Chapter 536



Doon!! Doon!!!!!!!!!

Rising beats!

The engine sounds ready to explode!

Speeding, speeding!

“Yes! Oh, fucking yes!!!!!!!!!!!”

The man raced on with a bizarre expression as if in ecstasy.

His foot pressed down on the accelerator with no intention of lifting it, while his neck constantly danced around—up and down, side to side, spinning around.

As if he were part of the audience at a concert.

No, it would be lucky if that were all.

He even let go of the steering wheel at one point!

And so, the man sped madly.

The road?

What does that even matter!

Miracles were happening with the heart-thumping power of shock rock!

Cars on the move parted like the Red Sea, and the vehicles that should have been visible went poof! They likely fled from his macho presence like a bunch of dumb ostrich chicks!

Or maybe they were turkeys!

Oh, turkeys.

“Fuck! Turkey isn’t rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”



That tasteless, dry, hard-to-chew, even harder to swallow goddamn meat!

Too many that after Thanksgiving, he’d be stuck eating it for a week in tragedy!

That kind of meat didn’t fit his taste at all!

If he were a man, he should devour something bigger and more robust!

A buffalo would hit the spot!!!!!!!!!


The man was the embodiment of an animal!

“Buffalo is good! Here comes the human buffalo!!!!!!”


The man blared the horn madly as he raced.

And along with him, he was charging toward his target, and finally, the target came into view!

Over there!!!

But with the speed of this truck, it was just a momentary distance to the target, the target was visible!

That damn building stood tall!

That fucking building entered his sight!


“Lamb it…!”


In the process, it felt like he hit something.

One, two, three, four, five?


If it’s smashing something human-shaped with something big and heavy, then it’s bowling!

Who would even prepare such a little mini-game before smashing into things!?

“Thanks a fucking lot!!!!!”


* * *


In the quiet of the night.

A tremendous noise echoed.

Wall Street, enveloped in silence, was filled with the commotion of people along with that noise, and soon, a throng of bustling feet emerged from the darkness of the street.

And soon, they gathered before a building.

In front of a massive truck crashed into the building.

“Oh wow, that hit hard.”

“That’s no ordinary truck, is it? That’s fucking huge. It smashed up to the second floor!”

“Wait a second. It smashed the second floor? Did it crush through reinforced concrete?”

“What the hell is that truck made of? It should’ve crumpled under those circumstances, but look at it! Wow….”

Could it be that it was so big and high?

The truck was in a state of wreckage that had smashed through to the second floor.

Not only had it wrecked, but it embedded itself deep into the building as if it had stabbed through cheese.

An uncommon sight indeed.

Especially considering the thick rebar laid densely across the second floor…. It was even harder to comprehend.

No matter how big, how could a mere truck just ignore that rebar and dive into the building?

The only viable hypothesis was that the building was of shoddy construction…

“Is Lucas’s building really this wrecked?”

“Isn’t he the guy who’s ridiculously paranoid about his own safety? Plus, he made such a fuss when the building was being constructed!”

“I heard it had enough defensive capabilities to serve as a bomb shelter, so it’d be safe to take refuge here if something happened.”

Thinking of the building’s owner, that hypothesis didn’t seem very reliable.

So, what the hell was that truck?

Onlookers moved closer to observe this bizarre occurrence more closely, and soon, more spectators filled the space vacated by those moving. So, the building seemed to become a spectacle surrounded by an unwelcome crowd. Surely, neither Lucas nor his building wanted that.


Inside the building.

If it weren’t for the loud growl coming from the truck’s driver’s seat.




It sounded like the driver’s side of the truck lodged into the building was attempting to open.

But it seemed the door had been bent in the collision, making it difficult to open easily.

Thus, the person inside, perhaps fueled by anger, began to thump harder on the door, rising with every thud….


At last, not with a hand, but kicking the door open in an extreme manner.


The door flew far away, crumpled. So, it might be hard to call it ‘opened’… but hey, it’s out now, so there’s some resemblance to being open, right?

Or maybe that was just pure metal!

Kicking the door open…

This was undoubtedly a man’s way of operating!

“Oh, that smells fucking good!”

The man, bursting out in a hyper-masculine manner, let out a loud howl as soon as he stepped outside, scratching his neck vigorously. Then, he pulled out a hidden bottle of whiskey from near the driver’s seat and chopped his hand across his neck.


A light chop with his hand cut the neck of the whiskey bottle made of solid glass, and the man intended to drink the whiskey now unsealed.

But despite tilting the whiskey bottle, the liquor wouldn’t go down his throat.

It just dribbled down around the edges of his mouth, falling below.



“Damn it!!!!!!!!!!”

It was a given.

He was wearing a mask!

Like a bank robber, just his eyes and nose peeking out from the mask.

And unbelievably, there was no hole for the mouth in that mask.

Moreover, the mask wasn’t made of ordinary material, but something tough, waterproof, and opaque; thus—no drop of liquor could enter his lips.

“Shit!!!!!!! I can’t even drink! A drink that can’t be drunk!!! This shouldn’t exist!!!!!!!”



Furious, the man slammed the whiskey bottle against the truck.

The bottle shattered into pieces, scattering everywhere, and several larger shards flew right at his eyes.

But those shards that flew toward his eyes didn’t pierce them.

Amazingly, they didn’t pierce at all.

Even without anything uncanny or surreal happening, they couldn’t even pierce that soft, delicate eyeball.

The man didn’t care for the shards that left no mark on his precious eyes.

Instead, he kicked the larger shards on the ground away.

Where to?

Toward the onlookers!

Then he shouted at them.

“What the fuck are you staring at, you morons?! Is this a show?!”

It indeed was a show.

They gathered because it was a spectacle after all.

A truck that crashed into a pristine building.

An insane guy charging out from there, as if he’d gone nuts.

What else could this be if not entertaining?

The spectators grimaced at the crazy man but remained intrigued by him.

True, a madman was a nuisance if you got involved but—there’s a thrill in watching one, right?

Yet, it seemed this ‘madman’ wasn’t pleased with the audience’s presence, grimacing at their faces.

So, he acted on impulse.

“Fuck! Listen up, everyone! This building’s mine starting now! So don’t stand there like creepy old perverts and just get the hell out!!!!!!!!!!”

He shouted as he dashed toward the truck’s cargo space.

Then, he threw a punch as hard as he could—


Shocking one of the explosives loaded in the cargo area, he made it blow up.

Not a massive explosion.

But definitely an explosion.

An explosion caused by explosives, not some gas leak or whatever!



“That’s a bomb!”

And seeing this explosion, the people started running away in panic, turning their backs.

Regardless of whether they were onlookers or wolves, they all valued their lives!

They sprinted wildly from the building, not caring if someone fell over.

And just like that, the onlookers disappeared.

Like sea water at high tide receding.

This spectacle delighted the man.

“Ha, nice. That’s so rock!”

He couldn’t help but exclaim.






And what’s even better!

What a great thing!

Like a congratulations, the music halted then suddenly blasted out!

This time it didn’t resonate in the truck but seemed to be reverberating all through the building!

“Ha, I think I’m gonna pop off. Fuck!!!”

The man grinned brightly and started to drop the explosives stored in the cargo area to the ground.

No, he began to do that, but—

“Damn it, this is such a hassle!”

He just tilted the cargo area over and swept everything out!

Because it was too bothersome!!