Chapter 478
Chapter 479 – The Rotten Thing
“… Are you sure you’re okay?”
That was the first thing I blurted out right after hearing Tang Je-mun’s request.
I really had to ask if she was sure.
It was a rather difficult matter to come from her lips, no matter how I looked at it.
Despite my doubts, Tang Je-mun only maintained her sad expression without taking it back.
– Is it possible?
When Tang Je-mun asked, I pinched my lips slightly with my thumb. Is it possible, you ask?
‘I don’t know.’
Honestly, it was too much to give a definitive answer.
It was a tough puzzle to figure out how to handle this without repercussions on me.
Even after pondering, my answer was already set in stone.
“It doesn’t seem like this is something I can run away from.”
Tang Je-mun forced a bitter smile at my answer. It hit the nail on the head.
She knew I wouldn’t be able to refuse.
So she must’ve—
‘Brought up the matter regarding Tang Soyeol.’
If it involved her, she probably figured I wouldn’t turn it down. And that made it.
‘Something I can’t flat-out deny.’
It was something I couldn’t bring myself to refuse.
“I’ll at least give it a try.”
I’d attempt to do it regardless of the outcome. That was the best answer I could provide right now.
Fortunately, Tang Je-mun nodded slightly, suggesting my answer wasn’t bad.
– Thank you. Hoo-in.
“No need for thanks. After all…”
It felt more like I was working for a reward, so there was no need for gratitude.
Moreover, she herself seemed to have quite the burden due to this issue.
‘I too, am not feeling particularly good about it.’
To be honest, it was an utterly shitty situation.
‘The problem is, how to deal with the Poison King.’
Given the connection to the Tang Clan, I had no idea how to approach the Poison King.
Besides, that was only if the Poison King wasn’t already involved in this mess.
No matter how rotten of a human he was, I hoped he wouldn’t be related to something so serious.
‘It involved my daughter. I must hope it isn’t true.’
If, by any chance, the Poison King were implicated, then—
I tilted my head slightly as I contemplated.
‘Then I’ll have to kill him.’
My heart sank into a cold realization. I had come to a definite conclusion in my mind.
If the Poison King got in my way, I would kill him.
Having made up my mind, I was steeling myself.
– Hoo-in.
Tang Je-mun called me.
“Yes, Senior.”
– Perhaps the things you’re curious about, I’ve already passed on to Shin Cheol.
My eyes widened at those words.
‘Things I’d be curious about?’
It wasn’t that I didn’t know what those might be.
It was just that I was curious about how many there were, enough to wonder.
‘Is it true? Noya.’
I called out for Noya in my mind in a hurry.
Noya responded oddly, perhaps still harboring residual feelings from our earlier argument.
… Typical petty old man.
However, seeing as he didn’t outright deny it, it seemed he had heard something.
Just as I was wondering what information he had received—
– Moreover….
Tang Je-mun continued as if she hadn’t finished.
– I’ve prepared a small gift for you, Hoo-in.
“A gift… you say?”
– Yes. A present.
I couldn’t help but wonder what she had prepared.
Considering I had never received anything decent when someone said they were giving a present, I felt pretty anxious.
Whether she knew my feelings or not, Tang Je-mun continued.
– Normally, this would have gone to Shin Cheol… or another child.
As she spoke, Tang Je-mun smiled.
– But it seems fitting for you to receive it now. She would want this too.
“… Her?”
At my question, Tang Je-mun’s hand reached toward me.
Tang Je-mun’s translucent fingertips pierced through my chest. It was a sudden attack.
There was no pain. Not even the sensation of it entering.
Is it because of the astral body?
I tried to ask Tang Je-mun what behavior this was but—
– I hope that you always have blessings on your path.
Tang Je-mun only smiled and cut off her speech.
With the sensation of my body flipping over, I lost consciousness.
Gu Yangcheong’s body, having lost consciousness, slackened and fell.
Just before hitting the ground—
A tiny dragon scooped up Gu Yangcheong’s falling body.
Seeing that, Tang Je-mun took a step back.
And immediately examined her own hand.
She could see that her once translucent hand was fading even more. This was evidence that her end was approaching.
Even though Tang Je-mun clearly understood this, she didn’t feel sad.
She simply accepted it.
It had been too long to entertain any lingering attachments, and she thought that if she could achieve what she desired, even slightly, that would be enough.
– Shin Cheol.
There was still a tiny bit of regret for that.
– Are you there?
[… What is it?]
At Tang Je-mun’s call, a somewhat grumpy voice responded from somewhere.
With that rather insignificant-sounding voice, Tang Je-mun chuckled softly.
– Are you still sulking?
[Who’s sulking? Do I look like some petty person to you?]
Tang Je-mun couldn’t bring herself to say no.
– Please stop sulking. I didn’t mean it sincerely.
[I’m fine! I can’t even remember what I heard….]
– Is it because I called you a narrow-minded, oblivious, sympathetic swordsman?
At Tang Je-mun’s words, Gu Yangcheong’s body trembled slightly.
It seemed Shin Cheol reacted to that.
[… Who… who said that?]
– I understand.
Just before Shin Cheol could explode in anger, Tang Je-mun cut him off.
– I understand that you never realized my feelings and that you ultimately let go of Mo Yong So-jeo.
– Shin Cheol, you’ve always been someone where conviction mattered most.
Being narrow-minded and oblivious was frustrating and disappointing for a woman in love, but if she knew where Shin Cheol’s gaze was directed, she could never hold that against him.
– Because you are a hero.
An artist who only looked toward the purpose of saving the world.
The hero’s conviction, wanting to plant a splendid plum blossom tree on peaceful land.
Shin Cheol was merely someone who lived with that in mind.
Tang Je-mun knew he wouldn’t have held any romantic views toward her.
What if she had approached him in her original form, borrowing the name Tang Je-mun?
Would the outcome have been different?
No, Tang Je-mun was certain of it.
Shin Cheol would have ultimately chosen nothing.
So, approaching him momentarily in her original form.
Or, being next to him in a male body.
That was all Tang Je-mun could choose to do.
– I wanted to tell you. But.
Knowing that, she always wanted to say it.
That she was a woman.
A beautiful woman.
And that—
She loved him.
She wanted to chirp those words out loud, wanting to be embraced, touched, and asked for sleep, but—
Tang Je-mun held back.
She had to.
As much as she longed to be treated that way by him, she had to endure.
– I’ve held back. Because you are that kind of person.
It was precisely because he was that type of person that she loved him.
Even if his words were crude, he would unhesitatingly offer his life to protect those around him.
If death became necessary, he would take the first step forward.
Opting for a quest to save the world over living a normal life.
That was why Tang Je-mun was able to love him.
– So it’s all right.
She smiled.
– Don’t feel guilty. I’m fine.
[… Je-mun.]
Hearing Shin Cheol’s voice, Tang Je-mun nodded her head.
This was it, the end. She could definitely feel it.
She looked down at her feet.
Her once translucent body was gradually fading starting from her feet.
Watching this, Tang Je-mun closed her eyes.
– I think I should go ahead.
She said calmly.
– Are the other friends waiting?
[… They probably are. A bunch of bastards, but none of them would leave anyone behind.]
– Right.
Nodding at Shin Cheol’s light words, Tang Je-mun continued.
– Shin Cheol.
[… Yes.]
Calling out to him unnecessarily, Tang Je-mun paused for a moment.
At first, she intended to say she loved him, but she felt that wasn’t something she could say.
It wasn’t—
The right thing to say at this moment.
So what should she say now?
She pondered deeply.
Despite her serious contemplation, Tang Je-mun found only one thing to say.
Something she had wished for since long ago.
For a long time, while enduring here, she had dreamt of that one thing.
Hoping for just once to be able to do it.
Tang Je-mun finally spoke the words.
-… Can you hug me just once?
It was something she cautiously blurted out.
In her heart, she wanted to say she had been lonely, that she missed him so much, and could he just embrace her for a bit.
But for some reason, those words didn’t come out.
She merely asked if he could do that.
– Ah… I’m just saying this out of impulse…
As she tried to back it up, suddenly—
A strange sensation washed over her.
It felt like someone was hugging her and gently stroking her back.
When Tang Je-mun opened her eyes at that sensation, there was nothing in front of her.
Shin Cheol was inside Gu Yangcheong’s body, so he wouldn’t appear.
Setting that unusualness aside.
[You did well.]
Upon hearing that voice in her ear, Tang Je-mun closed her eyes again.
If she kept them open, it felt like tears would fall.
[Go ahead and wait there.]
-… Shin Cheol?
[I might take a bit longer. This troublesome guy might not be the greatest, so it might take time.]
[So, just a bit longer. Just wait a little more. Anything we haven’t shared can be discussed once we meet again.]
The hand that had been stroking her back switched to one that caressed her hair.
[You did well….]
-… Yes.
Those few words felt extremely significant.
What was it about those simple moments that brought such comfort to Tang Je-mun?
Sure, it was nothing more than words.
But that was the kind of strength this man possessed.
He was the type to keep his word no matter what, and so Tang Je-mun could trust him.
She said no more.
Tang Je-mun scattered and began to vanish into the void.
The pieces that spread from her body were glowing.
They disappeared gracefully, as if a butterfly were flying through the air.
After Tang Je-mun departed.
Just the shallow breaths of Gu Yangcheong who had lost consciousness remained in Biwaegun.
[… Ah.]
In that place, an old man stifled a gasp.
He struggled not to make any sound.
And thus, the silence continued until Gu Yangcheong awoke.
I awoke with a strange sensation.
When I came to my senses for the first time, the first thing I realized was that I was in the water.
The instant I opened my eyes underwater, I was so surprised.
I was sure I was in Biwaegun, so how did I lose consciousness and end up here?
What about Tang Je-mun?
Where even was I?
The memories of what happened just before I lost consciousness flooded back. That moment when Tang Je-mun pierced through my chest with her hand.
‘And then I lost consciousness, right?’
It was definite, but upon opening my eyes, I found myself here.
I looked around, scanning the area. Why in the world was I suddenly underwater?
‘Wait, being underwater means…’
A chill ran through me as I recalled where I had gone to enter Biwaegun.
Poison Lake.
The deadly lake made of poisons and the special treasure of the Tang Clan.
It seemed I was definitely in that place now.
‘What the hell…!’
As soon as I became certain, I tried to move my body. I had to get out of the lake right away.
Just as I attempted to gather my energy to rise above the water—
Suddenly, I started to feel vibrations in the water, and then—
The waves from all directions converged and began to rise toward me.
But that’s not all.
The Demonic Absorption Technique activated on its own without me even casting it.
Was that the issue?
Changes began to occur in the waves surging toward me.
‘Why is this happening?’
The energy col entered my body as if to replace my energy.
No, calling it energy felt a bit off. It didn’t feel like a bet transferring in.
Instead, it was more like something rushing through my entire body without going through my heart, which now had become the center of my energy.
It felt as if Blood Qi was seeping into my muscles.
It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was an indescribable feeling.
The rapidly absorbed energy flooded into me before I could even grasp my situation.
Just as I managed to regain my senses.
Where had the water that filled the lake gone? Only an empty pit was left behind.
I spat out the water lingering in my mouth and looked around.
There really wasn’t a single drop of moisture left.
“… Oh, damn.”
I spat out a crude curse as I gazed at the scene.
“I’ve messed up.”
The Poison Lake, once regarded as a treasure, had vanished.
To be precise, I had consumed it all.
“How did it end up like this?”
How on earth did I consume all the water from the lake?
‘… Could it be that this is that so-called gift?’
The gift Tang Je-mun mentioned.
It can’t be this, can it…? It absolutely shouldn’t be.
If it really were true—
‘This isn’t a gift, it’s a mess!’
How am I supposed to handle a situation like this? Seriously, were all these predecessors just a bunch of jerks?
While I was gnashing my teeth, feeling like I had been completely fooled—
“… Huh?”
Something popped into my head.
It wasn’t from my memory.
What was this…?
‘… Some kind of verse?’
A phrase bubbling to the surface, and it unmistakably felt like a verse for using martial arts.
‘What the hell?’
I was baffled by the suddenly recalled verse but found my body instinctively moving according to the wording.
At that moment.
Sudden agony radiated from my body.
I let out a groan at the shocking pain.
The pain seemed to be attempting to take control over me.
‘… What the heck is going on?’
It wasn’t just pain, either.
Soon enough, I began to feel a transformation.
My vision was slowly dipping down. Additionally, I could feel my physique shrinking.
“… This is…?”
Caught off guard, I looked at my hands.
Checking my hands confirmed my worries.
My vessel was reconstructing, becoming smaller and different.
My arms thickened, then slimmed down again. I was reverting to my former self.
My height was decreasing as well.
I rolled my eyes around, trying to grasp the current situation, while my mind automatically supplied the reason for what was happening.
This was a phenomenon I had seen somewhere before.
It wasn’t long ago; there was no way I could forget.
This was—
‘Body Transformation Technique?’
The power that Tang Je-mun had used to alter her body and sex.
I was the one using it now.
I didn’t quite comprehend the principle behind it. Even if I knew the verse, there was no way I should be able to use martial arts like this.
Yet, my body simply responded to my intention.
I realized—
‘Is this the gift?’
Was this what Tang Je-mun meant by gift?
Thinking so, I instinctively nodded my head.
It was certain.
“I’ve always believed. Lady.”
I expected an incredible gift might come my way.
Tang Je-mun didn’t let me down; she indeed provided me with a remarkable gift.
I was right to trust her without a speck of doubt.
Tang Je-mun is a goddess.
As I vigorously nodded in agreement, a snicker echoed from somewhere nearby.
I lightly ignored it.
I didn’t care how the Red Water Clan viewed my situation.
‘… Tang Je-mun is a goddess.’
To me, Tang Je-mun was a religion in and of herself.
It was no wonder.
If all she had given me was the Body Transformation Technique, I wouldn’t have reacted this strongly.
However, it wasn’t just that.
The thought blossoming in my mind was ‘only’ that technique.
A more crucial piece of information was strongly etched in my consciousness.
And once I recalled that, my worries evaporated in an instant.
‘This makes it… easier to handle the situation.’
Amidst the complex situation that had become this mess, a solution had suddenly appeared.
I couldn’t help but smile at that realization.
The reason I was feeling so elated was due to the fact—
Within my mind, I now possessed both the Body Transformation Technique’s verse along with—
The recipe for the Poison Heavenly Pill that the Tang Clan lost.