Chapter 184
“Actually, we couldn’t really agree on what to say to you.”
The chairman of the Elf Council looked like a kindly old man.
And he was indeed old. At least by elf standards, which meant he was definitely old enough to be called so. Of course, by human standards, he might have already surpassed the ‘old’ category. Rather… um, what should I say? If he had lived in the mountains, wouldn’t he be called a sage? He was probably approaching a thousand years of age.
I’ve never seen how elves age. In fact, even if a human lived a very long life, it’s still not common to witness an elf going through the process of ‘aging.’
The childhood of humans and elves is almost similar. Just like humans become adults at twenty, elves also start to take on a more mature look, appearing somewhat youthful, but are roughly comparable in bodily appearance to the human age.
However, while their growth rate in childhood is similar, their aging process isn’t.
Elf aging occurs at an extremely slow pace. The growth in the first twenty years seems like a lie, as for the rest of their lives—which can stretch over nine hundred years—elves age as if the human aging process has been stretched out painfully long.
Thanks to that, the ‘twenties’ for elves last a long time. While a human’s twenties last around ten years, and with good maintenance, they could look like they’re still in their twenties even in their thirties, elves can maintain that youthful body for hundreds of years.
But the stretch of time after that during which they age is also incredibly long. In other words, the period from when they pass their prime until they grow old—akin to human ages from their late thirties to seventies or even eighties—elves live through it slowly as their bodies age bit by bit.
Elves are beautiful. Aging doesn’t change that. Just like there are humans who maintain their beauty into their forties, elves are the same. But the fact that their bodies gradually weaken, little by little, doesn’t change.
Perhaps the reason older elves can be so wise and humble is that they feel this process of decline slowly over hundreds of years—much like the elder sitting in front of me now.
“We were divided on what to say to the hero who saved the world and how to express our gratitude in the most effective way.”
The old elf said with a benevolent smile.
In fact, with such an elder around, it’s likely that he had seen other heroes before me. Demon Kings appear every century or so, and elves joined forces with humans to drive them out each time.
Of course, this latest war was much shorter and with fewer sacrifices… But still, humans certainly died by the tens of thousands. Maybe even over a million.
And the fact that the world didn’t perish means that human and elf survivors overcame and triumphed even after suffering far greater losses.
“Yes, there have been times when a Demon King has plunged the world into darkness before. Back then, we fought, and a hero appeared. But none were as strong as you. We barely managed to hold back the advancing Demon King’s forces, gathering elf power to buy just enough time to topple the Demon King.”
“Elves probably took a beating during that time, too.”
At my words, the elder let out a bitter laugh.
“What would happen if over half of the elves died?”
“It wouldn’t even be possible for humans to withstand those disasters like they did back then. The human kingdom entered the elf territory, and only by combining forces on the same land could we manage to win. And even then, heroes sacrificed themselves. This time, we thought we could stop it, but in the end, the same situation has repeated itself.”
I could sense a bitter expression on the elder’s face as he looked at me.
Honestly, I was completely different from the person I once was when I visited the elf region. Back then, I was male, and now in this body, I’m female. I had come to terms with it, but looking at this form, which looked nothing like my previous self, it was undeniable that the fact I ‘died and was reborn’ was glaringly obvious.
No matter how much I was brought back to life, I couldn’t deny the fact that I had sacrificed myself.
“This massive plains you passed through on your way here used to be a human village.”
“Of course, if there’s an empty place like that, it could be used for any purpose if needed. That’s why we left that place vacant.”
While the elder spoke kindly, when I thought about it, this person was someone who had endured a long span of time. He was one of the few who had protected the world even during times when both elves and humans might have been overwhelmed.
I had thought about it the last time we met, but could I really share the experiences I had during the war in front of him? He was someone who had survived through such events over and over.
In fact, if we really break it down, the ones who are truly at risk on the battlefield are the soldiers.
Thanks to the power of the Holy Sword, I could move relatively safely even on the magically contaminated land, and my allies who were protecting me all had amazing strength as well.
Kalia, who stood at the forefront, blocking every attack; Pia, who healed our wounds no matter what we suffered; Dana, who superbly assisted us with the right magic at the right time; and Arna, who could jump in wherever manpower was lacking.
Even while on the battlefield, when I really thought about everything after the fact, I couldn’t help but wonder what I had really done.
Surely, the soldiers who went to battle without the power bestowed by the goddess, simply to protect their families and the world, were probably the truly courageous ones? In fact, shouldn’t the ones worthy of being called heroes be those people?
“You seem to be lost in strange thoughts again.”
As if she had read my expression, Arna spoke up.
“Even if you received help from others, what you’ve accomplished is your accomplishment. Because you sacrificed yourself in the end, the elves could secure their society, and the kingdom suffered no additional damage. What do you think kept the soldiers who were defending against the floods of monsters pouring from the Demon King’s castle alive?”
I was at a loss for words at what Arna said.
The elder watched me quietly, then slowly opened his mouth.
“May I say something?”
“Yes? Ah, yes, please.”
Hearing someone who was far older than me—almost a generational gap—say this made me feel a bit shy. In fact, if he had spoken as casually as King would have, I might have felt more at ease.
“Those who can rise to the position of a hero are not ordinary people found anywhere.”
“Though we can’t judge the thoughts of the great prophet lightly, those whom he designated as ‘heroes’ all shared a noble heart and tenacity. They are the ones who fight unflinchingly for the people without ever giving up. If one didn’t have such a heart, they would never rise to the status of a hero.”
I tried to say something in response, but the elder shook his head.
“If the prophet brought you to this world, it means he must have assessed your character with great certainty. So there’s absolutely no reason for you to feel guilty about it. Rather, if anything, you should perhaps lament the fact that a hero hasn’t emerged from this world.”
“Ah, no, I definitely don’t think that!”
At the elder’s words, I hurriedly waved my hands in response.
Surely, there was a reason the goddess brought me here. If she didn’t think I would be a help, she wouldn’t have requested it in the first place. If that was the case, even if I was here, it would have just added to the fatigue for both sides.
“Then there’s no need to doubt the deeds you accomplished yourself. Just being here again, and for us to express our gratitude, is in itself a reason for thanks to the prophet.”
Hearing someone much older than me say this made my face flush crimson.
“Oh, and…”
The elder’s kind smile grew even kinder. A moment ago, it was a warm smile resembling that of a teacher proudly displaying his beloved student; now, it felt more like a grandparent delighted with a well-behaved grandchild.
“I heard you got engaged after returning home.”
“Yes? Ah, yes, yes!”
I was momentarily flustered, but at the same time, that was indeed true. I had proposed to my older sister, and while she was shocked at first, she accepted soon after. We exchanged rings as well.
So… even if we didn’t hold a formal ceremony, we could say that my sister and I were engaged to each other.
“Congratulations. But… I feel we might be getting ahead of ourselves. We heard the rumor and thought you had already married. Did we overstep?”
“Ah—No! Not at all! Yes, absolutely! I was so incredibly happy!”
If my sister and I were to hold a wedding in this realm… There were so many mountains to overcome. Especially if we wanted our friends and family to know about our situation, it would take even more.
Without a change in laws, we wouldn’t even be able to register a marriage.
“That’s a relief. Speaking of which…”
The elder looked towards Arna.
Did Arna perhaps say something to the elder?
As the elder spoke, Arna turned towards me and said, “So, how about leaving proof that you got married right here?”
To my slightly blank expression, Arna spoke again.