Chapter 462

Our mid laner died, and as a chain reaction, the top lane started feeling the pressure too.

Just the fact that the mid disappeared for a moment meant our top couldn’t even stand at the turret because of how intense the pressure was.

Of course, trusting K’Sante’s tankiness and stubbornly standing at the turret to absorb the enemy dive was also a possible choice.

Given the capabilities that Honor and Seo Yeon-woo had shown so far, this was a gamble worth taking.

But the enemy was SY, and hoping for mistakes during a dive while holding ground at the turret was hardly a wise move.

[“…I think I’m gonna back off.”]

In the end, K’Sante couldn’t withstand the pressure and had to give up both CS and experience.

We avoided the worst-case scenario, but that didn’t mean this situation came without losses.

Anyway, the opponent managed to inflict significant damage on K’Sante with minimal movement, which wasn’t good for our team.

“It’s still okay. Let’s try again.”

Whatever damage we took on the top side was a sort of counter-reaction to our investment in the bot lane.

The so-called diagonal law.

So, if we could think of compensating the damage taken on the top side with our bot lane, our team wasn’t doing too badly just yet.

For now, the first situation passed as Azir returned to lane.

The enemy mid had to return to lane to catch up on farm too, especially since K’Sante was gone and there was no reason to stay up top anymore.

– The red team has slain the first larva!

So, amidst that flow, the first larva naturally went to SY.

Of course, we weren’t just sitting idle.

– The blue team has slain the wind dragon!

If we were to compare the value of the larva to the dragon, generally, you’d want to favor the larva.

However, we didn’t have the luxury to choose, so we could consider it a minimization of loss at least.

It was like we both exchanged blows.

[“Let’s go home.”]


The bot lane stabilized, and the game was now past the initial phase.

And a relatively peaceful time flowed by.

Given that there were no larva or dragons up, both teams showed some minor intentions but no major movements.

There was no justification for a fight, and SY seemed to feel the same way, not making any reckless moves.

However, there were a few awkward moments.

[“This mid seems a bit cold. Can you keep an eye on it? If I die again, we’re completely done for.”]

“Sure. Let me eat this first and I’ll come right over. …Actually, I’ll just head right there.”

Usually, skipping jungle camps is a pretty instinctual loss, so I’m not keen on it, but I couldn’t ignore the call from our mid.

The opponent was Rainbow.

We can’t leave a trace of even the slightest unrest.

[“Thanks. I’ll push this and then go back home. Push with me.”]


Thus, the game continued, and finally, the second larva timing approached.

Neither our team nor SY planned to give the second larva to the opponent, so a fierce mind game erupted between our bot lanes to push the lanes first.

[“I’m going to back home and then head to the larva.”]

SY’s supporter hurriedly backed home as well, leaving only the two ADCs in the bot lane.

Naturally, a 4v4 situation formed on the top side, and the outcome of this larva fight would determine the future of this game.

“I’ll join you.”

[“Copy that.”]

In the first vision fight, we were in a decent position.

Thanks to the fundamental difference between Tahm Kench as a supporter and Ash, Tahm Kench could confidently move in to secure vision, while Ash might excel in lane but has higher risks in these vision battles.

It became a back-and-forth of placing and removing wards.

Finally, the second larva reappeared, and the moment of destiny arrived.

[“They’re pushing first, so I’ll be late.”]


As enemy Taliyah began to push the mid lane and approach the larva, we had no choice but to be pushed back slowly.

Moreover, since the top was also getting pulled back, it was even worse for us.

[“They will hit first.”]

Just as that was said, SY took the initiative on the larva and began hitting it.

If they managed to take even one larva, it would be the fourth for them, making it crucial for us to prevent it at all costs.

“I think I have to give up a few mid minions and just come.”


[“I’m off too.”]

Our top and mid who were stuck at their turrets also began to join, albeit a bit late.

I threw my spear to distract the enemy hitting the larva, and fortunately, I managed to land two hits on the opponent.

But that was all I could do.

In an instant, the enemy turned around and went for K’Sante, who ultimately got caught.

Azir was still making his way up, so it was a bit too late to join.

[“…Ah, I think I’m gonna die. Sorry.”]

– Our champion has fallen!

In the end, K’Sante fell to the enemy’s relentlessness, and we had no choice but to make a decision.

“We need to back off here.”

This was, without a doubt, the worst-case scenario for our team.

[“I should have just skipped the larva fight and pushed bot from the start. That was a mistake.”]

Baek Seong-an said.

As he pointed out, if we couldn’t take a larva, it would have made more sense to push bot instead, applying pressure on the enemy and scraping more shield off their turret.

Yet, under the pressure of absolutely not letting the enemy get four larva, we made a poor judgment.

It seems that facing SY has put us in a state where we couldn’t tolerate even the slightest loss, distracting our judgment.

Every snowball has a crucial starting point.

I felt it instinctively.

Right now was that pivotal moment.

“…Everyone, focus up.”

[“Yeah. Let’s all concentrate.”]


Baek Seong-an encouraged me, and Kim Jae-min echoed it, but their voices felt hollow, and it wasn’t just a mood thing.

We were being pushed.

“Let’s refocus.”

Anyway, the larva was now in the enemy’s hands, and all we could do was prevent them from using it to its full potential.

But with our lanes pushing, that wasn’t going to be easy.

Playing a game where all lanes get pushed is never simple.

It somehow ended up like this with the draft, resulting in our team gradually losing turrets to the opponent’s powerful laning.

[“…I don’t think we can hold the first mid turret anymore. It’s down.”]

– The blue team’s turret has been destroyed!

Under normal circumstances, the first mid turret should stay up until the bot lane comes after lane phase ends.

However, due to the skill gap between our mid laners, our first mid turret lost its usefulness in no time.

SY wasn’t rushing.

Slowly, slowly, they pressed down on our team until we were completely choked out.

With the first mid turret down, our bot had to be positioned in mid, naturally shifting the lanes as Azir headed to bot.

And amidst that following pressure, the bottom first turret fell too.

– The blue team’s turret has been destroyed!

From that point, the snowball that SY was proud of began to roll quickly.

The first turret ahead, then the second turrets fell one by one, followed by pressure around Baron, naturally shrinking our activity area.

I also faced jungle vision pressure, making it difficult to farm jungle camps, which naturally led to a growth decline.

Global gold and levels.

Everything was diminishing, and the balance of this game was swiftly collapsing.

[“…This seems tough now.”]

Kim Jae-min sighed.

Under normal circumstances, if Kim Jae-min spoke like that and lowered team morale, Baek Seong-an or Kim Ji-hoon would have stepped in to stop him, but not this time.



None could refute Kim Jae-min’s words, nor could they counter him.

And, in an almost empty feeling.


We lost the first set.


After losing the first set, the atmosphere in the waiting room felt heavy.


Normally, at this point, Baek Seong-an would have stepped up to lighten the mood and discuss constructive strategies for the next game.

But no one brought up topics related to the next game, nor even the loss in the first set.

The game known as Legends of League can really hurt people’s feelings.

Especially feelings among teammates.

You were fine over there, weren’t you?

Ah, if you’d helped me back then.

Because of you….

Sure, as professionals, we ought to control even those emotional shifts, and we must.

So, this must strictly be a consequence of our lack of experience.

“…Yujin, it’s clear that SY is strong. I don’t think we can keep it up like this; do you have any good ideas?”

Breaking the long silence was Baek Seong-an, the team’s mental pillar.

“Definitely, SY seems to be playing better than us. That’s something we need to acknowledge.”

His words made the expressions of our team turn sour.

“So what do you think we should do for the draft?”

“…I’ll give it a go.”

“Uh… it’s good that you want to, but how?”

“I’m saying I’ll carry us.”

“You’ve always done great. But in a situation like this… No, let’s do it.”

Baek Seong-an paid more attention to my opinion than indulging in negativity.

“So, what should we do then?”

“For now, let’s try the draft my way.”

The game wasn’t over yet.

It seems like it’s time to pull out the ace up our sleeve.