Chapter 275

Chapter: 275

In this world, there exists a profession called “adventurer.”

These are individuals who hunt monsters that threaten cities and villages.

They use weapons and traps to catch dangerous monsters to acquire mana stones, sturdy bones, leather, and even meat that can be obtained from the monsters.

It’s a risky endeavor, but monster materials are always in short supply.

Today, many are risking their lives once again to hunt these monsters.

“Well, that’s all good and well…”

I let out a small sigh after watching a dangerous hunt by an adventurer through my improved LD.

Originally a lumberjack, this hunter used an appropriate axe to hunt monsters.

The monsters they primarily hunted were ones that had transformed from trees.

These were called Treants, walking tree monsters.

With arms and legs sprouted, they swing their heavy arms like logs or stab with knife-like branches.

Since they were originally thick trees, capturing them with swords or bows was not easy, so they were generally considered a troublesome type of monster.

Of course, a mage could easily set them ablaze, but… there are hardly any mages who choose the life of an adventurer nowadays.

Shooting fire arrows might be an option, but if things went wrong, the fire could spread to the surrounding forest, leading to disaster.

Also, the forest is considered the lord’s property, so carelessly setting it on fire could lead to the annihilation of an entire family!

So, when it came to monsters born from transformed trees, the only way to deal with them was to chop them down like cutting wood.

Well, they were slow-moving, so as long as I cut their legs off, they would just topple down and flail about. As long as I avoided getting hit by the blind swings of a fallen Treant, it was relatively safe to deal with.

That said, this is only true for experienced hunters.

The lumberjack-turned-adventurer I observed through LD was a professional at taking down such Treants.

He jabbed at the heel of the slowly moving Treant with his axe, dodged its heavy and slow attack by keeping his distance, and relentlessly targeted the chopped-off heel.

With a furious onslaught from the axe, the Treant couldn’t endure for long and toppled to the side, only to be neatly processed by the adventurer afterward.

He skillfully dodged the Treant’s swinging arms and carefully dismantled its limbs while methodically trimming the branches of its trunk.

His skills clearly marked him as an expert in hunting Treants.

After expertly detaching the Treant’s head, he tied up its trunk, transformed into a huge log, with ropes and began dragging it away.

As this adventurer returned after completing his task… he was suddenly ambushed by a wolf-type monster.

This monster had evolved to blend into the shadows, launching a surprise attack without the adventurer noticing.

The ambush inflicted a serious wound on the adventurer’s back, leaving long claw marks, but after a fierce struggle, he managed to survive.

Truly, an adventurer risking his life to earn money! Thankfully, he survived! But the mana stone obtained from the Treant ended up being spent on medical expenses from the Church of Life!

I felt pity for that poor adventurer and gave him a little blessing for good luck before concluding my observation.

Earning money is great, but with dangers like that… shouldn’t there at least be some safety measures in place?

For example… insurance? No, insurance is a bit…

Rather than insurance… a mutual cooperation association? No, there must be a more precise name!

The Adventurer’s Guild! If it’s fantasy, then there must be an Adventurer’s Guild!

An organization that protects adventurers, accepts requests, and categorizes adventurers by their skills, assigning appropriate tasks according to their ranks to ensure more stable monster extermination!

The Adventurer’s Guild! I must create this!

But, hmm… how should I go about making it?

Should I use the Church of Life to help create it? No, that’s not quite right… given how the Church of Life is getting too big, it seems like it might go on a rampage.

If I handed them the sword called the Adventurer’s Guild… that wouldn’t be good.

Of course, the military power derived from numerous pilgrims is strong! Plus, some members of the Church of Life are hiding their identities as dragons!

But giving them external military power wouldn’t be wise. The Church of Life is, after all, a religious organization. They shouldn’t need to provoke others by wielding military power.

So, the Church of Life is out of the running. Next candidate… let’s see.

The city of mages, Procyon… is originally a group that’s distant from adventurers, so that’s out.

Elves and Dwarves? While some elves and dwarves are adventurers, frequent clashes due to racial differences often occur. Most adventurers are humans or beastmen, so let’s leave them out.

Lizardmen? While I acknowledge their strength in smashing monsters head-on, would they be able to properly manage the Adventurer’s Guild? I doubt it; they’re still living as a coalition of various tribes.

Next, what about the Beastman nations of Rattkinia or Vistia? Not bad, but… we’ll skip that for now. They can serve as cooperative nations for the Adventurer’s Guild.

So, it seems like Romania is the best choice.

This isn’t because I have a bias towards humans. Not at all.

To begin with, the Rattkinia and Vistia coalition is a bit out of the way.

On the eastern side of the continent, blocked by Sagarmatha and various mountain ranges… known as the Eastern Continent, let’s skip that for now and focus on Romania, which is centrally located in the Western Continent.

From there, heading west leads to Vistia, and further west from there brings us to Rattkinia.

If I were to establish the Adventurer’s Guild in those two westernmost countries, communication may not flow smoothly!

So here, Romania seems like the best bet! Yes!

Even when making this decision, I feel a voice in my head saying, “This is definitely human favoritism.” But for now, I’ll ignore it. Just ignore it.

Alright. Now that we’ve decided to create it in Romania, what process should we follow?

Noble support? The usual nobility wouldn’t be able to create the grand Adventurer’s Guild I envision.

In this case… let’s utilize the Emperor’s powers. With the Emperor’s authority and prestige, it shouldn’t be difficult.

First, by using the Emperor, I can establish the headquarters of the Adventurer’s Guild in the capital, ordering each lord to create their own Adventurer’s Guild to manage the adventurers, and then weave all the guilds together like a spiderweb to form a grand Adventurer’s Guild.

Creating a massive Adventurer’s Guild from the outset throughout Romania won’t be easy, even using the Emperor’s authority. It would be better to create fragmented guilds across various territories and establish loose connections for management.

So, shall I slightly interfere with the Emperor?

By the way, the current Emperor is Julius, the son of Vivy, and the adopted son of Arthur.

And what about Arthur, you ask?

That guy is still alive and kicking.

He passed on the Symbol of Immortality to Julius, along with the sword and flags, and has been keeping completely separate from the governance of Romania, living in a small stone house he made in the garden.

He sometimes enjoys meals, and occasionally practices swordsmanship in the knight brigade’s training grounds, but for the rest of his time, he resides in that tiny stone house. Truly an insufferable guy.

By now, he must be over 60 years old. Yet Arthur still retains the appearance of his prime, stirring rumors that the bloodline of the Romanian imperial family possesses mysterious powers… but that’s not true.

He’s simply been extending his lifespan through the Symbol of Immortality, maximizing his internal magical power… um… how should I put it?

It’s almost like he’s suppressing the aging of his body with his magical power. To put it in martial arts terms, it’s like suppressing aging with inner strength.

Arthur has exceeded the boundaries of a human in many ways.

At this rate, I wonder if he’ll end up using some kind of reverse-aging technique in a hundred years. I could see him achieving that now.

And what about that guy? Is he not planning to go to the Underworld? If he were judged there, he would have a 100% chance of heading to Paradise. I think it would be interesting if I showed up and spoke then!

At this rate, it would be uneventful for decades.

Anyway, that’s enough talk about Arthur. Now, about the next Emperor, Julius…

He possesses a talent that can be considered remarkable compared to ordinary humans, but he’s a bit lacking in self-esteem compared to the previous Emperor and his birth mother.

Still, he was managing to govern Romania quite well. After all, Arthur and Vivy were exceptionally outstanding individuals.

With their remarkable talents, they were taught by the world’s best masters, and in comparison, poor Julius’s confidence and self-esteem were lacking.

Using this somewhat pitiful current Emperor… I’ll create the Adventurer’s Guild.

If done properly, it would serve as an achievement for Julius. He could gain some self-confidence!