Chapter 170

In stark contrast to the initially heightened atmosphere, the knights calmly set foot inside the domain.

The Knight Commander had issued such orders.

While the Knight Commander and the God of War had experienced this once before, the Deputy Director and the other knights had not.

Charging forward based solely on morale in a dangerous place would inevitably lead to a major accident.

Especially in a scenario where effectively the entire empire’s knighthood was gathered in one spot, caution was paramount.

“Keep a close watch on the blizzard’s movements!”

The Knight Commander shouted out to the knights entering the domain.

As the line led by the Deputy Director stepped inside and faced the blizzard, they called out.

“Commander! The blizzard’s direction is suddenly shifting, concentrating on our position!”

The meaning of that statement was straightforward.

It meant the hypothesis spoken by the Saint had proven to be correct.

The Outcast Gods created by the Divine Race possessed sufficient strength to maintain a human form, but the Outcast God crafted by the Half-Goddess Second Princess lacked that level of power.

However, due to that very aspect, it might serve as a trump card to block all humans entering the domain.

Hearing the Deputy Director’s report, the Knight Commander wore a face that seemed both relieved and disappointed.

“You were right, Tanton. To think those blizzards were fragments of the Outsiders. If it weren’t for the protective gear provided by the Princess, this operation could never have happened.”

“Conversely, it means that in this optimal state where everything is ready, we can overcome it.”

Though it wasn’t said with a truly gloomy heart, it still delivered a faint consolation.

Whether or not it truly meant anything, the Knight Commander nodded and returned to a serious expression.

“Yes, we only need to move forward now.”

Looking at the long line still entering the domain, I decided to rethink what I needed to do.

The first to enter the domain, Deputy Director Maren Burstian frowned as he faced the blizzard rushing towards them.

So this was what they meant by keeping a close watch on the blizzard’s movements.

The Deputy Director grimaced at the thought that the protective gear they were wearing had been pushed to the limit by the Princess’s determination.

Wasn’t it Tanton who had obtained even this information?

As soon as the surface of the protective gear met the snow, it quickly froze. If it weren’t for him, the entire knights’ order would have almost faced annihilation.

“Until the end…”

“Deputy Director! The protective gear is freezing up!”

“…Are our movements restricted?”

“Not that I can tell.”

“Then we move forward. The gear came from the Armory by the Hearth. As long as there’s no direct physical damage, we should be fine.”

Unlike himself, seeing the knights panic as their protective gear froze made Maren sigh.

The protective gear only protects the inside; it couldn’t be completely unscathed on the outside.

Challenging the unknown instills fear in people.

This means if I, the team leader, get confused here, the other knights would crumble mentally as well.

With that in mind, Maren calmly moved forward.

The sound of ice expanding and cracking from the protective gear echoed out.

Fears were being voiced by the knights.

An unprecedented level of pressure and stress, unlike any faced by Outsiders before, loomed over them, accompanied by terror.

“Stay mentally sharp! With the protective gear given by the Princess at such great cost, no issue should arise unless we intentionally remove it!”


Maren’s remark, thrown in to alleviate the tense atmosphere, revitalized the knights.

The solidly bonded protective gear would not come off unless intentionally removed, no matter the mistakes made.

Moreover, ironically, the phenomenon of the gear freezing up eliminated the extreme likelihood of them taking it off.

Having barely regained their mental stability, Maren’s team moved quietly forward and discovered something.


Maren felt a momentary sensation of breathlessness, quickly masking her expression.

As Maren suddenly halted, the knights looked on with confusion, but refocused as they met her gaze.

“I found a missing person.”

“What should we do?”

“For now, let them be. If we expend our strength in the rescue of these individuals, the chances of being hit by the Giant of the Snow Mountain increase. It would be pointless.”

“Yes, understood.”

Aside from what was said, Maren approached the frozen form of a human.

Gently stroking the ice-covered head of the person frozen with a contorted face from pain, Maren offered a sad smile.

According to the Knight Commander, this knight’s senses were still active, bound but unmovable even now.

She could vividly imagine the horrific fear reflected in their eyes as they suffered indescribable pain at that very moment.

“You’ve worked hard. Just a little longer. I will rescue you.”

This was a knight who had helped to maintain morale amid the desolate atmosphere of the order alongside the God of War.

Though flashes of past trauma surged at the thought of having failed to prevent this, remembering Tanton, who saved her, Maren steeled herself and rose.

“We move forward!”


The streets were excessively quiet.

Was it truly fine for everything to end so smoothly? It felt almost too good to be true without any interruptions.

Feeling an uneasy chill, Maren realized her instincts had not betrayed her through the words of a knight.

“Deputy Director! There’s been an attack by the Candle forces at the entrance to the domain!”

Was it the same group that they hadn’t managed to handle previously?

The Deputy Director gritted his teeth.

“We return to support!”

“Deputy Director! The wall of the domain!”

As he was about to rush back to topple the Candles, a knight’s shout drew attention to the domain’s wall.

“Just our luck.”

Crawling down the wall was a horde of Outsiders, each group sending shivers down his spine.

The scale looked to be about twice that of when the Interrogator had approached.

It seemed that when the Giant of the Snow Mountain fell, it wasn’t just the Candles that would be at a disadvantage.



“Do not fear!”

As soon as the Deputy Director saw the knights cowering at the overwhelming number, he shouted.

“The moment to prove your chivalry is upon us. It is time to let them know the extent of your rigorous training! They are not Elite Outsiders. Unlike with the Interrogator, they are not even human! There is no reason for you to be afraid!”

With that, the Deputy Director raised his great sword.

Though the sword should have faded in color due to the blizzard, it gleamed brightly enough to steady the knights’ nerves.

“This is the final battlefield! Only those who wish to die shall survive! And I, Maren Burstian, will ensure that no one dies!”


“Knights! Charge! Show them your worth!”


Even facing grotesque forms of Outsiders, the knights surged forth, illuminated by a radiant light.

And at the heart of it, as the Deputy Director’s great sword struck the ground, a massive shockwave erupted, shaking off some of the Outsiders.


The prologue of the final battle had begun.

“Damn it, they’re going to let the Outsiders in from the inside, and we won’t be able to receive support.”

The Knight Commander gritted his teeth.

The situation unfolding before him was the reason why.

“Did you think I’d just let you take down that giant bitch?! Die here!”

The leader of the bandits who had fled previously, now leading a new group, charged forward.

The knights reacted instantly, preventing casualties, but it was delaying them.

This was bad.

The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it became for them.

“It won’t do. Everyone, stand up!”

The Knight Commander shouted at us.

The Hunter, the Princess, and Asti included.

When everyone stood, the Knight Commander gestured for us to follow and took off running.

Did this mean he intended to infiltrate the inside with us, the most crucial part?

This seemed like their best option for now.

“Princess, ride on my back!”


After securing the princess on my back, I dashed forward rapidly.

A regular human wouldn’t have been able to do this, but the princess was half-Outsider.

Even with some of her body cut by swords, she could heal over time.

Amid the furious battle against the knights, the bandits recognized us and shifted their trajectories.

“That’s Leydan Tanton! We especially can’t let that guy inside!”

“Stop him!”

The bandits surged towards us all at once, attacking after shaking off the knights’ assaults.


The Hunter cursed and raised his double-barrel shotgun, but at this distance, it was tough to respond.

Just as I was about to draw my sword, ready to drop the Princess to the ground.


The delightful sounds of swords clashing ringing in my ears were almost deafening.

The Knight Commander stood alone, blocking numerous strikes from the bandits, then turned to us and signaled.

“Go, now!”


“No time to dawdle!”

To reassure us, the Knight Commander smiled.

“Make sure to finish splendidly. I’ll be watching how your chivalry shines until the very end.”

This wasn’t just anyone; it was the Knight Commander.

An existence that could never meet death in any circumstance.

Nodding, I took the lead and ran ahead.

The Hunter and Asti exchanged glances but eventually started running after me.

Distance from the Second Princess?

About 300 kilometers.