Chapter 352

Jung Hoon-sang was murmuring with a twisted expression, a mix of intent to kill and a thirst for revenge.

Perhaps it was the alcohol that made his words a bit clumsy, but the emotions behind them were undeniably genuine.

“[Hoon-sang, ha… This can’t be helped. It’s not a huge controversy, but… the situation has become a bit complicated. Of all things, the military issue is tangled in it.]”

“[You know how America treats military matters as very important, right? It’s complicated as the movie is targeting Hollywood. I figured if the controversy from Korea reaches there, it won’t end up yielding good results.]”

“[For now, it’s been decided that you’ll voluntarily step down… Don’t worry too much about it. It’s not a big deal compared to all this noise, just take a little time to calm down and then reappear. You know issues like this blow over quickly, right?]”

Jung Hoon-sang grimaced as he recalled what he heard right after the scandal erupted.

“Those bastards.”

Just thinking about it twisted his insides.

America values military issues?

If the controversy spreads, good results won’t come out of it?

What a load of crap.

It seemed that the company was trying to pacify him with a polished message, but Jung Hoon-sang couldn’t possibly go along with it.

The words of the director still echoed in his ears.

“[Hey Jung. It seems we won’t be able to work together on this film.]”

“[I took notice of you because of your aristocratic vibe and handsome appearance, along with an unexpected wildness and charisma. The gap between those two was the essence of the atmosphere in this film.]”

“[That’s why I wanted to shoot with you. Even if investors questioned the box office capabilities of an Asian, even if they threw a white actor in my face, even if they screamed that a black actor should be included, I only had you in mind.]”


“[Hmm… Seems I misjudged you. I thought you might be a bit manly, wild, and macho… but it seems not.]”

“[And speaking of that, you have spiritual abilities?]”

“[I don’t mean to be prejudiced, but usually people with such abilities tend to be… more feminine. Ah, it’s not like that’s wrong, you know how many gays are in the art world? I have no aversion to them.]”

“[But you see, that feminine feeling… Hmm. Such a feminine image, unfortunately, does not fit this movie. Especially if it’s an image embedded due to external conditions, it won’t contribute positively to the film.]”

“[So I’m asking you, would you step down?]”

They talked about military issues, controversies, and all that jazz… but the real problem was this.

He felt like a girl.

Not macho enough.

Not manly enough.

He thought that the ‘image’ created from that controversy didn’t fit the film.

“Hehehe, Lee Jae-soon. That little—”

If it were a different scenario, the director’s words might have changed.

Perhaps if it involved drug issues, he could have made it work.

Why? Because that image of a delinquent or outlaw would have added to the allure.

Even if he was dragged away for assault, it could still work for him.

It was illegal, true, but it still gave off a wild and macho vibe.

But the scandal that blew up was about military issues and spiritual abilities.

America viewed spiritual capable people as ‘feminine’.

It was a prejudice similar to Koreans thinking, “There’s only a hair’s breadth difference between entertainers and shamans.”

“What does it matter if a woman sees a ghost, or a man?”

These ignorant fools…

Though there wasn’t any meaningful difference regarding gender and spiritual abilities…

That wasn’t the important part.

What mattered was the perception.

The Spiritual Standard.

Spiritual capable people were essentially women, and if they were men, they tended to be gay or bisexual.

Straight men with spiritual abilities tended to favor dressing differently than regular males and carried a strong tendency to loathe their own bodies. They were usually timid, cautious, and highly neurotic.

It felt like nothing but a bias.

But this bias was common sense to Americans.

And unfortunately, for Americans, there was Hollywood.

The colossal film industry with global influence.

“Damn it.”

Thanks to that, Americans’ prejudices spread worldwide, merging with the biases of various countries and gradually solidifying into a universal ‘common sense’.

Fortunately, that prejudice had been slowly fading in recent years, but for those older or set in their ways, they were still clinging to that ‘common sense’.

“Damn it!”


That damn prejudice was the issue.

Military issues?

What a problem was that?

Just a controversy.

Not only was it a controversy in Korea, but it would just be a controversy in America too.

Just like Korea, America had a volunteer military system.

And the American volunteer military was stricter than Korea’s.

With ample land, overflowing resources, and an abundance of talent, America raised the bar for military service significantly.

Loyalty to one’s country, a body free of disease, excellent physical abilities, academic level, learning capabilities…

They set very strict conditions for recruiting soldiers.

As a result, the military profession in America was one that was hard to get into even if one wanted to.

And even if one did, it was even harder to climb above a certain rank.

Given that, it would have been a simple matter to show respect and esteem for the military, and if one just had the right words, it could all end right there…

But then it got mixed up with spiritual abilities.

“Damn it. How could that bastard write such trash of an article?”

Malice was radiating.

It was tangible.

Whether it was true or not didn’t matter; it was just a blatant intent to bury him by pouring prejudices into talent and trying to sabotage him.

If they had been enemies, that would have been understandable.

But here was this soft, fluffy journalist.

One who had no connection to him whatsoever.

“Did you think I’d let you off easy? You bastard…”

Thus, Jung Hoon-sang vowed vengeance.

He had to land a blow on this piece of trash somehow.

This idiot, who had no connection to him yet had the audacity to punch himself in the face to boast about his own success, would definitely pay for it.

That’s why he went so far as to spend 50 million won to install a program on his laptop.

The laptop with the installed program was a work laptop.

While it might not hold personal data or sensitive information… it was a treasure trove of much better things.

It contained the duties and information pertaining to the journalist.

There must have been sensitive information and drafts written by Lee Jae-soon packed inside.

Jung Hoon-sang grinned at the thought of getting back at Lee Jae-soon.

There were many ways to get back at him.

He could pass the acquired information onto the subject before Lee Jae-soon could use it, allowing them to prepare defenses.

Or perhaps give that source to journalists he was close with to strengthen relationships.

Play tricks in the articles to create typos or insert strange words to subtly torment him.

Or he could just wipe all those materials clean.

“First things first…”

Jung Hoon-sang sat down in front of the computer and began to inspect Lee Jae-soon’s laptop.

The first thing he started to do was look for information stored on Lee Jae-soon’s laptop.

The reason was simple.

Since Lee Jae-soon had caused him a loss by messing with him, he needed to make that loss back, didn’t he?

He searched through the laptop hoping to find useful information…

“Um… What’s this?”

He discovered a treasure inside Lee Jae-soon’s laptop.

Not merely usable content, but a treasure.

“Ha. Damn, this brat has hidden this stuff away?”

And this treasure could be incredibly useful for Jung Hoon-sang.

“I bet Akiko will love this.”


His girlfriend and precious sponsor.

The one who had helped him rise to where he was now.

The daughter of an aristocratic clan and a woman who married into a famous company in Japan.

“Thanks, Lee Jae-soon. I’ll finally be able to make a good impression. Hehe.”

Jung Hoon-sang smiled as he sent an email to Akiko.

With content that would surely appeal to her family.

* * *

“Oh my, Hoon-sang’s sent me an email…”

The email sent by Jung Hoon-sang quickly caught Akiko’s eye.

Not a metaphor, but truly in an instant.

Still not fully recovered from her depression, Akiko was in a state of craving love.

Her husband, who openly declared, “I have no intention of being faithful in this politically arranged marriage,” immediately began living with a mistress after their wedding.

Her sisters mocked her for not being able to manage just one husband, now living a life in the back room.

Akiko was left with no one to rely on besides her parents.

Even those parents, when she got married, claimed she had to behave as the woman of the house and didn’t bother treating her well.

In this dismal life, only Jung Hoon-sang brought her strength.

The fateful encounter during her refreshing trip to Korea, across the sea.

Her only love, who she always longed for and awaited the contact from, was Jung Hoon-sang.

So, she always kept her smartphone close by.

To respond immediately when Jung Hoon-sang would call.

Akiko excitedly checked her email.

What had Jung Hoon-sang written?

“Oh my…?”

But the email contained a focus quite different from her expectations.

It wasn’t whispers of love nor a message about coming to Japan.

“An emperor…? Found in Korea…?”

Information regarding an item found in Korea.

Stunned, Akiko immediately called her father and sent him the material Jung Hoon-sang had provided her.

The document started moving from her father’s hands to the family and then to relatives.

After passing through several hands, the memo eventually landed in the hands of a council member.

He was a council member who was related to Akiko’s family and had long ties with the aristocratic clan and was said to be rising steadily under the support of an elder.

“How dare they possess an item belonging to His Majesty the Emperor…! It absolutely must be retrieved!”

The council member shouted with a somehow gleaming eye at an aristocratic clan meeting.

“It must be done! Even if we have to use armed force! No…”

As if to emphasize, he declared.

“With armed force! Let’s retrieve it!”