Chapter 267
Chapter: 267
Hmm… this is a big problem.
Maybe I accidentally created something that could change the world.
“L-Let me go again! I want to go again!!!”
“Get out of the way! It’s my turn!!!”
“I’ll give you as much faith as you want!!!!”
“Everyone move! I said move!!!”
In the square of the Divine Hall, chaos erupted. Countless gods were getting their hands on Asheirit.
In the center… was the prototype device I created.
“Wait, wait! I said it’s just a trial version, and you can only use it once!!!”
“I don’t care about that!!! Show me my believer! Let me see the world through the believer’s eyes!!!”
“Ah! Seriously!!!”
As Asheirit forcibly dealt with the gods clinging to him and somewhat organized the situation, he looked around and said.
“It was barely made! Today is just a trial, a test!! Calm down and wait!!”
“Are you kidding me?! You expect us to wait after going through this? Isn’t that a bit much?!”
“What am I supposed to do with what’s not here!!! The Goddess of Life is working hard on it, so just wait quietly!!”
Is mass production really starting? Right now, it’s just a test to see some reactions, isn’t it?
Why does it feel like we’re heading towards mass production? There are still several things needing work!
“Then I should quickly ask the Goddess of Life to make it!!!”
“But what if the Goddess gets mad? What if she cancels what she’s making because it bothers her…?”
Hmm… Considering the personality of the one who significantly reduced the number of gods… I can’t argue with that.
Why is my personality like this? Isn’t this decent?! And the reduction was because those gods were overstepping!
Ugh. Did I really need to create this? Hmmm…
Forget it! I’ll just mass-produce a prototype with at least minimal performance and hand them out! I’ll upgrade to higher performance little by little!
That should eliminate the complaints!
Good grief, what a mess! My workload just doubled!!
I wanna do nothing and just laze around! But every time I do something, work just piles up… Ugh…
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The prototypes I made flew off the shelves to countless gods.
I mean, it’s just a device without a proper name, and yet here they are buying it. What is even going on?
The gods who tried out the prototype set up in the square immediately bought it, and the word-of-mouth about the experience spread, leading one after another to try out the prototype, buy it, and the cycle continued.
It achieved a miraculous 100% purchase rate among most gods.
What’s up with this? It’s scary… Just a little test and it gets this explosive reaction. Was there really so little entertainment for the gods?
Though it was just a prototype, watching from the believer’s perspective allowed for quick and uncomplicated reproduction.
One slight disappointment was… I still hadn’t properly named it. Hmmm… For now, let’s temporarily name it. Since it’s a machine that allows experiencing human life… Life Experience Device? Hmm, too stiff.
Since it’s like a VR experience… Hmm. Virtual reality doesn’t fit since it’s not technically VR. Full dive… Dive…
Since it’s a device diving into life, how about Life Diver? Shortened to LD…? Hmm. Should I go with that? After all, it’s just a temporary name.
And to make sure the gods don’t get too absorbed and addicted, we’ll set it up so they can exit if the person they’re observing falls asleep. In the official version, they can enjoy it more properly.
Thus, the development of the device, temporarily named ‘Life Diver,’ progressed smoothly.
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Initially made for the amusement of the gods, Life Diver, LD, unexpectedly began causing effects I hadn’t anticipated.
From the perspective of the believers, the gods started to develop a fondness for humans.
Traditionally, humans were perceived by gods as mere resources for faith, labor, and tools for conversion, but through LD, it seemed they were experiencing and spending time from the viewpoint of each believer, building affection.
Well, even if it’s affection, it’s like treating them as something below them… like pets.
Considering that previously humans were viewed as crops to harvest faith…
Cough. Anyway, it’s definitely a good thing that gods began to cherish humans. It means no more humans are suffering under the gods’ terrible prophecies.
“Please! Goddess of Life! Bring my believer back to life!”
“Please! I’ll do anything! Please!!”
“No means no!!”
It’s quite troublesome that gods, having become too attached to humans, began asking to revive those who had reached the end of their lifespans.
I can understand their feelings! But no means no!
“Come on….”
“If they’re asking to be healed before they die, or for illnesses and injuries, that’s one thing. But asking for the dead to be revived is out of the question! If you get it, go back! Don’t disturb the development!”
The development needs to progress! We need a point limit for avatar creation! A sensory limit function for the sensitive gods!
There are bugs with sounds cutting out, perspectives flipping randomly, and sudden pains causing them to exit LD, to fix!
Plus, for gods with few believers or those who only do silent meditation and find little fun, we need a sharing service for believers associated with the Church of Life!
They finally watched some LD but ended up experiencing a dying human moaning on the bed just before aging to death, or gods resetting LD repeatedly until a desirable target showed up; we need a matching system for conditions!
Also, for special LDs that exceed Level 1, we should add a micropayment system for faith to allow external support!
There’s a mountain of tasks! Why do I have to listen to these childish requests from the gods?!
Where’s Asheirit! Asheirit!!! You should be the one dealing with the gods instead!!! Ugh! Damn it! He’s lost in LD!!! That guy!!!!
I threw the clingy god out of the temple and forcibly pulled Asheirit from LD, where he had no intention of coming out.
“What?! Wh-What’s happening?!”
“What do you mean what’s happening? You’re ignoring your duties and getting lost in LD!!”
“Ah, well, um….”
Asheirit stammered. It seemed he finally realized he had done something wrong seeing me angry.
“Do you know why I’m angry?”
“Uh, yeah… it’s because of LD…?”
“I’m not mad just because of LD! I’m mad because you’re so wrapped up in it that you’re abandoning your responsibilities!!”
At my words, Asheirit couldn’t respond.
It’s unbelievable! Even the prayers of the believers he should handle are now piling up on me!!! While developing, I’ve got to listen to the believers’ prayers too!
Thanks to that, I’ve gotten pretty used to multitasking, but this is too much!!!
“I-I’m sorry…”
As Asheirit quickly deflated, I usually get nagged by him to do work, but this reversal was amusing.
Well, I guess it means he got really absorbed in LD.
Oh! Right! What if I add a feature to enable work while using LD… would that make it complicated?
It would potentially ruin full immersion, but it would at least prevent work from piling up… Hmmm. I’ll make it a feature only for higher-tier devices.
“Anyway, don’t neglect your work, got it?”
“Yes… I’m sorry.”
After scolding Asheirit, I returned to the workshop where I was developing LD.
“Mmm… Is this it? Maybe…?”
“C-Could you stop? If that person comes… Huh!”
Standing next to my developing LD was Freya, looking flustered, alongside a childlike god I had never seen before.
Who the heck is this? A god I don’t recognize.
With fluffy white hair and innocent sky-blue eyes sparkling, this childlike god seemed strikingly cute.
Hmm… Oh, could it be?
“Cloud Whale?”
As I called the name, the childlike god’s eyes widened, and they hurriedly hid behind Freya.
“I-I’m sorry! I won’t touch anything carelessly!”
“Whale! Just hiding behind me doesn’t mean you’re hidden!!”
Hmm. I suspected, but it really is Cloud Whale…
Did they gain the ability to transform into a human? Well, considering they’ve been assigned the role of creating new life, they must have some power.
It’s just… their lack of human form could just be due to having the intelligence of a child. They’re, after all, the oldest among the gods under me, the Goddess of Life.
Their role in birthing all life is definitely not insignificant.
“I won’t get mad, so come out here.”
“R-Really? You won’t get mad?”
Hesitating, Cloud Whale slowly stepped out from behind Freya.
That figure looked like a cute little girl from any angle.