Chapter 484

A while ago, the madman gave information about a broadcast he participated in, in exchange for details about his previous manager.

She believed the madman and checked the smartphone of her ex-manager, discovering the horrific deeds he committed. Immediately upon realizing this, she grabbed the ex-manager’s smartphone and dashed into the boss’s office to inform him. The boss confirmed the actions of the ex-manager and dealt with him accordingly.

How he dealt with it remains a mystery.

Since the agency had a punk-like vibe, he might have mobilized punks… or maybe even gangsters.

Since that day, the ex-manager of Chaine has not been seen again.

The boss highly praised Chaine for bringing in important information and presented her with two options for a reward.

“Hey, Sunmi. I’m thankful for the great thing you brought me. If you were to re-sign, I would give you some opportunities and take good care of you, but… I don’t think you will. Since you’re not going to re-sign anyway, I’ll give you two options instead.”

“One is to take a break until your contract ends. Oh, it’s not just a break… I’ll provide a vacation allowance so you can relax until the contract’s end. I can’t send you abroad, but I can arrange a nice domestic spot. Jeju Island? Yeah, so you can relax comfortably there. Enjoy your vacation until the contract is completed and wrap things up cleanly without any aftermath. How about that?”

“And the other option is to keep participating in events. But you gave me something that shouldn’t just be treated casually like the others, right? You should have some leverage in your own hands. Starting from the moment you choose this option, you’ll be handling events? Then the event fees you earn will be on a level incomparable to before. Every time you participate, I’ll ensure you’re compensated generously. Isn’t that great? You get motivation, and your bank account grows. By the time your contract ends, you’ll have a nice amount saved. And when the contract is over? It’s clean and neat! No, wait. You’ve worked hard; you deserve a bonus. I’ll help you with some publicity. The good kind. So, it’d be great when you join another agency later. Right?”

“So, which would you choose? I’ve never made such an offer before. Seriously, this is a historical event in my life. Offers like this don’t come often. So, please don’t doubt it—just pick one.”

Chaine chose the latter option among the two offered by the boss.

She was already prepared to be worked to the bone.

However, even if she was going to be worked hard, the prospect of earning significant money along with the special publicity help from the boss was too appealing to pass up.

Choosing the latter was an unavoidable option.

Moreover, opting for the second choice seemed the cleaner way to handle matters without getting caught up in the scummy nature of the agency compared to the first option.

For those reasons, Chaine made her choice without hesitation.

“Wow, Sunmi, I really like your decisiveness. If I had known earlier about this side of you, I might have pushed you harder, but well, it’s a shame. Seeing you choose the latter shows you’re already prepared to survive in the entertainment industry. I really like actors who have their heads on straight. That’s a good feeling. I’ll make sure to adjust the event routes nicely for you, so you won’t waste any time. How about that? Sounds good?”

“And… here, take this too. It was meant for Seyoun, but she turned it down. I was just waiting for you to show up. What kind of advertisement, you ask? It’s a mobile game ad. You know how much they pay for that kind of stuff. Opportunities like this don’t come every day. You know that, right? So, when such an opportunity arises, you have to grab it. Seyoun’s gone a bit too smart… Alright, off you go.”

Perhaps the boss liked the way she responded?

He threw an advertisement her way while also promising to pay her extra attention during events.

And indeed, the boss’s words did not seem hollow, as she was booked for events left and right.

In the shortest time, and with the best efficiency, her schedule was packed to extract money.

Her event management reached a level that one might even consider a form of art.

Thus, Chaine executed events with maximum efficiency…

Earning money was nice, especially since her account was visibly growing as promised by the boss.

However, while money came pouring in, the exhaustion was undeniable.

The schedule she once found murderous didn’t seem so overwhelming anymore…

At least the boss…

“If you collapse while working events, that’s not a reward, that’s a punishment. If you collapse, people will think I can’t even reward you properly. That can’t happen. No matter how you collapse or feel sick, it’s your problem, but if others see you collapsing, it’s related to my reputation. So, I’ll stock the car with supplements for you. Just take them while you work.”

Perhaps thanks to downing the various supplements stocked in the car, she didn’t end up in the hospital.

But conversely, it meant she was pushing herself to the brink of collapse without actually falling over.

Naturally, sighs escaped her frequently.

“Yeah, I chose this… If not now, when will I earn?”

But who could she blame?

Choosing money over rest was her own decision.

“I know that.”

Yet even so, hearing such a tone was infuriating.

The look in those eyes was like she was some machine for making money, devoid of any empathy in her words.


Even if she had no intention of establishing a connection with the new manager, wasn’t this a bit too much?

She should at least feel somewhat like a person.

Even when they were together, she felt an unbearable solitude, almost like being alone.

Chaine swallowed the sigh that threatened to escape again and stood up.

“Yes, let’s go… to the next event.”

“Yes. The car is waiting.”

“Is the next one the last for today?”


Thus, the two left the waiting room and headed to the parking lot.

Given the time and the location near the outskirts of the event area, the streetlights were sparsely placed, creating a rather gloomy atmosphere. Moreover, some of the few streetlights that shone appeared broken, casting very dim light, while the ones that were lit attracted swarms of insects, adding an eerie vibe.

“It’s creepy here. It feels like something might jump out…”


Chaine tried to brush off the chill, initiating a conversation with her manager.

But the manager simply replied curtly to Chaine’s remark.

No, it was closer to just cutting her off without any interest.

The word “yes” conveyed the message that he had nothing to discuss with her, and even if they had something to talk about, he didn’t wish to engage.


Feeling the chill dissipating, Chaine sensed irritation and anger swelling where her fear was.

No matter how professional their relationship was, merely stating that the atmosphere was creepy didn’t warrant such a cold and dismissive reaction.

Chaine shot an annoyed glance at her manager.

He appeared someone who could easily outfight her and had a personality that seemed a bit psychopathic, making it unwise to confront him directly. So, she opted to express her displeasure subtly instead.

Just as Chaine’s gaze was about to shift away…

“Wait, what?”

Something caught her eye.

“Excuse me, hold on a moment.”


“No, it’s not a ‘yes.’ Manager…?”


“Not a yes…. I said no. Look over here. I said look over here, you crazy girl…!”

The manager almost ignored Chaine’s pleading words but grimaced when she called him a “crazy girl,” finally turning to her. Internally he was mumbling about how he wished not to engage with such nonsense.

“Crazy girl…? Chaine, do you think we’re close enough to use titles like that? Mind your mouth…?”

Determined to scold her, the manager turned his head.

Immediately upon doing so, he spotted Chaine, who looked horrified, staring at something in the distance.

And standing where she was looking—a strange man.

“What’s that?”

There, in the distance.

In the exact midpoint between the broken and lit streetlights.

A man was blocking the way.

His blurry figure illuminated by the light from the distant streetlamp, half of his body hidden in the shadows, standing still while staring at them.

In one hand, he held a rusty hammer.

In the other, a gleaming utility knife.

The man stared directly at them from the darkness, waiting for them to approach.

As they took notice of him, he grinned, revealing his filthy teeth.

He twisted the wrist of the hand holding the hammer, then tilted the wrist of the hand holding the knife several times.

And then, moving his head rhythmically side to side, as if dancing, he jived as if overflowing with excitement…

“Singing a little ditty: ‘Wearing another person’s shoes, oh wearing another’s shoes. When you wear another’s shoes, you can become someone else. That’s the magic of shoes, the special thing about shoes…’”