Chapter 432

“So… what happened during the day?”

What on earth could have occurred to bring about such an awkward reaction? Was there something dreadful that made it terrifying to even ask if something was wrong?

“Could it be…?”

Did Bora and Yoonseo end up having a fight or something? Honestly, if it was something that trivial, there wouldn’t be a need for such an exaggerated reaction…

Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if it really turned out that way. After all, you need a good reason for two people to start brawling.

Of course, the world is vast and filled with all sorts of people, some of whom get angry for no reason at all… but honestly, I didn’t think those two would act that way.

It makes sense in a way; they both weren’t the types to just kick up a fuss, especially when Dogun was there beside them. They would have to be mindful of their images, you know?

So, I thought, could it really be that…?

As a joke, I threw out a comment related to that, but Dogun’s reaction was just bizarre. It was almost as if he had seen a ghost. He stared at me with wide eyes, wearing a look of disbelief.

“Uh… how did you know…?”

“Wait, is that really the answer?”

No way… that can’t be right! Honestly, it was ridiculous. I had thought of this outcome only to find out it was actually true, and that left me even more flabbergasted.

“Did those two even have any reason to fight…?”

If it had been Bora and Yoonseo squaring off, I wouldn’t have been as surprised, considering they had a decent motive.

But when it came to Yoonseo and Bora? I couldn’t think of even a single reason for that to happen.

Fights need some point of contention or overlap between the two for them to even make sense, right?

If there’s no overlap between them at all, how could they end up in a fight? That kind of thing only happens on the internet.

Living in the same place, you might think they could have a spat, right?

“Well… technically they do live in the same place.”

When you fact-check it, the fact is indeed accurate, but that doesn’t mean it counts as some sort of overlap. The reality is that it was quite rare for them to actually bump into each other at home.

That was unavoidable due to their jobs. Unlike Yoonseo, who was busy with a fixed schedule as a full-fledged hero, Bora, working as a webtoon artist, had the freedom to operate a bit more flexibly.

Sure, if I were to look at the industry situation—if Bora had just debuted, the story might have been different… but now, Bora had worked her way up to be a top-tier artist, so if she unexpectedly switched platforms, many people would end up in a tough spot.

So, since their active hours didn’t really overlap much, aside from special occasions like gathering for meals on weekends, the two rarely crossed paths.


This was just a personal hunch, but it also seemed like Yoonseo was actively avoiding Bora.

To put it more precisely, it felt like she didn’t want to get close to Bora. It seemed she was still holding onto the memories of the shopping mall incident three years ago…

Because of that, whenever they were in the same place, Yoonseo typically made it a point to excuse herself first. But for the two who I assumed would remain in that state forever to have fought?

And they did so right in front of Dogun, no less. Both of them weren’t foolish; they knew that acting like that, with Dogun watching, would only hurt their image…

Yet they still had a full-on brawl… Was there a reason that demanded it?

If so, what could that reason possibly be?

What on earth transpired that made them willing to damage their own reputations like that?

No matter how much I thought, nothing concrete came to mind.

It makes sense, considering, like I mentioned earlier, there wasn’t really any overlap between them.

The only overlap existed in the fact that both had attended the same kindergarten as Dogun and that both had feelings for him, which was about all…

“Now that I think about it…”

They are both connected to Dogun, huh?

Just how ridiculous is that? Complicated might be the right word…

How does he charm every girl that crosses his path?


Looking back, it might actually be understandable.

When you consider how they act even now, it’s pretty adorable, so during their kindergarten days when they were way cuter?

I can only imagine how charming he was back then.

It made me curious to see what Dogun was like in kindergarten.

“I wonder if there’s an album or something…?”

It would be nice if there was.

Well, who knows if he would willingly show it to me, though.

After briefly losing my train of thought, I returned to contemplating Bora and Yoonseo.

“Their only overlap is everything related to Dogun…”

Could it be that their spat revolved around him?

That really seemed like it could be the case.

To put it more precisely, if it didn’t concern Dogun, there wouldn’t really be a reason for them to fight at all.

So the important question remains—who sparked the conflict first?

“Based on personality alone, it seems more likely that Yoonseo would be the one to initiate…”

But that’s usually the case, and this seemed different.

After all, from Yoonseo’s perspective, there really wouldn’t be a need to start something.

Considering it from that angle, it’s clear that compared to the others she’s way ahead in terms of progress, so why would she?

Given the circumstances, for this time at least, it appeared highly unlikely that Yoonseo was the one who instigated it first.

And if Yoonseo didn’t instigate it, then that means…

Bora was the one who started it, huh?

If it were the Bora from the past, back when we had just started living together, I could have accepted that.

Back then, Bora had a personality like a whirlwind, typically unpredictable, much like an adolescent.

But that was ages ago. Over the course of these three years, she had endured different experiences, and her character had mellowed significantly when compared to the old days.

It’s the classic example of how one can change when doing the things they want in life.

And yet, Bora started it?

Given her current disposition, she usually would’ve opted to let things slide…

So, that means the situation must have been pretty extraordinary.

“Could it be…”

Did she witness them kissing or something?

And that threw her into a tizzy?

Well, I won’t lie; it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility, but… Something about it feels off.

“So, could it be…”

Something even more than that?

In other words, did she see something beyond just a kiss?

No way they’d be so bold as to do that in a hospital, right…? But hey, you know what they say, right?

Old habits die hard.

“Well, if they locked the door and kept the noise down…”

As for this situation, it feels like it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch. After three years of keeping her distance from Dogun, finally managing to repair their relationship, how desperate do you think Yoonseo might be?

The emotional dam must have burst after last time, drowning out all thoughts of self-control and leading to an overwhelming desire to connect with Dogun.

It’s hard to hold solely Yoonseo responsible for this… after all, I might feel the same way considering the situation.

Thinking that Dogun might be indulging in things with Seolhwa and now with Yoonseo?

I felt a desire to scold Dogun for enjoying himself without a care for others.

It’s needless to say that someone like Yoonseo, who’s always had jealousy and a desire for exclusivity, would feel the same way…

“This is bad.”

They had fought, but firstly, I need to focus on myself.

“Hey Dogun, you didn’t—did you end up caught by Bora while with Yoonseo here?”

What can I say?

I had been making an expression of disbelief towards Dogun, who had been quietly observing, just to see if I could clarify the situation.

And it seems my worry was well-founded.

Dogun’s shoulders twitched and shivered at my question.

Perfectly well done.