Chapter 565
He doesn’t realize it.
Even as Jinseong’s hair burrows into his body.
Even as the hair that has burrowed moves through his blood.
Even as the hair crawling through the blood gradually transforms into a living creature.
He doesn’t notice.
The hair transforms into a parasite.
Into the second larval form of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei.
It changes into a notorious parasite known as Sparganum (sparganosis).
Thus transformed, the parasite begins to run rampant through his body.
As a human, not a definitive host, it wanders and wanders, searching for a place to settle.
After wandering aimlessly for a while, it finally found a place to lay down.
One moved upwards towards the brain.
One moved downwards towards the testicles.
One moved towards the midpoint between the brain and the testicles—the heart.
In this way, the three Sparganum found their targets and began to settle there.
To eventually become a bomb set to explode at any moment.
That scam man likely has no idea.
That he is as good as a dead man now.
Sparganum can only be removed through surgery.
Yet, even with surgery, there are parts where no real method exists, and those parts are the testicles and the brain.
While there may be some methods for the testicles if special abilities are used… the brain is a different matter, and it wouldn’t be surprising if he died during the procedure due to unknown side effects.
Of course, that only applies to ‘ordinary’ Sparganum.
The parasite residing in the scam man’s body is a Sparganum created by Jinseong’s magic, so if it senses any special ability…
It would explode, causing lethal damage.
But what if he just leaves it alone?
The Sparganum in the testicles would make that scam man live in hellish pain, while the one in the heart would lie in wait like a ticking time bomb, ready to snatch his life away at any moment. The one in the brain would roam through the brain, causing damage and rendering him incapable of living a normal life.
Seizures would occur frequently, and parts or even all of his body might become paralyzed, plunging him into a coma. Of course, it could cause various issues throughout his body, as well as mental problems.
The method isn’t difficult.
Just move the Sparganum in the brain to a specific area.
To critical parts like the frontal lobe or cerebellum.
Especially moving it to the cerebellum would be the most effective.
Even with considerable damage, people would suspect drug or alcohol addiction but would never imagine the Sparganum moved there. Besides, the walking difficulties, motor impairment, and speech issues resulting from cerebellar damage would be enough to conjure the image of typical addicts found in America, thus easily ruining a person without suspicion.
Of course, if he went to the hospital for a detailed examination, he would realize something was wrong…
But would that be easy?
In America, where countless people choose death over the murderous hospital bills?
Unless he has a significant amount of money, it would be hard to even realize that something was wrong.
Even if he did sense something unusual, he still couldn’t get rid of it.
And what about returning to China for an examination?
There was a possibility, but…
Jinseong had already thought of that scenario.
‘If it originated from one, how could the traces not show? Even a single hair would be a connection to me, and I would be able to trace its footsteps.’
The hair that entered the scam man’s body was nothing less than Jinseong’s personal GPS.
A miniature GPS that allows him to track the man’s location whenever he wanted.
For now, there were no materials, so he just planted the hair…
But once the materials gather, he would think of either visiting the man or casting spells from afar.
What are those materials, you ask?
Things from that scam man’s home country, magical powders that are spreading everywhere in America.
A horrendous drug spreading like wildfire in America during this period due to the Chinese and Mexican cartels, leading it to be nicknamed China White.
Fentanyl is an incredibly potent opioid analgesic, causing severe side effects that can be cruel to the addicts.
Due to the extreme level of analgesic effect, once its efficacy ends, it induces ‘pain not typically felt.’
Common pain that would normally be disregarded becomes exaggerated, turning even the slightest brush of wind into a painful sensation. The heartbeat, clashing teeth, something brushing against the lips, even the sensation of breathing feels agonizing.
One addict even expressed, “When the effect of fentanyl wore off, I was in hot oil. My flesh was being deep-fried in oil, and I could do nothing but writhe in terrible pain.”
Jinseong intended to bestow that fentanyl upon that shameless scam man.
To make his everyday life a pain.
And to ensure that when he unwittingly returns to China and visits a hospital, his life might lead to ruin.
China was a country very sensitive to drugs.
Of course, if it involves ‘high-ranking individuals,’ it tends to loosen up a bit…
But who knows.
That scam man hardly seemed like someone who would be associated with such people.
And even if he were, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.
With a gambling addiction, scamming others, using drugs, and guaranteed to become impotent due to the Sparganum, the chances of being treated well are extremely low. Besides, he would not only become impotent, but given the high likelihood of impairment due to the Sparganum in his brain… Considering China’s not-so-friendly view towards disabled individuals, even with a stroke of luck, the best outcome would likely end up being locked up somewhere, living out his final days.
That scam man will meet his demise.
For the crime of scamming related to magic.
And for touching someone related to Jinseong.
And that downfall will come step by step.
It won’t make itself known until he realizes it.
The seed of demise was planted without his knowledge, but the sprout and growth of that seed will proceed in the passage of time.
And it will begin.
“Ah, we’re the police. Is this the person?”
From the very moment that scam man is dragged away by the police.
‘By the time that scam man enters the police station, the Sparganum will have settled. Not bad.’
Jinseong watched the scam man being taken by the police.
As the police arrived, the scarecrow crumpled as if it had completed its task, but surprisingly, one part remained attached.
That part between the legs.
The groin.
The vine in the groin area clung tightly like it was a pair of panties, pulsating threateningly as if it could burst the testicles at any moment. Not only that, but it also applied considerable pressure, causing terrible pain.
Because of that, the scam man was sweating profusely and hunched over as if his lower abdomen hurt. Furthermore, due to the vine-panty attached to his groin, he could barely walk and staggered awkwardly, letting out comical screams of “Kkiok!” as his eyes bulged in pain.
Is it because he expressed a pain that somehow resonates?
The police were pulling him along more gently, unlike their usual roughness, considering the scam man’s plight…
But that only served to make things worse.
Not just out of pain…
But because he had to endure the sneering gazes from others.
Perhaps this could be seen as judgment.
If one were to see the faces of those snapping photos of the scam man… Soon, his video would circulate all over the internet, being synthesized and utilized, effectively killing that scam man socially.
People laughed as they watched the man being dragged awkwardly.
Jinseong likewise smiled at the figure of the man from behind…
…while Rise could not laugh.
* * *
After the commotion at the bar, the two headed to their lodgings.
Lodgings, plural.
Not one, but two.
One room for each person.
This was due to Rise’s request.
A real body, not an illusion made of insects.
Plus, words like ‘travel’ and ‘hotel’ conjured up something tantalizing.
And the fact that she would be traveling alone with Jinseong, creating a dramatic atmosphere, had made her so high-energy (ハイテンション) that…
Is that why?
Rise turned down the idea of staying in one room with Jinseong.
Instead of staying in a suite with multiple bedrooms, they settled for just two separate rooms.
It was probably due to embarrassment.
Instinctively rather than rational thought, she said, “Um, I’d like two rooms please.”
That wasn’t wrong.
But it was clear it didn’t create the ‘dramatic’ feel she desired.
Rather than a drama, it felt more like some frustrating characters from a romance manga or a shonen manga.
But well… it couldn’t be helped.
Staying in the same room at a hotel seemed like something that would make her cheeks heat up even now, and even if she got over that embarrassment, suggesting they stay in the same room seemed a bit… off.
Because of that, Rise felt disappointed about the events at the bar.
It was such a nice atmosphere…
‘…It can’t be helped.’
But who could she blame?
What happened at the bar was like a natural disaster.
An unpredictable and unavoidable natural disaster.
Rise pushed the disappointment to a corner of her heart and resolved to create a good atmosphere again tomorrow.
‘Visiting a farm… Wearing a white dress and a white hat would be… nice…’
With that, Rise fell asleep.
Dreaming of the plans for tomorrow.
In a truly unfortunate turn of events.
“Hah? I personally came as per your request, and what? You sold the farm before I came? So you can’t send me any raw materials?! Are you joking?!”
…When things start to go wrong, they can seemingly spiral endlessly.