Chapter 132

“Is it true that you can meet Yor at the Arena now?”

And if I’m lucky, is it really possible to grapple barehanded?

“Yep, that’s fact and true!”

“Where’s this Arena? I wanna join too!”

“Of course, it’s near the Forbidden Forest. Where else would it be?”

“You’re definitely the type who answers like a total jerk when a store employee asks something.”

“Barehanded combat hardly ever shows up!”

I wanna roll around with Yor too! Don’t just have all the fun!

“LOL, there are a ton of competitors too!”

“Seriously, when you roll a die, don’t 9 out of 10 players just have milk jugs?”

“That’s because there are many tries from guys like you who just want a touch…”

“Aren’t you one of them?”



“I’m an expert in barehanded combat.”

As soon as I entered the arena, facing Yor raised quite the cheer, all without any of that nerve-wracking mind game.

Wow, I casually felt their body while wrestling around, and they were really fit! LOL.

Not only did they feel solid, but it was the first time I could really feel the texture of human muscles…

Thanks to that, I spent some time groaning! Even with lowered stats, I fought well but still lost… Yeah.

“You lucky bastard.”

“I’m reporting you, see you at the police station!”

“Perverted weirdo; do you really want to touch men that badly?”

“Lol, don’t worry, I wouldn’t even touch spam like you.”

A hot wind suddenly swept through the Arena, all thanks to a single NPC.

After all, there were streamers in that place, and the content was absurdly stimulative.

Before long, Yor’s battle scenes spread across the internet.

Now, countless Otherworlders gathered in the Arena, creating quite the hustle and bustle.

For the users, the big perk of facing their desired NPC without worrying about losing items was huge.

Sure, dying still means getting a three-day ban, but you can forfeit in the Arena.

So, there was practically no risk.

Of course, not all the users wanting to assault Yor were just perverts.

Many users genuinely wanted to have a practice duel.

Normally it’d be impossible, but since he was in a drastically lower state, he was somewhat manageable. Winning would earn some honor and satisfaction.

If a barehanded duel pops up… Well, there’s nothing to do but apply some ground technique.

“It feels like I could win this time!”

But I can’t win a single match, LOL.

It’s frustrating to think I’m about to grab him, yet I can’t actually grab him for real!

Isn’t his regeneration just OP?

Let’s give it another shot before re-matching.

“C’mon, it’s hard to just find a match!”

“What? How many matches have we played? Maybe around 50?”

“So you’ve basically been living in the Arena?”

“Isn’t it ridiculous that we have to wear sandbags?”

“Right? LOL, I’m glad I didn’t join that raid.”

“Are you rolling with team battles too?”

I had no mindless reasons for matching but ended up on the same team.

Thanks to that, I got carried! LOL!

“It seems like the random matching is indeed randomness?”

“For real, it’s like a gacha system LOL.”

Of course, victories have been sparse among the users lately.

Just because stats are lowered doesn’t mean everyone can take down a good opponent; that perfect difficulty still triggers users’ desire to challenge.

“Did Yor increase his stats or something???”

Just moments ago, he seemed manageable, but why’s it heavier now?

Does the spear feel faster too?

This doesn’t feel like just my imagination. Did he change something?

“Yeah, seems like he forfeited earlier but made the sandbag a bit lighter.”

“That’s how it goes; if you lose, it feels like your stats go up a bit.”

“You coward!!! How am I supposed to win now!?!”

“Why are you looking for answers from me?!”

Time marched on. The heat of the Arena just kept building.

But along with that, another expectation was also rising…

“By the way, what do you think will happen in this 2nd anniversary update?”

It was almost time for the game to hit the two-year mark.

Just like the first anniversary, users were looking forward to the updates.







“Aaagh! I give up! I give up!”

With a sound like tearing flesh, the opponent hastily forfeited. The guy in light chain armor swiftly vanished.


A cheer erupted from the stands.

Seeing this, I let out a quick breath.

‘…This makes it my 7th win.’

It meant I had won seven consecutive times. And this also meant I suffered one loss before the 7th win. Honestly, fighting while limiting physical prowess is pretty tough.

Whether it was from continuous fights draining my stamina or getting swarmed with a 5-to-1 team battle, I had to concede at times.

Still, thanks to my practical experience accumulated, my win rate was decent, but occasional losses were unavoidable.

Each time, I gradually raised my physical abilities.

I could sift through the more mediocre challengers, allowing me to engage in higher-level battles.

Currently, I was adjusting my stats to just over 70%.

“Next game.”

Collecting my breath, I began another round of matchmaking.

I had been doing this for a week now, still on the battlefield.

I wasn’t bored at all.

I got to face a myriad of different opponents, plus it was entertaining seeing Otherworlders celebrate when they faced me.

“Nice! Finally, a barehanded fight!”

Sometimes, it was overly weird when my opponent’s hands got suspiciously wicked during the random draw… But whatever, I decided to just roll with it.

After all, it doesn’t happen that often, and I didn’t want to give up random matchmaking over just this.


With that, I effortlessly countered the opponent trying to tackle me.

This was familiar territory for me by now; I mean, I was naturally strong. Winning came without much trouble.

‘8th win… Hmm.’

The opponent surrendered with a satisfied face and vanished.

“Oh, it’s a team battle this time.”

“Why am I on a different team?!”

Still, after a week in the Arena, I noticed a few things.

“Let’s just win this. What are your classes?”

“I’m a greatsword warrior, and this archer next to me.”

“I’m a mage.”

“Great! I’m a spear user too, so let’s have the greatsword guy in front, and the rest can provide support from behind. Seems like mages are weak, so please contribute a bit. Agreed?”


“Duh, that’s common sense.”

First, I noticed that the skill level of Otherworlders had really improved.

Not just with levels, they also strategized well based on their opponent.

Everyone knew how to act according to their roles, and their movements were impressively controlled, wherever they learned that.

Otherworlders had become legitimate combat assets.

‘Well, they’ve probably gone hunting hundreds of times by now.’

To be honest, sometimes I felt these guys looked better compared to the mediocre Gaian folks.

Sure, they were probably among the top of Otherworlders too.

Second, the Arena wasn’t just for Otherworlders.

Right now, even I was using the Arena like this, and nothing stopped Gaians from doing the same.

With lives ensured, Gaian folks actually seemed to enjoy the Arena more.


Even now, after winning a team battle with some luck, I couldn’t help but be surprised as I saw my next opponent.

This time, my opponent was someone I recognized.


She was one of the elite knights under the 2nd Knight Commander.

We had sparred frequently after defeating Andras and returning to the Empire.

That made sense; knights would find practical experience highly relevant, so using the Arena wasn’t far-fetched.

But the problem was that I had never seen her here even once.

Having fought for a whole week, I’d expect at least one encounter, right? It’s like someone heard a rumor and showed up, much like those audience members in the stands.

“Ah, Yor! Haha, what a coincidence! I happened to have some free time and came to the Arena, but I didn’t expect to run into you. I had no idea!”


I glared at her for a brief moment with suspicion.

No way, right? Must be coincidence.

But anyways, she was still my opponent, so I took out my spear as usual.

Fighting a knight was really valuable. Their techniques are a treasure trove of experience, you could learn so much just sparring with them.

Not just the thrill of fighting but…

I clashed with Florence for the first time in a while. Was it because I had lowered my stats? Facing her wasn’t easy.

Especially since she expertly utilized defensive swordsmanship, making my mind games necessary.

But regardless of the lowered stats, my regeneration capabilities and abilities embedded in my blood didn’t vanish.

Ignoring minor pains, I pushed in, swiftly gaining the upper hand.

“It’s really not easy, is it? I surrender.”

“Right, good match.”

After pocketing my 10th consecutive win, I took a breather before starting another round of matches.

I felt I had fought enough for the day, thinking this would be my last battle.


Looking at my next opponent, I let out a deep sigh.

I wanted a light match, but they were surely not an easy opponent.

Honestly, with the sandbag attached, there weren’t many tougher opponents than her.

I glanced ahead.

A woman with purple hair wielding two sickles stood there, Shin Hanbyeol.

When she noticed me, she quickly checked her weapon.


Then, noticing the weapon in her hands, she frowned.


I thought I heard a faint click of her tongue.