Chapter 131

“…That Outsider just disappeared out of nowhere?”

“Yeah. We’re just as baffled, but… and it turns out…”

Maren burst into a mix of shock and confusion.

There had been reports that a powerful Outsider suddenly wreaked havoc in Bandre Village, prompting me to rush there with a few knights.

We hurriedly fueled the fire and barely made it there, only to receive news that was quite disappointing.

“Turns out?”

“Well, that Outsider seemed to target only buildings associated with nefarious criminals. Like slave traders, for example…”

“Slave traders? What the heck does that mean?”

“Ah, well…”

Considering the current issue was the Outsider, Maren listened, even though the mention of slave traders left a bad taste in his mouth.

The village chief, who had initially brought it up, now showed a flustered expression and was at a loss.

There’s definitely more to this.

“Did the knights receive bribes from the slave traders, by any chance?”

“Y-Yeah, that’s correct. But they threatened me not to say anything….”

Maren sighed and called the knights who followed him.

“From now on, revoke the qualifications of every knight in this village. I’ll leave the aftermath to you.”

“Yes! Understood.”

How could anyone stoop that low in such a tough world for their own benefit?

This was exactly the kind of thing Maren despised.


Having dealt with an immediate problem, we returned to square one.

No matter how much he thought about it, Maren couldn’t figure out how to explain this strange phenomenon.

“Could it really be… the Outsider’s trickery?”

He thought about how bizarre things had been since the God of War returned.

Come to think of it, Tanton had been acting strangely lately.

Could it be…

“I’ll leave the rest to you.”


Maren hurriedly hopped on the train back.

How did he not notice Tanton’s actions, who was always several steps ahead of him?

It was baffling that the return of an old friend clouded his judgment this much.

“Just wait, Tanton.”

Meanwhile, on a high mountain, a certain figure watched the departing train, braving the snow.

“Yip yip.”

As soon as the train left, the figure howled like a wolf.

“Deputy Commander, I’m heading to where the humans are!”

The being that caused a ruckus in Bandre Village reported this and vanished from sight.


The “pretending to be the God of War” was glaring at me with a look of utter confusion.

They clearly had killed a body and yet wondered why another version of me had popped out.

I’ll have to give an answer to this dim-witted Outsider who still hadn’t realized.

“Do you still think I’m the one you killed? Look closely, see what you really killed.”

The Outsider bared its teeth, lifting its leg.

And finally, the identity of what was on the floor became clear.

A creature with horns on its head.

And the severed body it originated from had wings.

The Dragon Slayer’s A-Dragon.

The plan of the Dragon Slayer was initially crafted like this:

1. Send Bell to Bandre Village to stir up chaos. — At that time, if the Elite Outsider’s presence was too obvious, everyone would die, so with the Record Keeper’s help, lessen the presence as much as possible before proceeding.

2. During that process, create an A-Dragon that looks just like me and observe the actions of the Outsider pretending to be the God of War.

3. And the moment the Outsider makes a sudden move, it’ll be time for some real education.

And this Outsider had completely fallen into the Dragon Slayer’s perfectly laid trap.

“W-Why are you…!”

However, this Outsider seemed startled by something entirely different.

“Why is the Dragon helping you!”

It growled, scales rising from its cheeks.

Well, getting worked up like that isn’t going to provide any answers.

In the first place, it should be blaming its own foolish head for not investigating if I was close to the Dragon Slayer.

…Though, I couldn’t say that out loud, so I settled for saying this instead.

“Why do you care?”

“You filthy human…!”

It looked like it was about to pounce at any moment, but behind the God of War appeared the Knight Commander.

Despite being freed, he stood still as if lost in thought, looking somewhat pitiful.

Staying still without fleeing, shameful.

Whatever happened, I hoped once I returned the God of War to his original state, everything would go back to normal.

And to return the God of War to his original state…

“…First, I’ll have to beat him down.”

Gripping my drawn sword with both hands, the God of War seemed to interpret it as some sort of provocation.

Immediately, the vicious body charged at me in a blur.


The God of War’s vicious axe clashed with my sword.

With this one clash, I realized one thing.

Had I not maximized my physical abilities with the ability of the Interrogator, I would never have withstood that blow.

A crater formed beneath me from the impact.

My knee joints felt as if they were crushed, but still, my body held firm.

This meant I could stall for time until the Deputy Director returned, somehow.

“You’re stubborn for no reason.”

The Outsider said as it forcefully pushed my sword back with its two-handed axe.

Thanks to the overwhelming strength of the God of War, my body was knocked backward, slamming against the wall.


I felt a wave of nausea wash over me.

The fact that I almost hurled today’s meal onto the sacred hearth filled me with dread.

As if refusing to give me even a moment to regain my composure, the Outsider came charging at me again.

“What a disrespectful brat! In a duel, you should wait for your opponent to get tired!”


Even though I shouted, the Outsider’s charge didn’t cease, so I dove to the side to evade its attack.

“Yikes! You’re a real lack of romance, aren’t you!”

Using the split second caused by the wall collision, I swung my sword at the Outsider’s side.

But it seemed the Outsider anticipated my move, twisting its arm at an awkward angle and blocking my sword with the handle of its axe.

So this is the legendary physical form of the God of War?

I felt a sense of wonder completely different from when I watched the Deputy Director fight.

Swish! Swish!

Just after it blocked my attack, the Outsider immediately lunged at me.

Barely evading the strike aimed at my neck, I felt a chill run down my spine as the axe went past just in front of my nose.

I barely deflected the axe with my sword and pushed it against the God of War’s armor.


With a heavy impact, my sword pierced through the God of War’s armor and went straight through the wall of the Deputy Director’s office.

However, seemingly aware that I wasn’t trying to kill it, the Outsider grinned wickedly.


Barely dodging the axe swung again, I managed to pull my sword back and retreat.

“Ugh, this is crazy!”

This was definitely an unfavorable situation for me.

Killing the God of War wasn’t a good idea.

His strength would be a huge asset for stopping the Giant of the Snow Mountain later.

But from the Outsider’s perspective, there was no issue with fighting me with the intention to kill.

Facing the God of War at this level, when I hadn’t even reached the strength of the White Mask, was an incredibly daunting task.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As I exchanged several sword strikes with the Outsider, it suddenly displayed a crazed look in its eyes.


Eventually, it knocked my sword aside and pressed the axe’s edge against my neck, bringing me to my knees.


“You little pest, you’ve managed to hold on for quite a while.”

The Outsider let out ragged breaths while looking down on me.

Given how it spoke, it also seemed somewhat fatigued.

I felt I might have had a chance if I had endured just a little longer.

What a shame.

The fact that I couldn’t suppress it myself.

“At last, that looks like the face of resignation. Yes, this time I’ll take that head of yours.”

The God of War’s axe was raised high, and as it swung it down, parallel to the ground—


The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed.

Looking at my neck, which still hadn’t been severed, it seemed someone had snatched the Outsider’s wrist.

To see the culprit behind such an act, I opened my eyes and felt a surge of joy.

“Deputy Commander!”

How could everything fall into place so perfectly like this?

I was in awe of the Dragon Slayer’s grand design.

“Deputy, Deputy Commander.”

The Outsider seemed to try and act friendly now, calling out to the Deputy Commander casually, but it was already too late.

With scales sprouting on its face and a posture clearly indicating its intent to attack me, all elements signified that the Deputy Commander had already made up her mind.

“I’m sorry, Tanton. I’m truly embarrassed that I couldn’t pick up on your signal sooner.”

As the Deputy Commander spoke, the Outsider shook off its wrist and faced her.

The Deputy Commander approached me, helping me to my feet as she glanced at the Knight Commander.

“Are you alright, Commander?”

“I protected you when that guy made a sudden move.”

“Glad to hear that.”

The Deputy Commander drew her great sword, pointing it at the Outsider pretending to be the God of War.

“How dare you act so brazenly in front of my friend. You’ll pay dearly for that.”

The hatred boiled in the Deputy Commander’s eyes.

“How pathetic, Outsider.”