Chapter 93

[Concept Post: My boyfriend is great, but he says he’s tired of me. What should I do? ㅠㅅㅠ]

(Clip of I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire and Dragon Dragon X fighting fiercely in Kellierhton)

Sorry, I drew attention just to show this… Is it real that the Deputy of Gallery fights like this? This is a battle of true world-class champions… Were those nerdy Deputies really such legends?

[Recommended 7423] [Not Recommended 512]

– (Ah~ damn Elf Con)

– Title baiting, you little brat, haha.

– Fact) Those Deputies never seemed nerdy.

n [Author] Ah! Horn! Fight!

n Hahaha, hell yeah!

– Fact) The true nerd here is the Full-Peel Elf who called the dragon but is nowhere to be found.

n Fact) That’s a fact.

n Full-Peel Elf) …heh, yeah;

The bunker trembled in an instant.

I wondered what was happening and checked the Gallery first; it was indeed a monster invasion! Or maybe not.

It seemed like the Deputies were just getting ready for a showdown.

In response to I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire’s suspicious question, Felici confidently endorsed him.

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: Newbie, is this your doing?

Dragon Dragon X: (Who cares? Dragon Con)

Dragon Dragon X: Oh, this Gallery Con made by humans is really fun!

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: Am I funny to you?

Dragon Dragon X: (Boiling a vampire in a pot – real Con)

He was so brash that it almost felt mocking.

“Wait, do you two know each other?”

An odd atmosphere of mutual dislike was palpable.

Ultimately, I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire flew all the way to Kellierhton, where Felici was.

– Hmm, is this really the end now?

– Ah, it’s been enlightening enough ㅎㅎ.

– I’m heading out first!

n (Yes, good mood Con)

n (Smiling Cat Con)

Surprisingly, Gallum remained calm.

“Five stages of death?”

They had entered the final acceptance stage among the five stages of grief.

In a situation so tense that they seemed ready to fight any moment now.

I urgently entered the administrator chat.

Head of the Gallery*: Stop!

Head of the Gallery*: (A firmly palm-out male clip)

Full-Peel Elf: Haha, no one is watching!

Head of the Gallery*: Want to die?

Full-Peel Elf: (Elf Con with floppy ears looking nervous)

Of course, it wasn’t effective.

“I didn’t want to resort to this method…”

[‘I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire’ and ‘Dragon Dragon X’ have been blocked for 9999 days.]

[‘I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire’ and ‘Dragon Dragon X’ unblocked for 9999 days.]

[Blocked for 9999 days.]

[Unblocked for 9999 days.]

Dragon Dragon X: (Shocked Dragon Con)

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: ! Cough cough!

After pulling out and putting back the ban card a few times, it evidently worked.

The two who were fighting without care paused and began to busy themselves with peeking into the Gallery.

Dragon Dragon X: W-Why are you doing that? Isn’t banning too much…?

Felici especially reacted quite strongly.

Was it because he had been living day to day in boredom and lethargy?

But I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire was different.

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: I don’t care!

Head of the Gallery*: What?

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: Come back to me!

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: (Vampire Con asking for a hug)

Unlike his usual self, he started desperately searching for me with half-crazed eyes.

“Was it a problem that I gave too much blood back then?”

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire floated uneasily with trembling pupils.

No matter how I looked at it, he seemed so different from his usual self.

I had vaguely suspected it, but seeing him like this turned doubt into certainty.

Dragon Dragon X: It seems he’s blood-drugged.

And the elder, no, Felici, who has lived long as a dragon, seemed to understand the problem.

Head of the Gallery*: What is blood addiction?

Dragon Dragon X: It’s a disease that vampires experience. It appears when they frequently encounter their preferred blood…

Dragon Dragon X: Think of it like being a chronic alcoholic.

Head of the Gallery*: Getting it right away!

“Now I understand perfectly.”

It seemed that vampires also had a preferred type of blood.

Consuming it grants them pleasure and joy, akin to a kind of alcohol.

Moreover, because I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire was tormented by a curse and learned about my blood…

He became easily addicted.

[Title: Why does the Deputy seem odd?]

(Clip of I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire nervously biting his nails)

(Clip of him shaking as if he had turned on the vibration function)

He reminds me of my dad’s behavior when he imposed a drinking ban;

The problem is my dad breaks furniture at home while the Deputy could smash Kellierhton, you know?

[Recommended 5121] [Not Recommended 52]

– I don’t know what we did wrong, but just endure…

n Isn’t it wrong to say we don’t know what we did wrong?

n Launching surprise tactical nuclear joke memes every dawn.

n Flew away from I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire before Deputy came along and felt scared off.

n Thought the Deputy received a wage, so they complained against reverse discrimination.

n Clearly did something wrong, didn’t we?

I stopped the fight for now, but that wouldn’t solve anything.

When problems arise, dialogue between the parties involved is more significant than a third party’s intervention.

“Talking it out, important.”

Honestly, I don’t stop physical fights.

The issue was that they insisted on fighting over my house.

Head of the Gallery*: First, both of you calm down.

Dragon Dragon X: Aren’t you telling me not to fight? I understand. I was acting too childish.

Head of the Gallery*: No no.

Head of the Gallery*: (Pointing towards unknown lands to the west on the map)

Head of the Gallery*: How about fighting here?

Dragon Dragon X: ?

[Title: Who will win the battle of the century?]

Written by: Head of the Gallery*

No multiple selections allowed.

Currently, 10231 participants / Preview of results.

1. I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire

2. Dragon Dragon X

If defeated, you’ll only get back 50% of your bet!

[Recommended 9999+] [Not Recommended 102]

– Hahaha, little brat.

– Sometimes this guy seems the worst, haha.

– Head of the Gallery is opening a venue for the Deputy’s fight, lol.

In conclusion, it fell through.

When I set up the venue, the two cooled off and decided to call off the battle instead.

– Wow, this was clever.

n ??

n Maybe he deliberately intervened to make it childish because it seemed like a real fight was about to break out.

n Oh, really?

n Wow, thinking that way makes perfect sense.

n Head of the Gallery*) No, shut up.

“Just swear instead.”

While this repetitive absurdity was going on, the betting was canceled.

It was hardly realistic to expect things to go well from the moment I opened the betting limits without imposing any rules during a pending apocalypse.

Felici quickly lost interest.

She had just woken up and was far too busy to be battling around.

Dragon Dragon X: (Next chapter, please! Con)

Dragon Dragon X: So when is the second part of the story of Les Misérables coming out?

She was busy collecting the fairy tales I had released in the marketplace one by one.

Just like how she felt a collection desire arising from using something, Felici also had that collection desire.

The only issue was that her target was not treasure but the items sold in the marketplace throughout history.

[Barter Exchange: I will buy all the rare items at the marketplace]

Written by: Dragon Dragon X

(Dragon Con giving a thumbs-up while winking)

Buying everything, snacks, food, literature, and so on—no exceptions.

You can pay with jewels or mana pills, whichever you prefer.

– Do you buy leftover bottle caps as well?

n Dragon Dragon X) What kind?

n Cola.

n Dragon Dragon X) Zero?

n Yes, uh-huh.

n Dragon Dragon X) (Clip of stacking heaps of mana pills)

n Whoa; thank you, thank you!

– Hands up!

n Dragon Dragon X) Tell me.

n (Empty bag of Honey Butter Chip)

n Do you perhaps buy this?

n Dragon Dragon X) Hand it over!

n What?

n (Shut up and take my money! Firm Dragon Con)

n Eek!

“Why are you buying a chip bag with gold?”

She exhibited her newfound collection items on shelves on the highest floor of the Magic Tower, her new residence.

The variety was bizarrely diverse.

Empty bags of Honey Butter Chip, cans leftover from cola, and even bottle caps from zero cola PET bottles.

When I asked her why, unable to understand…

Dragon Dragon X: Gold and jewels are things collected by young dragons living for hundreds of years.

Dragon Dragon X: A proper dragon should be interested in something a little more unique, shouldn’t they?

Head of the Gallery*: Is that an empty bag of Honey Butter Chip?

Dragon Dragon X: You know nothing!

Head of the Gallery*: 🙁

Regardless, Felici returned to her own life once again.

However, now the issue was I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire.

Thanks to Felici’s diagnosis, didn’t we find out that he was blood-addicted?

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: (Clip of hands shaking)

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: Blood, delicious blood, give me, Head of the Gallery, pleeease!!!

Head of the Gallery*: Calm down!

Since he couldn’t drink my blood, it seemed withdrawal symptoms had set in.

But there was no way he was thinking of going back.

“However, if left unchecked, he might go on a rampage.”

Isn’t it a common trope in media that vampires go wild when they can’t drink blood?

So I introduced a production task.

Head of the Gallery*: If you manage the Gallery well, I’ll give you blood proportional to your efforts, okay?

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire:

Head of the Gallery*: Are you there?

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire: Don’t interfere, Head of the Gallery. I’m too busy banning disruptors.

Fortunately, that method seemed to work well.

I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire became so invested in managing the Gallery that he was almost comparable to Felici in the Dragon Gallery.

“Now, is everything settled?”

I spun my awkwardly positioned body and dove into the bed comfortably.

I had succeeded in returning home, and I had successfully stopped I Will Not Die Even If I Am a Vampire from rampaging.

The only thing left was to re-read today’s concept post when, suddenly.

[Concept Post/Question: Hey, I’m fishing in the sea, what kind of fish is this?]


One post caught my eye, which was quite out of tune with the usual chaotic vibe of concept posts.

“Finally, a normal hobby-sharing concept post?”

But fishing? That was unexpected.

For a collapsing world, it sure didn’t seem like a common leisure activity.

“Well, then again, I’ve never heard of any sea-related monsters appearing.”

Rifts had only formed in the land.

Thinking it over, it made sense that someone could easily have fishing as a hobby when I clicked the post.

(Clip of sharks with legs breaking into a hut)

(Clip of a few sharks roaring fiercely as they chase the poster)

Haha, those are some vicious fish.

– ???

– What the hell species is that?

– How can a fish even come on land?

n Shouldn’t we first wonder how a shark has legs?


Legged fish were jumping out of the sea and attacking people.