally desperate.

“…Satan’s army was desperately chasing too, right?”

“Usually, the ones being chased are more pitiful. And they brought it on themselves…”

“Well, they did crash into it themselves, so that’s true…”

If Belphegor’s army had tried to trample the group, they would have been the ones to explode first.

Belphegor’s army avoided them, and Satan’s army tried to trample them, so this happened.

“Wh…what is that? General. Satan’s army was wiped out in an instant…”

“…It seems there’s an incredibly powerful mage among those humans.”

“Did the humans save us?”

“Not sure. Satan’s army might have attacked first.”

The general of Belphegor’s army also glanced at the expedition members as they passed by.

They felt like a completely different race from the humans they’d seen in the Demon Realm so far.

Even including succubi and incubi, known for their beauty, these women could be called top-tier beauties in the Demon Realm.

If it were Satan’s army chasing them, mere remnants, they might have tried to capture the humans as slaves for spoils.

Of course, they didn’t explain all that in detail to the Young Master.

Even if he was the lord’s son, he was still young and didn’t need to know the gruesome details of war.

“We should express our gratitude to them.”

“…It could be dangerous.”

“They haven’t shown any threatening behavior yet. If that magic had been aimed at us, we’d be like Satan’s army. But these humans actually helped us, if it weren’t for them…”

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault…”

“I’m not blaming you, General. Anyway, they saved our lives, so it’s right to thank them.”

The general couldn’t break the Young Master’s stubbornness.

The current threat was eliminated by them.

In fact, humans capable of such magic wouldn’t be safe even at this distance.

When they ran towards them, when they let them pass, and even now.

They could have attacked at any moment, but they didn’t.

The Young Master’s words were absolutely right.

But trouble always strikes when you let your guard down.

“If any unpleasant situation arises when we encounter them, we must save the Young Master at all costs.”


After firmly warning his subordinates, they headed towards them.


“Huh, they’re coming back?”

“Wow… they were so desperate to run away, I felt bad and spared them…”

Lee Ha-yoon had a betrayed expression on her face. What kind of emotional change is that spectacular?

“Judging by their speed, it’s not the situation you’re thinking of, so don’t worry.”

Belphegor’s army was slowly approaching on horseback, lowering their spears.

They seemed to be considerate not to appear threatening.

‘Of course, we’re the ones being considerate.’

Having seen Lee Ha-yoon wipe out ten times their number in one go, they were sure they weren’t coming with bad intentions.

“Are they coming to ask for our help?”

“…We’re going to meet Satan, wouldn’t it be awkward to get involved in a war? Even if it was self-defense just now.”

“Hmm, I guess? But we can do whatever we want, right? If things don’t go our way, we can just blow up Satan’s entire army.”

“True. Killing demons won’t get us on Interpol’s wanted list. We won’t be labeled as villains. No big deal.”

Viktor, who had been stunned by Lee Ha-yoon’s magic, sighed and joined the conversation.

“Hey, everyone… seems like you’ve forgotten about me, but I’m also from Satan’s army.”

“Ah, right. There’s one Satan’s army guy here.”

“Should we silence him since he heard our plans?”

Hey, you guys are more villainous than the actual villain.

Judging by the smiles on their faces, they were obviously joking.

But with mad scientists who had been collecting blood, skin tissue, and hair mixed in, the intimidation was overwhelming.

It’s a joke, but it’s too evil.

He’s going to take it seriously.

“The joke’s a bit too much. Look at Viktor’s face, he already looks like he’s seen a ghost.”

“Uh… I wasn’t joking.”


There was a girl here who would become an enormous villain.

At 14 years old, with an innocent face, she was talking about mass murder.

She’s going to end up being called the Supreme Witch Lee Ha-yoon, leader of the Villain Alliance.

It seems that when we return to the middle realm, a pajama party will be the top priority above all else.

“It’s a joke, Gyeoul, why so serious?”

Was that expression really from someone joking?

If that’s true, Lee Ha-yoon should immediately enter the film industry.

Such talent rotting away in the Demon Realm.

Anyway, we need to move to a different spot.

“Ugh… my, my legs won’t move…”

“Save… save me…”

This spot is a bit inappropriate for conversation.

Calming down the pale-faced Viktor, they walked towards Belphegor’s Young Master.

If they show any intent to attack, they’ll end up like Satan’s army.

If they’re coming to express gratitude, we should share some food and send them off.

If they ask for an escort or help, we’ll have to send Viktor ahead.

I’m introverted and not good at refusing things.