Chapter 170

[ The vile invaders of the Empire are marching towards the Royal Capital without a halt! The foolish traitors have knelt before them, selling out their families, relatives, friends, and comrades! ]

[ The enemies will murder your husbands and sons, and they will assault your wives and daughters! If you do not resist, you will be robbed. If you do not fight, you will lose everything! ]

[ The Royal Capital will never fall! We will not hand it over to the enemy! Those willing to lend a hand in this great resistance, do not hesitate and come to the Royal Capital! ]

Today, Gruber’s voice boomed throughout the entirety of the Dedorant Royal Capital via amplification magic.

Those who echoed with a fierce roar upon hearing that voice were the elite soldiers of Dedorant.

Among them were the elite guard of Cassius II, who had recently risen to prominence.

“For the glory of the great Deo Ethnicity! We shall fight until death for it!”

“We do not need traitors! We do not need those without the hearts to fight! Get out! Instead, leave everything but your lives and get lost!”

They firmly believed the Empire had assassinated Cassius II.

Whether or not it was an assassination, the elite guards had failed to protect their charge.

In this situation, what they needed to evade responsibility more than ever was a powerful shout.

It was a declaration of their will to hate and curse the Empire and fight until they died for victory.

As the elite guards took the lead, the Dedorant forces beneath them had to show their loyalty to the homeland.

Otherwise, they might be branded as traitors by those who cried out for the Deo Ethnicity.

Moreover, having continuously fought against the Empire, they did not wish to surrender to it.

With the core of Dedorant in such a state, the atmosphere of the entire Royal Capital began to follow suit.

The Empire was drawing closer. Surrounding cities were thoroughly pillaged, with arson and murder leaving clear imprints like footsteps on snow!

In light of that news, numerous conscripts and Kingdom People did not hide their hatred for the Empire.

“I shall not hand over the glory of the Deo Ethnicity for a momentary gain like the traitors!”

“If we fight and keep fighting, surely they too shall be drenched in blood! Victory or death!”

The once glorious Dedorant Royal Capital no longer existed.

All that remained was madness and rage, a mire created from the two.

Yet amidst all this, there were a few who still held onto their sanity.

Soldiers who had fought all this time. Boys who had been conscripted and made it here. Merchants who couldn’t bear to leave the Royal Capital.

Many others were trembling in fear at the unsettling atmosphere of the Royal Capital.

“Is this really okay? They say the entire Royal Capital is falling to the Empire, but merely holding this one place won’t change anything.”

“For the Empire to declare its victory, it needs to capture our Dedorant Royal Palace at all costs. If we can just stop that, then that’s the intention of the higher-ups.”

“What kind of nonsense is that?!”

Benito had already submitted to the Empire, and Atria had completely vanished from the map.

If merely defending the Royal Capital were enough, why were we in this state?

Even now, there wasn’t a single crop we had cultivated; we were surviving on the food we had pillaged and stolen.

How has our Dedorant come to this point?

No, is the name Dedorant still left to exist?

Is only the name of madness left, burning everything to the ground?

[ Ah. Ahh. ]

Then one day, the vanguard of the Empire seemed to arrive near the Royal Capital.

Instead of attacking or scouting, they set something up, and soon the voice of someone was heard from there.

[ This is Kael Clausewitz, Chief of Staff of the Empire, serving the lawful ruler and great His Majesty the Emperor who governs the land of dignity. ]

Kael Clausewitz. The title that echoed when he first appeared was the genius strategist.

But over time, it shifted, and now the name called out by Dedorant was the demon’s imitator.

How much damage and suffering has that man caused to his own nation?

As Kael’s voice resonated through amplification magic, a roar erupted immediately from the walls.

“Empire dog! Demon’s imitator! Go fall into hell!”

“Wizards! Shoot down that bastard at once! Magic! Shoot magic!”

“Archers! Release your arrows! Make a beehive out of them!”

There were many who shouted in anger, but the arrows were too far to reach.

Even if they tried to use magic, there was almost no remaining material, and even if they did, the enemy would surely defend against it.

As the Dedorant Command spewed out curses, Kael’s words continued.

[ The Empire desired a more peaceful relationship with Dedorant. However, by using neighboring countries to infringe on the Empire’s rights, you have effectively declared war. It is a war you started, and now it will consume all sinners without exception. ]

[ Your so-called Royal Capital will become the target of judgment from the Empire. ]

Kael’s voice was filled with unhidden, rough anger.

Those soaked in madness expressed their rage, asking audaciously where he had the gall to speak like that.

However, those who retained their sanity felt a strange sense of unease and fear.

[ However, the great His Majesty the Emperor has decided to bestow his last mercy. ]

[ This is for the ‘people’ of Dedorant. If you wish to preserve your own lives or those of your parents, siblings, or friends, then listen well. ]

[ A significant event will occur within this month. The Empire’s judgment has no eyes, so no one knows where it will strike. Therefore, escape from the Royal Capital. If you cannot escape, flee to the outskirts. ]

Escape from the Royal Capital? They say that all other places have already fallen to the Empire; where exactly can we go?

[ The enemies of the Empire are not you. They are those who have dragged everything in this land into war, the madmen. And our Empire is here to liberate you from the tyranny of those lunatics. ]

[ I warn you once again. Those who wish to live, leave the Royal Capital. ]


The next day, the Dedorant Command did not hide its fury.

“These scoundrels are now trying to spread their poison to the Royal Capital!”

“They are coaxing betrayal. The moment the gates open, enemy soldiers hiding somewhere will launch a surprise attack!”

“Lock all the gates immediately, and we must select and eliminate anyone showing signs of betrayal! Otherwise, we may face the same fate as the nearby castles of the Royal Capital!”

There were no more peaceful individuals left here.

All such people had either surrendered or capitulated to madness out of fear of death.

There was no reason to worry about turning public sentiment back in their favor.

“Immediately root out those showing signs of betrayal and deal with them.”

At Gruber’s command, the elite guards soon began selecting those expected to betray.

There was no grand psychological war or predictions in that task. They captured anyone who seemed suspicious.

Anyone who held even a hint of doubt about the glory of the Deo Ethnicity was deemed a traitor.

“Uwaah! P-Please spare me! Why are you doing this to us??”

“Let me out to the outside of the Royal Capital! Please! I have family left behind!”

“They are all traitors! Clean them out! Get them all out of this Royal Capital!”

The fortunate ones escaped from the Royal Capital. Unfortunate others met their demise.

There were those who could do neither, merely pretending as if everything were normal.

Even feeling fear from the Empire’s warning, they could not escape and hid away somewhere.

As chaos reached its peak, the Dedorant Command decided to take action.

“I will show that the words of the demon’s imitator are nothing!”

“The Empire’s judgment? By what means! It’s nothing but barbaric acts pounding on the Royal Capital! But we, Dedorant, shall uphold this sacred land till the end!”

“Do not be afraid! We have already prepared for siege weaponry. We have also devised counters for magic! We will only believe in our ultimate victory and fight, and everything will be achieved!”

The Dedorant command gathered in the Royal Palace, praying for victory for the risen Cassius II.

They also offered prayers for courage to the heroes of the Deo Ethnicity who had fallen honorably thus far.

And those praying were not found only in the Dedorant Royal Palace.

“In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Fat—Man.”

With the somewhat odd behavior of the Chief of Staff, the wrath of the Empire was finally prepared.


That day was exceptionally fine. It was wonderfully clear, without a cloud in the sky.

The Dedorant Command boasted that this was the grace of their risen Majesty the King.

They were convinced it was a blessing sent from the souls who met a glorious end.

Soon the Empire would come to the Royal Capital. Monsters would arrive, having shattered all defenses of Dedorant.

But this time, it would not be easy. They would have to endure an arduous battle.

Even if they win, it wouldn’t be an actual victory. Should they lose, they would face a fate more miserable than death.

“Magic detection! Magic detection!!”

At that moment, the wizards preparing for the Empire’s magical assault shouted.

Were they trying to launch a magical attack before the siege weaponry?

The command immediately ordered the deployment of defensive magic and braced for the Empire’s attack.

But the next cry that rang out completely deviated from their expectations.

“The enemy’s magic! Unbreakable! We can’t even identify what kind of magic it is!”

“Quickly, initiate a new scan… Cough! Cough!”

“M-Magic backlash! Stop all detection magic! Quick!”

“It’s an entirely new form of magic! Be careful! It’s completely new magic!”

The wizards screamed. The Dedorant command saw that spectacle for the first time.

Gruber too felt a growing sense of unease and wanted to inquire about it.

But even before he could do so, a massive magic circle was drawn high above the Dedorant Royal Palace.

It traced solid lines of magical power as it moved towards the center.

Even if the Dedorant wizards tried to disrupt it, employing every attack they could muster.

That magic circle did not care at all and slowly. Very slowly, gathered into one place.


Finally, when all lines converged and formed a point, the moment that point fell onto the Royal Palace.

— …!!!

In the beginning, there was light, and that radiance engulfed everything.