Chapter 759



Dark Heaven Village

Divine Blood?

All eyes turned to Zhuge Yulong. He gradually began to speak.

“When creating a Portrait Immortal, the most important thing isn’t really the martial techniques from the East and West, it’s the inner chaos that needs to be harmonized. It’s a puppet powered by chaos, and ultimately, you should be able to control the divine authority of the ‘Cycle’ based on that. However, to achieve such chaos in a human form with an inherently lesser chaos, the blood and body themselves must be of a special material.”

Just then, Zhuge Sa interjected.

“Wait a second. Brother.”

“What’s with that, Sa?”

“I’ve been curious about the Portrait Immortal for a while now. Can I ask a question that’s really more like a favor for my younger brother?”

“… Go ahead.”

“If you’re offering a tribute to the gods and it harbors immense chaos, was it really necessary to stick with a ‘human form’? Wouldn’t it have been much more practical and efficient to just hunt powerful Otherworldly Races or create a sacrificial illusionary beast based on their bodies? For instance, if we caught an Otherworldly dragon and put the same effort into it, the outcome would surely be far easier and stronger than a Portrait Immortal.”


“Now that I think about it, making a doll in the form of a human isn’t that hard, but trying to embed chaos and immense power into it just skyrockets the difficulty, right? It’s a crazy undertaking that would leave all puppet masters and sorcerers dumbfounded. Why did it have to be like that?”

“Surely it’s a curious point… You’ve touched on an important matter.”

Zhuge Yulong nodded at Zhuge Sa’s inquisitive question.

“First, there was a political reason. By involving the current emperor, I lured him with the promise that in case of emergency, he could transfer his body into that of a Portrait Immortal and achieve immortality. I needed to use a greedy emperor as justification for my plans.”

“That’s just surface-level reasoning, isn’t it? You just cobbled that together, right? You could always use the emperor as monster food at any time and showcase a puppet.”

“True. The real reason is that the schematics for the Portrait Immortal had been secretly passed down in the Imperial Palace since ancient times.”


So the Portrait Immortal wasn’t Zhuge Yulong’s pure creation?

It was unexpected, yet Zhuge Sa looked as if he almost expected it. Zhuge Yulong continued.

“It contained only very basic ideas, and the concrete plans were utterly nonsensical… but it was definitely inscribed in ancient texts that the martial techniques from the East and West were necessary for the Portrait Immortal, and to achieve the results, one ought to incorporate the divine blood, which is presumably buried somewhere in the world. This knowledge had been passed down secretly with every change of dynasty, and I, as the clan leader of the Zhuge family and the Grand Astronomer, received it in my youth.”

“Who created those schematics? Ah, don’t count this as a question.”

“… You shameless brat.”

“What’s the deal with familial loyalty?”

“Shut it.”

Zhuge Yulong muttered as if in disbelief and replied.

“It’s unknown. But one thing’s for sure: the idea didn’t come from a human. There are plenty of sorcerers who can make dolls, but none are willing to create one that could control the Cycle using divine blood. That idea didn’t originate from humans.”


“So, as you said, it’s too inefficient for humans to conceive such an idea.”

Not from humans, huh?

Zhuge Yulong’s words seemed rather ambiguous, leaving me puzzled. I couldn’t grasp why he had jumped around the term ‘idea’. Then Zhuge Sa chimed in, as if he’d figured something out.

“There are three parties involved in human sacrifices: the one who offers, the offering, and the receiver. If neither the one offering nor the offering could come up with such an idea, the conclusion is that it must have been thought up by the ‘receiver’.”

“That’s right. You get it.”

Hearing this, I quickly glanced at Zhuge Sa.

“Zhuge Sa! You don’t mean the thoughts of the one receiving are…”

“Well, it’s likely as you think. What that means is the gods ordered humans to create the Portrait Immortal.”


“In a way, it’s only natural. While humans may be anxious about what might please the gods to offer, conversely, the receiver could directly order humans regarding what kind of gift they’d prefer.”


“A god would probably want to savor something that aligns with their own preferences rather than something ordinary.”

Is that the case?

But perhaps this is the cowardly essence of the sorcery path. The result of lowly humans bowing and offering tributes to the gods might end up shaping the very civilizations and societies we live in, regardless of whether that being is a Three Sovereigns or an Evil God.

“Indeed. In the ancient texts, there was discussion about the overwhelming power of the Portrait Immortal once completed, but what captivated me even more was the aspect of ‘preferences’. As you all know, the more a tribute aligns with the god’s tastes, the greater the blessing or reward that human receives. However, the texts claimed that once the Portrait Immortal is completed and offered, it could almost perfectly capture the heart of the ‘Old Ruler,’ making it impossible not to create.”

“That’s odd. You’re usually cautious and skeptical about everything, yet how did you come to believe what those texts asserted?”

“It was because it displayed a level of efficiency that was on another level compared to other tributes. Just offering a few prototypes of the Portrait Immortal yielded results that were far more appealing to the divine beings than any ordinary tribute. In fact, it was so much easier compared to the effort involved in capturing a high-ranking Otherworldly being as a tribute. From that point on, the very possibility of me completing the Portrait Immortal elevated my standing immensely with the dark forces.”

“Hmm… That’s somewhat convincing.”

Zhuge Sa nodded. Due to Zhuge Sa receiving my past memories, he already knew that offering just a draft of the Portrait Immortal yielded efficiency hundreds of times greater than that of an ordinary human. He was simply verifying whether Zhuge Yulong understood that fact entirely.

“So, all it boils down to is that because it’s a hard dish to make, it earns its place as a precious dish. My confusion’s a bit resolved. Now, back to the main topic… What do you mean when you talk about suspicions surrounding divine blood?”

“Divine blood is a result created by converting mercury through a special alchemical formula. It’s not something that can be made in a short time and requires a complex and difficult process. Even with the help of the great alchemist Saint Germain from the West, I couldn’t gauge the completion time. That’s why I felt it would take hundreds of years, and it stated in the ancient texts that there would be a place where divine blood was buried in mass quantities, so I was suggested to look for it.”


Zhuge Sa made a strange expression, and Zhuge Yulong continued.

“As you thought, something did feel off. Although the ancient texts provided clues, they didn’t specify exactly where such a place was. It was as if it was prompting me to search for it.”

“I figured as much.”

“I sensed another intent lurking there, realizing that someone was trying to achieve their own goals with the hands of future humans… And the reason they didn’t inform me of the burial location of the divine blood was to manipulate the timing of its completion while simultaneously diverting suspicion onto future generations.”

“That would probably be Qin Shi Huang.”


“You may not know the specifics of Qin Shi Huang’s identity or concrete intentions, but you surely figured out how to keep him in check. That’s why you mentioned divine blood.”

Zhuge Yulong coldly smiled without responding. That smile seemed to mock Qin Shi Huang. I pieced together what had transpired from their conversation.

Qin Shi Huang’s scheme revolves entirely around divine blood!

But that was such an incredible claim. How could Qin Shi Huang have manipulated his way into achieving immortality, disappearing into the annals of history? My curiosity got the better of me, and I stepped forward to ask Zhuge Yulong.

“So, how does divine blood become the weak spot…”

At that moment, Zhuge Sa hurriedly covered my mouth. He sent me a mental message.

[Wait! It’s not a wrong question, but that’s the flow of conversation your brother set up. If you keep going like this, you’ll be toyed with. Leave it to me.]

… If Zhuge Sa says so, then it must be true.

I trusted Zhuge Sa and sealed my lips. Then Zhuge Sa spoke.

“That leaves us with one last question, doesn’t it, brother?”

“Indeed, Sa.”

“Before that, I have to clarify something.”

As Zhuge Sa sent me another mental message, I nodded and took out Zhuge Bu from the wooden armor. Upon seeing Zhuge Bu, Zhuge Yulong hardly stirred, almost as if he had expected it. Zhuge Sa smirked.

“As you can see, my young nephew has become a loyal slave to the Soul Exchange Technique, tirelessly working for Baek Woong. I thought it was only right to let you know about my nephew’s whereabouts out of loyalty to you.”

Zhuge Yulong expressionlessly retorted.

“That’s still cheap.”


“A being of unknown identity stole the Nameless Ritual Book, so I instructed Bua not to act rashly and to just protect the headquarters. Even if they could track our trail using summoning and transmission techniques, they wouldn’t be an ordinary force, so I told him to definitely bring a guard or a powerful ally along. Yet Bua disregarded all my warnings, trusted in his own abilities, and ended up captured while chasing after you, so he’ll have to bear that foolishness himself.”

Zhuge Yulong’s cold words seemed to leave Zhuge Sa in awe.

“Whoa, you truly are something! You act like a righteous gentleman, but you understand and manipulate the world of the strong and weak better than anyone else.”

“So what? Were you trying to anger me by showing me Bua’s state?”

Zhuge Sa shook his head.

“No. I just wanted to ask one more personal question.”

“… What’s that? You’re being way too needy.”

“Anyway, the Seven Luminaries will soon all gather. In a sense, it means the end of the world isn’t too far off. Before that, we need to clear any lingering grudges over our blood ties, so let me ask this trivial question. It’s not a question related to the Seven Luminaries or the Great Trend.”

“Hah… You always put up a fight. Fine.”

Zhuge Yulong let out a bitter smile and lightly nodded.

Zhuge Sa posed the question slowly.

“As you said, this Zhuge Bu is only a fool endowed with talent. You’re well aware that my younger nephew, Mangnyang Zhuge Hyun, is a much bigger vessel. I once concluded that Hyun possesses abilities befitting a king.”


“Did you really cast him out of the plan simply because you thought he lacked the aptitude for sorcery?”

When the question regarding Mangnyang hit, Zhuge Yulong seemed to be quite unsettled. I could see that disturbance in his eyes.

He remained silent for a while before replying.

“… So that’s why I didn’t include him.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“What Hyun lacks isn’t the aptitude for sorcery. That child could have become a military advisor to aid the great heroes in turbulent times or a chancellor aiding a wise ruler in establishing order in peaceful times. Moreover, he possessed the generous temperament to unify those with exceptional talents.”

“That’s true.”

“That ability holds a comparable capacity to Zhuge Mu-hu… it was at a level above the talents of our Zhuge clan. While countless geniuses have emerged throughout the history of the Zhuge clan, there aren’t many substantial vessels like that child. How many can keep their beliefs and sense of justice even in a crisis, extending their magnanimity? The more a genius they are, the more erratic they tend to be, and it’s not easy for them to accommodate others. Especially under pressure, those with exceptional intelligence often become egoistic.”

Zhuge Yulong looked up at the sky, seemingly lamenting.

“I was planning a rebellion that could flip the heavens with my very soul, yet how could I possibly bring someone with such a bright future into the darkness of revenge where the path is hidden? The despair of being tortured by the God of Chaos eternally awaits upon failure, so you, would you have done it?”


Zhuge Sa shook his head silently.

“This path… was an infernal hell. It was a solitary way of seeking death amidst chaos. I wanted that child to be unaffected by my affairs, to live modestly and use his talent in a world filled with light for as long as he could.”

“I see.”

“I thought that even if I failed and died, that child would continue the legacy of light.”

Only now did I grasp the situation. So Zhuge Yulong had purposely shunned Mangnyang, refusing to teach him anything while using the excuse of lacking ability to drive him out of the Imperial Palace.

“But now, with Hyun also dead… all that remains for me is despair. Hehe… Huhu…”

Zhuge Yulong released a strange groan. It truly seemed to reflect his disheartened state. The moment Mangnyang’s death was mentioned, I could distinctly sense Zhuge Yulong’s spirit drooping. However, it seemed Zhuge Sa was deliberately aiming for that moment, gently speaking to him.

“Brother. You already know that the underworld is in chaos and that the cycle of reincarnation is broken.”

“I know.”

“Hyun’s soul is likely being dragged to some unknown place, suffering… both the mortal realm and the afterlife are a living hell without salvation; that’s the ridiculous world we live in. Even in the realm of the living, it’s no different. One experiences predation, discrimination, massacre, and the tyranny of the strong, then only endless despair awaits.”

Zhuge Sa calmly expressed the despair.

“But acquiring the Seven Luminaries changes that situation. That’s right around the corner.”


“My lord Baek Woong will at least be able to handle that situation. Perhaps it’s not exactly as you think, but he is a king with a vision to save humanity. He will seek an audience with Emperor Gong Sun Xuanwen and ask for humanity’s salvation. Zhuge Bu will also have his brainwashing lifted before that.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“For the last question, speak candidly and tell me everything. I know very well that no matter how honest you are, if you want, even the world’s greatest sage can be deceived by mere truths.”

Zhuge Sa locked eyes with Zhuge Yulong.

“Please, help us.”


Everyone in the room was taken aback. Who could have fathomed that Zhuge Sa would say something like that?

Zhuge Yulong stared at him for a while before turning to me.

“Baek Woong. Ask your final question.”

His tone had noticeably changed compared to before. Up until now, he had shown nothing but animosity towards me, using all his strategies to resist, but now he didn’t seem to carry that attitude. It felt as though he had partially accepted the situation. I confirmed that Zhuge Sa’s persuasion had made some headway with Zhuge Yulong and opened my mouth.

“Tell me the weak point of Qin Shi Huang, who possesses the completed Portrait Immortal.”

“As mentioned, the weakness is divine blood. During the final process of creating the Portrait Immortal, I set up a device that simply didn’t exist before. It’s something that even Saint Germain, who inherited my research, or the Eight Parts of the Divine probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

“A device?”

“… It’s the Right Turn of the Primal Eight Trigrams.”

Right Turn, huh…

‘That refers to the principle of converting space and time into a constant.’

I studied the basic principles of the Primal Eight Trigrams, so I understood what the Right Turn was about. It was something I could easily grasp using my right and left hands, and in the domain of time management, when the River Diagram numbers were in motion, the odd and even numbers would respectively rotate left and rotate right. And this principle differed from the basic arrangement principles like Yiguncheon or Taesaengjeol, thus driving students mad trying to comprehend it.

‘Why create something so complicated for something practically useless…’

You needed an exceptional mind to understand it easily, and honestly, guys like me shouldn’t be studying that stuff. However, thanks to past Mangnyang enthusiastically teaching me, I barely grasped the basics.

I recalled how I drew the lower, middle, and upper lines when tracing a trigrams chart, visualized how they spiraled, and then nodded as I recalled my knowledge of Daoism.

“Hmm… I get the Right Turn, but how does that become a weakness?”

“The western techniques involved in forming a Portrait Immortal primarily act on binding the body and soul, while the eastern techniques efficiently digest the chaotic power confined in the body. In other words, it allows a fragile human form to operate the chaotic energies freely precisely because the Right Turn of the Primal Eight Trigrams installed in the body keeps the chaotic energy circulating. It can be viewed as the control exerted by Fuxi, the Three Sovereigns.”


“However, I prepared the Right Turn as a weakness in case the Portrait Immortal turned against me. Originally, I intended to control all the trigrams while completing the final process, but now this is all that’s left of the initial weakness.”

“Tell me how to strike that weakness.”

“If you can manipulate the ability to command the Primal Eight Trigrams or deploy the Eight Trigrams Formation, it’ll be easy. Even if he can use the ‘Small Cycle’, once the Eight Trigrams are deployed, he’ll get caught up and expose his weakness.”

“Got it… Thanks!”

As I talked, I could fully appreciate the information I obtained thanks to Zhuge Sa.

‘If Zhuge Sa hadn’t persuaded him, he would have only given minimal information and wouldn’t have explained anything…’

That was enough of a lead, but it would be tough when facing a formidable opponent like Qin. Thanks to Zhuge Yulong’s acknowledgment, my gathering the Seven Luminaries had made a significant leap forward.

Then it happened.


A colossal flow resonated. It was a flow that shook the very fabric of the world, and anyone possessing special powers wouldn’t have been able to miss it. Whether martial artists utilizing ki or sorcerers using techniques, they all sensed that ‘something’ had been unleashed.

“… It has awakened.”

The Celestial Sage murmured heavily.

No need to specify what had awakened; everyone present already knew.

Just by awakening, it had the power to shake the world, and there was only one being like that in the current situation.

At this moment – the Three Sovereigns’ Yan Emperor, Shennong, has awakened.
