Chapter 298

Chapter 299

“Ow, my body feels stiff.”

After several days of rest, I managed to recover to the point where I could sit up, albeit imperfectly.

However, my lower body was still paralyzed, so we agreed that I would have to use a wheelchair for some time.

“I never thought I’d be the one riding this wheelchair before Nea.”

“Well done on getting it! Be sure to experience it yourself and write a review!”

Originally, Nea had bought a self-propelled model so she could use it on her own, so there was no need for someone to push her. Yet, Tae-oh and Shar insisted on pushing me, and I reluctantly agreed.

As a result, the two kids were awkwardly trying to push the wheelchair as best as they could.

The wheelchair handle was about a meter high, and the kids were only around 130 cm tall, so it was to be expected.

What could be so amusing? The two kids were giggling as they pushed me along, while Yeon-woo shot a glance at Nea. The camcorder lens in her hand sparkled.

“Make sure to record well!”

“Hmm, I know.”

Even though I couldn’t see her from behind, I had a strong urge to capture this cuteness on video somehow.

“Hey, over here, kids!”



The kids, with their inexplicable energy, began to dash off, crossing the backyard, leaping over bushes, and sometimes pausing to hear the nurse’s scolding as they dashed across the hospital grounds.

The problem was that a swarm of reporters was waiting at the hospital’s main entrance.

Yeon-woo planned to sneak out through the back entrance and later schedule a press conference, but the two kids got carried away in their excitement and completely forgot about it.

The wheelchair sped toward the familiar main entrance, and Yeon-woo found himself face to face with the reporters, covered from head to toe in bandages.


“‘…Choi Yeon-woo has appeared!! Capture him!!’”

The reporters gathered at the hospital entrance sprang into action all at once.

Just a moment ago, they had been orderly, ensuring they didn’t bother regular visitors, but now, with the agility of a modern-day hunter, they surged toward Yeon-woo.

“Kyah!? ”

Shar squealed in surprise and turned the wheelchair’s direction. Oh, Shar must look incredibly cute right now.

In the rapidly spinning world, I caught a glimpse of Nea, standing far off with a satisfied smile and her camcorder at the ready. Great, video secured.

The speed of the fleeing wheelchair was unbelievable. I could feel the reporters panicking behind us.

Of course, it made sense. Shar’s physical ability was incomparable to that of an average hunter.

If the reporters were going to chase after us without being able to catch us, Yeon-woo decided it was best to disperse them.

While he had asked them to disperse before, there were still those stubborn ones who couldn’t wait for an interview.

If he asked them to leave in a situation where they couldn’t catch him, most would probably give up.

“I’ll call you later during the press conference, so please go back~”

With a relaxed voice, Yeon-woo vanished through the hospital’s back entrance, leaving the reporters watching in bewilderment.

“Phew, Tae-oh is cute too.”

Among it all, the only one smiling was Nea, who was capturing the scene with her camcorder.

Unable to match Shar’s running speed due to his ordinary physical abilities, Tae-oh was clinging to the wheelchair, thoroughly enjoying himself.


“So, what are you thinking about your leg?”

After shaking off the reporters and returning home, giving the kids a light reprimand, Nea inquired. Yeon-woo looked down at his legs.

Everything below the knee had been mended, looking as if it had never existed.

No matter how many tricks I played, my right foot, shattered just before deceiving the world into thinking my body was fine, couldn’t be regenerated.

And naturally, such a change was terribly lethal for a martial artist. Even with a prosthetic leg, it was questionable whether I could regain the same sensation as before.

“Well, I’ve thought of several things.”

With courage, I could create a new right leg. Getting a prosthetic, fooling my perceptions into thinking it was my actual leg through deception was one method. There were countless other possible solutions.

“Nothing has been solidified, right?”

“Seems that way.”

Creating a prosthetic would take a lot of time, and I had to consider both design and functionality.

First and foremost, I needed to move my lower half to properly fit it.

“Hm, hmm….”

Nea stroked her chin thoughtfully in response to my answer. The scene was so picturesque that I found myself resting my chin on the table, staring at her blankly.

“Even if you do nothing, it’ll somehow work out, but it would make me happy if you thought hard about it.”

“Ugh, you’re such an embarrassing character.”

“Nea, the words that come from deep within your heart are never embarrassing when spoken.”

“I still can’t get used to your boldness….”

Nea’s comment brought a warm smile to my face. It was a joke, yet there was sincerity behind it.

If it was an item Nea conceptualized for me, whether it was a prosthetic leg or a butter knife, it would undoubtedly hold great value to me.

“Do what you want, Nea. Don’t worry about me. I’ll gladly accept whatever it is.”

“…Ugh, ugh!”

What could possibly be so hot that Nea was fanning her face, letting out exasperated sighs into the empty air?



“Whoa! Don’t come any closer!!”

The first place Yeon-woo visited after being discharged was Golden Desire. Entering with a casual greeting, everyone’s attention instantly turned toward him.

Some eyes held admiration, while others expressed wariness.

Well, thinking about it, it was quite understandable. No one knew exactly how the Demon King was killed, and Yeon-woo had become the first person in human history to slay a Demon King.

If you put it that way, the master governing this ‘Golden Desire’, Leviathan, was also a Demon King. It made sense that someone would worry the killer of their master might also target them.

‘Still, seems to have some popularity.’

Shar, growling and bared teeth at the approaching people, looked more cute than threatening, so Yeon-woo slowly released mana into the space.

Excessively pure mana could evoke an instinctive aversion in people. Through this, he managed to restrict their approach.

As he exchanged light greetings with people standing a safe distance away, a loud crash resounded as the reception room door swung open. Naturally, only one person was coming out.

“Why are you so late!!”

“Did you not see me?”

“Ah, right… sorry….”

Under normal circumstances, he would have reached quickly, but now he was slowed down as he matched Shar and Tae-oh’s little steps.

It was entirely understandable that he was slow, but it seemed Leviathan couldn’t hold back, thinking of the usual pace.

Still, he quickly apologized, which only he might realize how it came across to others.

With a light snap of his fingers, gold rippled beneath Yeon-woo’s feet, carrying him, Shar, and Tae-oh. Wow, the moving walkway of this house is amazing.

As Yeon-woo smoothly entered the reception room, Leviathan greeted him with a bright expression.

“Wow, thank you, Choi Yeon-woo!! That filthy guy has finally kicked the bucket!”


To celebrate the death of the Demon King of Demand like this from a Demon King of Desire was somewhat complex for someone on humanity’s side. While not all Demon Kings have the same goals, after all….

“But to take out the Demand Demon King before getting to Toyo, that’s surprising? So does that mean you’ll take out Toyo soon too?”

“I wish I could, but given my current state, that’s a bit tough.”

“Yeah, that’s true. I’ll make sure to gather something for you, so get better quickly. Jiz, prepare it.”

“Haha, understood.”


Leviathan knew how to work this. It genuinely felt like we were both using each other.

Although both had built a certain level of goodwill, they ultimately only thought of one another as tools of use.

I wondered what kind of gift he intended to give. Holding back my fluttering heart, I waited as Jiz exited, replaced by Behemoth who entered with a tray.

“Yawn. I brought snacks.”

“Ho ho, eat up, little ones!!”


Shar and Tae-oh cheered at the pile of snacks on the table. Of course, Leviathan himself seemed to consider himself still among the little ones, as he started grabbing for cake, one after another.

“So, what’s up? What’s going on??”

“And what do you need me to do with this?”

I was already used to Leviathan talking with his mouth full of snacks. Nonchalantly, I pulled out the jewel box, plastered with talismans from my clothes.

“Hmm? What’s with all those talismans.”

Leviathan furrowed his brow suspiciously. A picture is worth a thousand words. It would be easier to show than explain.

Carefully peeling off the talismans so as not to ruin their effectiveness, I popped open the box. Inside, something purple and mysterious squirmed.

“The body of the Demand Demon King.”

“…What, what did you say?”

“It couldn’t even talk properly, it just squirmed, so I captured it. I brought it to see what to do with it, and to see if it has any use.”

Leviathan’s eyes darted up and down at my words, checking if I was in my right mind, then started confirming whether this was the real Demon King.

“So you’ve been deceived all along. I told you it’s real?”

“No, what, um…!!”

It seemed frustration boiled up in Leviathan, as he thumped his chest. Behemoth, who had been lounging beside them, spoke up.

“Shall I hit him, my lord…?”

“No, if you hit him, my life would be at stake.”


Behemoth, disappointed that he couldn’t hit anyone, flopped back onto the sofa. Finally coming to his senses, Leviathan took a deep breath.

“Okay, right…. First, I know it’s real. I can sense it resembles me. There’s none other than Demon Kings around. But as for where it can be used…. Well, honestly, I’m not really sure.”

“Eh, even you don’t know its value?”

“Do you realize putting a price on that is essentially putting a price on my life?? Can I publicly announce this and bury you instead?”

“Yikes, that sounds terrifying.”

To Yeon-woo’s joke, Leviathan rubbed his temples, clearly exasperated.

“Off the top of my head, the best idea would be to use it as a compass that Demon Kings can recognize each other…. If you leave it to me, I could find some ways to utilize it. What do you think?”

“Ugh, you really can’t let a cat run a fish store, can you?”


In any case, Leviathan was not someone to be let down.

“Well, let me know if you come up with a good plan. I’ll buy that idea at a fair price.”

“Why would you charge me such an exorbitant price?”

“I’ll just stash it away until you offer a better price.”


Leviathan deeply despised the notion of letting valuable items rot, and this threat hit home. Thus, the visit to the main store of Golden Desire came to an end.

(To be continued in the next chapter)