Chapter 0

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Before my parents passed away, they had one thing to say to me.

[Don’t let others see your thoughts or feelings.]

[Always hide yourself. Be an adult.]

They were always honest with others. While honesty can be a virtue, it can also be a vice in society.

They were direct, always wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Because of that, they often ended up taking the short end of the stick.

It seems they didn’t want to pass on that trait to their child. Following their last wish, only thinking of me until their last moments, I have always lived hiding myself.

I always greeted others with a smile. Even with children, I insisted on polite respect.

Thinking that I could read the thoughts of others through their eyes, I made sure to keep mine hidden. That’s how I got used to squinting.

People avoided me, saying they didn’t know what I was thinking, but I didn’t care.

According to my departed parents’ wishes, I have lived wearing a mask to always hide who I really am.

Is that the reason?

“You, this is all your doing, isn’t it? This whole thing was scripted by you!”

“Haha, I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about…”

“Playing dumb won’t help! You’re the Shadow Master, aren’t you?”

Somehow, I found myself being treated as the Hidden Master in this Another World.

I’m not the Shadow Master.

I just like to play little ‘pranks’ now and then.