Chapter 142

“What if pork belly fell from the sky?”

A completely unproductive and ridiculous thought.

But it was becoming a reality.


The wave surged, and a grotesque pig monster charged out from the rift.


And it plummeted straight down.

It was like bungee jumping without a cord.

Of course, it might have been different if the pig monsters cautiously emerged from the rift.

“Monsters don’t know that.”

When waves burst, monsters usually get excited and violent.

Thanks to that, as soon as they come out of the rift, they fall straight down.

Moreover, while humans could sustain physical injuries at such heights, monsters were different.

They suffered few external wounds but did incur internal damage.


There were some pig monsters with severe injuries that were still alive, but that was no issue.

[Title: Omnipotence is freaking amazing, seriously lol]

(A pig monster thrashing violently after falling)

(A Restraint Shield approaching to execute it with a gun)

I got hired by the retrieval team and received a magic usage permit from the Head of the Gallery.

And oh man, it’s really insane lol.

Just a flick of my finger and a big monster drops dead—it genuinely felt like I became a god.

[Recommended: 1921] [Not Recommended: 201]

– ? What’s going on here?

– Was the wave that easy?

– It kind of looks like a massive slaughterhouse;

– Are you seriously getting paid for that? It’s a job straight from the gods.

A person with enough stamina to move the fallen pig monsters.

At the same time, they verified character aptitudes through the Gallery’s checks to prevent malicious firearm use.

I handed guns to a select few who passed all these checks.

They processed living monsters and brought in the ones pushed out from the outer areas.

“Of course, it’s not easy.”

With the grotesque forms of pig monsters and the scene filled with blood and flesh.

The act of shooting and dragging something dead would likely traumatize an ordinary person.

But here, in this devastated medieval era.

– Ah, damn, this is a jackpot!

– Why don’t I get jobs like that…

– If you’re gonna slack off, throw some burgers in the marketplace and get to work.



(Writer): heh;

Blood and flesh didn’t faze me at all.

Here, even PTSD and trauma were the privileges of the wealthy.

The immediate hunger and cold were far more terrifying.

Thousands of applicants, regardless of age or gender, were eager to support.

Plus, this was performance-based work.

[Title: Haha, these daughters are really pissing me off]

(A woman yelling with spittle flying)

(An old man trying to take his share of a pig monster corpse)

I’m on the monster meat retrieval team, but there are ridiculous amounts of people trying to grab pig monsters without following the order lol.

The first couple of times, I thought, “Sure, we’re all hungry and broke,” but damn, there’s got to be a limit.

How much is the performance bonus supposed to be? Do they have no conscience?

Aren’t we all doing this just to survive?

(A guy grabbing another’s collar)

I’m seriously starting to hate humanity, ah lol.

[Recommended: 4021] [Not Recommended: 102]

– Disgusting for real.

– But daughters are such bitches lol, can’t you handle it?

– Wow, look at that lady’s eyes. She’s gone crazy lol.

– But I can kind of understand…


Seriously, how many chances in life do you get to do something like this?

Lol, but you’ve got to keep some conscience.

Gallum’s getting 30 mana pills per job. Are you really working clean while keeping a conscience?

When the retrieval team hands the corpses to the harvesting team, the chefs gather monster meat and mana pills.

Bringing in performance metrics spurred competition, making everything faster.

I was peeling flesh and bones in a trance; it sent chills down my spine.

“It looks kind of like zombies.”

I wasn’t joking; it really did look like that.

Cold, frequent wars, and hunger had desperately transformed people.

But it seemed that I looked the same in the eyes of the Gallum.

[Title: But honestly, I felt a bit creeped out]

(A monster falling from the sky)

(A shot of efficiently harvesting meat and mana pills)

It was great that those disgusting monster brats couldn’t even fight back and just died…

But watching this gives a strange feeling… something weird.

How could someone even think like this?

Sometimes I imagine: what if the Head of the Gallery wasn’t on the side of humanity but on the outside?

Wouldn’t it be us falling instead of the monsters?

[Recommended: 694] [Not Recommended: 3921]

– Shut up and keep those thoughts to yourself.

– It’s a good thing he’s on our side…

– Lol, it’s true he’s always smiling, but he’s honestly a scary dude.

– Humanity x Elves o

Lol aw, Elf.

Do you want to point that out even now?

Honestly, the Head of the Gallery probably wouldn’t care about the Great War much?

Whether we win or lose, he’d remain unaffected.

“That’s not true.”

If humanity loses in the Great War, it would hit me hard too.

There’d be nowhere left to earn points, and my beloved Gallery would be over.

The Gallery was my reason for existence.

But to the Gallum, I seemed to appear as a being that creates something from nothing.

[40 mana pills have been delivered!]

[38 mana pills have been delivered!]

[31 mana pills have been delivered!]



Of course, in the meantime, the performance of the mob tower was steadily proving itself.

You couldn’t say the pig monsters provided an abundant supply of mana pills.

But the advantages of the mob tower’s ability to endlessly acquire bodies overshadowed that.

The average pig monster yielded 100 mana pills.

Out of that, I took 30% as commission.

“Aren’t you taking too much?”

There was a moment I did worry about that.

No matter how much I built the mob tower, if my commission was too high, there’d be plenty of chances for someone to cheat.

Sufficient discontent could arise in no time.

But astonishingly, no one ever cheated or complained about the commission.

[Title: Lol, I’m making a killing with the commissions]

Author: Secret of the Ghost in Humanities

(Looking directly at the camera cat meme)

You guys should take a cut too lol, it’s fantastic.

[Recommended: 0] [Not Recommended: 53]

– Are you stupid?

– Lol, do you want a permanent ban from the Gallery?

– Aren’t you sorry to Head of the Gallery for taking only 30%?

– What are you doing, harvesting monster meat and crying over losing 30%?

(Writer): Everyone, thanks for the replies, but honestly, I’m not a worker, just curious why no one’s getting cheated.


Lol, wow lol.

Am I a genius or what?

“Oh, I see now why no one’s taking a cut.”

It was that they feared a ban from the Gallery more than the commissions.

Moreover, the 30% commission didn’t seem that high after all.

“If I push a little more, I might break even.”

Just a day into operating the mob tower, I had reached my breaking point.

Moreover, the rift size was large, and the waves seemed likely to burst often.

I realized this ensured the mob tower would successfully serve as a source for mana pills.

“Every time there’s a big burst in the rift, I can just run the factory.”

It even created relief and job opportunities in the surrounding areas, proving effective.

[Notice: Rift Reports Accepted]

Author: Head of the Gallery*

I’m the main guy, yeah, just report any similar or larger rifts to me.

If it’s a reported area regardless of race, there’s a chance for the mob tower to trigger.

[Recommended: 9999+] [Not Recommended: 0]

– Is this possible?

Lol (A crack in the corner of a bathroom)

– You think that’s possible, you idiot?

Wow, then when there’s a HUGE rift, isn’t that a big jackpot?

Lol, for real, it’s like a successful gacha in the marketplace.

Holy hell, I hope the rift bursts so badly it blows up my house…

– Oh, my brother, we have one in our mine.

Lol, Head of the Gallery*) Ok, send a pic.

The nuisance that was the rift began to be seen as a lottery win or a winning lottery application.

“Of course, there will be plenty of issues.”

If, like sandworms, it gets prepared from inside, or if the speed of piling corpses increases, it could cause problems.

But, for now, it didn’t seem like something to worry about.

As I checked the flood of rift reports, a question suddenly emerged in my mind.

“Why are the elves so quiet lately?”

As far as I knew, there had been a lot of cracks in Elard.

It was strange that there were so few reports from elves about the cracks.

Feeling curious, I checked the latest posts, and indeed, the regeneration of elf posts had become scarce.

No matter how many keywords like elf, Elard, elf oppression, ear-pulling, etc., I searched, the quantity had significantly dropped.

“Didn’t they solve the mana issue last time?”

Previously, the mana issue had been resolved through dealing with the golden dragon and Malang.

Of course, one could think that simply the phenomenon of gallery itself had cooled down.

But what sort of race are the elves?

– Look at cute elf photos [3]

– The reason Elard is the best land in the world…jpg [5]

– Omni elf, the world is ruled by elves! [1]

Hadn’t they been the kind of race that posted about Elard and elves whenever they had the chance?

Among the plethora of memes in the gallery, a substantial chunk was filled with elf content.

“This is odd.”

I sensed something strange.

But rather than an incident, I felt a strong impression that they were intentionally hiding something.

They’d always be the first to call me when something happened.

By chance, I had a slave elf, or rather, a Deputy of the Gallery elf, at my disposal.

Head of the Gallery*: Hey.

Full-Peel Elf: Why are you calling me?

Head of the Gallery*: What’s up with the elves nowadays? The gallery activity is low, and there’s no chatting?

Head of the Gallery*: Feels like they are hiding something ㅇㅇ

Full-Peel Elf: Ah!

“Ah? You just got caught.”

Looks like there really is something going on.

Though it seemed the Full-Peel Elf wasn’t directly participating and only knew a rough outline.

Full-Peel Elf: I don’t know well, but…

Full-Peel Elf: I just know they are doing something secretly without your knowledge.

Head of the Gallery*: Without my knowledge?

Head of the Gallery*: Is it something illegal?

If they were planning to kill people or plotting a war, that’d cause serious problems.

Full-Peel Elf: It’s not that…

Full-Peel Elf: But I’ll dig deeper and let you know.

Head of the Gallery*: Oki, thanks.

Fortunately, the Full-Peel Elf harbored many grievances against the Elard Council.

They seemed more favorable to the Gallery and me than to Elard, so I could trust them.

About a day had passed since.

Full-Peel Elf: I found out; it’s about food.

Head of the Gallery*: ?

Full-Peel Elf: It seems they are sneaking away to eat something without you knowing.

Head of the Gallery*: Huh?

It was merely about eating.

But to avoid me finding out, they’re reducing gallery activity and even sneaking it?

I had no clue what to think from just hearing this.

Head of the Gallery*: Got any pictures?

Full-Peel Elf: Of course.

Full-Peel Elf: (A shot of elves gathered around a table, with white cloths on their heads inside a dark building)

Full-Peel Elf: (A shot of them cautiously eating something hidden)

The elves were covering their faces with white cloths, eating something in a dimly lit place.

That scene looked like something straight out of a horror movie.


The ultimate delicacy, the best food in the world.

However, given its brutal way of preparation, it was a dish eaten in hiding from the gods.

Ortolan was the first thing that came to mind.

But why were they sneaking to eat it from me?