Chapter 393

Champions blocking our way fall one by one.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Double kill!

Yet, I keep my focus on the enemy’s Nexus without losing concentration until the very last moment.

There is no “if”.

There are no variables.

I just act as I’ve always done.

– Finish!

Finally, all enemy champions have fallen.

It was a moment when everyone was sure of victory.


[“That’s it!”]


As we smashed through the sturdy twin turrets guarding the enemy Nexus, the Nexus finally stood naked before us.

No champion, no minion could protect that Nexus.

“Good job, everyone.”

Korea vs. China.

The victor of that fierce battle has been determined.


At last, the Chinese team’s Nexus was utterly destroyed, and those two long-awaited words greeted us.

[“Wow! That was easier than I thought. Great job, everyone!”]

[“Thank you for your hard work.”]

[“Outlaw, I knew you were good, but not this good…”]

“No, I was just lucky.”

[“Oh, come on, sister, stop being humble.”]

I smiled faintly.

In a way, it might seem we won more easily than expected, but considering we had Elise Renekton on our side, it’s true there was unseen intensity as well.

“If we had made just one little mistake, we would have given the enemy a chance to grow.”

When using a snowballing champion like Elise Renekton, precision is of utmost importance.

And the reason extreme picks like Elise haven’t been seen much in the pro scene lately is that maintaining that precision throughout the game isn’t easy.

Just one mistake.

When a champion like Elise gives the enemy shutdown gold after just one death, it often leads to game loss, so it’s hard to say we won this game easily.

In fact, the flickering flame of the enemy always loomed ominously over us.

“In that regard, the bottom lane matchup was definitely key.”

Even though Zeri got the kill early on, it’s not an easy thing for Zeri and Ruler to maintain pressure against Lucian Nami from the get-go.

Especially if the opponent is MobyDick’s Lucian, known for his top-tier play.

However, the BlackDog-GuineaPig duo pulled it off, allowing me to snowball through the bottom lane as well.

“Let’s go. We should greet them.”

“Oh, yes.”

I took off my headset and stood up at Rainbow’s words.

As we headed towards the Chinese team’s booth, the audience cheered enthusiastically for us.

– Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!

– Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow!

– The best!

Passing through the crowd’s cheers, we arrived at the enemy team’s booth.

They looked somewhat dazed.

Well, after taking Baron, the game essentially rolled onward, so it wasn’t surprising they reacted that way.

Upon reaching the enemy team’s booth, we took turns greeting the representatives of the Chinese team.

And when it was Nightmare’s turn…



“Good game.”

He spoke like he was using Chinese, and just as I expressed my confusion, Nightmare said it in English.

I was caught off guard, not expecting Nightmare to come out like this.

“Ah… good game.”

And just as I was about to shake hands with the Chinese team’s jungler, MaBing, his expression looked a bit dazed.



It was only then that MaBing seemed to recognize my presence and returned my handshake.

What’s going on here?

The way MaBing looked at me, his eyes were shaking violently.

‘…There must be a reason.’

Actually, if we think about it, it’s not unusual for a jungler from a losing team to show such an expression.

Especially if that jungler has walked the path of the Royal Road like MaBing.

Defeat isn’t something anyone gets used to easily.

Finally, after greeting the representatives from the Chinese team, we stood on stage and waved to the cheering audience and fans.

We won.

Against the League of Legends All-Star team from the Red Cup in China.

Only then did that fact sink in.

“…I’m sorry. I could’ve done better.”

As we walked down the waiting room corridor, Seo Yeon-woo said that with genuine frustration, trembling slightly.

It couldn’t be helped.

To speak candidly, today, Seo Yeon-woo was intensely focused on the opponents and had, perhaps, made a few mistakes that could have turned the tables.

Of course, one could argue that the enemy also had a hard time countering and over-invested in the top lane, but from Seo Yeon-woo’s perspective, having numerous deaths and not making an impact on the game was unavoidable.

Even though Legends of League is a team game, it doesn’t mean a sacrifice is always necessary.

Everyone can perform well.

Sometimes exceptions occur, but the so-called world-dominating teams are mostly those kinds of teams.

Teams that dominate their opponents across all lanes.

Even if they can’t beat the opponent based on their strong laning phase, they don’t lose.

At the very least, our Korean representative team didn’t show such a performance today.

The bottom lane exploded, but our top lane also took significant damage.

If we hadn’t burst the bottom lane, there’s a chance we could have lost the game solely because of the top lane.

Of course, I know and Seo Yeon-woo knows it too.

That all this is unreasonable and speculative.

But what I need to tell Seo Yeon-woo, as OLZ’s jungler, isn’t some phrase about being unlucky.

“Yeah. You weren’t so great today.”


“But, you can do well next time.”

“…Next time?”

“Yeah, next time.”

The next Red Cup.

We’re planning to take down the Chinese team then.

However, the difference between today and that day is that we’ll be going under the name OLZ, not the Korean representative team.

“Let’s go. We have to smile today.”



After the 5v5 showdown between Korea and China concluded, the final segment was approaching.

Perhaps it was because the main event of the day, Korea vs. China, was over, but I felt a bit of relaxation.

The last match of the day, this 5v5 showdown, was a game with players and influencers from both Korea and China mixed together, so it was more of an entertaining event rather than a serious match.

For that reason, I could let go of the tension I had just moments before and fully enjoy myself.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I was intentionally throwing.


Since it was an event match, none of the players, including myself, played their original position.

Playing one’s usual position on this type of stage could be burdensome in a way, so it was to truly enjoy the moment.

‘Okay. Let’s stick with that.’

There’s a saying.

Unlike other positions, only those capable can be AD carries.

It’s a position where only those with talent can reach the pro level.

So, if I had to pick the hardest position for a jungler to play, it would probably be AD carry.

The other lanes have champions and fundamental operation methods that somewhat align with jungling, but in the case of AD carry, to put it bluntly, you only need to have solid mechanics.

Of course, apart from mechanics, there are things like laning ability and team fight positioning, but if someone is gifted with god-like mechanics, they could probably overcome that too.

[KR Outlaw: I’d go]

That’s why, I chose to play AD carry for this 5v5 showdown.

I usually hardly do it, but there’s no position as fitting for a casual play.

‘Most importantly, it’s fun.’

Fundamentally, most games are enjoyable for damage dealers, and that applies to AD carries as well.

If the synergy with the support is off during the early laning phase, it can significantly diminish the fun, but once the game moves past the mid-stage, the main character of the game is undoubtedly the AD carry.

The key character of Summoner’s Rift.

If you were to ask who the main character is, people would likely mention mid laners and AD carries, but if you asked who the star of the late-game team fights is, everyone would unequivocally say AD carry.

Thus, the position of AD carry is incredibly important in Legends of League, and most importantly, it’s fun.


Typically, the champions chosen by non-AD carries are somewhat limited.

Among them, the most representative ones are Ezreal and Jhin, both of which are champions that differ slightly from the typical AD carry kiting style.

On the other hand, how about Kai’Sa?

Kai’Sa is very much an orthodox AD carry, yet she’s also a champion that can be picked up somewhat easily by non-AD carries.

Mainly because she often finds herself having to fight up close due to her shorter range.


The game has started.

Overall, the gameplay was a complete train wreck.

Both the enemy and our team, and even I.

Everyone was just having fun while throwing and the kill score skyrocketed past 50 kills in no time.


[“You did that!”]

Everyone was laughing and chatting as the game reached its end.


My kill score was 16/3/13.

Though I had a few deaths due to some reckless plays, I decided to call it a carry.

Winning is what matters.