Chapter 145

The word “bribe” doesn’t quite have the best connotation, does it?

Usually, when it comes to bribes, it means that someone who shouldn’t be in a high position manages to get there, and the state’s function can become paralyzed due to their incompetence.

Moreover, even if we’re not considering a high position, it’s still dangerous. If soldiers fighting on the battlefield start accepting bribes and retreat entirely, the combat effectiveness would significantly drop.

If such an event were to happen within our ranks and it got discovered, that person would truly be a public enemy.

Conversely, if someone on the enemy side engages in such behavior, our side would likely scoff at them. They would be seen as someone who’s supposedly working hard for our benefit.

So generally speaking, it’s hard to think of bribes in a positive light.

However, the city that Siyun and the party visited was different.

In the city they entered under guidance, none of the party members were attacked.

Moreover, the city was quite unusual. Even though there were places that had been attacked, broken, and burned here and there, this city looked as if the war had just ended, with recovery efforts going on all around.

Even the church, which had burned first upon occupation, had been at least somewhat restored.

Although, during the war, they couldn’t hang splendid stained glass, so the windows themselves were completely shattered.

The city was under the influence of a demon race that had bribed the upper echelons of the Demon King’s army.

“At first, it seems the only goal was to gain benefits from that city,” Kalia said while sitting in the living room after finishing her meal.

Since the conversation wasn’t quickly wrapping up, the six of us remained gathered in the living room.

“It seems he didn’t even know when it started, but it appears seeing people dying at the recovery sites changed his heart. At some point, he began spending money to save and protect those people. He was so corrupt that he didn’t draw too much suspicion.”

“It seems that the soldiers were also the children of other demon race members he was close to. In the first year of the war, he squandered all the bribes, calling others and saying he would let them ‘work comfortably’ and lured them into that city.”

Siyun explained further.

It was relatively close to the front lines but still far from the real battlefield.

While no significant combat occurred, many parents wanted to send their children to a place they could brag about after the war was over.

“Before the Demon King ruled, he was a demon who traveled around the city doing business, so he succeeded in persuading the children of other demon races. By the time he arrived here, he was able to tease and threaten into becoming accomplices… And when accepting bribes, he was able to avoid the bribes of those demons who were overly infatuated with the Demon King’s army.”

Still, maintaining that state for a full two years was almost a miracle.

“Divine power has the most devastating effects on demons, yet that person prayed to the Goddess all the time. He never once received a response, though.”

“But… the Goddess was watching all along, right?”

When the hero party got close to that city, it was clear that the Goddess knew what was happening in that city, which allowed those events to unfold.

Even if she didn’t respond to prayers,

“Perhaps, she thought that if she answered in the name of the God, there would be repercussions for her.”


“Even though he didn’t receive an answer, some of the demons there were inspired by the protected humans and converted.”

It wasn’t anyone intentionally converting them; it was those demons who were praying to the Goddess on their own that the church saw as miracles.

“Why did they convert?”

“When you hear the story, it’s surprisingly simple.”

Pia spoke quietly.

“…They heard the word ‘hero’ from the humans they were protecting, even though they were criticized for not being ‘demon-like.’”

It wasn’t that they thought they had to cling to humans. But during the times they talked and understood each other, they realized something was wrong… or perhaps they were simply moved by the words of those who looked up to them like that.

In reality, that thought probably wouldn’t last long. If Siyun’s party hadn’t arrived by that point, they would have eventually been caught by the Demon King’s army.

“It makes sense to call it a miracle.”

After listening to the whole story, Ayun said a little admiringly.

“Right.” Siyun nodded.

“Because he felt that he couldn’t betray the first person who said thank you to him, he kept doing those things, and that’s how it grew so big.”

Though he was big in stature, he had quite a different atmosphere from those whom the Demon King’s army praised as ‘heroes.’

Pia would probably never forget the face of that person who laughed and said it was thanks to the guidance of the Goddess, till the day she died.


What used to be bearable volunteer activities became incredibly tough once winter arrived.

Pia, who was unfamiliar with the ‘cold regions,’ was taken aback. Having lived her whole life in a kingdom where it didn’t snow in midwinter, she was shocked to see clothing made from puffy pockets filled with goose feathers.

And she was desperately realizing the need for that clothing.

“But those people waiting for this food must be suffering even more.”

Watching the pastor saying that with a calm expression, Pia felt genuine admiration.

After all, no matter how cold it is, if you work, you’ll inevitably end up sweating. Thus, Pia worked hard. This made it a bit more bearable as warmth spread through her body.

Gayang, who was volunteering alongside her, also seemed to be in the same boat. Pia could see a drop of sweat running down Gayang’s temple as she diligently participated in the volunteer work.

It seemed like her suggestion to volunteer together at the beginning of the month was genuine.

And not just Gayang, Arna and Kalia, and Dana, who came along, were also moving tirelessly.

The clothes of the people already waiting looked terribly shabby.

…Let’s do our best.

Pia made that resolve in her heart and moved even more diligently.


After the volunteer work ended, it was lunchtime.

Pia casually approached the spot where Gayang was sitting alone.

In fact, it was nearly a month since they had seen each other’s faces. But it seemed that having seen her even just once had been quite helpful.

Pia’s hair, which might seem a bit strange when seen in the context of this world, also appeared to have almost adapted.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

As she sat down next to her and said that, a faint smile flashed across Gayang’s face.

“Ah, yes, that… Pia, you also worked hard.”

Using ‘-ssi’ seemed awkward for her.

She could just call her ‘older sister’… Though she thought that, she kept quiet about it and swallowed it down.



The two stayed silent for a while, eating their meals.

The reason Pia didn’t initiate conversation was that she was worried Gayang might feel uncomfortable while eating.

But surprisingly, it was Gayang who spoke up first.

“Why do you engage in volunteering so consistently, Pia-ssi?”


She wondered if the pastor might have mentioned it. Pia participated in volunteer work almost every day except the weekends.

“Well, that’s…”

After thinking for a moment, Pia responded.

“I guess it’s because I like helping people?”

Helping others doesn’t always mean you get gratitude in return.

But among them, there were certainly people who smiled and said thank you.

Pia liked those people.

And even for those who didn’t express their gratitude, she thought that if she kept helping them, they would eventually recognize it.

“Is that so…?”

After saying that, Gayang looked a bit deflated.

“Is there something weighing on your mind?”


Gayang seemed lost in thought, her eyes darting around, before finally opening her mouth.

“I… feel like my volunteer work isn’t that pure in purpose.”

“Not pure in purpose? What do you mean?”

When Pia asked again with a puzzled expression, Gayang replied.

“I think… I’m trying to repay a debt.”

“A debt to someone, perhaps from childhood?”


Though Gayang said that, she looked like she wasn’t sure why she was telling Pia this. However, it seemed she had no intention of stopping the conversation, so Pia nodded.

“If that’s the case… I don’t think you need to think too deeply about it.”


“Of course. Helping others is always a noble act, no matter the purpose behind it.”


Seeing Gayang’s expression still filled with confusion, Pia turned her gaze.

At the end of her gaze was the stained glass of the church.

From the outside it didn’t appear as splendid compared to how it looked from inside, but…

“Isn’t the world of people, the world where people exist, like stained glass?”

Pia’s comment seemed to catch Gayang off guard, as she blinked.

“Though it seems like an overwhelming mix of people with extremely different colors… In reality, each person has their own reason they can’t help but exist like that. There are also people with similar tones and completely opposing natures.”

Pia turned her gaze again.

“There are people like you, Gayang, and people like me.”

And smiling brightly, she added,

“But in the end, regardless of disposition or reason, if we blend together with a shared purpose, it creates one beautiful picture that shines brightly. No one can criticize it.”

“…Is that so?”

“Yes. So there’s no need for you to feel guilty for any reason. We’re all gathered here to help people.”

The pastor here, Kalia and Arna, Dana and Pia. Siyun and Ayun, who come once a month though they’re not here now.

…That demon who helped save so many lives back then, and that bakery owner who put leftover bread at the door for orphans.

And sitting here, Gayang as well.

No matter the reason or the underlying principles, they were all simply people who helped others in the end.

And that act is noble.

That was Pia’s personal conclusion upon being transported to this world.