Chapter 26

Often, when talking about Renekton at level 6, they call him the God of Dragon Fights.

That’s because a Renekton who has just hit that ultimate ability timing has an insane team fight destruction capability.

I mean, they named his ultimate “God’s Strength” for a reason!

[Renekton – Level 5]

Of course, sadly, the Renekton who just showed up on the bottom lane was far from being a god.

Having joined right after finishing the top dive, he hadn’t hit level 6 yet.

But it didn’t matter.

Even if he couldn’t ascend to the status of dragon fight god, he was still more than capable of being a hunter, cornering the already trapped enemy.

The opponents were so deep into our territory that they couldn’t escape, yet they also couldn’t advance.

Moreover, the enemy Sion had hurriedly returned to the top lane using teleport after the dive, making any teleport retaliation impossible.

From the enemy’s perspective, it was a true catch-22 situation.

“Not bad.”

Renekton was a top laner who knew how to exploit a top lead.

“Alright, then…”

After that, it was ridiculously easy.

With Renekton’s back teleport, the dive situation for the enemy was completely ruined, and all that was left was to devour a nicely served bento box.

Below was Renekton.

Above was Elise.

At the turret were the bottom duo.

Slowly, the encirclement closes in.

[⬇] [⬇]

[Prisoner(Elise) heading in]

[Prisoner(Elise) heading in]

Perhaps because their escape route was already blocked.

In fact, the trapped enemy bottom duo began to push forward.



Jinx and Ruler made a bold flash forward.

What they aimed for was our bot lane carry.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

A retreat ping frantically appeared.

But it was already too late for the enemy to turn back.

“Look at that?”

No matter how much people claim that Ezreal is a broken champion who can tank and deal damage, that only applies after he has a few items.

A level 3 Ezreal with just a Doran’s Blade was way too vulnerable to the enemy’s dive.


Ezreal struggled to survive using his blink and all his spells, but he couldn’t withstand the barrage of attacks from three enemies.

Maokai also did his best to save Ezreal, but the number difference was stark.

-Our champion has fallen!

In the end, Ezreal went down.

“Turning a crisis into an opportunity…”

Indeed, the sharp judgment of world-class players.

But the fact that there’s a cost means there’s bound to be a counter-reaction.

“We must pay the price.”

Instead of a clumsy escape, the enemy chose to fight head-on.

So, it was only natural that we should give them the appropriate response.

“There’s nowhere to run.”

The enemy was already at our turret.

Jinx, who was under turret aggro, activated her passive and quickly escaped out of turret range, but not everyone was as fast as the Jinx with her passive.

[⨷] [⨷]

[Prisoner(Elise) targets SY GuineaPig(Ruler)]

[Prisoner(Elise) targets SY GuineaPig(Ruler)]

It’s common knowledge that when you have a support like Ruler or Nami, taking out the support is the right play.

You could accidentally let the support, with free hands, do a super save if you go for AD carries or other champions first.


In response, Maokai made a bold flash forward and shoved the retreating Ruler with his Q skill.


With no spells or abilities left, Ruler had no way to dodge Maokai’s skill.

Thus, Ruler was abandoned.

Alone, all by herself.

Now left alone, Ruler was nothing but an incredibly weak prey.

[Renekton – Level 5]

Just in time, the hunter arrived.


If she resisted, she’d draw turret aggro, so Ruler had no choice but to accept her death without even putting up a decent fight.

-Enemy slain!

In that entire process, I finally arrived at the bottom bush.

I spotted the enemy Karthus and Jinx.

Their destination? The Soraka plant.

They were planning to escape via the Soraka plant.

“Where do you think you’re running to?”

I quickly approached Karthus on my web.

Then, morphing into human form, I detonated the Soraka plant.


Karthus and Jinx, who were trying to escape using the Soraka plant, were instead bounced back by it.

Since neither Karthus nor Jinx had any flashes left, there was no escaping now that the Soraka plant was gone.


As they returned within the flash distance, Renekton and Maokai arrived just in time.

2v3 may have been 2v3, but what truly mattered was that their health, mana, and skill & spell states were all terrible.

In other words, this fight was already decided.

-Enemy slain!

-Double kill!


The kill score skyrocketed to 1:4 in an instant.

And killing an enemy in Legends of League means a massive gain that goes beyond just gold and experience from kills.

[qwdkmqwojfte(Renekton) : ad top go]

[떠나요그곳으로(Ezreal) : ok]

As Renekton said, revived Ezreal headed to the top lane to farm, while Maokai and Renekton pushed the bottom lane.

A clean and efficient distribution of manpower.

-Red team has slain the Dragon!

I didn’t waste time either, collecting the dragon, a trophy from our bottom skirmish.

It was a wind dragon.

“Since Ezreal got back quickly, we only lost a single turret plate at top. Just from the gold share alone, we must have made at least 2000 or more.”

Considering it was still early game, with the Rift Herald yet to spawn, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say the game was already in our favor.

“But I can’t let my guard down.”

Even listing the league-winning careers of the opposing team would make them competitive anywhere in the world.

In fact, both SY and SCV were teams that could easily turn around a situation, so sloppiness was not tolerated.

“Let’s take it to the first Rift Herald.”

The first Rift Herald spawns at 8 minutes.

There’s not much time left, so I dashed towards the top jungle.

Having naturally taken the top crab, I proceeded to invade the enemy blue.

Then, I encountered Karthus, who was busy eating the frog.

“Hand it over.”

All the countless acts of unilateral and brutal violence Yoon-ki had inflicted on me until now.

I returned the favor.

For some reason, Karthus, who would have normally desperately charged at me, was running away.

Thanks to that, Karthus narrowly escaped, but he could only watch as the frog meat he had worked hard to gather went into my belly.



“Feeling salty, huh?”

[Elise – Level 5]

[Karthus – Level 3]

Now that he lost the frog, Karthus, who was already overwhelmed, was completely doomed.

This was because I deliberately left behind a small wolf while invading blue jungle earlier.



Ignoring Karthus’s desperate pleas to stop, I turned away.

“Well, now…”

It’s almost time for the Rift Herald to appear.

One common misconception is about the priority of the Rift Herald.

People say it’s dependent on the top lane.

That’s not entirely wrong. The side with a strong top laner indeed has a higher chance of securing the Rift Herald.

However, one thing they tend to overlook is the bottom lane priority.

Bottom lane priority also plays a significant role in the Rift Herald fight.

The team that pushes the bottom lane first can join the Rift Herald fight more quickly.

[⬇] [⬇]

[1q2w3e4r1234(Maokai) heading in]

[1q2w3e4r1234(Maokai) heading in]

Maokai is a support that is often considered a scaling support.

Once equipped with a good amount of AP items, his E skill allows for a lane control that’s truly unparalleled.

Sure, some might say, “Not really, the cute yordle can control the bush pretty well too,” offering their own take.

But in the current meta, where hatred for the little yordle with poison darts is rampant, that’s probably not an easy stance to hold.

Anyway, even if Maokai wasn’t a scaling support, his containment became absurd once he gained momentum.

Saplings planted by Maokai take root along the way to the Rift Herald.



As the enemy champions joined for the Rift Herald fight, they lost health, chased by the saplings.

“Is this really damage from a support?”

“What is this?”

“Let’s back off. We can’t win this.”

Their panic was palpable, conveying their thoughts to me.

-We defeated the Rift Herald!

Having smoothly taken the first Rift Herald, I didn’t stop the snowballing momentum.

The Rift Herald, having destroyed the mid turret, then successfully smashed the second turret, leading to the second turret’s destruction.




-Enemy has agreed to surrender with a 5-0 vote.

In the end, a 15-minute surrender came.

If this were a tournament, the enemy would’ve clung on much more stubbornly, but since this was solo queue, they simply had lost the will to continue.



[+15 LP]

[1699 LP]

The current solo queue rank 1 score is 1708, so I’m just one win away from the summit.


Though it was an easy game, my heart still thumped as if the game’s remnants lingered.

We won.

Of course, it wasn’t the first time I’d beaten Yoon-ki.

In fact, it had happened plenty of times.

But this time, somehow it really felt like I had won against Yoon-ki for real.

Up until now, whenever I faced Yoon-ki, I felt like I managed to scrape by with a narrow win based on points, but this time felt like a total K.O.

Some might ask what the difference is, but it was indeed a significant one.


At that moment, a whisper arrived.

Since there was only one person from my friends list in this game, I didn’t even need to think about who it was.

[3분탑교명예신도: ggchung]

[3분탑교명예신도: ggchung ggchung lol]