Chapter 377

After all the procedures were completed, the Small Violets scattered across the country. One thing had become clear: their satellite system could no longer detect or track us.

“I can’t be seen! I’m transparent!”

“Transparent Violet!”

Unit 9676 flaunted about with arms raised, spinning around.

And it was true. It wasn’t just a simple feeling or perception distortion; the Small Violets couldn’t be captured by various optical devices, including cameras.

If there was an Awakened One with particularly sensitive instincts, they might be able to sense us, but if we stayed silent and held our breath, we wouldn’t be detected.

“That’s strange… What was that presence earlier?”

Even now, the Containment Enforcement Member patrolling the chaotic corridor seemed to notice something was off but couldn’t find us.

Every time his opaque mechanical visor scanned the area, I felt as if something invisible brushed past. Maybe it was electromagnetic.

“Be careful! Don’t move too openly; we might get caught!”

Since the Nimosis Protocol wasn’t activated, they didn’t see us lying right in front of them.

In any case, the measurement and experimentation by the research team arriving in the Red Zone proceeded swiftly. Measurement data indicated that our bodies were now in a state where the virus could no longer auto-track and activate us.

Moreover, it became easier to recognize the strange signals coming from somewhere far in the sky.

In the past, my body would automatically react and send feedback to that satellite, but now, perhaps because my magical power pattern had slightly changed, it didn’t respond.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure if it was intentional, but it seemed I was able to control things down to such a meticulous level.

“Anyway, the surveillance network in space can’t see us anymore!”

After several cautious confirmations, we were certain that the vaccine had succeeded.

If the vaccine had been ineffective, the Foundation or other clan combat units would have rushed in by now.

Thanks to that, we could return to Rustroom after a few weeks.

“The second semester of the second year is coming up soon, right? A new semester is starting!”

“Weren’t we still fighting? Classes…”

Daphne’s concern was valid, but now there was definitely no issue.

“Well, I can do both!”

I heard that the clan members had been searching around several academies where I had hidden my clones, like they were catching mice.

Fortunately, nothing serious happened. It seems the teleportation locations I had buried as a precaution helped to disperse suspicion.

“Good thing they didn’t suspect the Headmaster!”

I wasn’t sure how precise their detection system was, but I confirmed they could grasp a rough idea of our locations.

We needed to make sure that Aegis Academy wouldn’t get entangled in this any further.

For now, I had to carefully devise a plan.

To avoid being caught again.

Both I and others had been busy during that time, so priority had to be to destroy the satellites and the surveillance systems first.

“…What’s certain is that, as you said, we need to bring them down in one blow. Before the Foundation drags in other clans and the Federal Army.”

“Exactly! We’re not getting caught twice!”

According to Irene, interactions and activities among other clans that were closely engaged with the Foundation were gradually decreasing.

“The Foundation is currently focused on damage recovery. They’ve noticed that some large-scale funds and manpower are disappearing somewhere.”

“That’s a problem.”

I had no idea what their purpose was, but it didn’t seem like they were completely off guard.

If that’s the case, we need to make a move before they try something tricky.

Last time, dragging my feet only gave them the chance to counterattack, resulting in our Violets being driven to live in the wild, away from civilization.

“Living without capital and electricity! Horrible!”

We couldn’t afford to be caught by Lumynex again, who dared to expel us into the Red Zone.

Like back then with Magnavis, we had to crush them decisively.

And we had the ability to do so.

For instance, like now, as we infiltrated the home of a Lumynex executive.

“Wow! Rich houses are different!”

As Small Violet 7755, I casually looked around the living room before throwing myself onto the sofa.

Inside, what appeared to be a maid was washing the dishes, while a robotic vacuum cleaner roamed the living room. I meandered about like it was my own home.

It wasn’t extravagant or flashy, but it was tidy and spacious, fitting for a well-off household.

“The Financial Director must have a lot of money…”

While exploring the house, I grew thirsty.

I casually opened the refrigerator, quietly took out a can of something unknown, and drank it. It was fizzy and bitter. It seemed like beer.

Ew, not to my taste.

“Tastes bad…”

I roughly shoved the can into my inventory and plopped onto the living room sofa.

The maid glanced over momentarily, puzzled but clueless as to what was happening.

The refrigerator door remained open. Still, my presence went completely unnoticed.

In this way, my concealment was perfect.

Except for a few minor issues.

“Hey! Why do you keep stealing food?”

The bodies and minds of Small Violets were worlds apart from the concept of restraint.

Even with the genius-level intelligence we had, crammed into those tiny bodies led to significant problems.

Thoughts became simpler, and I turned into an idiot with only snacking on my mind.

“This isn’t stealing! It’s Violet-style resource procurement.”

“Right! It’s a tactic to deplete enemy resources and bring us benefits!”

It sounded plausible enough… No, what on earth am I saying?

“Anyway, stop it from now on!”

Whenever Small Violets infiltrated major facilities or homes, the first thing they did was implant a clone.

Then, inevitably, they would explore the house, and before I knew it, I would be rummaging through cabinets and refrigerators.

This snacking on the side had become routine.

“Want to eat a meal? Then just take it out from the Multi-Dimensional Bag!”

“But sneaking food is tastier!”

An urgently convened emergency meeting of Small Violets had fully banned unauthorized food consumption.


The only silver lining was that, at least, we nibbled discreetly enough to avoid detection.

There shouldn’t be any issues. Given how our previous infiltrations had gone off without a hitch.

Among the places the Small Violets infiltrated was an airport.

By moving around carefully at night, no one discovered us, and by sneaking slightly into the open doors of transport aircraft or airships, all we had to do was stay still.

The Small Violets curled up among the cargo.

“We’re hitching a ride!”

The Violets, who got to travel for free, spread out on flights in all directions.

Just as migratory birds ride the wind with the changing seasons, our paths dispersed through the network, painting a detailed trail.

“This is just an airport! A civilian airport.”

“This is a base I’ve never seen before? Suspicious!”

The movements of the Violets stepped into various places, linking with the navigation data of airships and aircraft that our allies had collected or previously shot down.

We secretly hooked up hacking devices to check, and if the registered information matched what we’d previously found, we boarded.

“Okay, this is it! I’m going!”

I diligently stationed myself. Unit 4551 hid in an unnamed large vessel, and Unit 3451 reached an underground base piled with huge missiles.

“What is this? Ballistic missiles?”

Unit 6732 landed at an airport I’d never seen before.

Geographically, this place corresponded to the northern area of Rustroom.

In the vast airport, aircraft of forms I had never seen before shot up high into the sky.

“A single-stage spacecraft…”

There were only one or two of them, but I marveled at the amazing speed of the rocket ships.

However, the biggest attraction for our Violets was something else entirely.

No matter how low the accuracy of the gun, if you shoot at a target enough times, you’re bound to hit a few.

Several infiltrations onto what were presumed flight paths led us right to where we had been searching for.

“I found it.”

The airship carrying Unit 667 was moving along the predicted route, leading us to discover a significant secret they had been hiding.

While squeezed between boxes, I munched on a chocolate bar and, driven by the changing scenery outside, headed for a small window.

And what appeared outside was…

“Hey, it’s a maritime base!”

Breaking through the dense fog, massive maritime bases emerged outside the window.

The Foundation’s secret stronghold was a colossal military base woven together by small reefs, artificial islands built on top, ships, and platforms floating through unknown means.

At the top was an impressive array of antennas and radars, and below, dense structures stacked like metallic pancakes filled the area.

– Zing!

Once I disembarked from the airship, I opened my bag and pulled out a cloaking device.

Then I crept stealthily through the labyrinth of cameras and sensors.

Following the crowd, the first thing that caught my eye were androids of unfamiliar shapes.

“Wow! Look over there! It’s Sister Violet!”

While the existing robots were made up of motors and hydraulic parts, these were definitively different.

They were larger, and their limbs were encased in a material that resembled fibers or muscles—smooth yet strong.

“Must be a new model!”

All around, more enormous and bizarrely shaped weapons than those we had faced before were moving about.

Were these the means they were preparing beyond the Corbus Infection?

I simply blinked in awe at the grand scale.

“Unit 667! Focus, we need to destroy the Foundation’s archives. Don’t forget our mission!”

“Yeah, got it!”

I responded to the command from the Command Center and opened my backpack again.

The mice waiting inside poked their heads out, sniffled, and then darted off silently.

“Everyone, doing well?”

I thought of those I hadn’t seen while out there. Ariel and the kids were being well taken care of by Lucian, and Enrique had finished preparing to enter the dormitory this time.

The allied forces were also fully prepped as always without any casualties.

“Yeah, of course!”

All that remained was my choice and will.

I turned my gaze toward the center of the maritime base.

In the middle of the black sea, a massive hole yawned like a sinkhole.

Beyond that void, which seemed created by a peculiar force, thick steam filled the area. The vertically descending hole was shrouded in mist, but my enhanced vision caught a glimpse of a giant golden object connected by numerous pipes and wires beyond the hole.

“What could that be?”

Well, I’d find out soon enough.

The Foundation would soon be in such a pitiful state that they wouldn’t even be able to guard their own pockets.

I had replenished some of what we lost in the last air raid.

It was time to finish this.

“Let’s move.”