Chapter 175

The first to arrive was BLH’s Mid Laner and ace, Proof.

[BLH Proof: Just a moment, I’ll be right there]

[OLZ GetBack: Yep]

Before long, the BLH players made their appearance.


[BLH SooHyun]

[BLH Proof]

[BLH Shotgun]

[BLH Tool]

The full roster of BLH was here.

Seeing some IDs that hadn’t even seen placements yet mixed in, it seemed they had come with accounts specifically tailored to match nicknames instead of using their regular IDs.

Is it some kind of courtesy,

or just them trying to take the lead…?

‘On the other hand…’

[OLZ TopBeliever]

[OLZ Outlaw]

[OLZ GetBack]

[OLZ Jammin]

[Timid Person 190]

Our team hadn’t even matched our nicknames properly yet, so I felt a bit behind before we even started.

[BLH Proof: Is the lineup the same?]

[OLZ GetBack: Yeah, let’s change it for the next game]

[BLH Proof: Sure]

[OLZ GetBack: Ready to start?]

[BLH Proof: Yeah, let’s go]

Since neither side gathered just to chit-chat, the game kicked off straight away.

Our team’s side was the bottom side.

In other words, we were first pick.

[“Ah, can you hear me?”]

In a rush, Seo Yeon-woo put on her headset and turned on the voice chat with a thin voice.

[“Yeah, I can hear.”]

[“What should we ban?”]

Baek Seong-an asked.

[“For now, I think we should leave Mid and Jungle picks open. What do you think?”]

“Uh, sounds good.”

[“Okay. So, for bans… is there anything to cut from top or bottom?”]

[“I’ll just try it for top.”]

[“What about bottom?”]

When it came to the bottom’s turn, there was a moment of silence.

Neither Kim Jae-min nor Kim Ji-hoon was the type to speak up easily.



[“Come on, speak up. We’re running out of time.”]

[“Could you ban Miss Fortune and Jhin?”]

Miss Fortune and Jhin are currently champions that can handle the laning phase quite smoothly in the meta.

So what Kim Jae-min said was pretty clear.

[“Can you do that?”]


[“Then go ahead.”]

It seemed like Baek Seong-an accepted Kim Jae-min’s suggestion way cooler than expected, as if the past was just the past.

[“What should we ban first?”]

[“Start with Miss Fortune.”]


[Miss Fortune]

Then, the opponents continued with their bans.


Currently, Graves is a pretty solid pick in both Top and Jungle, renowned as a tier-one champion. It was a good choice to face our strong Top and Jungle.


[Lee Sin]



All bans wrapped up.

The opponent’s bans were obviously aimed at powerful carry Junglers.

I guess that means I’m a threat that has to be considered.

‘They know how to evaluate their opponents.’

[ Xin Zhao]

The opponent’s first pick was Xin Zhao. Given that Jungle was already heavily restricted and they were trying to counter me, it was a clear sign.

If they acknowledge me like this, I guess I need to respond in kind.


[“Uh… could you secure Lucian and Nami?”]


It was none other than Kim Jae-min who interrupted me.

Come to think of it… Lucian and Nami were still up.

Given the explosive damage they can deal, it felt like a combo that was rarely seen nowadays.

[“What do you want to do? Yujin, if you want to take Jungle first, you can just grab Lucian.”]

“Hmm, let’s just grab Lucian and Nami.”

[“Is that cool?”]

“Yeah, it’ll work out fine for me if I can go down.”

If they’re granting us a late pick, then there’s no reason to hesitate.

Plus, a Lucian and Nami combo definitely has enough value to pick first.

What’s more…

‘We need to give our AD carry a chance to prove himself.’

Definitely last time, Kim Jae-min failed to make his case.

So how about this time?

“Alright. Let’s take Lucian and Nami.”

With Baek Seong-an’s approval, we quickly picked both Lucian and Nami.



Currently, it was one of the hottest combinations in the bottom lane.


Finally, the Ban/Pick phase was complete.


[Allied / Enemy]

Top: Aatrox / Kamal

Jungle: Jarvan III / Xin Zhao

Mid: Twisted Fate / LeBlanc

AD: Lucian / Aphelios

Support: Nami / Ruler


It was a typical bottom-heavy game pick.

Not just our team but even the opponents were set up like that.

In other words, the star of this game would undoubtedly be the AD carry.

[“Good luck, everyone.”]

[“Let’s do our best!”]

“Let’s go for it.”

In the meaningless chants…….

-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

The serious game began.

[“You do know the bottom setup is important, right?”]

[“Ah, yes!”]

[“Let’s go!”]

Moments ago, Kim Jae-min had been chewed out by Baek Seong-an.

But it seemed he didn’t expect Baek Seong-an to speak so kindly and looked completely taken aback.

[“…G-Good luck!”]

Lucian and Nami.


Aphelios and Ruler.

Both teams had to play a bottom lane game.

In other words, those two compositions were among the few that could truly harness the strength of the bottom in the current meta.

[⬇] [⬇]

[OLZ Outlaw (Jarvan III) is on the move]

[OLZ Outlaw (Jarvan III) is on the move]

During the invade, our allies headed to the bottom.

To avoid unnecessary variables early on, we had to gain vision in the initial bush.

[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]

[“Let’s let Aatrox lead.”]


So they entered the first bush, and just as they were about to enter the second bush…….


With a desperate shout, the five enemies appeared from the central bottom bush.

A situation on the brink.

The sign was Nami’s bubble.


As soon as Nami’s bubble hit two of the enemies, Kamal lunged into our midst with an ee flash combo.

In an instant, it resulted in a four-man stun.

Except for me, who reacted in time when Kamal flew in, everyone else got stunned.

[“Get Kamal!”]

Baek Seong-an’s shout rang out, and not long after, Twisted Fate’s gold card hit the fleeing Kamal right on the back of the head.

Since Nami’s bubble landed first, it was inevitable, but the price to pay was certainly clear.

-First Blood!

-Enemy eliminated!

However, the opponent wasn’t going to just sit back and take it.

While our focus was on Kamal, LeBlanc’s chain locked Twisted Fate’s feet.


Baek Seong-an’s Twisted Fate tried to escape in a hurry using flash, but couldn’t withstand the enemies’ focus.

-Allied has fallen!

After a little bout, the early invade skirmish wrapped up like that.

A 1:1 exchange.

Both Kamal and Twisted Fate burned their flashes and fell.

‘In this case….’

Given the situation, it’s not bad since Lucian got the first blood gold.

But the problem is that our Twisted Fate, already exposed to threat from the opponent’s Xin Zhao and LeBlanc combo, lost his flash.

‘I probably should’ve just taken the death without using flash.’

But that’s just hindsight.

Of course, if nothing happens until Twisted Fate’s flash comes back later, then that would be another what-if, deeming this story pointless… but…

‘The opponent isn’t gonna let things slide easily.’

BLH’s Mid Jungler is quite reputable.

Especially in Mid.

Considering how hard it is for a second-division player to build a reputation if they aren’t at least somewhat decent, you could guess the high expectations for Proof.

He isn’t called the prince of the second division for nothing.

-Minion has spawned!

The main phase of the laning stage has begun.

As this bottom-heavy game places more importance than ever on the laning phase, of course, there was no leash.

‘With this, the timing is set back a bit… the Mid level 2 gank is going to be hard.’

If GetBack had at least had a flash, it would’ve been worth trying, but regrettably, that wasn’t on the cards due to the early invade.

As I was jungling, suddenly.

“Watch out for Mid!”

[❕] [❕] [❕]

The moment Twisted Fate moved to the upper bush, Xin Zhao popped out from the top bush.

It was a level 2 gank after Red.

[“I survived.”]

But GetBack was indeed experienced.

It wasn’t just reaction; it was prediction.

Right now, GetBack dodged Xin Zhao’s gank because of that skill.

[“Now I have to go home once—”]

Just as GetBack was about to slip back slightly.


The surprise combo from Xin Zhao.

That combo was to pre-load q twice on minions, then use flash and e for a surprise airborne attack.

It was absolutely lightning fast.

If Twisted Fate had a flash, that might have been different, but right now, even that wasn’t a possibility.

Having gotten airborne by Xin Zhao, Twisted Fate stood right there when LeBlanc hit him with her chain using her own flash.

Once more.

What some would call reckless, BLH’s Mid Jungler executed superbly.


A short sigh echoed, and

-Allied has fallen!

The shield of the Outlaws showed cracks.