Chapter 195

With a loud thud, I set the soju bottle down, causing Gu Jin-ha to furrow his brow.


Team dinners. They say it’s all fun and games, but really it’s just drinking at the clan restaurant after everyone else has clocked out.

To be more precise, I was running an errand to buy drinks for Hong Yu-ri, who couldn’t go due to her looks and ID issues. Frustrated, Hong Yu-ri kept guzzling down drinks. ‘Guzzling’ is more accurate than ‘sipping’ at this point.

“Drink moderately, will ya?”

As Kang Tae-ho poured more booze into her glass, he glanced around the corner of the table. We were definitely past ten bottles, and most of that was stacked up by Hong Yu-ri.

The speed at which she was drinking was increasing, while the snacks seemed to be disappearing into thin air. Kang Tae-ho and Gu Jin-ha exchanged looks and shook their heads.

Of course, it must have been tough. They had to fight monsters called Plague and Disease with no solutions in sight, and in the midst of all that, they had turned human. It was unprecedented; I couldn’t even imagine their feelings.

After all that sacrifice to get here…

But still, it was now time to cut her off. When I stopped pouring her drink, she looked like she was about to sing like a bottle o’ wine, and both Gu Jin-ha and Kang Tae-ho quickly tried to talk her down. When she shot them a glares that could kill,

“You, dude…”

Kang Tae-ho shook his head and sighed, realizing he had no choice but to pour yet again. It seemed being a freak show was weighing him down… Better to keep pouring than leave her alone like that.

Of course, the reality was a bit different than they thought.

‘This is a damn mess…’

It felt like I’d already drunk at least eight or nine bottles, but did it build my tolerance, or was I still okay?

‘Waiting for what? Screw that!’

When I said I’d join, the response was what? “It’s dangerous; stay back”? What kind of nonsense is that?

What, is it even possible to risk my life now? I can’t believe this. Was it ever not dangerous? Why the sudden overreacting?

I shot daggers at the thought, feeling my teeth grind together.

‘That bastard…’

My anger flared again as I downed my drink. I chugged it, but feeling unsatisfied with the barely filled glass, Hong Yu-ri went straight for the bottle.


Gu Jin-ha freaked out, trying to stop her, but was held back by Kang Tae-ho. He shot him a confused look, but Kang Tae-ho just shook his head.

“Let it be. She won’t listen anyway.”

“Vice Team Leader.”

“Hey, it’s ‘bro’.”

Directed by Kang Tae-ho’s chin, Gu Jin-ha looked at the other remaining bottles of alcohol.

“Honestly, it might be better for us to finish it all off. You get that?”

Gu Jin-ha bit his lip and nodded. They had brought drinks thinking all three of us would be drinking, but with Hong Yu-ri going on a rampage, it was best to down it quickly.

In the meantime, Hong Yu-ri managed to finish off yet another bottle.

Grinding her teeth, she chewed on squid legs.

Oh, I see. “Wait because it’s dangerous…?”

When had she even said that she’d help so seriously? Now she just seemed to be spouting nonsense.

No one told her to help first. It’s been ages since she promised to stick by me.

‘I’ll help you no matter what. In every way possible.’

Remembering those words made Hong Yu-ri’s cheeks flush. Gu Jin-ha and Kang Tae-ho, who had been looking at her with odd expressions, took that moment to down their shots like wildfire.

Whether they cared or not, Hong Yu-ri was too tangled up in the mess of her thoughts to notice.

Thoughts kept flooding in…

Our tangled relationship, where did it all begin? Was it in the Forest Dungeon? That time was only known later to me… Then there was Ganghwa-do. They had taken Fairy hostage, but he didn’t kill me. In fact, he treated me kindly. It was after Neverland that we had spent time together at Dawn… When we embraced in the Frost Valley… That bonding moment while fighting the Volcano Ceratops… And recalling moments with Alpha at the Square, Hong Yu-ri dropped her head.

Just trying to hide her blushing face. Her heart raced like crazy.

‘…So, you told me to stay by your side.’

Just a few days ago, I remembered telling myself that, and I couldn’t help but slam my palm on the table.

Who’s at fault here? I’m still embarrassed just remembering it…!

You told me to stay by you, so I’m saying it’s only logical you should act like it. It’s not like I expected you to stick around every single minute, but at least a semblance of it should happen, right? If you’re going to bail after a day or two, what was the point of even replying?

With that thought, I felt as though I could spiral endlessly.

The throbbing and embarrassment. Frustration and anger kept building.

Within that emotional whirlpool, a sudden question emerged.

Why am I even blowing a fuse over this? Sure sounds trivial, don’t you think? But why the hell should I wait just because it’s dangerous?

As I munched on squid legs, I sank my teeth into that thought, and then realized why I was feeling that way. I mulled over my feelings.

Is this really how it should be? As the two across from me struggled to choke down their drinks, I couldn’t help but nod.

No doubt about it.

In that case, should I just throw caution to the wind and let it all out…?

Fueled by the liquor, I stood up abruptly to say something, but suddenly found everything spinning before my eyes and staggered, collapsing back onto my seat.

…Oh, well. Sure, I might’ve drunk more than my usual…

As I came to that realization, I dropped my head onto the table and passed out.


“…You’re leaving already?”

When Kang Tae-jun asked with a slightly puzzled expression, I nodded and asked back.

“Why? Is there someone who needs help?”

“No, not like that… just someone wanted to see you. They’ll be disappointed.”


The Wolf tilted its head. Most of the people I should have met by now were already seen. Who’ve I missed? I couldn’t recall anyone.

“Well, if it’s not urgent, you can take a day or two off.”

After a moment of thought, the Wolf nodded. Leaving Hong Yu-ri alone gave him an uneasy feeling, anyway.

So let’s try to persuade her.

This time, it might really get dangerous. Because it wouldn’t be anyone but him causing that danger. The Void dealt with now would not be him but the instincts lying dormant inside. To fully address the Void, he would need to awaken those instincts.

But if, during that process, reason took a backseat and instincts awakened, who knows what chaos could ensue.

It was the same when he knocked Disease down and fought Hong Yu-ri on Ganghwa-do.

Even if he promised, if that promise ended up putting Hong Yu-ri at risk, it wouldn’t be worth it. He never wanted to relive the experience of her hand devouring him like that. Definitely not now. Absolutely not.

Without any further words, Kang Tae-jun started scribbling documents while the Wolf gathered his thoughts. Then he frowned. Even though it was late and there was almost no movement, a tangy smell floated up from the lower floors.

As the Wolf approached the source of the smell, he spotted Hong Yu-ri with her head plopped down on the table and let out a sigh.


Gu Jin-ha and Kang Tae-ho were looking at the passed-out Hong Yu-ri with dazed expressions.

“We should probably clean this up…”

“Phew… Yeah.”

“I wondered if I should at least comfort her, but she’s completely out. Seriously.”

As Kang Tae-ho scratched his ear, the Wolf approached the table and observed him with surprise.

“Oh. What’s up.”


“Are you here to drink too? There’s barely any left.”

The three Hunters had downed the drinks quickly. Generally, there was hardly anything left. Kang Tae-ho sheepishly scratched his head.


Apologetically looking to pass on the remaining drinks, the Wolf silently accepted.

He could guess why Hong Yu-ri had lit up the drinking spree.

So he felt a bit sorry for the two of them. But still… he thought leaving her behind was the right call. He understood, even if he couldn’t state it outright. Placing his thoughts on the punishment, the Wolf relished the tipple and realized that he couldn’t get drunk at all.

It wouldn’t even budge. Whether it was soju or any other drink, it was all the same.

With the duality of endurance and alleviation within him, he surely wouldn’t succumb to alcohol. As such, the Wolf held peculiar sentiments.



Seeing their clueless expressions as they looked at him, the Wolf gingerly cleaned Hong Yu-ri’s face resting on the table.


Even in her drunken slumber, she scrunched her face. The Wolf just quietly wiped her clean.

“What’re you even apologizing for?”

As if unsure of what he meant, she asked back, and the Wolf shook his head.

He understood why she was like this; he could see how she felt let down. But still, it was the right play. There was no telling how much time it would take. There was no point in dragging her into a dangerous place.

“…That bastard.”

It was just a drunken ramble, but the Wolf couldn’t help but grin ruefully. Had she felt so oppressed by the idea? Why did he have to force everyone to drink? That’s when he noticed the gazes seemed to stay on him.



Only then did the Wolf realize he had unconsciously started to pat Hong Yu-ri’s head as she tossed and turned.

With his current habit almost automatic, he brushed aside the surprise on the two’s faces, moving to carry her upstairs. Ignoring her relentless mumblings as he murmured in her sleep.


When the sun rose, the Wolf saw the person Kang Tae-jun mentioned would be waiting for him. A woman sitting quietly with a spear beside her.

“…It’s been a while, Alpha. Euna.”

At those words, both the Wolf and Fairy nodded. It had indeed been a good while, overall. It wasn’t as though they had forgotten her, but he didn’t expect her to come looking for him.

“You’ve changed a lot.”

Surprised, Euna studied Fairy keenly. It made sense given how different she was from the last time Euna saw her. Every aspect, from size to appearance, had changed.


With her tail drooping, Fairy took over both of Euna’s shoulders. She closed her eyes as if accepting the petting fingers.

The Wolf, seeing this, inquired. Euna’s eyebrows raised slightly, then she shook her head.

“I just wanted to offer my thanks.”


At that word, Euna pulled the cloth wrapping her spear away. What revealed itself was not the same white spear as before, but instead a long one glimmering red and black.

“This is…”

“It’s a material I had from Dawn. They said you took it down.”

Even at a glance, it was clear this was the horn of the Volcano Ceratops. More accurately, Euna had purchased some of what had been distributed to Hong Yu-ri through the clan.

However, it seemed she had only shaved it off, and it didn’t look like it had been processed at all.

“It’s pretty fabulous. I mean, it was just impossible to find a refining method.”


“This one I barely managed to shave off with the Executioner’s Scythe. Just where did you get something like this…”

The Wolf nodded. Just shaping it into a spear form would have been no easy task. Thinking back, he was left wondering if Kang Tae-ho might have succeeded in crafting weapons too. While he thought they’d handle their own well, it looked like that wasn’t quite the case.

He had intended to persuade her after Hong Yu-ri woke up, but given how sloshed she had gotten, it might take a while. In the meantime, he thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to help out a bit.


When morning dawned, Hong Yu-ri wrapped her throbbing head in a blanket. She remembered drinking, but couldn’t recall when she got back to her room. Blinking awake, she noticed she was laid back under the covers.

Looking outside, she realized the sun was already sun high in the sky.

Her head felt heavy; moving was proving to be a struggle. She wondered who had carried her.

Then, she noticed the commotion outside and realized it was coming from the roof.

Torn between lingering doubts, she threw on a coat and stepped outside to find a strangely gathered crowd. It felt like everyone with free time in the clan had shown up.

Wondering what was happening, Hong Yu-ri stood on her tiptoes as spectators gasped, but still couldn’t see. Using her magic as a booster, she finally spotted Alpha doing something.

“Oh, Vice Team…”

In that moment, Euna, who had noticed her, was starting to prattle when Hong Yu-ri quickly covered her mouth. Upon seeing Euna’s piercing glare directed at her, she nodded.

“Explain it to me. What the hell is going on?”



“I’m not quite sure…”

Hong Yu-ri clicked her tongue and glanced back at the commotion beyond. Tentacles were spread out slicing and ripping through something. The deja vu struck her as she belatedly realized that something being hacked away was in fact the horn of the Volcano Ceratops, making her frown deepen.

Originally, I hadn’t thought much about it… but I was definitely annoyed.

Especially with someone standing next to me so casually and talking it over. All in all, Hong Yu-ri sighed and trotted back down the stairs.

“…Vice Team Leader?”

Leaving Euna, who was bewildered, behind her.