Chapter 366

The air around me felt like a heavy weight pressing down on my shoulders.

In such an awkward atmosphere, I thought to myself.

Was that really the first time?

Dogun had said that, but to be honest, it was hard to believe.

Considering it, he had always been like that.

He seemed to sense when others were hurting, yet remained completely indifferent to his own condition—that was the ‘I Do-gun’ that she knew.

It was a story from elementary school, but because of that trait, there was a time he almost ended up in the hospital.

To say it now, I really… worried that Dogun might die from it.

At that time, it was inevitable, because he was the only one who didn’t flinch or cry like other kids when he got hurt falling down.

It was the first time I learned that a person could sweat that much.


When I thought about it, Dogun had always been like that.

He seemed to have a pathological aversion to causing others worry.

And Dogun’s condition probably had something to do with… how busy his mom had always been.

From a young age, being remarkably mature, he must have thought he shouldn’t worry his mom, who was always consumed with work.

And maybe that thought became ingrained in him over time.

Only Dogun knows the truth, but anyway, it would be foolish to take his word that it’s okay, considering he has always been this way.

So that claim about it being the first time was likely a lie.

It couldn’t possibly be the first time; if that were true, it meant he had suddenly suffered just like that after three years of silence, which is just plain ridiculous.

Thus, that statement had to be a blatant lie.

It wasn’t the first time but… he had probably been suffering from similar pain for the past three years.

The reason others didn’t know that fact was… because he had hidden it tightly.

Perhaps whenever signs of pain arose, he would make excuses to go to the bathroom and suffer alone until the pain subsided.

Until now, he had managed to hide it that way, but the reason he couldn’t this time was probably that… the pain was just too severe.

I was convinced of that.

My somewhat shaky resolution in light of Dogun’s words began to solidify again.

To speak honestly?

After seeing the presentation of the Association the other day, I came to realize that whatever that doctor lady was planning might be related to Heogye, and that made me a bit… afraid.

And listening to Dogun, who had actually experienced Heogye, naturally amplified that fear.

After all, if Dogun was right about the strength of the Another Ones being like that, humanity could indeed face defeat.

And what if that happened?

Those who participated would likely lose their lives.

In the worst-case scenario… they could be abandoned by the Association and be trapped in that realm forever.

I thought surely the Association wouldn’t go that far, but isn’t that how people’s lives tend to be?

Until it’s over, you never know what could happen.

However, one thing was certain in all this… no matter which outcome occurred, it would mean the end between Dogun and me.

That terrified me.

So despite my earlier determination, I began to hesitate.

It was like while I was listening to Dogun, I felt that way, but… now it wasn’t.

Just as the ground hardens after the rain, once shaken, I felt even more determined to restore Dogun to his former self.

Of course, if I shared these thoughts with Dogun, he would probably dismiss them, saying there’s no need, but… hadn’t I already decided?

I chose not to believe Dogun’s words of reassurance.

‘By the way…’

That left arm certainly felt… dangerous.

Just lightly touching it to confirm whether it’s fine made me feel this way.

I already knew it was due to the damaged Talent Organ healing, but that just made it all the more precarious.

It was so intense, it could even provoke inappropriate thoughts in someone with no intention of doing so.

Just look at earlier.

I had no such thoughts, but a moan involuntarily slipped out, creating this kind of atmosphere.

Even though we were just in contact, it escalated so naturally… I could understand why Chae-rim and Baeksulhwa had fallen so hard for Dogun.

The real problem was… the lingering sensation wasn’t exactly nice.

Thanks to that, even now, as I sat apart from Dogun, I still felt a tingling sensation in my fingers.

In this unbearably awkward atmosphere, it felt burdensome even to make eye contact, yet I couldn’t help but sneak glances at where Dogun was sitting.

It was probably because the remnants of the sensation I felt when I touched him lingered in my mind.


That’s why I needed to restore Dogun’s left arm to normal as soon as possible.

While I was relieved nothing had happened yet, I worried that if Dogun were to bump into another hero while busy doing his manager duties like now…

Some girl might dare to cling to him, oblivious to her own standing.

No, if that were the case, it might actually be a relief if it stopped at that level.

‘The real worst-case scenario would be…’

If rumors related to Dogun’s left arm began to spread among the heroes.

If that actually happened, what would ensue?

You could see it without looking.

Everyone would jump on that bandwagon and start causing a scene.

They would line up questioning why only they got to share that special strength.

What made them so sure about it?

Well… now I knew.

It was because of how the phenomenon of a Talent Organ being damaged was ingrained as a significant fear among active heroes.

After all, if a Talent Organ is damaged, it means they can no longer wield the same power, which signifies retirement from active duty.

So what happens if they step back from active duty?

Naturally, they would lose the wealth and glory that come with being a hero.

Of course… stepping back doesn’t mean that all the wealth or glory accumulated over time will evaporate instantly.

That’s not how it works, but still, many heroes fear retirement for a clear reason.

‘Because it’s so sweet.’

The attention and privileges they enjoy simply from holding the title of hero are so enticing that the thought of losing that makes it hard for them to bear.

That’s why the second they realize that fact, I had strong confidence they would react that way.

‘Hah… seriously…’

Honestly, even worrying about Chae-rim and Baeksulhwa was overwhelming, and now I had to consider all of this too.

That’s why I wanted to restore Dogun to normal as soon as possible.

At least if I could get Dogun’s left arm back to normal, there’d be no need to fret over such pointless worries.

Not to mention Dogun could regain his previous life.

But was there really a reason to hesitate any longer?

‘The problem is…’

It would be figuring out how to hide the fact that I had interfered with that.

If it were just for a day or two, I could probably use a fabricated excuse to cover it up, but… if it were just that simple?

There would have been no need to make such a fuss about it and prepare as though the world were ending.

Is that all?

If it were, things like Dogun showing deep concern wouldn’t have happened just now.

Therefore, it would make sense to believe it’s not going to be a straightforward process.

So… I guess I should prepare some plausible excuses ahead of time, to be ready for any eventualities.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be long before Dogun would find out my secret.

It’s not like I can play it cool all the time, considering how perceptive he tends to become when it comes to odd situations.

‘What’s a good excuse…’

What kind of excuse could I use to pass through it safely without raising any suspicions?

As I was starting to deeply contemplate that…

“Uh… I just need to use the bathroom for a bit.”

Was it because he felt gross after sweating a lot earlier?

After briefly glancing around, Dogun cautiously stood up with that remark.