Chapter 177

“Fuck, is this even real?”

The factory watching the video was left dumbfounded.

I get that Friede, who’s been acting tough with Supernova, was already a physical powerhouse.

And Forming, who could unleash magic with extreme control, makes sense too. It’s her thing.

But the fact that Forming’s magic is raining down like crazy, coupled with Friede’s mobility from being combined like that, is way over the line.

“Damn those Trom assholes. Fuck you, Zhakki!”

Now I’m cursing out the game developers and the main director too, but everyone resonated with the absurdity of the situation we were in.

“I never thought Supernova would negate dead weight with infinite stamina… I’m losing my mind.”

Honestly, while Friede’s impressive, what really blows me away is Forming’s precise magic shooting while being carried like that.

It’s like peeling an onion—there’s always more to deal with, just making the strategy messier.

The core issue circles back to how on earth we’re supposed to counter that…

“How can we, with no physicality or brainpower at all, respond to that?”

The sub-factory manager asked nervously, and the factory manager answered with a sigh.

“We don’t have anything to do. Let’s just overwhelm them with numbers.”

The first one dead can just chill and mess around with Yu Da-hee while munching on popcorn.

This game isn’t like World of Nothing Craft where roles and tactics mesh perfectly with bosses, and when players have insane mobility and boss-level firepower, there’s no answer.

I lifted my beloved Curved Sword high and shouted to all the remaining raid members.

“Everyone, get ready for battle! Once Friede goes in, it’s game over, so let’s go all out with our best shot!”

“Sounds good!”

“Right on!”

Once we get close to Friede, we can pretty much forget about ranged support. So we’re going to unleash every bit of firepower we have before we get close.

‘Only after the melee users come in.’

Before long, I could see Friede and Forming charging towards us at breakneck speed.

A golden cape and silver armor, scattering waves of light and afterimages. And at the center, a stunning blonde beauty.

Ultimately, we had to face a life-or-death battle in the game, but—

“That’s badass.”

I made an honest comment in a small voice that only I could hear, lost in wonder.

Of course, I couldn’t stay in awe forever, so I immediately got ready for combat.

With only nervous breaths escaping my throat, a pool of saliva formed in my mouth.

Why does that sound from inside my own body feel so loud?

At the factory manager’s signal, the raid archers all drew their bows in unison.


Dozens of Great Bows aimed towards the target in unison.

The arrows were adorned with a blue aura, jewels of power packed into them.

The longer the bows were drawn, the more the blue energy enveloped the Great Bows.

Finally, when the enormous blue aura formed a single bow, and the charging was fully stacked, the raid leader shouted.



The sound resonated so loudly it felt like we were firing cannons.

This preseason isn’t just the age of the mages anymore.

The ranged classes, like archers, have new tech and equipment added as well.

They say any new performance in the game is OP or close to it, but seeing the power displayed before me made me think we made the right call.

Then, out of nowhere behind Friede, a staff popped up.

The bizarre-looking staff, connected by spindly bone joints, swayed smoothly as if weaving signs in the air.

As the light gathered at the tip of the staff, it aimed at the blue arrow soaring towards the sky.

Great Magic, “Specter’s Current”


A massive laser cannon erupted from the end of the staff after casting was completed.

The cylindrical laser, capable of swallowing a human whole, flew towards the incoming arrows, quickly erasing them based on the angle dictated by Forming’s staff.

An eraser, yeah. That action is basically an eraser. Even a blue aura arrow that pierces through everything couldn’t compete with that level of magic firepower and was shot down.

‘I expected as much.’

I was a little bummed but not depressed. I immediately signaled for the second wave of attacks.

The next entry: the mages.

As the staff twirled, it drew in the air like painting a picture.

As the wave of light followed, like children chasing their parents, the moment Friede witnessed it, she whistled amid the fierce winds.

“Da-young, I’m going to boost up a bit.”

“Huh? Wait, what?!”

Forming, who was losing her balance at the insane speed, didn’t have time to question what “boosting” meant as she was overwhelmed by G-forces, just letting out a horrific scream.

She just tightened her grip on the hand that was gripping her chest and her waist, desperately trying to stay on.

As dozens of mages finished casting and prepared the final charge, the tip of the staff pointed at Friede.

Great Magic, “Specter’s Current”


The same magic Forming used to erase the arrows.

Dozens of pillars of light rushed towards Friede from all angles.

‘This should be fun.’

With multiple beams of light reflecting in my eyes, my legs pushed harder against their limit.

A knight of super speed, faster than swift.

Now, Friede’s body shot out like a comet, barely distinguishable from a human form.

Just as the columns of magical light were about to engulf Friede—


With a feather-like grace, Friede’s form painted a smooth curve in the air.

Curling mid-air, her gently bent waist showcased the sensual lines of her body, which armor couldn’t hide.

Ignoring the rebound, she landed lightly and took off running even faster.

With beams of light coming at her from other angles,

Friede dodged beams with agile curves that defied inertia and rebound.

Seeing her speed transcending human limits left even the raid dumbfounded.

“Third wave! Attack!”

Staring in shock, the raid captain snapped himself out of it, slapping his own cheek while yelling.

Finally, the ace in the hole arrived—a group of five mages gathered in one spot.

If we could suppress them from a distance, that would be the best option.

They were all ultimate destructive mages, thoroughly set up for damage and crit hits.

They’d already finished casting and were ready to unleash as Friede burst through the barrage of light.

Great Magic, “Perseus Meteor”

Several black wells appeared in front of Friede.


“Sis, that’s!”

Forming’s exclamation came out in surprise.

And it was understandable; what appeared before them was a top-tier attack magic, it was so.

Though its accuracy was terrible, its area coverage and destructive power compensated for that.


Meteorites shot from inside the black wells, following the number of wells, raining down on Friede.

“Da-young! Hold on tight!”

“Got it!”

I could sense we were in a dire situation, even from my position behind her.

I tightened my grip on the hand buried in my chest even more.


‘Ahh! I’ve completely lost it!’

I poured out a desperate cry that the plush moisture soaking my palm wouldn’t hear… but hey, it’s a critical moment.

Meanwhile, Friede, focused on the incoming attacks, poured her all into a final enormous jump.


Minimizing air resistance, Friede shot straight forward, body straightened like an arrow released from a Great Bow.



As Friede landed smoothly, flipping her cape, silence seemed to settle like a king on the barren land.


[What the hell did I just see?]

[Not only did she dodge the frickin’ tidal wave of dozens of attacks, but she also dodged meteors?]

[Whoa, whoa, whoa.]

[Five mages couldn’t take her down? That’s some gnarly stuff.]

[What the hell is “Femi”?]

[“Perseus Meteor”? Referred to as “Femi” for short. It’s a top-tier destruction spell that summons multiple gravity wells, raining down meteorites weighing 82 tons each.]

[It’s equivalent to the Entropy’s Current stat that pierces through. It has insane damage, but the landing point is randomly placed, making its hit rate totally garbage. This factory’s attempt to cover that lack of accuracy with sheer numbers ended up being a disaster against Friede’s physical stats. So, I’m busy here, 20,000.]

[That’s a bit lacking in gender sensitivity for an explanation.]

The chat exploded as the text barrage continued.

Since the days of running the Soul Warfare ranked matches, through nuclear controversies, brawl tournaments, event battles, and pre-seasons,

everyone watching had now seen Friede’s Supernova movement.

It was around this time that everyone thought they were getting used to her exceptional physicality.

But with the unlocking of the Supernova skill, Friede was showing them an entirely new dimension.

At this point, it wouldn’t be surprising to wonder.

What on earth is the limit of that woman?

How the hell is she able to dodge through a barrage of meteors and magic shots like she’s shooting an arrow?

“I honestly don’t know anymore.”

We couldn’t see any chance of winning in close combat, so I had planned this heavy bombardment made with all available troops, skill alterations, and equipment changes.

But if it gets pulled off this brilliantly, I wouldn’t even feel embarrassed about losing to just two players.

Against someone showing that level of skill, it’s hit me that thinking we could win is just plain arrogance.

The numbers we had felt overwhelmingly insufficient. So how could we think we have a shot?

The elite raid force gathered to take down Friede felt this thought pass through their minds, each one weighing the spectacle before them.