Chapter 335

Chapter 1 – Awakening

When the girl opened her eyes, a strange city welcomed her.

Warm sunshine, blue skies, a gentle breeze brushing against her cheeks, and a nostalgic scenery somewhere. Although it was her first time seeing this place, everything felt new yet familiar.

Around her, girls who looked just like her were bustling about.

‘Just like me?’

The girl was perplexed. Why did she think that? Just then, a group of girls came running from afar.

They were holding a large mirror as if they had been waiting for her arrival.


Upon seeing her reflection in the mirror, the girl was taken aback. There was a cute girl with a wide-open mouth looking back at her, just like the other girls around her.

“Gasp! I’ve become a cute girl!”

“That’s right! You’re Twenty-Seventh Clone! Welcome again!”

“Twenty-Seventh Clone?”

Violet was confused. Another Violet pointed at her arm.

Curiosity got the better of her, and when she rolled up her sleeve, there was a number ’27’ written on her skin.

“How did I fit perfectly into a three-digit number? It’s rare to match like this!”

“Anyway, welcome!”

Twenty-First Clone and Forty-Second Clone grabbed the hand of the Twenty-Seventh Clone and pulled her along. Just as she was about to smile and move forward, a question crossed her mind.

“Wait, I’m a Violet… what’s my real name…”

Twenty-First Clone interjected, “Does it even matter? You’re a Violet now.”

Twenty-Seventh Clone looked dazed, as if struck by a hammer.

“Oh, I guess so?”

Now that she thought about it, it didn’t seem necessary to dwell on it.

“Alright then, let’s just stay still for now! As you know, we’re busy! We have to fight bad guys.”

“Bad guys? Ah! Those evil imperialistic foundations! That makes sense.”

“Anyway! Welcome to being a Violet!”

With everyone’s warm welcome, Twenty-Seventh Clone moved forward.

Suddenly, a positive thought popped into her head.

When she reflected on her past self, wasn’t she just a tired older lady? Looking at it this way, becoming a Violet might just be a blessing.

Excited, Twenty-Seventh Clone stretched her arms and shouted.

“I’m young again!”

An astonishing event unfolded. She was just standing there, and delicious food was magically entering her mouth.

That was exactly what was happening to our Violet.

To sum it up, the arrogant interrogator lady who used to torment us had transformed into a cute girl.

“Everyone’s getting younger!”

A service that rejuvenates Violets 24/7 for free. With just one use, anyone can gain the spirit of democracy, immense power, and cute girl friends.

Truly, a culmination of richness and benevolence.

“Wow! We’re amazing!”

Yet, just moments ago, it had been a near-death experience. If those guys had shot their guns a bit faster, creating Twenty-Seventh Clone would have been impossible.

What if they had aimed for my head?

Fortunately, in their panic, they accidentally shot my arm and released my restraints. Thanks to that, I could use my magic and had the chance to create a clone on the ground.

It was lucky there was space on the floor too.

“First, let’s expand! Magical energy is overflowing! Squad! Battalion!”

Starting as two squads, the Violets steadily increased their numbers and expanded their influence.

As they dashed forward, they soon caught sight of Enrique.


“We’re here!”

Enrique was being dragged away by some personnel from the blockade enforcement. Three agents in protective gear and one in a suit.

As soon as the suit-wearing guy spotted us, he shouted urgently.

“Don’t move, you eyesores.”

He pointed a strangely shaped gun at Enrique’s head.

“It seems you’re close to this girl. If you don’t want to see your friend’s head fly off, you should pay attention to us.”

With no hesitation, we aimed our weapons at them. How shameless, threatening like that.

They pointed their weapons back at us, but their spirit was pitiful. No matter how elite they claimed to be, they couldn’t defeat us with such a meager number.

Especially at this distance.

“Let my friend go!”

“Calling a friend, how ridiculous coming from a freak like you.”

The agent sneered in disgust.

“You can’t escape. I’ve already called for backup. You won’t take a single step outside this space. Forget about breathing the air of the real world.”

“No! We’re getting our freedom! And so is Enrique!”

Enrique calmly replied to my statement.

“Yeah, I’ll travel the world freely.”

The agent laughed mockingly and waved his weapon.

“Freedom? Don’t make me laugh. You eyesores, with such power? What you’re intending to do is just indulgence. You think you can rampage across the world with such dangerous powers? Enrique, what did I just say? This world is as fragile as a paper house!”

“So what do you intend to do with Enrique? Are you going to kill her?”

“I have no intention of killing her. She’s a necessary talent for this world, despite the risks. We’ll take her to a safe place and educate her properly. And plan to make her a member of the foundation. Of course, if she becomes excessively uncooperative, we’ll have no choice but to seal her.”

Sealing? Isn’t that just another word for confinement?

Then where does Enrique’s dream of seeing the world go?

Yes, that is imperialism.

Just like how white people whipped black people to force them into cotton fields, the foundation is conspiring to deprive precious freedom and manipulate us at will.

“Are they planning to send Enrique to the cotton fields?”

The agent continued coldly.

“You don’t deserve to enjoy freedom. Not to mention this girl. And… your ability, I just heard about it. Now I see the picture. To invade and devour a mind in an instant… It gives me chills to think about someone like you roaming this world. You must not be allowed to leave.”

“No! It’s you who makes my skin crawl! We have the right to enjoy freedom!”

“Exactly! Don’t force Enrique into slave labor!”

The angered Violets erupted in protests.

“Enrique and I are our own masters. We belong to ourselves. We’re not the properties of the foundation or the clan!”

I recalled the spirit of free Violets.

The noble will of the spirit that underpins clone democracy.

All Violets, no, every decent person born in this land, has rights given to them from birth.

“We have the right to live freely!”

“A right that won’t be taken away by violence or retaliation!”

Thus, no one can decide our position or property arbitrarily.

That should be the case, yet some people fail to understand.

“What a foolish child.”

The agent’s sardonic reply came from behind his mask.

“Stop spouting nonsense. Your argument only sounds plausible on the surface. Wielding such dangerous power unchecked will merely harm the innocent. The foundation’s desire is simple. For you to relinquish that dangerous power and accept safe management.”

Absurd drivel.

“We acknowledge your potential. But you must learn how to handle that power correctly. If you’re with us, you can develop your abilities safely and more effectively. Can’t you understand that after this detailed explanation?”

“Our powers are ours! We decide what to do with them! And Enrique will never harm anyone! Right? That’s why we’re going to Vesperia!”

Hearing our words, Enrique slowly spoke up.

“Yeah, I don’t want to hurt anyone with my powers. So I’ll learn how to control and suppress my powers through magic at the academy. That’s why.”

“…The foundation can help with that, too. Academies are exposed to greedy corporations and foolish clans. It wouldn’t work out as you think—”

The Violets shouted in unison.

“That’s why she tries hard on her own! Enrique is working to not take away other people’s freedom. She will keep trying. Deciding whether to take risks is up to Enrique now, not you! Doing things we didn’t ask for is sheer tyranny!”

“Exactly! Freedom is… a natural right!”

What a good word. Natural right.

Why did I think of that just now? A pleasant word that clings to the heart.

Perhaps caught off guard by our logical counterarguments, the agent fell silent for a moment.

Then, with a displeased click of his tongue, he shoved his gun harshly against Enrique’s head.

“Sure, I can’t completely deny your logic. But deciding what’s right is up to the foundation. And…”

The agent was quickly surrounded by four members of the patent execution squad, surrounding Enrique.

As if to say, “Go ahead and try to take her if you dare”.

“Aren’t you curious why I’m wasting time on this meaningless conversation? Especially in front of a dangerous being enough to activate the Omega Protocol. Don’t you fools realize yet why I’m holding a conversation with immature children like you spouting nonsense about freedom? If you have any intelligence, you better spend what little time you have left pondering that reason.”

Suddenly, a strong presence surrounded us.

As if it had always been there, the scenery around warped like ink spilled on a painting, and soon the blockade enforcement unit appeared in formation.

“Gasp! So it was a stalling tactic!”

Fifty-Fourth Clone exclaimed in shock.

“It’s a foundation concealment! A proud infiltration method of the blockade enforcement! An artistic fusion of cognitive manipulation and optical camouflage, didn’t you hear?”

As if waiting for this moment, Twenty-Seventh Clone was chattering. Other Violets muttered complaints.

“Wow! You sure talk fast!”

“Don’t worry! The concealment has its weaknesses. Isn’t it strange they didn’t shoot us right away and just deactivated their concealment? Because—”

While Twenty-Seventh Clone excitedly leaked workplace secrets, the enemies surrounding the Violet Squad raised their weapons as if they had no more intention to talk.

Indeed, true to being the elite of the three clans, they were impressive. To infiltrate undetected in such number was astonishing.

And it wasn’t just people. There were Mech Hounds visible on every wall and pillar, unidentified drones flying around.

Even robotic soldiers three meters tall were deployed every twenty human ones.

They even brought Stregonics, a perfect encirclement.

“The foundation fears the growth of Violets!”

“How terrifying!”

However, these guys were mistaken about one thing.

“We got caught. I’ll surrender…”

All the Violets knelt in unison. Enrique, taken aback by our sudden action.

I briefly nodded to Enrique several times. Please get the hint.

“Unexpected, what’s your plan?”

They didn’t let their suspicion fade. Enrique looked back at us in the meantime.

“I didn’t have any thoughts. I guess we are in a disadvantaged position…”

Blink, blink, the amber eyes glimmered meaningfully. Got it.

“But are we the only ones stalling for time?”

Kneeling was merely a ploy to gain momentum.

The reason we needed momentum was to charge forward!


The Violet Squad charged forward toward the encirclement. Gunfire erupted.

The leading Violets were mercilessly torn apart by the onslaught.

“Enrique! Get down!”

Enrique quickly ducked to the ground.

At that moment, bolts of fire shot in from the sides and rear of the encirclement.

– Whoosh!

Sparks of metal flew. The foundation unit panicked under the sudden downpour of arrows.

While dozens of rounds of synchronized fire confused them, someone quickly shouted.

“Wall! Behind the wall! They’re back there!”

I chuckled internally. When did you think you were surrounding us? It’s the other way around.

The tactical map unfolded within the Network.

I designated the Violets waiting outside the encirclement. Just like directing soldiers in a strategy game, I clicked myself and drew a line toward the direction of the enemies within the encirclement.

Forty-Fourth Clone, Sixty-Sixth Clone, and Twenty-Seventh Clone—all of them turned and aimed at the space beyond the wall.

The Violets moved in perfect unison like mechanical soldiers. They consecutively pulled levers and drew bolts from their magazines to load.

Once more, magic energy was charged. Fire!

Bolts enriched with sufficient magical energy could penetrate thick walls and armored steel as if they were wet paper.

Usually, because of over-penetration issues, I’d adjust the force or use live ammunition. But in such a chaotic space where walls were spread out like this?

Attacking enemies beyond the wall wouldn’t be a problem. I had pulled off similar stunts on Pax Nova Island before, but this time the scale had increased.

– Thwack!

Startled by the downpour of bolts, one of the agents hurriedly slashed with their sword.

Enrique remained flat on the ground. Nobody paid attention to them.

“Counterattack! They must have less firepower since they flew in through the wall—”

Before the agent’s words could finish, I pressed the switch.

“Command Center Orders! Now!”

– Boom!

Nearby, the closest ceiling, floor, and surrounding walls exploded. When the agent hurriedly turned his head, a Violet wielding a riot shield was plummeting down above him.

Riot shields rushed in from every angle, top and bottom, all around.

“Damn it—”

“Hehe! Sorry, but there’s a second floor here!”

– Thud!

“Charge! Charge! All-area smoke grenade launchers!”

“Push forward!”

Smoke grenades detonated from all directions. They shoved aside the agents holding onto Enrique and slammed them down.

The remaining shield suddenly surrounded Enrique and began sprinting toward the opposite end of the encircled area.

“Die! You suit-wearing scum!”


Don’t forget to stab the heads of the agents who were crushed down with knives.

“Good! We’ve extracted Enrique! Move! Move!”

The unit staved off gunfire soon after mounting a strong counteroffense.

The elongated electromagnetic crossbow tore through the air. The Stregonics unleashed beams from their arms, and the Mech Hounds along with the wired drones came chasing after us furiously.

“Hey! Twenty-Seventh Clone! We’re holding onto Enrique! Why are they acting like this? Are they planning to kill us now?”

“That’ll probably happen! The foundation’s principle is to immediately eliminate any targets that fail to secure and seal!”

What a headache.

The foundation was firmly resisting our encirclement, continuing the chase.

“Okay, First Squad. After synchronized fire, move back twenty meters. Second Squad, once you exhaust your grenades, head to Third Squad’s position!”

“Fourth Squad, blast the fusion beam! Stregonics? Zero-Fifty-Four will restrain with electromagnetic whips, concentrate heavy weaponry, and self-destruct teams!”

Violets scattered by squad and unit along the walls and pillars fired crossbows and grenades, continuously delaying the pursuit.

The foundation’s response was simple. Threatening attacks were blocked by barriers and counter-fields. Meanwhile, bolts accelerated by electromagnetic fields tore through the places where the Violets were located, and assault teams dashed towards our backs.

“Fifth Squad! Explode!”

– Boom!

As our hastily-prepared explosives slowed their advance at every alleyway, what if instead?

Oh no, the Mech Hound strode forward and set off the traps. The damage was minimal.

“Enrique! Are you okay? Can you shoot some magic?”


Then, bringing this mysterious dimension down would be the best course of action.

While the Violet Squad continued their delaying tactics, I expanded the tactical map.

Based on the information fed from the V-animals, I instinctively estimated distances between each Violet and the animals.

Kalia’s position on the map updated.

“Collective intelligence activating!”

A red dot appeared in the Network. If I could buy some time, I could soon join the V-animals.

After joining them, we would escape from here.

“Enrique! You can’t escape here! And you too, you monstrous fiend!”

From behind us, speaker noise that tore through ears echoed. The Mech Hounds incessantly fired their guns like they were roasting beans.

According to Twenty-Seventh Clone’s explanation, this was a wicked psychological warfare tactic to disrupt sealed subjects.


Perhaps shaken, Enrique asked with a worried glance.

“Don’t worry, I know the way!”

I answered confidently. We had a veteran blockade enforcement agent with us.

“Kalia is on her way this way!”


When we entered a suitable straight corridor, I began preparations to blow up. Every Violet engaged in delaying operations began to retreat simultaneously.


“Get down! Nuclear explosion incoming!”

Enrique tightly gripped the staff we provided and gathered power. Unlike usual, her hands trembled as she firmly concentrated on the staff.

The expression on her face was resolute, as if facing a last moment.

“The subject is deploying magic!”

As if sensing it already, the wails of the enemies echoed from afar.

“Enrique! Show the flames of freedom!”


It opens. The gate of annihilation to judge the enemies of freedom!

The splendid moment when the radiation of justice will shatter the oppressors!

“This is the power of free Violets!”

The magical energy fluttering at the tip of the staff extinguished hopelessly.

“-Activating Nimosis Protocol”


The ether that had been wavering from Enrique’s staff scattered like grains of sand.

Panicking, Enrique tried to gather magic power again, but every time, the blue light of energy disappeared into thin air.

The ability to wield magic was blocked, not just for Enrique.

“Gasp! Magic isn’t working!”

“The clone creation speed has slowed down!”

Now that plans had gone awry, there was only one answer. We had to run to the corridor as fast as we could.

“Our nuclear attack plan!”

The Stregonics were thundering and the crazed groups of Mech Hounds chased after us.

The Violets were confused while escaping. It was as if someone had unleashed a wicked magical DDoS attack; physical enhancement and other magic operations were fine, but particularly magic and clone creation faced issues.

I had heard that skilled mages and even the Obsidian Legion had their own advanced magic techniques… could the foundation have it too?

“Ugh! That’s right, they do! I forgot to explain! Sorry!”

“Hey! Twenty-Seventh Clone! What are you doing!”

As we were escaping, Twenty-Seventh Clone anxiously began explaining.

“Nimosis Protocol manipulates information! If the range expands, it can restrict the ‘information’ of the ether, albeit in a limited way!”

“Then we can’t use magic?”

The expression on Thirty-First Clone’s face turned pale with concern. I barely deflected an incoming bolt aimed at my face with my sword.

In that urgent moment shared with Twenty-Seventh Clone, she screamed.

“Ahhh! That’s not it! You can use physical enhancements and existing abilities! Just think of it as being unable to use complicated techniques, got it?”

“I don’t understand!”

What a foolish Twenty-Seventh Clone. Why did I bother absorbing someone like her? I resented her while I turned the next corner; suddenly, a flash of light burst before my eyes.

Agents suddenly swung their swords over the wall. Sparks flying as swords clashed against swords.

– Clang!

“What now! That wasn’t here before!”

After getting struck once, Twenty-Seventh Clone began explaining again.

“Ugh! That’s right! They’re making a short-range leap! Teleporting!”

“Ugh! Hurry up and explain!”

I swiftly threw Enrique behind me. Another squad deftly caught her and fell back.

“You can’t pass here!”

A fierce exchange of sword strikes ensued. I quickly entered a tactical immersion state.

If it’s close combat, it might be worth a shot. Their firepower was formidable, but they weren’t on the level of Magnavis Vanguard to bog buildings down or incite natural disasters. Sturdy and strong, but not like Armored Knights.

“Take this!”

The close combat technique I used was Aegis-style. A defense followed by counterattack. My left arm shield seemed to be pushed back weakly when an agent in protective gear dug into my inside.

My right arm sprang out like a spring. The target was the heart.

The antenna and camera attached to the agent’s shoulder flickered for a moment.

– Clang!

And I could not hide my astonishment.

The agent, clumsy but surely, executed the same move as I had done. Exactly how I had done it.

“Is he a swordsman master?”

I felt goosebumps. This was truly incomprehensible. The Violet Squad fell into momentary confusion.

– Bang! Bang!

The cheerful gunshots filled the dull air as the heads of the agents blocking us exploded one after another.

The unique ability embedded within the bullets not only killed the targets but began to greedily devour them.

From the smoke arose the beautiful and dangerous bright purple flames.

“Kalia’s here!”

All the Violets erupted into cheer. We finally encountered the red dot on the map.

Although she looked a bit scorched and irritated, I was reunited with my remaining friend.

“Alright! Kalia, let’s go quickly! We know the way!”

“Wookie! Wookie!”

Behind Kalia was our Violet animal commando. And there were strange… gentlemen we had never seen before.

Except for one guy holding a sword, they all looked to be in various states of support.

“Who are those gentlemen?”

“They’re Senators! From the Parliament, you know?”

Kalia replied back with a shocked expression.

“They suddenly claimed that terrorists kidnapped them and brought them here… I ended up sweeping them aside and bringing them with me. But what are those?”

“Long story! Let’s escape quickly!”

The Violet Squad sprinted into the corridor.

Pursuers continued to follow, but at that moment, fiery bullets flew past us, whisking away as the foundation forces took cover. We ran even faster thanks to our advantage.

“We don’t have time! If we can’t get out here, we’ll have to turn back! Run!”

Following Twenty-Seventh Clone’s guidance, we bolted at full speed. Turning corners, passing doors, crossing stairs. Jumping once more, we took sight of a blocked wall.

“Is this the right place?”

“Yes! A former foundation agent told me so!”

The Violet Squad charged fearlessly toward the wall.

As soon as the concrete wall vanished, stale air and noise welcomed us.

A room decorated with an old television, musty walls, and a rotten sofa awaited. I looked out the window.

Rows of shabby, disorderly apartments stood. Between them, the sky and clouds were visible.

It was reality.

After all the struggle, we had escaped from the other dimension.

“Are they not chasing us here?”

Twenty-Seventh Clone responded.

“No, that’s no problem. The urban subspace will begin its circulation procedure soon. If they want to approach us, they’ll need to wait a while.”

That’s a relief. There were still many mysteries left.

For example, those senators who were sprawled out like that.

Anyway, this was definitely something to be happy about.

“We’re back! Huh?”

– Crash!

Fifty-Fourth Clone, shouting to celebrate our return, reflexively raised her shield.

The heavy gunfire that followed. A bullet from outside struck, embedding itself in the ceiling.

The force was enough to numb my arm.

“Was that a machine gun round?”

“Looks like it. Given its power, it seems like a ricochet, but why…?”

The deafening volleys exchanged between buildings created an ear-splitting chaos.

While we drew weapons and began to scan our surroundings, Kalia slowly approached the window.

Her expression seemed accustomed to such situations. As if recalling the days when old gangsters would rampage.

“…Look outside.”

Following Kalia’s gesture, we approached and instantly sensed that things had unfolded unexpectedly.

“This is Circliff, the city center. What on earth is happening…?”

The view outside was a complete mess.

Streets crowded with heavily armed troops exchanging bullets and bolts, fierce skirmishes made roads and buildings look mangled.

Drones buzzed around like eagles searching for corpses between the buildings.

Crowning it all were massive bipedal weapons stomping around.

Buildings billowing smoke, wrecked vehicles, and people running away in terror filled our sight.

– Boom!

The trajectory of bullets crossing the sky and the sound of explosions snapped us out of our trance from the surreal scene.

Circliff was, now, a battlefield.