Chapter 151
After arriving at the villa, the group quickly washed up and gathered in the reception room, having prepared for bed in advance.
The reason was none other than to share stories about Albrecht that we couldn’t relay during the carriage ride.
“What? Count Bertus?”
While listening intently, Silvia’s eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected news.
At first, I thought it was just a joke, but seeing the serious expressions on the faces of the other two made it impossible to brush off lightly.
“You don’t need to take it too seriously. It’s just how I felt about it.”
“But Edgar, it’s the first time you’ve assessed someone you just met this way.”
“…True, but.”
Knowing this would likely turn into cloud-gathering talk, Edgar didn’t want to pass on the information about Albrecht to these two if he could help it.
The only reason he felt he could confide in Ariel was that she had a personality that could easily dismiss things she didn’t think applied to her.
However, Silvia and Hagel quickly seemed to accept what they heard.
Hagel considered it somewhat surprising, while Silvia nodded as if there was something she could relate to.
“I already knew that Count Bertus was quite the mysterious figure. He’s very well-known, after all.”
“You knew that?”
“Yep, you don’t come across characters with that level of mystique that often.”
While Edgar and Ariel might not pay much attention to rumors, Silvia, coming from a family connected with various circles, had heard stories throughout her childhood.
Rumors like how the head of a certain family was known for his foul temper.
Or how there were whispers about someone behind the scenes helping him out.
And that the recent succession to the head of the family came after a bloody storm… and so on.
Most of what she had heard was minor or something she would only remember as a side note.
Political news or the tendencies of rival families weren’t really of importance to little Silvia.
Yet, among all the stories she had, one thing always stuck with her mind: the tales of Albrecht Bertus.
“He rarely shows his face outside, and the only place you might spot him is at the mage tower. Of course, everyone knows he’s the Empire’s top magician, but he’s never shown a friendly face to the tower master or any other associates.”
“That’s all there is?”
“Well, in some ways, yes. The fact that’s all people know makes him more intriguing.”
By nature, people tend to leave behind some kind of impression wherever they go, whether good or bad.
However, Silvia had never heard anyone make a comment about the man named Albrecht Bertus.
At first, she thought he was just a recluse, but by now, it felt more appropriate to call him a ghost than a person.
“That’s why I found what Edgar said so fascinating. Usually, people who meet Count Bertus just give the same old boring evaluations.”
Like saying he’s gentler than he seems, or that he isn’t as authoritative as one would expect.
At least, the opinions Silvia had heard about Albrecht were only at that level.
It was precisely because of this that she paid extra attention to what Edgar had recounted today.
If he had a reason that differed from everyone else’s evaluations, there had to be a valid explanation for it.
But rather than anything all that insightful, Edgar just threw out some vague notions, which piqued Silvia’s interest further.
“My father once told me, sometimes your instinct can catch on to things even before the opinions of those around you do.”
“I don’t think it’s that grand.”
Edgar cautiously replied, feeling that his offhand comments were becoming a bigger deal than intended, while Silvia shrugged nonchalantly, teasing him.
“Who knows? It’s better to be cautious than sorry.”
“I agree. At least we don’t know who he really is, so there’s no need to cozy up to someone with a bad vibe.”
Hagel’s words hit right on the mark.
As long as they weren’t spreading malicious rumors or jumping to conclusions, keeping some distance from someone was a personal choice.
“…Anyway, thanks for listening. Honestly, I hesitated to talk about it with you guys so casually.”
“Don’t mention it. I found it quite interesting!”
Silvia was like a squirrel dashing around looking for new fun or thrilling bits of information.
In that sense, the story she heard from Edgar today was exceedingly interesting.
The thought that the man Albrecht might have an unexpected side and that Edgar had shown this facet of himself delighted her.
Nevertheless, such topics were too delicate to blurt out carelessly in front of others, so sharing it with anyone else was out of the question.
She had heard something unexpected. For now, that was enough to satisfy her, and it seemed like it was time to head to bed.
“Aren’t you two going to sleep yet?”
Silvia, having gotten up and wrapped her arms around Hagel’s, directed her question toward the two who showed no sign of leaving the sofa.
While it wasn’t quite dawn yet, they must’ve built up some fatigue throughout the day, so she thought it would be best to head off to bed.
“Ed, are you sleepy?”
Ariel still wanted to spend a bit more time alone with him, but she asked, thinking that if he felt tired, then she’d let him rest first.
Fortunately, the reply she got was quite welcome to her.
“Not really.”
“Same here.”
“Is that so? Then we’ll turn in first. See you tomorrow.”
As Silvia waved goodbye while still holding onto Hagel, Ariel watched their retreating figures and tilted her head in confusion.
She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was something in Silvia’s demeanor that made her feel rushed.
Maybe she was just really tired, but she didn’t look worn out, making it all the more puzzling.
“Shouldn’t you head off to sleep soon too?”
“Because… it’s obvious you’re tired.”
As Ariel observed Edgar, he noticed the shadow under her eyes and expressed his concern.
They were planning to roam around Hildak tomorrow like today, so he thought it best to restore her energy ahead of time.
“Actually, I am a little sleepy. But it seems like a waste.”
“A waste, how?”
“Because it’s rare for us to be together like this outside of Hespania.”
Upon pondering over it, Edgar realized she was correct.
The instances they spent time together during their brief visits to Ardenum or Etrelle could be considered exceptions, but the former was a place they had visited often, so it didn’t hold much novelty.
The latter was the most refreshing experience, yet they hadn’t spent a lot of leisurely time there, just running around all day.
“Then if you feel sleepy, don’t hesitate to rest. I’ll take you to your room, and then I’ll head to bed too.”
“Okay… I’ll do that.”
Even amidst their conversation, Ariel kept rubbing her eyes, showing clear signs of drowsiness.
Seeing her like a sleepy kitten, Edgar smiled gently as he caressed her cheek.
When his rough hand from sword training grazed her soft skin, Ariel giggled and pulled away, laughing but didn’t move her face away.
“Hehe, you’re all rough.”
“…Ah, sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”
As Edgar quickly apologized and tried to retract his hand, Ariel instead grabbed his hand, pouting in dissatisfaction.
Usually, she was so playful and eager for fun; it baffled her why she couldn’t get closer during moments like this.
Or perhaps it was just a teasing tactic on her part; she couldn’t help feeling irritated.
“What’s there to be sorry for? Just give me your hand already.”
“Am I your toy or something?”
“That’s right, a toy. I’d want to play with you forever.”
Ariel responded to Edgar’s words with an approving smile, agreeing as if she had just hit the jackpot.
If she were a real toy, she could be kept in the owner’s arms whenever, so she was glad about that. But then, she wouldn’t get to see Edgar’s usual mischievous side, which was just great as it was.
Rather, it must be this level of intimacy and connection coming from being childhood friends and lovers.
Looking back now, Ariel felt exceptionally grateful to her mother for having connected her and Edgar as friends in their childhood.
“Alright, that’s it. We really should go to sleep now.”
In the midst of their playful banter, as Ariel stretched her little mouth wide in a yawn, Edgar finally realized it was getting late.
“I’m fine…”
“I’m just feeling sleepy. We have all day tomorrow, so let’s call it a night.”
Edgar had always felt that when Ariel was sleepy, her demeanor seemed to regress a bit.
Her voice got a little more nasal and she became more adorable than usual.
Typically, she wouldn’t act so cute, but when she was tired, he often found himself enjoying those moments.
With that, Edgar stood up and took Ariel’s hand, leading her out of the reception room to take her to her room.
All the rooms for the group, including Silvia and Hagel, were on the second floor, but to get to Ariel’s room, they had to pass by Silvia’s.
“Silvia is probably already asleep, right?”
“Wouldn’t you think? She didn’t look tired, but considering she went to her room early…”
As they climbed the stairs to the second floor, upon Ariel’s sudden comment, Edgar tilted his head in confusion.
He had heard Silvia say she tended to sleep late, but given the travel fatigue, he surmised that she would likely turn in early.
Just as they passed Silvia’s room on their way to Ariel’s, they heard a strange noise from somewhere.
– Hagel, a little more… Ugh…!
The faint but intense voice sounded as if it were on fire, echoing a hauntingly serious tone that made their footsteps freeze in their tracks.
The sound was definitely coming from Silvia’s room right next to them.
As they strained to listen, there was something shuffling around, and it was clear that the sound being made was quite intense.
Hearing the sounds, Ariel cautiously looked up at Edgar, and once their eyes met, she recoiled like a rabbit facing a predator, darting her eyes around and then…
“…I-I’ll go to bed now. Goodnight!”
In the quietest voice she could manage, she indicated that she no longer needed to be seen off and eventually bolted, unable to bear the atmosphere any longer.
Left alone, Edgar stood there blankly watching her retreat before eventually shaking his head with a wry smile, placing his hands on his hips.
“If someone saw that, they’d assume I’d eat her.”
He was a man, after all, and while he naturally had thoughts, devouring her like a beast was far from his mind.
“Take it easy, would ya? It’s not like we’re at some holiday spot.”
Chalking his thoughts up to mild resentment toward the two people on the other side of the wall, Edgar turned and made his way to his own room.
Nevertheless, having seen Ariel’s cute demeanor, he felt that was a win on his part.
The only concern now was whether she would be able to face Silvia and Hagel properly in the morning; however, that was an issue to worry about tomorrow.
“Time to sleep.”
With all of tomorrow’s worries set aside, his body was already crying out for sleep.