Chapter 418

[“What’s going on?”]

Baek Seong-an couldn’t hide his surprise at the situation.

[“We have to ban this.”]


Baek Seong-an snapped back to reality after Seo Yeon-woo’s words.

[“I think the enemy will cut off the jungle side more, should we try cutting it off too?”]

The enemies’ picks are Rakan, Rumble, and Tristana.

It’s fair to say that all top, mid, and support picks are already out considering the current meta.

Of course, Tristana can be played as a marksman since that’s her base role, and Rumble can swap between top and jungle, but in the current meta, those swaps aren’t too common.

So, it makes more sense to view it as a support, top, mid slot.

“Yes. Let’s do that. We needed to see what marksman they chose anyway since they picked Rakan first.”

[“Right. Then let’s do that. Let’s ban Lillia, Yeon-woo.”]


Lillia, originally a support, had recently made occasional appearances in the jungle due to the latest patch.

Her champion traits were sturdy and her crowd control was strong, so she found herself in situations where she had to support alongside Sejuani and Maokai in the jungle.

Given the enemy picks, there was a large chance they’d go for a jungler that could support, hence this ban.


With Lillia banned, soon the enemy’s last ban was decided.


The enemy’s last ban was Wukong.

He was also one of the jungle champions with strong carry potential.

This is something, what should I say…


[“Right? They really don’t want to give you any carry picks, huh?”]

“I already picked Sejuani, though.”

[“They probably think you’re going top Sejuani.”]

And now, it was our turn for the last ban.

[“Cutting off junglers more would be excessive… since they picked Rakan, how about banning Zayan? After all, Zayan and Rakan can be a combo anytime, right?”]

[“Do whatever you want, hyung.”]

[“Okay. Then let’s ban Zayan.”]

So our last ban was set to Zayan.


It was now the enemy’s turn for their fourth pick.


The enemy jungler was revealed first.

Picking the jungler first could also mean they were mindful that Sejuani wasn’t the jungler.

[“It’s Rakan.”]

[“Seems like Rakan is making frequent appearances nowadays.”]


Rakan is a champion with clear pros and cons.

Global engage, global vision denial, fast jungle clearing, and a strong 1v1 against melee opponents.

In the current meta, his strengths were more prevalent than his weaknesses, so he often appeared.

[“Hmm… I think mid Nikon seems good, what do you think?”]

“Yes, I also think it would be good.”

[“Do as you please, hyung.”]

[“Then I’ll pick mid first.”]

Our fourth pick was decided.


Of course, we had to also pick the fifth at once, so time was tight.

[“Ji-hoon, what support do you think is good?”]

“I think Nautilus would be good.”

[“Hmm, the enemy hasn’t picked their marksman yet, is that alright?”]

“Since they’re picking Rakan anyway, I think Nautilus is a good choice.”

[“Alright, then let’s go with Nautilus.”]



Nautilus was picked last, completing our team composition.

Now we just had to wait for the enemy’s final pick.


A swift pick as if they were waiting for it.

Picking marksman last, such a peculiar ban/pick strategy, made me wonder what they were hiding… and it turned out to be this.

Of course, considering the risks Vayne carries as a pick, it may be a less practical choice.

But we shouldn’t forget that the enemy is SCV, known for their infamous BlackDog and WhiteCat duo.

That Vayne pick might not just be an experimental pick but could end up being a finishing move.

[“Wow, even so, that’s crossing the line.”]


Our bottom duo was fired up upon seeing the enemy picks.

The Vayne Rakan pick itself was indeed a line-crossing pick in the bot lane.

“Don’t let your guard down. They picked it because they could.”

[“I’ll be careful. Don’t worry.”]

“Losing a lane to Vayne Rakan is unthinkable.”

“…Even Ji-hoon is worried about it now.”

I can understand that.


There are certain champions in Legends of League that are known as “oppressors,” and Vayne is certainly one of these illustrious champions.

It’s no wonder since Vayne is incredibly weak in the early game but is recognized for her hyper-carry potential and destruction power in the late game, ranking among the top-tier marksmen.

Moreover, with our front line being Sejuani and Nautilus, it was a perfect setup for Vayne to run rampant.

No matter how many defensive items Sejuani and Nautilus equip, they would melt away after just a few hits from Vayne.

‘But that’s only if Vayne gets farmed well.’

Vayne may unleash tremendous power in the late game, but on the flip side, she’s almost the weakest champion during the laning phase.

It’s so weak that even Kai’Sa, not particularly strong in the laning phase, would feel joy upon facing Vayne.

‘Well… that holds for Vayne too.’

Kai’Sa and Vayne.

If those two champions grow harmoniously, who benefits will depend on the situation, but looking at our combinations, Vayne growing strong would definitely not be good for us.

Of course, Kai’Sa, if she goes for an AP tree, would have incredible value, but Vayne is no slouch either, that’s for sure.

[“Alright, let’s all do our best.”]

[“I’m here to carry.”]

“Please do.”

[“Blessed are those who trust.”]

Even though the enemy was SCV’s beast duo, Kim Jae-min didn’t seem intimidated at all, chuckling away.

Well, it’s much better to show confidence like that than to be needlessly tense and underperform.

‘Though it might be a little overboard.’

For a moment, I thought he might cause a blunder, but thinking it through, he had already been known for blunders, so adding one more wouldn’t suddenly make his reputation special.

In other words, the player Jaem-min probably remains known to fans as one who causes accidents.

‘……Unnecessary thoughts.’

Right now is the time to focus on the scrim.

-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

The game officially commenced.

[⬇] [⬇] [⬇]

[OLZ Outlaw(Sejuani) is on the move]

[OLZ Getback(Nikon) is heading out]

[OLZ Outlaw(Sejuani) is on the move]

With intense pinging directed towards the bot lane.

This game would definitely revolve around the bot lane, so naturally, the invade would also be for asserting early dominance in the bot lane.

[“Let’s go. Start with Nautilus.”]


However, contrary to our expectations, despite waiting for a considerable time in the bot bush, we didn’t see any sign of the enemy bot lane or even a shadow of a champion.

They had entirely given up the vision fight in the bot bush.

It seems that their Vayne-Rakan duo planned to slowly do a jungle leash and farm the lane.

Well, given the situation, I expected the Kai’Sa-Nautilus combo wouldn’t be able to apply significant pressure against Vayne.

[“Oh, sweet! That means we’ll secure the bush. We’ve won the lane.”]

Kim Jae-min chuckled with joy, but when you gain something, you also lose something.

‘This jungle situation is a bit risky.’

Since we directly prepared for the bot fight and invaded, we had no information on our own jungle’s vision.

Additionally, the enemy’s absence from the bot lane likely meant they had turned their attention elsewhere.

‘Considering the ban/pick structure… it’d be wise to assume they invested in jungle vision.’

Champion: Sejuani.

No leash.

Awful early vision.

Uncertain about the enemy starting position.

All in all, it’s the worst situation any jungler could face as the game officially began.

-Minion have spawned!