Chapter 203
Thus, the merger of the bear tribe and the tiger tribe began to take shape around the bear tribe.
Upon hearing the details of the final contest, there were protests from the tiger tribe, claiming that it was completely unfair to have the terms dictated by a mere bear dish. But what could be done?
The contest was already concluded, and even they had come to terms with it.
Even voicing their grievances wouldn’t change anything. In fact, it was almost absurd how they were now trying to backtrack on what had been settled.
It got to the point where members of the tiger tribe were grumbling about a matter that was supposed to be over.
Anyway, Hwan had agreed to accompany me as promised.
“I, accompany…?”
“Yes. You won’t receive favorable views if you stay here anyway. Why not come with me?”
At my words, Hwan glanced away.
She was looking at… the chieftain of the tiger tribe, who was standing there with a furrowed brow.
“Are you saying that you need someone like me, who is less than human?”
Less than human. Is it because the beastman has fur covering their skin that they are treated this way?
Sure, there’s a bit more animalistic element to their nature, but they are still beastmen after all.
Is discrimination based on appearance just unavoidable?
“I’m trying to gather those with talent for something I’m pursuing. Since it’s become difficult for you to stay here… will you come with me?”
Hwan looked at the chieftain of the tiger tribe with longing in her eyes and spoke.
“I wanted… to be recognized by my father.”
“Father… are you referring to the chieftain?”
“Yes… after all, I was the chieftain’s daughter.”
I still couldn’t help but look at the chieftain of the tiger tribe, who still couldn’t calm down.
So it was this creator who had given his daughter a name that means ‘worry’.
“There’s no problem in following me, but… will your father let you go?”
“That’s not a problem at all. The discussions have already been settled.”
I nodded slightly.
“Yes. The side that lost the contest will accompany me, while the victor receives the desired blessing.”
At my words, a shadow crossed Hwan’s face.
“In the end… I’m not treated as a daughter after all…”
Unlike the chieftain of the bear tribe, who had referred to Goma as the next chieftain, the chieftain of the tiger tribe had only said that Hwan was good for fighting and couldn’t do much else.
It seemed that he didn’t consider her much of a child.
“At least being with that guy seems worse than following me. What do you think?”
Hwan thought for a moment at my words and then opened her mouth.
“Do you need me?”
“Right. I’m gathering those with ability. You’re more than qualified.”
Among the physically strong beastmen, she is among the stronger ones. Although she uses that power recklessly… I think she could become even stronger if I just help her refine her movements a bit.
A fighter with the strength of a tiger. Honestly, I can’t resist this kind of talent.
“Okay. I understand. I’ll go with you. I hope there’s a place that needs me at the end of that road.”
“Good. You made a wise decision.”
I smiled broadly and patted Hwan’s back. This girl, too, would surely prefer to be with me rather than under parents who see her as a worry.
“Then we have another companion. Asterios.”
“Yes. I’m happy.”
The large, simple-faced Asterios beamed, and upon seeing him smile, Hwan too gave a small smile.
“Looking forward to working with you.”
“Likewise. Thank you very much.”
With Hwan convinced to accompany us…
“Then as soon as the promised blessing is given, we’ll depart. Hwan, be ready to leave as well.”
At my words, Hwan shook her head slightly.
“I don’t really have anything to prepare. I hardly have any personal belongings.”
As the strongest one in a tribe, one would think she should have some value.
Is it just because she looks a little different that she gets treated this way?
It’s a bit… bitter.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“So, what kind of blessing do you desire?”
After finishing my preparations to leave, I asked the chieftain of the bear tribe, who replied with a determined expression.
“About that blessing… can it be passed on to our descendants instead of us?”
“To your descendants?”
“Yes. No matter how I think about it, that seems like the best choice.”
Oh. Look at this. Instead of a blessing that would immediately benefit them, they want to pass it down to future generations.
Now that’s pretty clever.
“Interesting. So, what kind of blessing do you want for your descendants?”
Of course, I’d get mad if they said they wanted immortality or powers like a god.
But contrary to my thoughts, the chieftain of the bear tribe brought Goma, who was standing nearby.
“I hope that the descendants of Goma who shall lead the tribe will always be happy.”
Suddenly pulled in without context, Goma got caught up in the conversation, but neither I nor the chieftain paid her much mind.
“Yes. I wish for happiness.”
Happiness, huh. Hmm. Hmm.
Everyone has a different definition of happiness, yet they desire such a blessing. That’s quite tricky.
In that case, I will need to adjust how the blessing is applied a bit.
“Since it’s a tricky wish, let’s change how the blessing works slightly.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“I’m trying to give a great gift to your descendants, so just be quiet.”
Ignoring Goma, who was completely bewildered, I looked toward the massive tree rising behind the village.
From within it, even the small divine essence that was emerging.
“That tree. The one that is regarded as the Tree of God by you. I shall give a blessing so that those who live under its shade may find happiness.”
If I can borrow power from that little divine essence, then that should be enough to ensure the happiness of those living under its shade.
I briefly considered providing a way for them to find happiness even if they wandered away from the tree’s shade, but it didn’t seem to be a good idea to establish a mental connection with a higher entity. Also, a blessing that becomes too broad could cause complications.
So, I guess it’s best to wrap it up with just ensuring that those under the shade will find happiness.
“Yes, that should be enough.”
Considering the size of that tree… unless the population grows exponentially, the area of the shade should be sufficient.
So, in that case.
“Those among you, descendants who find themselves under that tree’s shade shall find happiness, live helping one another, and shall do what is right; if any turn away from such actions, the blessing shall depart from them.”
I infused my magical power into the tree, marking my intent within the mind of the still-innocent little divine essence.
Those who step into the shade and are descendants of this tribe, may you find happiness.
Well, to be honest, I feel like the descendant requirement could be dropped, but… I thought that could lead to wars over the tree.
To realize the ambiguous value of happiness, setting a clear limitation is necessary. After all, if anyone who stepped under that shade gained happiness, it wouldn’t be much different from a drug, would it?
The little divine essence with my magical power quietly opened its eyes and began to radiate its energy through each branch and leaf.
A soft light spread around, and small smiles emerged on the faces of the tribe members.
“Therefore, make sure to educate your descendants well. Live helping one another and doing what is right.”
“Yes. Understood. Thank you, esteemed guest from the heavens.”
The chieftain of the bear tribe, unable to hide the smile gracing his lips, bowed and showed his gratitude, and the baffled Goma followed suit without understanding what was going on.
Now then. It seems I’ve finished what I needed to do here… so, shall we head out?
I turned my back on the two bear beastmen still bowed and headed towards where Asterios and Hwan were.
Now, where shall we go next?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Exclusive rights to the area surrounding the Tree of God. Is this alright?
Long ago, anyone who was a descendant of the heavenly descendants blessed by our ancestors could find great happiness under the shade of the Tree of God.
However, due to the policies recently enacted by the king, the development restriction zone near the Tree of God has been lifted, leading to a rush of people, each bringing large sums of money, to purchase even a piece of land around the Tree.
Is this what the heavenly descendants envisioned for us?
No! The heavenly descendants surely did not wish for such behavior!
The heavenly descendants, who planted the Tree of God, wished for those who always helped each other and did what is right to find happiness; but is this scene now what they desire?!
If the heavenly descendants were to witness such disgrace, they would surely take back the Tree of God!
It would be right for us to refine our character according to the will of our ancestors rather than be buried in material values!
– Flyers distributed around the vicinity of the Tree of God.
It is said that it was impossible to track down the distributor.