Chapter 215

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

That was true in Legends of League, and even more so in Summoner’s Rift.

[Jarvan III – Level 3]

[Xin Zhao – Level 4]

Due to the reckless double gank, a level gap between the junglers opened up early in the game.

Of course, I also farmed lane experience while pushing the lane, and I considered the overall game experience difference wouldn’t be too great, especially with their mid missing.

But, it’s undeniable that there is a level gap between the junglers.

“I should give this up.”

After Twisted Fate returned to lane, I had no choice but to give up the lower crab.

No point in forcing a fight when Akali isn’t level 6 yet and it’s a 2v2 situation with low chances of winning.

Sure, having Rainbow’s Akali with me wouldn’t be the worst for forcing a fight, but…

“Still, there’s really no need to.”

After all, we can just split the crab.

“The problem is, this means the bot lane will be pressured immediately.”

In this game, our bot lane combination needed to have strong control to be effective.

If they are pressured by ganks, there’s no way the jungle gap won’t come into play.

Plus, there’s a risk of the Rift Scuttler and Golem I didn’t take being invaded.

I was definitely paying for my early movements.

– jqch = jungle qch

– Jungle level gap = scary

– Aren’t they investing too much in mid?

– Nah, the mid is Rainbow

– True

The viewers were right.

“Mid should be carrying.”

Although it happened because of missions, this game was indeed going that way.

Jungle sacrifices, and mid carries.

It was time to prove that.

After killing the wolves, I teleported home and dashed straight to mid.

It was the perfect time for Xin Zhao to poke into mid based on Akali’s position and timing.

“Xin Zhao hasn’t shown up in bot.”

This means Xin Zhao was more focused on increasing his jungle lead.

“Probably thinking Akali won’t do much against TF.”

My thoughts differed slightly, but it seemed the opponent was thinking that way.

I waited about 5 seconds looking back at mid, but Xin Zhao didn’t appear.

It looked like he was prioritizing his jungle over trying to catch the survival-skilled Akali.

– ?

– Is this right?

– Missed my chance

– For real, a slave to capitalism

– Rainbow fanboy, wow…

“…I just paused to wait a bit.”

– Of course

– Uh-huh

– That’s right

– Aha, I’ll come after all


– Yeah, you’re right

– For real

…those idiots.

As I switched back to jungle and bantered with the viewers, Akali finally hit level 6.

[Akali – Level 6]

[Twisted Fate – Level 5]

Twisted Fate was still level 5, and after he died earlier, the experience gap was apparent.

Naturally, the moment that level difference occurred, Proof’s Twisted Fate couldn’t risk coming out from under the turret for fear of being killed.

As mid lost control, pressure naturally mounted on both the top and bot lanes as well.

Every time Rainbow’s Akali slipped out of vision, an array of retreat pings surely lit up both lanes.

“The game starts now.”

Generally, the early game protagonist in Legends of League is the jungler.

This is due to the jungler’s significant influence and importance in the early stages.

So what happens when the laners reach level 6?

The jungler’s turn is over.

From now on, it’s the mid laner’s turn.

[Twisted Fate – Level 6]

Both mids have matched levels.

Now having hit his ultimate, Twisted Fate still didn’t dare to come out from the turret.

TF’s ultimate doesn’t really help much in fights.

Sure, it’s a different story against Akali, but generally, a champion like TF doesn’t catch kills just because of their ultimate.

The fact that Twisted Fate slowly started pushing the lane was while Akali was barely hitting level 7.


With Twisted Fate’s blatant movements, I quickly headed back to mid.

In this game, a mid gank at level 6 was a must.


[OLZ Outlaw (Jarvan III) has targeted BLH Proof (Twisted Fate)]

But Xin Zhao still hadn’t shown up.

Only the familiar eye indicator appeared over my teammates’ heads.

It was Twisted Fate’s ultimate.

“Is he using his ult from there?”

Twisted Fate using his ultimate in Akali’s range was a risky move.

Whether he knew that or not, Proof’s TF blatantly activated his ultimate.

Naturally, Rainbow’s Akali, who wouldn’t let that pass, used her E to line up against the vanishing Twisted Fate.

Leaving a mark to follow TF no matter where he went.

– Oh

– No way


– Is something big coming?

– Going?

– Let’s gooooooo!

Contrary to what the viewers hoped for, Rainbow’s Akali didn’t immediately follow with her E skill.

She was incredibly cautious.

“She’s not following immediately.”

In the matchup of Akali versus Twisted Fate, it’s no longer surprising for TF’s player to use his ultimate to bait.

So when Twisted Fate openly used his ultimate in front of Akali, the choice was clear for her.

To follow or not to follow.

Rainbow remained calm.

Holding out until the very last second before she could use her E skill.

Then, finally, the moment Twisted Fate showed up at bot.

Rainbow’s Akali flew towards Twisted Fate with E for the follow-up.

– ???

– No way, lol

– Whoa

– You’re following that?

– ??????

– Whoa

With Akali’s arrival, the bot situation shifted from 2:3 to 3:3 in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Jhin Jerastu wasn’t exactly a champion known for fighting head-on, so a 3:3 fight wasn’t easy.

But there was Rainbow’s Akali on our side.

Rainbow started rampaging.


SY Practice Room.

Rainbow Ryu Jin-hyuk felt a strange sensation he couldn’t quite put his finger on upon meeting Outlaw.

“…So this is how we meet.”

Deep down, and honestly speaking, Outlaw was an opponent that nagged at him.

Although he hadn’t been able to show it due to the gazes of other players and staff at the dormitory, the situation had changed.

After all, he finally encountered Outlaw as an ally instead of an enemy in solo queue.

“Should I try talking to him?”

But what should he say?

How have you been? Congrats on the promotion?

…No, they weren’t even on terms to exchange greetings, right?

While Ryu Jin-hyuk was caught in this dumb dilemma…

[OLZ Outlaw: Do you have anything you need to catch?]

Outlaw took the initiative to chat.

It was about first pick.

“First pick? Then…”

Ryu Jin-hyuk briefly pondered what champion to first pick, but unfortunately, time wouldn’t wait for him.

[Jarvan III]

Thinking nobody would give him a first pick, Outlaw just immediately locked in Jarvan III for jungle.

“…Oh dear.”

Ryu Jin-hyuk couldn’t blame Outlaw.

After all, he hadn’t responded either.

Before long, the ban/pick phase was completed, and the actual game began.

“…a level 2 gank?”

Outlaw launched a powerful gamble right from the start.

He was going for a mid-level 2 gank, one of Jarvan III’s strong weapons.

– Thud!

And just like that, the enemy’s Twisted Fate’s Flash was burned early on.

With that, the enemy TF would feel pressured by the gank, unable to apply lane pressure, allowing Ryu Jin-hyuk to hit level 6 comfortably.

This level 2 gank practically made the game much easier.

“Good job.”

Jarvan didn’t stop there.

He followed with a movement pattern to the Frog Buff for level 3, rushing back to mid.

– First Blood!

Jarvan’s persistence finally brought down the enemy Twisted Fate.



Friendly emotions exchanged between them, and Ryu Jin-hyuk continued the lane battle.

Then again, Jarvan headed back to mid.

Over and over again.


Given the situation, Ryu Jin-hyuk couldn’t help but feel something was off.

At first, he thought it was just a coincidence.

The second time, he thought it was impressive.

By the third time…

“What’s going on?”

It was bizarre.

Ryu Jin-hyuk knew Outlaw wasn’t an ordinary player.

Even apart from pure combat mechanics, his risk assessment was mechanical, with movement patterns that were downright ghostly.

And yet, this excessive investment in mid?

“Mid’s already over.”

No matter how much Twisted Fate countered Akali, he couldn’t play that role in this situation.

At most, the only utility he could rely on would be the temporary invisibility from his ultimate.

It should’ve been that way…

Yet, Outlaw’s deep investment into mid felt a little excessive.

Even Ryu Jin-hyuk, who frequently received mid-sitting in solo queue, sensed that.

“…Does he trust me that much? No, this feels weird.”

So then, why?

Ryu Jin-hyuk’s questions deepened.