Chapter 164

“What’s beyond the Eastern Continent?”

Lambus murmured as he gazed at the continent map spread out on his desk.

Having recently read <Great Treasure> serialized in Manapia, he was deeply impressed.

Growing up by the sea in the East, the ocean was a familiar place to him.

His father was a fisherman, and he would follow his father to the sea to catch fish, lost in thought about what lay beyond the endless horizon.

“Don’t think about useless things. What would a non-merchant like you have to seek beyond that horizon?”

Lambus, who yearned to sail endlessly towards the horizon, was firmly told by his father that it was absolutely forbidden.

It made sense; even familiar waters could become deadly in the face of sudden weather changes.

Let alone in unknown territories, where not getting lost was nearly miraculous.

There was no guarantee that going farther out would yield more fish, so there was no need to venture out.

“I heard those who went to the Eastern Continent could not reach beyond it.”

However, after being inspired by <Great Sea Route>, Lambus no longer wanted to hide his adventurous spirit.

“To get past the Eastern Continent, one should sail directly to the opposite side!”

The uncharted western route still lay ahead.

Although trading vessels frequently traversed the known Eastern Continent, the West remained unexplored, a sea that no one dared to navigate.

There were various claims about whether the world, created by the goddess Gaia, was flat or round, but Lambus believed in the latter.

“Looking at the constellations, it’s clear the Earth is spherical!”

Those who worked at sea could identify constellations according to the seasons.

Watching the slight shifts of the constellations with each season, Lambus became convinced of the Earth’s roundness.

Thus, he had persistently argued that to reach beyond the Eastern Continent, one needed to head West, but no one took his words seriously.


<We're recruiting sailors! Looking for brave crew members to find the Great Treasure!>

With rumors suggesting something hidden in Rupert’s new work <Great Treasure>, investors began to line up to join the voyage.

This was an unmissable opportunity for Lambus.

“I will be the first to reach the end of the world!”

With the continent map and the movements of the constellations he had categorized by season, Lambus left home.

Just one person.

If just one person believed in his words, he held onto the hope of setting out to sea.


An important meeting was convening on the Sylvania Continent, with all kingdoms except the Empire participating.

Known as the Kingdom Alliance Conference, this historical meeting had been ongoing for hundreds of years.

Participants included high-ranking officials, royals, and important nobles; it would not be an exaggeration to say that those gathered here dictated the political landscape of the continent.

“Long time no see, Knaksunamon Chancellor.”

“Long time no see, Duke Haile.”

Before the formal meeting started, a banquet was arranged.

This time, the Kingdom Alliance Conference was held in the Desert Kingdom of Aramen.

“Aramen has such a unique atmosphere every time I visit,” Duke Haile remarked, watching the dancers in flowing attire twirl on stage.

“Being in the desert, Aramen has developed its own distinct culture,” Knaksunamon replied.

Duke Haile had visited the Kingdom of Aramen several times, so he had grown accustomed to it.

For newcomers, however, some were already lost in the atmosphere.

“It’s no wonder that certain noblemen visit Aramen periodically.”

Duke Haile, observing the captivated nobility, once again felt a sense of caution.

The smoke from fragrant candles surrounding the dancers made people feel oddly relaxed.

Thus, it was essential to educate diplomats visiting Aramen not to get swept away by the atmosphere.

“I’d like to briefly discuss today’s agenda, if you don’t mind?”

“I’ll escort you to a private room.”

Knaksunamon followed Duke Haile of the Lavass Kingdom to the prepared private room.

“It’s probably for that reason.”

The veteran noble Duke Haile wouldn’t initiate a conversation with him without a purpose, and Knaksunamon thought it was likely due to the issue weighing on his mind.


“This is currently the most popular item in our Lavass Kingdom.”

As soon as they sat in the private room, Duke Haile pulled out a book from his possession.

The cover of the book read <Iron-Blooded Alchemist>.

“It’s still slow.”

“What do you mean?”


Knaksunamon also took out a book from his own possession.

Having revealed it earlier than intended in the meeting room, he continued to speak.

“Currently, in our kingdom, the card game is all the rage.”


Knaksunamon held up <King of Cards>, a collected edition.

Although it had only been recently published, it was already making waves in the Aramen Kingdom.

“Doesn’t this resemble our kingdom’s image?”

“Exactly! Just look at this pattern and the Thousand Items! These are things you could only see in our Aramen Kingdom!”

“Ugh… Even though it’s an Empire author’s work, to express our Aramen culture so wonderfully — this is impossible to tolerate!”

Previously, Rupert’s fairy tale books and comic books had slowly been trending, but at that time, no one openly discussed the works.

No matter how good the works were, they were items from the rival Borus Empire, causing people to view them cautiously.

However, <King of Cards> shattered that trend in an instant.

By mere coincidence, people felt inexplicably proud viewing a work that seemed to be inspired by their own Aramen culture.


“Aramen? Those desert savages?”

“What strange costumes those authors wear; they only seem to be perverts!”

“What’s so great about a place with nothing but sand?”

Due to being situated in the desert, Aramen had relatively little interaction with other countries, leaving a poor image across the continent.

The words of some people spread through rumors, and before long, the people of Aramen found themselves boxed into the frame of a barbaric nation.

Nevertheless, <King of Cards> beautifully illustrated that true Aramen culture is like this! They couldn’t help but rejoice.

Moreover, it wasn’t just any other place; it was their culture being celebrated by the continent’s most esteemed Empire.

“This is the official merchandise sold at the Empire Somerset Goods Store!”

From <King of Cards> comic books to card packs and other merchandise, all began to sell like hotcakes.

Among them, the card game was quickly gaining popularity, even more than in the Empire.

“I heard they went to Borus Empire to watch the last official tournament.”

“You too?”

Quite a number of people returned from the Empire after watching the <King of Cards> official tournament, so its popularity was unquestionable.

Typically, those who wouldn’t even spare a glance at Empire goods were gradually becoming interested, much to Knaksunamon’s dismay.

“I thought it was only us, but Aramen feels the same.”

“Is the Lavass Kingdom also into card games?”

“No, we’re into alchemy.”

The situation in Lavass Kingdom was not much different.

What was trending there was <Iron-Blooded Alchemist>.

“They say the Empire has the perfect Golem’s Arm that can replace any lost arm!”

“That’s not all! Just look at the alchemical circles that appear in this comic. They’re far more advanced than ours.”

“I wonder if I can become like that if I learn alchemy?”

At first, Duke Haile didn’t see the impact of mere books as anything significant and refrained from taking drastic measures.

However, the transformation of those who embraced new ideas spread through Lavass Kingdom like a summer rainstorm.

Had it remained merely a trend of fairy tales or comic books, he wouldn’t have worried so much, but the serious issue was the growing admiration for the Empire’s culture.

“Our kingdom’s books consist only of knight literature.”

“Why do such comics only exist in the Empire?”

“Indeed, it can’t be helped. They seem to lead in every aspect.”


“I feel like slapping all these noble brats!”

“I completely agree, Your Grace.”

The two sighed in unison.

“The nobles should set a good example instead of flaunting their prompt acceptance of the Empire’s goods…”

“That’s not the only problem! Did you see the state of those gathering for this meeting?”

Knaksunamon recalled the conversations shared among nobles in the banquet hall.

“Do you know what this is?”

“I see a book I’ve never seen before. Was there such a thing among Somerset’s fairy tale books?”

“This is the limited edition Pinocchio Fairy Tale Book that was even sold in the Empire.”

“What? That’s something even the Empire’s nobility finds hard to get, how did you…?”

“I spent some money. But then again, just getting it is a miracle, so it’s not a waste.”

Even among those attending the meeting to challenge the Empire, many boasted of acquiring Empire goods.

The upper classes of various countries were mimicking the behavior of those nobles.

“Nowadays, they say it’s impossible to hold a conversation in noble social circles without items from the Somerset Workshop?”

“We also have all the money in the world!”

Recognizing the seriousness of this situation, Knaksunamon had included a ban on imported Empire goods in this meeting’s agenda.

Unfortunately, it seemed few would support it.

“Is it already beyond our control?”

The sighs of Knaksunamon and Duke Haile grew deeper in the private room.

They instinctively felt it was too late to stop the rapidly spreading influence of Empire culture.

“This is an alarmingly swift spread…”

Knaksunamon felt a strong sense that something unrecognized was occurring.