Chapter 85

Winning streak.

The second day of tests went pretty much like the first.

The only difference from the first day was that we mixed up team members starting from the second game.


“I’ll ride the bus well.”


Maybe it was thanks to that process, but I got a bit closer to the trainees.

…Or maybe it’s just my feeling.

“Hmm, let’s do it this way today.”

When I achieved around 11 straight wins, Coach Park Tae-Hyung made a suggestion.

Until now, the internal scrims had been done by suitably mixing the second team and trainees, but this time, we were separating the second team and the trainee team.

It’s clear that, both in skill and experience, the second team players are better than the trainees.

With that in mind, sticking all the trainees on my team, an amateur, meant they were testing me.

“Can you even win like this?”

That’s what Coach Park Tae-Hyung was saying.

Of course, I gladly accepted the challenge.

“As much as I want.”

The game started.




I won, won, and won again.

Even though it was always the same victory, winning during the recruitment test felt completely different to me.


The practice room life that had felt so unfamiliar and scary is slowly becoming familiar.

“Whoa, they won.”

“Outlaw, is he a god?”

“That’s not him; it’s her.”

“Oops, sorry!”

Of course, I still can’t remember the names or nicknames of the trainees well, but I’ve at least memorized their styles roughly.

However, there was one thing I definitely couldn’t get used to….

“Sis, watch out over there!”

“Sis, help!”

“Hey, sis!”

…Honestly, that title still doesn’t sit well with me.

I’ve gotten used to being called ‘sister’ thanks to my younger sibling, but when those burly guys call me ‘sis,’ it sends shivers down my spine.

‘Can’t call it anything else.’

Should I rather have them call me ‘bro’?

You know, sometimes people purposely call each other that in a pure brother-sister relationship where there’s no romantic notion, right?

‘…Forget it.’

Telling someone I barely know to call me ‘bro’… I mean, even I think that’s absurd.

Those involved probably wouldn’t even think much of it, but I still feel awkward.


So troubled, so troubled.

Adding to my worries was the issue of the environment.

It was unacceptably poor.

No joke, the treatment of the second team and trainees by YSG was undoubtedly the worst by my standards.

‘Not feeling great about this.’

The craftsman doesn’t care about tools.

…But that saying doesn’t apply to the world of Legends of League.

At least as far as I’m concerned.

The difference between 60FPS and 144FPS was, to the extreme, the difference between seeing a champion’s skill motion or not.

As for me, I’ve only ever used top-notch equipment before, so that difference was even more pronounced.

‘Should I just change everything?’

I’ve thought that several times, no, dozens of times but always ended up stopping.

Tests were being conducted thoroughly between the second team and trainees without any external interference.

In that situation, bringing my own computer and equipment just for my comfort felt unfair.

‘…What if I just replaced everyone else’s equipment too?’

Then wouldn’t it be fair?

Right, sounds good, right?

‘…Probably not, right?’

Tossing around my thoughts, I eventually shook my head.

Legends of League was a well-optimized game, and acquiring equipment that delivered a certain level of performance didn’t cost much.

However, throwing such equipment into the team would undoubtedly make the others uncomfortable.

‘That might seem overly flashy.’

I already felt like I was standing out enough, and I didn’t want to unintentionally draw attention like that.

The second day passed,

and the third day rolled around.

During that time, I discovered one more rule I couldn’t adapt to regarding food.

“Hey, sis! There’s leftover chicken over there; wanna go eat?”

“…Nah. I’m not hungry. You guys eat.”

“Aw, come on, let’s go together.”

“I’m good.”

The fact that the club didn’t even provide snacks separately for the second team players and trainees, let alone buy gaming equipment, was a given; it was just leftover takeout from the first team.

Even this awful club still manages to take care of the first team players.

With that, the second team players and trainees rushed over, but honestly, it was a sight I couldn’t endorse.

‘…This is outrageous.’

Maybe I was finally getting used to this place.

The initial illusion I had about the professional gaming team, YSG, was slowly fading.

‘Honestly, I’d love to treat them myself…’

Unfortunately, I lacked the courage to say, “Don’t eat that; I’ll order something separately for you…”

‘The people are nice, though.’

The second team players, trainees, and Coach Park Tae-Hyung were all great people.

Perhaps such a harsh environment only made the second team players and trainees stick together even more.

You know how camaraderie among men tends to explode during training camps, right?

‘But that doesn’t mean their treatment here is good.’

At least, as I saw earlier, the treatment of the first team players was decent.

Or rather, it was at a level not dissimilar to other pro teams.

‘With such blatant disparity…’

Maybe they were hoping to spark the competitive spirit of the second team players and trainees with this kind of discrimination, but honestly, I didn’t care about the club’s intentions.

All I knew was that I felt it was unfair.

‘Not sitting well with me at all.’

The recruitment test was now halfway through.

My win rate was a perfect record.

Literally 100%.

Given the situation, the atmosphere towards me in the team and Coach Park Tae-Hyung’s reaction almost guaranteed I could consider myself accepted.

‘Guess I’ll find out for sure when I see the contract… But as mom said, I must never sign anything carelessly.’

As a trainee taking the recruitment test, it was not a thought I should be having, but a little caution never hurts.

And today’s test concluded.

“Thanks for your hard work today. You’ll be doing individual practice at home again, right?”


“Alright. Go ahead.”

“Thanks for the hard work.”

The first unexpected event happened on the morning of the third day.


“Oh, hello.”

As always, I stepped into the elevator on my way to work and ran into someone already inside.

A middle-aged man radiating a sense of authority.

I recognized the face.

‘Director Choi Tae-Dal of YSG.’

The person in the elevator was none other than the director of YSG.

“…What brings you here?”

It was already the fourth day since I took the test, but today was the first time I saw the YSG director.

Rumors among trainees said he was off letting Coach Park Tae-Hyung handle things, but it seemed those rumors were true.

“Ah… um. I’m a trainee participating in this recruitment test.”

Then, the director’s expression changed strangely.

“…Oh, right. I’ve been so out of it. I didn’t expect a trainee to be such a beautiful figure. Hehehe…”

“Ha ha…”

“Oh dear, I’ve kept you too long. You should go in.”

“Yes… well, I’ll head in first.”

“Take care.”

As I stepped out of the elevator, I hurriedly made my way to the second team’s practice room.



Choi Tae-Dal, the director of YSG, couldn’t shake the image of the trainee he just saw from his mind.

Female professional gamers were rare in the Legends of League pro scene.

There were a few around internationally but none in the domestic league.

Yet, a female gamer had entered YSG as a trainee.

Moreover, she was extraordinarily beautiful!

‘No, it wasn’t just beautiful. That kind of looks… she has star potential.’

This was an opportunity.

Both for YSG and for Director Choi Tae-Dal.

“Call Coach Park Tae-Hyung.”


The director got moving right away.

“Did you call for me?”

“There’s that new trainee who just joined, right? What’s her name?”

“It’s Yujin. Her nickname is Outlaw.”

“How is her skill?”

“She’s still in testing, but based on what I’ve seen, she’s doing well. Surprisingly so.”

“Really? Good to hear.”

To be honest, their relationship wasn’t all that close, but Director Choi Tae-Dal had significant trust in Coach Park Tae-Hyung.

One reason Director Choi could step back and relax about matters happening within the team was Coach Park Tae-Hyung.

With Coach Park saying “she’s doing well,” that was a clear indication of her skills.

Director Choi’s mind was racing. After arriving at a conclusion, he put on his outer coat.

“…I’ll step out for a bit. Keep an eye on the kids. Especially that new trainee.”


Glancing at the atmosphere, he was probably off to meet with the manager and director.

Well, it was probably better for Coach Park Tae-Hyung that he didn’t focus on the inner workings of the team but more on the external side instead.

If he started blabbering nonsense, not knowing anything about the game, it would only mess up the already chaotic internal team dynamics.

‘Feels like there’s some hidden agenda.’

Coach Park Tae-Hyung felt an uneasy sensation but didn’t show it on his face.

After all, there was very little that he could do in this respect.


The next day, Coach Park Tae-Hyung was called to meet Director Choi Tae-Dal and faced a question he might have expected.

“That new trainee we talked about yesterday? The one taking the test?”


“Right, that girl. She hasn’t signed a formal contract yet, right?”

“So far yes…”

Up to this point, Coach Park Tae-Hyung had anticipated this.

And then, it happened.

“Draw up a formal contract right now, and promote her to the first team in a week. Register her on the roster from the second round and make her a starter.”

The unprecedented bold move transformed Coach Park Tae-Hyung’s face into one of disbelief.