Chapter 116

Chapter 117: Let’s Make a Bet.

After delivering all the messages to Tang Soyeol and parting ways, I sought out Shin Yi.

Tang Soyeol had suggested we have lunch together, but due to my father’s prior commitments, I had to politely decline.

Honestly, I felt kind of bad about it.

The moment I refused, a shadow fell over Tang Soyeol’s face, but there was nothing I could do.

I made my way to a small detached house within the clan.

Shin Yi’s detached house wasn’t far from the medical room and was a bit smaller than the other guest houses.

Originally, the biggest one was prepared for him, but upon seeing the house, he threw a fit, claiming that such a place was unworthy of his stature.


Having spent a few months traveling together from Hwasan to Mount Shan, I had come to understand Shin Yi’s personality to some extent.

Even though he seemed like a grumpy old man full of complaints, he was someone who deeply cared and couldn’t ignore the suffering of others.

There were days during our camping trips when one of the servants got a hand full of thorns while working, resulting in quite a nasty wound.

The servant dismissed it as a common occurrence and didn’t worry much, but instead, Shin Yi scolded him fiercely, saying that if left untreated, it could become a big problem.

He would either prepare some medicine or bring a bandage. Perhaps it was just that he couldn’t stand seeing someone hurt…

His grumbling was harsh, yet he repeated his nagging until the servant’s wound fully healed.

For someone who was the best physician in the Central Plains, it must have been quite a burden for the servant to be treated with such concern over a trivial injury.

Later, I heard that he even went as far as making sure the servant could ride in a carriage instead.

Perhaps due to those experiences, by the end of our journey, many had started to regard Shin Yi with a sense of humanity.

Even though he would brush people off, saying they were annoying to stick around, it seemed like he subtly enjoyed their company.

His characteristic stubbornness remained, but at least he spoke a bit more.

As I arrived at the detached house where Shin Yi was staying, I found him outside, seemingly busy drying herbs.

Noticing my arrival, Shin Yi questioned me.

“What brings you here?”

“I just thought I’d stop by.”

“You weirdo, don’t you have anything better to do?”

“What could possibly be keeping me busy at home? All I do is eat and take care of business.”

“Then what are you doing here if all you do is eat and take care of business?”

Just from our back-and-forth conversation, it hit me how much closer we had become. We wouldn’t normally have this kind of exchange.

Shin Yi stared at me, frowning slightly, and said, “What did you stuff your face with all night?”

“…How did you know?”

“How could I not know when your energy is so different?”

Normally, it would be abnormal for someone to pick up on that…

Being able to perceive someone’s energy is typically beyond the reach of someone with such low martial arts proficiency, but Shin Yi was uniquely capable of doing so.

Of course, I wasn’t sure how far he could perceive it, but at a higher level, it would probably be impossible.

‘He doesn’t seem to sense the Demon Energy though.’

He seemed to have noticed the increase in energy from eating flowers, but he probably remained oblivious about anything relating to Demon Energy.

“…Want me to check your body?”

He asked as if doing me a favor, and I let out a chuckle.

“Are you sure you’re doing this for my sake?”

“What? So you think I’m doing this for my own benefit?”

“Please drop the curiosity in your eyes before we continue.”


The moment Shin Yi realized I was alive, despite the various energies swirling inside me, he began examining my body as if I were some newly discovered creature.

Even though I frequently entrusted my body to him, believing anything was better than no examination at all, I had grown a bit weary of his continuous visits that felt more like experimentation lately.

“What’s with the scrutiny? Are you also suspecting something like before?”

“You’ve come here to get checked up on, haven’t you?”


Following his orders while cautiously sitting by the wooden floor, I extended my arm.

He checked my pulse, moving his hands across various areas of my body. It didn’t take long.

“Every time I see it, it’s such an incredible body. This can’t be real…”

As always, once Shin Yi completed his examination, he was lost in thought.

From his perspective, my chaotic body made up of the Gu Clan’s cultivation method and the subtle energy of Taoist Qi coexisting without exploding must have been fascinating.

‘What will he think if he discovers it’s powered by Demon Energy too?’

If he figured that part out, he might obsessively explore my body even more.

I wondered: was this curiosity stemming from his profession as a physician, or was it something else entirely?

“How’s everything?” he asked.

“You’ve significantly increased your energy. The instability I noticed when I first met you is no longer there, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

“That’s a relief; I was worried about what might happen if I was treated poorly again.”

“What did you stuff your face with to get to this state? Did Dohwa give you something?”

“…Something like that.”

Regardless, it wasn’t too far from the truth since I got that energy from the surroundings of Hwasan Sect.

While I always checked my body and assessed my stamina, the only person who could really take a proper look was ultimately the physician.

Fortunately, the best physician in the Central Plains was nearby, and it seemed Shin Yi was genuinely interested in my health, making it a beneficial arrangement.

When the examination wrapped up, I suddenly wondered, “Are you comfortable living here?”

“What discomfort could I have? Compared to that rickety hut with bugs, I’m grateful to be here.”

“That said, I heard you requested a different detached house.”

“I’m not working, so how could I stand to live in a big house with just me and Jiegal Hyeok?”

“Even so, I heard the rumors spread in just a day that you help the physicians occasionally.”

“…Which mouth is spreading those ridiculous rumors?”

I barely managed to suppress my laughter at Shin Yi’s crumpling expression. Despite his grumpy demeanor, he was a warm-hearted old man.

How did someone like him ever step away from the physician’s world? As if speaking for him, Shin Noya chimed in.

[He probably valued his own beliefs over honor.]

‘That’s a deep statement.’

[In a way, it’s a value that anyone, not just physicians but martial artists as well, should prioritize above all else.]

Depending on the person, this may vary, but Shin Noya added those extra thoughts.

Prioritizing one’s beliefs over honor. While I could understand Noya’s words, it also felt like a sentiment that was practically nonexistent in the current Martial World.

Learning martial arts for the sake of fame, and as one’s reputation grew, the honor associated with it followed like a shadow.

Ironically, many trained in martial arts solely to chase after the very honor that preceded them.

“Make sure to eat well. You’re getting older.”

“Who is worried about a physician’s well-being? I take better care of myself than anyone else, so spare me your useless concerns.”

“Even if you skip meals every day, how can you say you’re taking care of yourself?”

“Coming from the guy who used to gorge on dumplings every day, you think I need advice from you?”


“Tch. Enough of my examination now, go check on Jiegal Hyeok.”

At Shin Yi’s command, I gave him a questioning look. He continued, picking herbs one by one.

“It seems he’s been feeling quite disappointed since you haven’t visited him in a while.”

“Who would miss him?”

If Shin Yi was referring to Jiegal Hyeok, I found his words a bit surprising.

The relationship between Jiegal Hyeok and I had transformed quite a bit. I had been the one who had pushed to get closer to him.

Jiegal Hyeok was a completely different person from his previous life. The large burn scar on his face and his restless chatter were long gone, replaced by a man of few words.

Now, he barely showed any expression and could only communicate through short gestures or by writing in the dirt, which he didn’t do for long.

Following Shin Yi’s words, I stepped out of the detached house to find Jiegal Hyeok. It wasn’t hard to locate him.

He loved cooking and had told me countless times how that was both his hobby and dream, so it was just a matter of tracking down where he was preparing something.

As expected, I found Jiegal Hyeok in a corner of the detached house, chopping vegetables.

“What are you doing here?”

With my voice, he quickly turned his head, putting down the kitchen knife and making gestures with his hands.

From multiple encounters, I could tell this roughly meant ‘Hello, hyung.’

“Welcome as a guest, and here you are, making something right away.”

It seemed true that Jiegal Hyeok genuinely enjoyed cooking. He would often whip up something while accompanying the servants during our camping.

He was quite skilled, too, as everyone would always enjoy his dishes. Jiegal Hyeok gestured again, and soon grabbed a mixing stick.

Although we weren’t exactly on the floor suitable for writing, with some focus I could gather what he was trying to convey.

– It’s fun!

“…I can see that. What are you making?”

– I don’t know. But it’s delicious!

“Is this another one of those random dishes from your head?”

– Yes.

Jiegal Hyeok often cooked whatever he felt like without considering the style or method. Consequently, there were times when he ended up ruining a dish, but he also had many successes.

Recalling the dish that had received good feedback during our trip, I remarked, “The one you cooked with fish last time was pretty good.”

– Fried or boiled?


– Should I make it for you now?

“No, that’s okay. I just wanted to say it was good. Anyway, I need to head off for lunch soon.”

– Then I’ll make it for you later!

“…Uh, oh… okay, I’ll come find you later.”

Usually, I would have declined, but Jiegal Hyeok seemed to enjoy making meals for others, so I didn’t refuse this time.

[Do you trust that kid now?]

Shin Noya suddenly inquired.

Knowing fragments of my memories, he must have been cautiously curious about Jiegal Hyeok.

To Noya’s question, I firmly responded, ‘No.’

I could say that without hesitation—I didn’t fully trust him.

Yet, I couldn’t deny that a small part of my feelings had changed.

If he truly wished to live differently, perhaps he could change a bit, right? A glimmer of hope arose in me.

Therefore, I hadn’t reached out yet.

And I hoped I wouldn’t have to in the future.

I then told Jiegal Hyeok, “Let’s eat together sometime with Ryung Hwa. Make something for us then.”

Jiegal Hyeok hesitated to write something before suddenly stopping. I distinctly saw him freeze at the mention of Ryung Hwa’s name.

“Hey, it looks like your ears are turning red.”

At my comment, Jiegal Hyeok hurriedly covered his ears. His pupils were flickering nervously. Was that just an act?

He was cautiously jotting something on the ground.

— When…?


It seemed that my suspicions were indeed correct. This kid was troublesome after all.

After teasing Jiegal Hyeok a bit more, I greeted Shin Yi and made my way toward the Gu Clan’s center. A significant conversation awaited, and surely that was the place to have it.

Sure enough, as I walked further, I began spotting unfamiliar faces.

Most likely, they belonged to the people of the Nangong Clan.

Upon reaching the entrance, members of the clan bowed their heads and parted to create a path for me.

I even got temporarily detained by a servant who forced me to change my clothes.

I wanted to go in casual wear, but that apparently wasn’t the case.

‘It seems I’m not late after all.’

It appeared Nangong Jin and my father hadn’t arrived yet, while Nangong Bi-ah was the only one sitting alone. Feeling somewhat relieved, I opened the door and stepped in.

“How long have you been…”

Then, my body froze as if it had broken down.

A white flower sat there, elegantly perched.

It seemed I wasn’t the only one who felt dysfunctional, as Shin Noya’s voice trembled slightly.

[…With such appearance, calling it demonic technique might not be off the mark.]

Demonic technique, for males, could it truly have that much impact?

Even if I had just rolled out of bed and went out without covering my face, it wouldn’t have compared to the overwhelming power Nangong Bi-ah radiated right now.

Even I, now somewhat accustomed to the nuances of Nangong Bi-ah’s face, found myself at a loss for breath at this moment.

As I stood there in a daze, Nangong Bi-ah’s eyes landed on me.

“Did you come?”

“…I came.”

My gaze faltered, shifting from her trembling eyes to her lips.

I was worried about her earlier injury, but thankfully it seemed the wound was minor and had healed quickly.

As I examined her face, Nangong Bi-ah spoke up.

“Seol-ah was looking for you.”

“Oh, that’s right. I forgot to let her know I was leaving.”

It seemed Wiser Seol-ah was searching for me since I hadn’t notified her while leaving the residence. I hadn’t returned to the house, as from Tang Soyeol I went to Shin Yi, and from there I ended up here.

‘I should go meet her later.’

Thinking so, I sat opposite Nangong Bi-ah, unable to dare look up at her and instead staring at the teacup placed before me.

‘This is ridiculous.’

What kind of foolish behavior is this? It’s embarrassing to look at her just because she’s pretty. I silently cursed myself, finding it difficult to lift my head.

Perhaps sensing my discomfort, Nangong Bi-ah asked, “Am I strange?”


“…Do you think I’m weird?”

Her voice carried a hint of nervousness. Slowly, I raised my head, meeting her anxious gaze.

She, who usually seemed so daft and indifferent, was now visibly fidgety because of my lack of focus on her.

I couldn’t comprehend why, but the triviality of it made something swell within me. My thoughts and feelings were at odds.

“…You’re not strange.”

And what now?

A flicker of hope emerged in her eyes.

Small sparks of expectancy filled her gaze, something I could sense without needing to ask.

It seemed she ordinarily lived without realizing how pretty she was, but lately, she seemed to be starting to understand her own worth.

It was indeed odd that she hadn’t recognized something so obvious given how she looked.

Unable to withstand her eager stare any longer, I let out a sigh and muttered, “You… are pretty. I guess it’s okay.”

At my words, Shin Noya, who had been quietly enduring, finally spoke up.

[Did you need to tag on such a cringy comment?]

‘…I guess you’re right.’

[What on earth is there to mention about being okay? With your power, you’re explosively impressive. Yet right now, you’re acting like someone just splashed water on you?]

‘Please stop hitting me. It hurts.’

I said, subtly glancing at Nangong Bi-ah’s face, aware that I was being quite ridiculous.

However, contrary to my fears, Nangong Bi-ah broke into a radiant smile.

“I wanted to hear that.”

She said, beaming brightly as if it were the most heartwarming statement.

Now it seemed no longer awkward for her to smile at me, looking joyfully.

It was humorous how all the scars of my past, muddled up in my memory, seemed to wash away with such a simple act.

They wouldn’t completely vanish.

After all, I couldn’t forget the you of the past.

Suddenly, a memory stirred from my thoughts—something I said to her once long ago.

– You resemble the moon.

At that time, my words hadn’t contained any special meaning.

With blood-stained skin following the demon sword, and under the blue-white moonlight, it simply appeared that way.

Just because it looked that way, I said it without thinking much.

I recall her standing still for a moment after hearing my words.

What had she been thinking?

Now, I wanted to ask her. What were her thoughts at that moment?

So many questions bubbled up inside me, yet I found I couldn’t ask any of them now.

In this lifetime, I had tried to avoid entanglements with her. Yet somehow, I had become hopelessly tangled up with her yet again.

“This is your fault.”


I playfully blamed her, though it didn’t make sense at all.

Nangong Bi-ah cocked her head, perplexed.

Seeing that expression, I chuckled quietly.

After a while of light banter, a servant relayed that my father and Nangong Jin had arrived.

I adjusted my posture slightly.

After all, this was an important occasion.

‘…It’s funny, I had intended to flee from all this.’

Now, I felt a bit shocked to acknowledge that I had half accepted it. Had I given up?

[You just accepted the praise because she’s pretty and enjoyed it—nothing more.]


Shin Noya’s comment left me feeling a bit resentful towards myself for not being able to argue against it.

Soon, the meeting between the Nangong Clan and the Gu Clan commenced.

And right away, I realized one crucial fact.

It was something I had suspected all along.

When I had asked before, my father had stayed silent, but now I was sure of it.

My father and Nangong Jin’s relationship was undoubtedly tense.