Chapter 16
“Ah, it seems like the exam is about to start.
Let’s go in together, Nova!”
Who the heck is that kid?
Why is she so comfortable with Nova?
That black hair and those clothes… is that a hanbok? No, is it a traditional Japanese outfit?
Eastern clothing… Ah! Now that I think about it, I’ve seen that before.
“Surely, she was on the list of candidates for enrollment…”
Her name was Shia, right?
I think she said she was a Shaman.
But that’s not the point right now.
“That’s too close a distance!”
Oh no! I unintentionally released killing intent.
Noticing it, Nova turned to look at me for a moment.
He immediately slipped into the crowd to hide his presence.
“…That was close…”
Did I have such a good sense back then?
Ah, I just entered the exam room.
I should go in quickly…
In a rush to hide, I bumped into someone in front of me.
“Huh? Who do you think you are, bumping into me?”
Who is this punk?
“I’m sorry. I’ll be going now.”
As I hurried to enter the exam room, a noble-looking brat grabbed my wrist.
“Wait a minute! You think you can just brush me off with a half-hearted apology? Now that I see you, you’re actually quite pretty. Let’s hang out.”
What the hell is this guy on about? I’m really busy right now.
“I’m really sorry. Can you please let me go? I need to take the entrance exam.”
“You look so frail, do you really think you can take the Academy entrance exam? Don’t waste my time; give me a chance to hang out with you.”
“Hah… seriously?”
“What? I can’t hear you…”
“Get lost, you ugly punk… before I kill you.”
My patience reached its limit as I released killing intent for real.
Oh no, that’s disgusting! This brat just got scared from a little intimidation.
Thanks to him causing a stir, everyone’s attention was drawn to us.
“Lord! What did you do to our Lord!”
As he fell to the ground frothing at the mouth, humans that looked like noble’s retainers approached me.
“It really is endless…
“Huh? What? Where did she go? She was just here a second ago?”
After snapping my fingers, what appeared in her sight was the exam room filled with many people waiting.
“This is exactly why I don’t go outside…”
Stella had no complaints about her current state.
While her physical abilities had diminished compared to her original body since her rebirth,
when it came to potential as a Mage, she ranked higher.
However, now being a woman, whenever she stepped outside,
there were always shady guys leering at her or throwing flirtatious looks,
which often gave her headaches.
It was so bad that she would even cast magic to hinder recognition just to step outside.
“Since I might get kicked out from here…
Cloaking, a magic that renders the body invisible.
It was a Level 5 magic so advanced that only elders at the Magic Tower could use it, similar to teleportation.
If she had known it would be used here, her master would have slapped her forehead, but
at that moment, such thoughts were irrelevant to her.
‘What on earth are they enjoying while talking so happily about?’
“If that’s the case, I hope your aim is fulfilled.”
“Hoho, thank you. A friendship like the jasmine and orchid.
I feel like I can become good friends with you.”
“Friends? You two just met, right? Not girlfriend or anything like that?”
Stella let out a slight sigh of relief but felt something odd.
‘Huh, why am I thinking about this?’
“W-Who cares if that brat gets a girlfriend or not?
It’s nothing to me! Just… yeah! It’s only because I don’t want to see her hanging out with those trashy girls!
It’s purely just that… agree!”
Desperately rationalizing her unfathomable behavior,
Stella began to observe Nova again.
“Let’s see how this goes!”
As she said that, the sight of her delight only began to irritate her further.
“Is that so? Is it that great that he asked to meet again?”
Stella started to feel a flicker of dark force rising somewhere in her heart.
“The first exam is a power measurement.
Just smash the scarecrow with whatever means necessary.
Now, number 321 candidate, please step forward.”
At the examiner’s explanation, Nova stepped forward.
“Nova… is he going to be okay…”
Being chosen as a candidate for the Academy meant some recognition of skills and talent.
But having lived with Nova for a long time, I couldn’t recall seeing any particular talent in him.
“Should I try to burst the scarecrow in sync with my attack timing?”
That magically enhanced scarecrow would probably withstand dozens of punches from a well-built adult without a scratch. At the very least, he would need to learn tier 2 magic or enhance his body with energy to…
“Whoa! What’s that ear-splitting sound?”
Huh? Wait a minute, what is that ragged thing?
“Did he just… break the scarecrow?”
No way! Did Nova really do that? That’s unbelievable…
“Wow… that’s insane!”
Why are you surprised after destroying it?
By the way, he really has grown! I never expected him to get this strong…
Now that I think about it, he seems taller than before, and his face looks…
I slapped my own cheek.
“What on earth am I thinking? I’m a man! Why am I looking at another man’s face…”
“Congratulations on passing the first exam! You can enter the waiting room.”
“Thank you!”
… I really need to hurry and follow…
“Hey, Nova! You passed the first exam!”
As I entered the waiting room, I could see that leech girl sticking to Nova again.
Look at her pretending to be innocent and friendly as if she knows nothing.
Is that a white Shaman outfit? It covers everything it should,
but the problem is that everything except that is visible.
She might think she’s all mysterious with that Shaman getup, exposing her shoulders and acting as if she’s ready to seduce men.
If this were my male self, I might not have cared, but now, to me, she only looks like a sl*t.
In that disgraceful outfit, acting all flirty in front of men?
That’s definitely a Fox Yokai.
Yeah, she’s definitely a fox yokai!
That fox girl with her ridiculously big chest and hips,
trying to seduce the oblivious Nova.
She’s surely trying to take his heart like a kumiho.
That sly girl…
“…Should I just kill her…?”
“…? What are you doing, Nova? Is something wrong?”
“Oh, no, it’s nothing.”
After some time passed, a woman who looked like the examiner started explaining the exam content.
“The second exam will be a death match held in a space created by illusion magic.”
‘Wait a minute, illusion magic? Then I can’t use my hands…’
Ugh… If I enter that illusion magic world, they’ll detect me and find out I’m here for sure,
and then I’d immediately be kicked out.
“What’s going to start now!”
As the examiner spoke, the students began to fall asleep.
“…Looks like I couldn’t get in after all.”
While crouching at the corner of the exam room,
I suddenly felt a bit pathetic.
“Yeah… I should have expected that I need to overcome this exam by myself.”
It wouldn’t do me any good to help Nova from here.
If I can’t even solve this level of exam on my own,
how could I expect to move forward?
“And besides… I had already decided not to get close to anyone again.”
Since that day seven years ago,
I resolved not to form any bonds with anyone else.
Even if I have relationships, once I eradicate the evils of this world,
I won’t be able to stay here anymore.
It’s a bond that will eventually be cut.
“Just seeing their face is enough…”
Just as I was about to turn around, one by one,
people began to wake up from the illusion.
“Nova… he did it…”
Once I awakened, I saw the joyful expression on Nova’s face.
And then another girl ran to him and hugged him…
‘That fox girl?!’
No, this isn’t good. That girl is evil.
She is the kind of evil that must be defeated.
Perhaps taking down her would be the way to save this world.
Yeah, the damned god up there would surely say that too.
That fox yokai has to be removed as soon as possible for the sake of this world.
After the exam, I quietly followed the fox.
And then, appearing in front of the seemingly cheerful fox,
“Hey?… Who are you?”
What was I trying to do by showing up here?
Am I really going insane?
I’m not really going to kill her or anything;
what was the point of stepping forward?
The fox tilted her head, staring at my silent figure.
What… what should I say?
Should I ask what her relationship is with Nova?
Should I tell her to stay away from my friend?
No, no! That sounds weird.
‘Ugh… it’s been so long since I talked to anyone besides the elders in the Magic Tower,
and now I can’t get my words out…’
I need to say something, but…
So, um…
While I stumbled over my words for quite a while,
the fox suddenly seemed to realize something,
grabbed my hand and shouted.
“Are you Stella?!”
Then, shaking both my hands up and down like crazy,
she continued speaking with excitement.
“I’m your fan, Stella! It’s an honor to meet the shining star of the Magic Tower!
Kyaa! Truly, you’re a beauty that topples nations!
Your face is so small, it’s so cute!”
Whoosh whoosh whoosh
“W-Wait a moment, let go of that…”
What the heck is wrong with her?