Chapter 20

Karma is a trace and a trajectory.

Just as the growth rings on trees mark the passage of time, and rocks are carved by flowing waters.

Tiny specks of dust gather over time to form shapes.

Remember this.

The pursuit of truth may not solely rely on karma, but those who have built it correctly have attained enlightenment.

Once upon a time, countless mysteries were passed down secretly, but in modern times, they have been revealed under the name of special abilities. As a result, what was once known as hidden truths merged with science to become a scholarship, while secret techniques were demoted to self-defense and combat skills, spreading among the people.

Moreover, the various energies that were referred to in a haphazard manner by different countries and regions have now been systematically organized, utilized, and established, leading people to no longer view special abilities as a mystery. For modern individuals, special abilities are powers that were once called mysterious but are now closely related to everyday life.

Magic has merged with science to become magical science.

Martial arts are taught in schools as self-defense techniques.

Summoning techniques now allow for the summoning of bodyguard companions and pets.

Turn on the TV, and you’ll see advertisements for magical science beds that promote good sleep, or home shopping shows selling herbal medicine once used by martial families to help kids study.

Tune into variety shows to catch stories of people living with adorable summon creatures, or witness witches showcasing their refined beauty skills as they step into the limelight as celebrities.

Yet, despite this world, there are definitely elements that remain perceived as ‘unknown’ by people.




What they all have in common is that they cannot be clearly verified.

Stories of people tormented by evil spirits become urban legends, and tales of capable individuals harnessing the power of their souls occasionally surface. Despite the undeniable existence of souls, their unobservable nature leads many to regard them as an unknown element.

They cannot be perceived through the five senses.

Even if one wishes to measure energy, it evades measurement.

It seems to have weight, yet when attempts are made to quantify it, that weight varies wildly.

It appears capable of interfering with the laws of physics, yet its boundaries are unclear.

Souls are undeniably present, yet completely unprovable. However, the reason people remain convinced of their existence stems from the fact that even ordinary individuals can see evil spirits, and those who have opened their spirit vision or reached the realm of the Ajna Chakra can regularly perceive souls.

When it comes to fate, things get even murkier.

Shamans and transcendent beings mention it, and prophets sometimes pop up, urging caution toward impending calamities, indicating that the element of fate undoubtedly exists. However, this does not mean it is absolute; in fact, it can be altered with relative ease, making it particularly convoluted.

If, in a gathering of scholars, one were to pose the question, “Is the nature of fate immutable or mutable?” a brawl would undoubtedly erupt.

The prophecies from the Temple of Apollo were said to be so absolute that they held notorious sway under the name of the Oracle of Delphi. Apollo, categorized as a deity, issued predictions that were nearly indistinguishable from curses. To avoid them would ironically lead one to meet that very fate, while not avoiding them would leave them with an inevitable predetermined future.

For this reason, scholars who argue for the immutability of fate reference this as a loud assertion.

Yet, even as they do, countless instances of fate being altered exist. Just recently, capable individuals gathered to prevent the future of America being turned to ruin by a tornado by extinguishing it, and before that, annihilating a monstrous entity anticipated to appear in the Bermuda Triangle with nuclear bombs and great magical strikes.

Indeed, one needn’t reference above examples to refute immutability with a single word.

Apocalyptic predictions.

Considering that none of the apocalyptic prophecies that have emerged have ever come to fruition, one could confidently argue that fate exhibits mutability.

Yet, when one inquires whether fate exists, the same answer invariably returns.

It exists.

This is proven by transcendent beings, confirmed by history, and attested by shamans.

However, because it is impossible to perceive and difficult to articulate its properties, what else could one call it if not unknown?

On the other hand, karma differs from the former two.

While people regard souls and fate as unknown elements yet do not doubt their existence, karma is an element that brings people to question its very existence.

Karma is indeed abstract and ambiguous, to the extent that even adept capable individuals often cannot provide a coherent answer to the question of its existence. Those capable of harnessing nature’s essence within their bodies, or great wizards who can induce natural disasters, struggle to articulate their thoughts on karma.

Karma can broadly be divided into two aspects.

Karma as fate and destiny.

Dharma as potential.

These two elements overlap significantly with fate, thus some scholars assert:

“Karma is merely another expression of fate in certain cultures.”

Nevertheless, the reason karma is said to exist is that transcendent beings can observe it in various forms.

Some transcendent beings perceive it as light.

Others as letters.

Some as colors.

Though each transcendent being experiences it differently and sees it through varied lenses, they undoubtedly perceive it.

This is also true for the demon who made a contract with Iserin.

[Now I’m certain. That guy is strange.]

The demon remarked on the karma of the person named Park Jinseong.

Iserin cast a puzzled glance at the demon who suddenly made such a statement.

After a long time, Jinseong had seemed relaxed enough to suggest they have breakfast together, but upon seeing him, the demon had stared intensely for a while before uttering those words.

“Out of nowhere…?”

Furthermore, the demon’s expression was not pleasant. There was a hint of disgust on the otherwise cute face it usually wore when looking at Jinseong. The transition of emotion, clear despite the camel-like visage, made Iserin rethink how strange this all was.

[My contractor, my contractor, how much do you know about transcendent beings?]

Transcendent beings.

Gods, demons, aishin, dragons, deities, and others from human realms.

Creatures possessing mythological or legendary powers.

Human beings expressed reverence for beings commonly found within mythology and legend, regarding them as things distinctly separate from themselves, which they referred to as transcendent beings.

However, strictly speaking, the term “transcendent being” diverges slightly from their essence. Non-human beings may hold more existential value than humans, initially showcasing immense power, yet they do not sufficiently exemplify having “transcended.”

Records tell tales of monsters and yokai who were often subdued by humans. In Europe, it was a frequent occurrence for heroes to defeat dragons, just as tales abound in the East of shamans or warriors sealing away or slaying various creatures.

Thus, it may be more accurate to refer to them as “transcendent beings.” Transcendence implies reaching a state unattainable by species, needing to surpass the limitations of their kind to attain it.

Transcendence must be achieved solely through individual endeavor, devoid of any outside assistance.

However, upon achieving transcendence, problems naturally arise.

There comes the issue of boredom and loneliness.

As transcendents surpass their inherent species, they gain a lifespan beyond comprehension. As their levels increase, their lifespans extend, resulting in bodies that may become impervious to death except through violence.

Unquestionably, their existence differs vastly from that of ordinary beings. This inevitably leads them to face profound boredom and loneliness.

The beings they care for perish with the passage of time.

What piqued their interest must always reach an end.

Thus, the things of value become worn away and eventually vanish. It would be preferable if they could simply go mad, yet their minds, having transcended limits, do not permit even the thought of insanity. The rigidly powerful laws of causality restrict their powers, preventing them from intervening in material realms impulsively, and they can only act pursuant to the criteria of transcendence.

They acquire tremendous power and a lengthy lifespan through transcendence, yet at the cost of losing amusement.

“Do… Do you like humans?”

[Yes. We love humans.]

Yet, even transcendent beings hold a glimmer of hope, for that is humanity itself.


Incredibly frail beings.

Yet to transcendents, they are splendid playthings, capable of easing feelings of loneliness and boredom simply by being observed.

Let’s consider a simple example.

Imagine one is confined to a gym for a lifetime with neither books nor TVs.

The only food provided is chicken breast and protein shakes. No flavorful stimuli, with nothing else to do but exercise. And envision spending 10, 50, 100, or even 1,000 years in such a scenario.

Moreover, the only conversational partners are brutish, intimidating individuals.

Isn’t that bleak?

They might pass time through brawls and wagers, and some may even discover romantic interests. But after 100 years or 1,000 years, that wouldn’t suffice; eventually, one would grow tired of it.

But what if, at that moment, smartphones were handed out according to the number of people in the gym, showing them cute animals?


Baby hedgehogs.



Adorable birds.

The opportunity to see countless adorable animals, and even bond with or raise one of their preferences.

What reaction do you think would emerge?

This was the sentiment of transcendent beings.

With no sources of entertainment and no stimulating experiences, their fellow transcendents tend to be so dissimilar that they often don’t perceive each other as kin, much less as comrades.

Some may be surrounded by light, others may resemble animals, while some present as monstrous forms…

Occasionally, some align and bond, yet how often does that happen?

Now imagine amidst this, they catch sight of an adorable creature.

Naturally, that would bring solace, wouldn’t it?

[To us transcendent beings, humans… yes. To liken them, they are like little kittens.]

A city inhabited by humans?

It’s akin to a place swarming with little kittens.

Humans wield swords?

Think of bipedal cats wielding swords and dancing playfully.

How cute would that be!


Picture tiny kittens donning wizard robes, casting spells with solemn expressions.

It’s impossible to not love that!