Chapter 166

No divine race intervened, watching Fiore make swift decisions.

Everything Fiore said was grounded in the just and natural order.

Thus, more people gathered around the table.

After all, Asti would be joining us halfway.

And the Hunter.

Though the Hunter always carried the metallic scent of divine blood, now there was a hint of something fragrant in the air.

I thought the scent had faded because he was no longer hunting.

“…She really is a natural woman.”

“That’s definitely a woman.”

“She is indeed a woman.”

Fiore, Zumiya, and Paura murmured as they looked at the Hunter.

Of course, the Hunter, unable to comprehend their words, glanced at me while pointing at them.

“What are they chattering about me?”

“…I think it’s better for you not to know.”

When I said that to the Hunter, he twisted his lips and reluctantly took a seat.

“Asti, sit down too.”

“I’ll stay here.”

Asti remained glued behind me, still and quiet.

Now her hair was almost completely brown, and the old interrogator was nowhere to be found.

Only remnants of her maturity compared to her former self were evident.

The divine races glared at Asti, perhaps out of discontent over her being so closely placed beside me.

But Asti seemed unfazed, holding her eyes closed as if she had a steel plate on her face.

It was a strategic resilience, based on the assumption that causing a scene would only displease me.

The divine races were grinding their teeth at Asti’s cleverness, but since it wasn’t outright affection, they seemed to decide to let it slide for now.

…With things already creaking this much, would I remain intact after the war ended?

“Okay, now that we have the parties involved, let’s start the discussion. Oh, I guess he won’t understand, so Tanton, make sure to explain thoroughly.”

As Fiore was about to point at the map again—

“I understand, so just do what you were doing without unnecessary considerations.”

The Hunter made a surprising remark.

Everyone stared blankly at the Hunter, but he just shrugged.

“When the outsiders flooded into Rondan, that guy saved me, and I heard the voices of the other outsiders. I don’t know why. Maybe I got influenced after being together for a long time.”

The Hunter said this while Asti took a bite of the food she had brought.

…So it’s because he interacted with me.

More than that, perhaps she became stronger and started opening her heart to the divine races.

After figuring out the truth about the Hunter in Lintpia, her anger toward the divine races likely faded considerably.

“That’s a pointless story. Let’s keep moving on.”

The Hunter abruptly cut off talking about his past.

Fiore snorted at that.

“Sounds refreshing. Then let’s get back to the point.”

As the domain occupied by the second princess was drawn very small on the map, Fiore started sketching on the paper.

After she finished a rough drawing, Fiore illustrated something presumed to be the second princess.

“Alright, we can start the conversation from here.”

Now the proper strategizing was finally beginning.

“First, the Commander will lead the knights into the domain.”

The Knight Commander hadn’t created a substantial strategy yet.

She likely planned to act according to the strategy I’d crafted.

Considering the Deputy Director hadn’t made any objections, it was a certainty.

“Before entering, we’ll eat Paura’s food, and then move in. That way, the freezing issue due to the second princess will be alleviated to some extent. The really freezing problems will be managed by Her Majesty the Empress.”

“The Empress…?”

Asti tilted her head, seeming like she heard about her for the first time.

At that point, Asti hadn’t followed us, so it was understandable she wouldn’t know.

“I’m speaking of the Empress before the empire froze over.”

“…Is she still alive?”

“Of course. After all, Her Majesty the Empress was also part of the divine race.”

At my words, Asti covered her mouth, perhaps shocked.

It had been a story that had been kept hidden to an extreme.

It was natural for her to be surprised.

“Then, are we bringing the Empress along?”

I shook my head at Fiore’s question.

It seemed she was referring to approaching the second princess.

“No, I don’t think so. After all, this situation happened because the Empress didn’t properly show her love. It would be like pouring oil onto a burning house.”

At my words, Fiore nodded, agreeing.

“Well, I think differently.”

At that moment, Paura raised her hand.

I turned to her to hear her out.

“Wouldn’t it be better to bring the Empress to break the long-standing grudge? If someone comes under the pretext of convincing the other, it might feel insincere if it’s someone unrelated.”

Everyone pondered, stroking their chins at Paura’s reasoning.

She made a valid point.

If someone came claiming they’d listen to you, only to turn out to be someone you’d never met before, it could be disappointing.

However, bringing along the Empress seemed a bit ambiguous in terms of our power.

Just managing the Knight Commander and the rest would likely be burdensome for the Empress too.

In such a scenario, if the Empress was left out, casualties would surely occur.

“Considering the power situation, it’s still better to go with just those people we discussed before…”

“I’ll go.”

Just as I was about to wrap things up, a voice emerged from behind, one that shouldn’t have been heard here.

I turned toward the voice and had to be surprised at the sight before me.

The Princess was pressing her hand against her chest, her face reflecting a firm determination as she looked at me.

“If my mother can’t go, then I will go myself.”

And just like that, one more member joined the meeting.

To make matters worse, that person happened to be the highest authority in Rondan.

“Your Highness, how…?”

“I heard from the Commander. We are planning what to do next with these folks.”

The Princess said this while smiling sweetly at the divine races.

Paura returned her smile, yet the other divine races matched her with scowls.

It seemed the Princess’s proposal toward me had stirred quite the discomfort among them.

Yet they seemed determined to listen to me regardless of their expressions.

“However, what do you mean by going yourself?”

“Quite simply. I’ll approach my sister alongside you. Her condition is partly my responsibility; I must speak with her.”

Hmm, this is tricky.

Denying her with a firm ‘no!’ on such a resolute expression would be rather rude.

“But if so, the safety of Your Highness will be at risk.”

“You’ll protect me, right?”

With a smile, the Princess winked at me.

Perhaps due to the overly affectionate action, the glares from the divine races intensified.

She’s doing this on purpose.

She knows exactly what she’s doing!

“…If that’s the case, Hunter, are you alright with this?”

“Are you asking me? If Her Highness wishes to go, she should be escorted.”

Though he said that, the Hunter’s voice carried an undertone of dissatisfaction.

What’s going on today?

I feel like I might suffocate at this rate!

“So, is that decided then?”

“…Yeah, I suppose if that’s acceptable.”

“Thank you, everyone.”

The Princess said that, bowing her head.

…Fine, well.

This way, some of the concerns Paura mentioned could be eased, so it might be alright.

“By the way, how did you persuade your mother?”

“I decided to try and bring her back in a way similar to how I returned.”

Upon hearing that, the Princess’s eyes widened in surprise, and with a nostalgic smile, she nodded.

“That’s true. Since Tanton succeeded, my father should be possible too.”

The Princess said this as she took my hand.

At that moment, chaos erupted around us.


“Oh my.”

Regardless, the Princess sent me a gaze laden with pressure.

“Thank you, Tanton. I truly owe you this….”

“Ah, Your Highness, that’s enough!”

I quickly interrupted her words that seemed to be declaring a foregone conclusion.

It’s not that I did it on purpose; she’s clearly trying to make it a thing!

I barely managed to shake her off, but the ominous energy from the divine races only deepened as I looked around.

“We have many restrictions on our involvement in human affairs, but there’s a way to lift those restrictions.”

“…W-What is it?”

“That would be accepting a cost.”

Fiore said this while sporting a rather creepy smile that sent chills down my spine.

“And the standard for that cost is anything the subject desires.”

“…W-What do you mean by that?”

“Hoho, I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to it, my lord.”

I already knew what they meant by reward.

Understanding that, I felt slightly irritated.

I desperately fidgeted with the map, wishing for the meeting to conclude swiftly.