Chapter 186

Broadcast Announcement

Author: Friede777

We’re broadcasting.

So… right now!

A notice devoid of any minimal sincerity was simultaneously uploaded to Friede’s YouTube channel and the Switch panel board.

This was during the period when people were lamenting the sudden declaration of Friede’s halt on Soul Warfare content, wondering if this was the end of the celestial horse-riding superhuman.

Even though Friede’s notice contained merely that little bit of information, it had the power to ignite so much interest, like lighting a fire in the mountains rather than just adding wood to the community’s flames.

With it being around dinner time, it seemed like the view count was soaring.

There it was, a familiar nickname now essential to the broadcast list: Friede’s stream loomed large.

Some felt relieved by Friede’s notice, while others grew more anxious.

Her streams didn’t have a set theme but, in essence, Soul Warfare could be said to be her identity.

Currently, it dominated a massive share of her content. Speculation swirled over the news of Friede quitting Soul Warfare.

Initially, some said it was because a pro gaming team couldn’t snatch her up, or maybe she was bored after reaching the top too soon, or she just wanted to play other games since she was already satisfied with her success.

Yet, as time went on, two focused speculations emerged about her future: Would she simply change her content direction or quit streaming entirely?

For a typical streamer, changing their main content wouldn’t even be a big deal.

After all, there are loads of games out there beyond just Soul Warfare.

But Friede was already well-known as a silver spoon streamer.

Even for a corporate giant of a streamer, her presumed wealth was so substantial that it was rumored she didn’t need to concern herself with other streamers at all.

Thus, the story of Friede potentially quitting began to gain traction with surprising credibility.

A timely broadcast notice from Friede appeared as a good opportunity to clear up everyone’s doubts.

[Mom, I’m here!]

[From Koitz’s announcement to her return, nothing ordinary wwww]

[Is it true that Sensei is really quitting SW?]

[Oh? It’s not the MS Room. A reality cam?]

[It’s been too cold till now. The kids were almost freezing to death… Huhㅠㅠㅠ]

[I can’t lose SW! I can’t lose Friede! I can’t lose democracy!]

[Something big is coming, my heart’s racing]

[Are you going to explore other content like Stella Craft or camping broadcasts?]

[The broadcast schedule didn’t say anything about today’s stream. I always welcome surprise streams. Sensei.]

[Looking at this reality cam, I’m getting a strange vibe, LOL]

[Feel free to share your plans for the future.]

[You crazy idiot, is this an inquiry or a meeting? Why make Friede announce anything?]

[My sister can do whatever she wants. Just not quit streaming, okay?]

Upon turning on the broadcast, Friede thought the influx of viewers resembled a swarm of flies swooping in for delicious food.

Although this was the usual sight whenever she started streaming, it felt oddly strange today.

Why was that?

[Mom? Why are you saying nothing?]

[Oh damn, is that bait for real? Sensei, you’re not quitting, are you?]

[You’ll be here tomorrow, right?]


As the ice in her glass melted, gaps formed between the other ice cubes.

“Um, first off, hello everyone.”

[First off?]

[Is there no second or third?]

[Just get lost and die, you little twerps ^^]

[You’re gay…]

[Why the sudden ramp-up?]

“It’s been a few days since my last stream, so I thought you might be curious.”

As she twirled the drink in her hand, the alcohol seeped through the gaps in the ice, taking on an even chillier vibe.

When the golden liquid in Friede’s hand caught people’s eyes, their reactions came rushing out.

[What’s that you’re drinking, host? Alcohol?]

[You’re drinking? It’s a drinking stream then!]

[Wow, Friede completely defenseless against alcohol…]

“Hmm? This? Ah, right. When I’ve something bothersome or a headache, drinking is the best. No big deal.”

Taking another swig, she savored the subtly crushing languor weighing down her body.

She wanted to just collapse and sleep, but the stream was still live, so she felt a need to stay awake. The tug-of-war of conflicting feelings made it amusing.

A smile crept up as she filled her glass again with already uncorked wine.

The viewers’ eyes sparkled at that moment.

[Oh, I remember! Isn’t that the wine we drank during the last camping stream?]

[Ah, the multi-million won wine? Wow, I’m really seeing it live!]

[I’m jealous. What does that even taste like?]

[Friede’s armpit flavor?]

[Then it must taste like peach?]

[Here comes the whimsical sword dance again.]

[I can’t do this. I’m running to the convenience store now to grab a bottle of soju.]

[I’ll take beer.]

[What snacks are you eating, host?]

“Snacks? At least I’m not eating chicken.”

She almost snapped at the audience’s reaction, but mellowed out as she spun her drink in front of the camera.

The radiant golden liquid, thanks to the camera lights, looked heavenly and could easily be called the tears of gods.

It was definitely something that couldn’t be dismissed as just alcohol. She sensed it carried an aura that set it apart from the ordinary stuff you’d get at the market.

“See, the whole idea that chicken is the truth doesn’t hold water in its presence. Wait, billion-won wine as a snack with just chicken, does that even make sense?”

[You’re really adhering to the capitalist mindset, Sensei.]

[Meanwhile, us just getting by on chicken are feeling a bit wronged.]

[So what are you eating instead? You nerd.]

Dismissing the argument over chicken, Friede smiled brightly at the audience’s reactions.

Denying the truth among one of the snacking essentials like chicken, she felt an exhilarating rush of triumph from this utterly trivial showdown.

“I don’t need snacks. This kind of drink is complete on its own, and I can enjoy it without any snacks. No hangover either. Got it? You’re just jealous because you’ve never tried this kind of drink; you wouldn’t know. I promise you don’t need snacks.”

A true prestigious alcohol needed no snacks.

Given that it was a thought she just formed, Friede found it rather convincing.

As she spun her glass between her face and the camera, her own reflection distorted from the refraction of glass and liquid on the stream.

It could easily appear flashy, but Friede just didn’t care as she maintained her stance confidently.

Most viewers would say her combination of wealth and beauty helped her withstand criticisms from the audience.

It felt even more vivid since it was reality, and she caught every single chat message coming through rapidly without missing a beat.

Among them, the most striking and prevailing question was undoubtedly this one.

“Oh, you want to know what my next content is? You wonder if I’m quitting? Come on, don’t get all worked up over just Soul Warfare. There’s so much more to enjoy in the world.”

Surely they’d manage just fine.

Wasn’t it odd that the broadcast was so overly fixated on just Soul Warfare; it even made her feel a bit forlorn.

But contrary to Friede’s feelings, the audience’s response exploded with enthusiasm after her assurance that there wouldn’t be a quitting.

[Of course, it’s my sis! You haven’t abandoned us!]

[It’s understandable to get bored with just Soul Warfare.]

[LOL I’ve cleared all the final content already.]

[So what are you planning to do next?]

[Seriously, give us a hint.]

“Hints? Hmm, well, here goes.”

She didn’t really have anything thought out.

Originally, she might have wanted to take it slow and think things over, but she had been busy with galaxy stuff too.


“I was thinking of finding some decent games and maybe collaboration streams.”


Someone seemed to be particularly sensitive and questioned her.

Wasn’t it a typical response to presume she meant collab streaming with male streamers, rabidly over-focusing on female streamers?

“They’re the acquaintances you saw during the camping stream, so don’t get any weird ideas. Anyway, I’ve been doing my own thing, but it feels oddly empty lately. Got a lot on my mind these days.”

[You have tons of money, why complain?]

[Hey, Friede, we’re the ones struggling here.]

[Are you saying that if a woman who drives Uber is having a tough life, it’s our fault for not having it worse?]

[Why’s the sudden mood down?]

[I have no idea.]

Without fail, when faced with the audience’s sharp criticism, Friede tossed the remaining drink from her glass over her shoulder, replying sharply.

“Guys, I’ve got a question for you. What if a close acquaintance got sick? I’m their guardian. The doctor said it was really serious. Should I tell them?”

[What kind of random BS is this?]

[Mom, is someone in your family sick?]

[Cheer up… @@]

[What is this? Why’s the vibe changed?]

“It’s not about my family, alright? Stop assuming and chilling out. It’s something an acquaintance told me, and it just suddenly hit me. It keeps spinning around in my head, so I figured I’d ask.”

Calmly, she firmly denied.

From her portrayal, many viewers sensed that the story she had was not about herself, and without much thought spoke up.

[It depends on the patient’s condition. But you should tell them. It’s the only right thing to do. Yes, definitely.]

[Seriously harsh, but it’s better to tell. Not telling would be deceiving them.]

[What are you even talking about, you jerk, LOL.]

[How about sharing the pain by talking it out instead?]

[How would we do that?]

[Just share it endlessly!]

—User Rookacong has been kicked.

‘Is Ah Jin here now?’

Ah, she is.

Glancing at the chat admin list, she spotted an ID of Ah Jin currently online.

Despite going live without prior coordination, she managed to find her way here.

Though, it was likely because she’d set notifications, so finding her way was only natural.

“Are you saying that telling them is the right way to go?”

[Yes, that’s right.]

[No need to distinguish between right or wrong, yes.]

[It’s tough, but it’s right.]

[Is something wrong with you, host?]

“No, I’m perfectly fine! I’m healthy, and there’s no family issues!”

What started as a casual venting session for Friede quickly morphed into a stream intended to reassure her viewers.

What should have been mere bait backfired, igniting renewed drama over Friede’s family matters.