Chapter 137

I personally think geniuses can be divided into two categories.

The first type is the theoretical genius who explores concepts and easily accumulates knowledge.

This type can be considered the most common form of genius.

Even in modern times, people from so-called prestigious universities or those who have followed elite paths since childhood are examples of this.

There’s just a difference in degree, but ultimately, the essence remains the same.

But intuitive geniuses are different.

They grasp principles and subtleties just by observing and make them their own.

They acquire skills that, theoretically, should only be mastered through study, merely by watching.

A genius’s intuition does not require theoretical knowledge.

So, theory can never surpass intuition.

That’s precisely how Balutak is right now.


“…This doesn’t make sense.”

Sicilia desperately denies reality.

I understood her reaction too.

That fool standing there is a genius in swordsmanship?

I wished he had at least some skill in swordsmanship.

But I would have never expected it would turn out like this.

“I feel foolish for doubting even for a moment.”

Those were Charlotte’s words.

“The Boss has an innate ability to perceive potential. Perhaps he is the insight of the Seventh Lord…”

The way she looked at me held a certain intensity.

Now that I think about it, when we went to see the Hermit, I told Charlotte that he had the insight to see through identities.

I also said that Roseha had the insight to read thoughts.

Thinking back, I’ve really milked that insight for all it’s worth.

Sicilia continued to glare at Balutak with distrust.

For a moment, she swung her sword wildly into the air.

Although I couldn’t see it all, it looked like there was a much more difficult technique than before.

“Try to copy it once more.”


Balutak raised his sword and mimicked Sicilia’s swordsmanship.

Even I, who didn’t know much, could see it was a clear Control C, V scenario.

In fact, just looking at the level was enough to tell.

[Lv. 88]

He hadn’t learned anything in particular, yet his level had increased by 1.

Moreover, he wasn’t even holding six swords, just one.

This was proof that he was mastering Sicilia’s swordsmanship in real-time.

‘How is this even possible?’

Sicilia had a slightly wounded expression.

It was understandable since he absorbed her swordsmanship with just intuition in less than ten minutes.

Sicilia turned to meet my gaze.

“Master, you might have forgotten, but you once said that a talent like mine would not appear again.”

She paused and tightly shut her eyes before opening them.

Somehow, her fingertip was pointing at Balutak.

“I don’t want to acknowledge it, but here he is. A genius greater than me.”

If Sicilia admitted it, there was no room for doubt.

“He possesses a natural insight unlike his appearance. Not just in sword strikes, but from his toes to his shoulders. He’s flawless.”

“Kirik. Balutak, well done.”

“You did great. Enough to make me jealous.”

Balutak scratched the back of his head, looking confused as if he hadn’t comprehended everything despite being explained to.

“Balutak, genius?”


Balutak let out a huff of breath.

He was the last to realize his talent among us.

“I actually knew. Balutak is a genius.”

When it was said that only the weak use weapons, that was one thing.

But now, his attitude had flipped faster than flipping a hand.

I couldn’t believe Balutak’s coin was skyrocketing.

It was shocking, almost like when Isabella came as the Eighth Lord.

“What is everyone doing?”

…She really can’t be a lady either.

I could see Isabella walking over from a distance.

She was on her way back from seeing the princess, Elize.

[Lv. 88]

Come to think of it, Isabella’s level was also 88. The same level as Balutak.

A good idea suddenly popped into my head.

“Isabella, how about having a duel with Balutak?”

“…Huh? With Bugtak?”


Had a nickname developed in the meantime?

Well, they did have the deepest bond in the dungeon.

“Right. I mean a duel with Balutak.”

In terms of practicality, it would be better for Sicilia to teach. Balutak was still at the basic learning stage.

The duel was just a suggestion born from simple curiosity.

I was quite intrigued to see who would win among two people at level 88.

Isabella’s eyes widened in surprise as she expressed her confusion.

If I had asked her to duel as soon as we met, I would have been surprised too.

“Uh, um. You know Boss, I’m pretty close to Bugtak. How could friends fight?”


Even Balutak nodded his head a couple of times.

No matter how aggressive an Insect might be, they wouldn’t want to fight a close friend.

“It could be dangerous as well.”

“Don’t worry. In an emergency, these two will step in.”

With Sicilia and Charlotte, there wouldn’t be any bloodshed.

What’s more, Balutak wouldn’t be harmed even if his body was sliced.

Isabella, the Vampire, would recover just fine with a transfusion.

“Even so, what if Bugtak gets hurt?”


Balutak tilted his head.

“What does that mean? Why would Isabella get hurt, but Bugtak would?”


“The loser gets hurt while the winner does not. If we fight, it’s Isabella who gets hurt.”

“You mean, I would lose to you?”


“Wait, what nonsense is that? Are you just talking crap now?”

“It’s not nonsense. Balutak is strong, and Isabella is weak. It’s evident weaklings lose to strong ones.”

“Honestly! I’m the Eighth Lord, okay!”

“Good for you, in that case.”

What’s going on all of a sudden?

While they previously hesitated not wanting to fight, a verbal battle erupted immediately.

“Come on! Let’s have it out! I want to see who wins!”

“Bring it! Just don’t cry when you bleed!”

“I won’t cry! I’ll lose my mind if I see blood, Boss! Please referee! I’ll flatten Bug’s face!”

“The Great Chief is only concerned about Isabella.”

Even though I had just instigated the fight, now I felt like I needed to intervene.

“Hey, what’s with that sword? Can Bugtak use a weapon?”

“Balutak isn’t barbaric. He knows how to use tools.”

“Is that why we’re having a duel? Did he learn swordsmanship from Sicilia?”

“Balutak is a genius,” I said.


At that moment, Charlotte snapped her fingers.

A translucent barrier suddenly enveloped the area, forming a dome shape at a glance.

“Feel free to fight inside. The three of us will observe from outside and intervene if necessary.”

So she’s fueling the fire instead of extinguishing it.

Or maybe this could be right since they were going to have a duel anyway.

Without a word, Charlotte and Sicilia stepped outside the barrier.

“Who do you think will win?”

Charlotte subtly asked Sicilia as they prepared to watch.

“I think the Insect will. He looks dumb, but his talent is extraordinary.”

“Isn’t Balutak just learning the basics? He hasn’t flourished his talents yet.”

“It’s definitely a remarkable talent. I believe he’ll do well on his own.”

“I think Isabella will win. She’s the Eighth Lord, after all.”

“Shall we place a bet? The winner gets to hit the loser’s gut hard.”

“…Sounds good.”

They even set up a betting game between themselves.

I had no idea how it escalated to this point.


Maybe it’s because they’re at the same level, but it was evenly matched.

The duel time stretched beyond 10 minutes, and in between, Sicilia and Charlotte intervened to ensure neither got hurt.

“Don’t be too discouraged. It’s not that Isabella is weak. Balutak is just stronger.”

“Wow, seriously…”

In terms of results, Balutak won.

Isabella was lying flat on the ground.

For such an intense duel, she didn’t have severe injuries. Looks like Balutak showed mercy.

‘Did he seriously win?’

I suspected there was a chance he would win given they were at the same level, but actually defeating Isabella with just a sword was beyond my expectations.

Balutak’s coin was skyrocketing!

“To be honest, using a weapon is cheating! I fought without a weapon!”

He hadn’t mentioned anything before the fight, but now he was trying to bring it up after losing.

Balutak sneered.

“Yap all you want; it’s just the loser’s excuses.”


I just realized how excellent Balutak’s taunting skills were.

“Isabella is weak. Balutak is strong. A weakling follows a strong one. Isabella, go fetch some water.”

“What are you talking about—hey, Bugtak! How many times did I help you out? When did I ever make you work for me?”

“That was back then. Right now, Balutak is stronger.”

“Wow! Have I ever seen such treachery?”

“Then just become stronger than Balutak.”

Isabella gritted her teeth, trembling in frustration.

Though she felt humiliated, she didn’t dare retaliate, seemingly accepting the outcome.

Balutak glanced at his sword and suddenly turned to face me.

But for some reason, that gaze he directed at me felt strangely unsettling.

“Balutak has grown stronger. Strong ones do not bow down. They do not submit. Therefore, Balutak has made a decision.”

Balutak raised his sword, and the tip pointed towards me.

“Balutak will stand above the Great Chief.”

“…Are you kidding right now?”

“I’m serious. Balutak intends to overthrow the Great Chief and become the new one.”

Is this little punk attempting a coup?

Balutak was poised as if he would charge at any moment.

Thinking back, Balutak was always like this.

Now he seemed tamed, but the DLC boss Bullying Balutak would’ve challenged my authority at any given time.

Maybe he had been waiting for an opportunity all this while.



“Rein him in.”

“Yes. Understood.”


Instead of me, Charlotte stepped forward.

It took less than three minutes for Balutak to get schooled after that.